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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Honestly, I would vote for an alternative if I thought Romney's economic plan had even a remote chance of achieving its goals.

The problem is that Romney's economic plan is a complete joke. The whole thing is predicated around the ideas that government spending, specifically deficit spending, creates unemployment, and that Obama has managed to "demonize" and "terrify" businesses so much that this is the primary reason they aren't hiring. But then his plan is to add 5 trillion in tax cuts to the deficit over 10 years, so the plan isn't even congruent with its own premises.


Well I think the running joke with romney is what plan? I mean all he has is a bunch of vague crap that doesn't make sense like his tax cuts or the increase in military spending
Well I think the running joke with romney is what plan? I mean all he has is a bunch of vague crap that doesn't make sense like his tax cuts or the increase in military spending

An increase in military spending would actually create jobs, especially since the military has scaled back dramatically in the past year.


An increase in military spending would actually create jobs, especially since the military has scaled back dramatically in the past year.
For what though? More money to be wasted in in wars? Money the military doesn't want nor need? It would be more beneficial to directly invest that money in the united states
Rather than wasting it overseas.


An increase in military spending would actually create jobs, especially since the military has scaled back dramatically in the past year.

Federal spending targeted specifically towards job creation is almost certainly more efficient than military spending for the purpose of job creation.
Federal spending targeted specifically towards job creation is almost certainly more efficient than military spending for the purpose of job creation.

Of course it is. I'm not disputing that. I was just stating that pouring money into the military would at least see recruitment numbers shoot up.


Romney's campaign is bombing the hell out of NC. They've shown 8 Romney ads in the past two hours. I don't think I've seen a single one for Obama. I expect similar results in other swing states.

At what point do these ads just annoy people and possibly cause them to shift in the other direction? I mean a lot of people in general get annoyed at politics and especially political ads. I know a lot of independents are especially this way. They recoil when they hear or see and ad and think it's a lie because it's a political ad. I just wonder if carpet bombing isn't going to turn off more than it actually helps at this point.

An increase in military spending would actually create jobs, especially since the military has scaled back dramatically in the past year.

It would, sure, and one of the drags on the economy has been the loss of or lack of growth in government jobs, too. I just think that we really don't need to spend that money on the military. We really should be smart about where we spend our money. We already spend so goddamned much on military, and that's doing fine. Why not put that same money that would have gone there into fixing infrastructure and basically future proofing the nation. We should be building our nation here, not building more military. You'll get more jobs, you'll get more national pride, and you'll get a better country to give to your children.


Eastwood says his convention appearance was 'mission accomplished'
But in a wide-ranging interview with The Pine Cone Tuesday from his home in Pebble Beach, he said he had conveyed the messages he wanted to convey, and that the spontaneous nature of his presentation was intentional, too.

“I had three points I wanted to make,” Eastwood said. “That not everybody in Hollywood is on the left, that Obama has broken a lot of the promises he made when he took office, and that the people should feel free to get rid of any politician who’s not doing a good job. But I didn’t make up my mind exactly what I was going to say until I said it.”

Eastwood’s appearance at the convention came after a personal request from Romney in August, soon after Eastwood endorsed the former Massachusetts governor at a fundraiser in Sun Valley, Idaho. But it was finalized only in the last week before the convention, along with an agreement to build suspense by keeping it secret until the last moment.
Meanwhile, Romney’s campaign aides asked for details about what Eastwood would say to the convention.

“They vett most of the people, but I told them, ‘You can’t do that with me, because I don’t know what I’m going to say,’” Eastwood recalled.
At what point do these ads just annoy people and possibly cause them to shift in the other direction? I mean a lot of people in general get annoyed at politics and especially political ads. I know a lot of independents are especially this way. They recoil when they hear or see and ad and think it's a lie because it's a political ad. I just wonder if carpet bombing isn't going to turn off more than it actually helps at this point.

Well, Obama is going to be doing the same thing. I brought that point up earlier myself. I can see a lot of independents (and voters in general) getting pissed off at being bombarded by ads. Obama and Romney's campaigns are both risking completely alienating people.


Federal spending targeted specifically towards job creation is almost certainly more efficient than military spending for the purpose of job creation.
Not only that, but investing that money in infrastructure, education, and energy will have much higher multiplier effects for the rest of the economy compared to investing it in the military.


Well, Obama is going to be doing the same thing. I brought that point up earlier myself. I can see a lot of independents (and voters in general) getting pissed off at being bombarded by ads. Obama and Romney's campaigns are both risking completely alienating people.

I don't think he can do quite the same thing. I mean I'm sure he'll "flood" the airwaves too, for the most part, but he lacks the funding that the Republican side has, so he won't be keeping up with them on it. I'm talking about superPACS and everything combined. Here in Wisconsin it's probably an 8:1 ratio of anti-Obama to Obama.
Not only that, but investing that money in infrastructure, education, and energy will have much higher multiplier effects for the rest of the economy compared to investing it in the military.

I'm very cynical. If I'm being honest, I don't envision this country making major strides in infrastructure and energy. I think those things are very low on the priority list. Funneling money into education would be amazing because we'd have even more overqualified people entering the workforce.


“I had three points I wanted to make,” Eastwood said. “That not everybody in Hollywood is on the left, that Obama has broken a lot of the promises he made when he took office, and that the people should feel free to get rid of any politician who’s not doing a good job.
You know what, I agree with those 3 points. I'm sure there are some right wing nutjobs in Hollywood, I want Obama move back from the center to the left like he was before getting elected so he can keep more of his promises, and people should feel free to get rid of republican senators in the senate who are doing a bad job by only acting in the interests of their party to block Obama and not the people so the democrats can get 60 seats.

I can go back to watching Clint Eastwood movies now.


I'm very cynical. If I'm being honest, I don't envision this country making major strides in infrastructure and energy. I think those things are very low on the priority list. Funneling money into education would be amazing because we'd have even more overqualified people entering the workforce.

Why not? More investment in infrastructure: better mobility, less time wasted travelling.
More investment in energy: less energy imports, more money left to pay down the deficit/invest more internally.
More investment in education: more technological innovations that pull America ahead of the foreign competition and boosting our economy.
You can almost hear him filling his Depends while he says that.

Romney's campaign is bombing the hell out of NC. They've shown 8 Romney ads in the past two hours. I don't think I've seen a single one for Obama. I expect similar results in other swing states.

We have been swimming in Romney Super-Pac ads for the past two months here in southwest Virginia. Both parties need to be careful about putting on too many ads


We have been swimming in Romney Super-Pac ads for the past two months here in southwest Virginia. Both parties need to be careful about putting on too many ads
I do think over-saturation of the airwaves could be a real problem this election cycle.

It could really start to engender some annoyance with undecided voters in swing states.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
“I had three points I wanted to make,” Eastwood said. “That not everybody in Hollywood is on the left, that Obama has broken a lot of the promises he made when he took office, and that the people should feel free to get rid of any politician who’s not doing a good job. But I didn’t make up my mind exactly what I was going to say until I said it.”
Funny how he didn't attempt to make the point that Romney is actually a better choice.

I'll take a disappointing Obama over Romney/Ryan any day.
I think the real #s to watch at this point are not employment reports, but any shift in likely voters post DNC. Given the huge advantage in registered voters for Obama, its pretty much the entire election. The Dems have done a good enough job when speaking to the base to make this election about wanting a strong Democratic party that will fight against the Republicans and begin calling them on their BS.
Well, Obama is going to be doing the same thing. I brought that point up earlier myself. I can see a lot of independents (and voters in general) getting pissed off at being bombarded by ads. Obama and Romney's campaigns are both risking completely alienating people.
One Firms ad From Obama campaign is equivalent to 100 nonsense Obama teh boogeymanz! Ads from Romney campaign. I pointed this out earlier. Obama's messaging is sharp, clean and objective, whereas Romney's messaging doesn't have any clear narrative other than I'm anti-Obama. Democrats and Obama have successfully painted Romney as an opportunist corporate raider who takes your job and ships it overseas. He's also shown as free market capitalist who has called for Detroit to go Bankrupt, and auto industry fail. This is the main reason why Ohio and Virginia are still polling blue despite never ending deluge of Romney ads. I've pointed this out earlier, Obama and the democrats are vastly outspent by Romney and his allies when it comes to campaign cash (fundraising as well as SuperPACs). Obama will continue sticking to quality over quantity, whereas Romney wants to drown everything with quantity. The man has enough money to run a small country, but misfortune to present everything but himself and his record.


Will the right or left have a bigger meltdown if the opposite side wins? Just curious.
The right, for sure.

Just like the left had a huge meltdown in '04.

When you think a sitting president is awful, you can justify it by saying he tricked the electorate, but after 4 years of what you think is horrible policy, it's harder to swallow.
We have been swimming in Romney Super-Pac ads for the past two months here in southwest Virginia. Both parties need to be careful about putting on too many ads

I do think over-saturation of the airwaves could be a real problem this election cycle.

It could really start to engender some annoyance with undecided voters in swing states.

Unfortunately, annoyance doesn't really matter. There's not much actual downside to saturating the airwaves, there's only diminishing returns and the risk of wasted money.

People can get sick of advertising, but if they're even modestly inclined to receive the message, then mission accomplished. No one is going to vote for the other guy or not vote at all just to spite annoying commercials. (Or not in appreciable numbers, anyway.)

We wouldn't have advertising on everything that is humanly possible to sponsor if there was a measurable negative return for it.
I'll give one to PD for the jobs numbers.

But the thing is, +96k is basically the status quo that we've been dealing with for the past two years. There have been some really strong jobs reports and some really weak ones. Last August the initial number was 0, later it was revised to 82,000.

The status quo being that the economy is in a recovery, albeit a sluggish one that could use some legislative action to kickstart it. The debate being held is whether that's a balanced plan that pushes targeted tax breaks and investments, or if we should just cut regulations and Obamacare and magically corporations will start creating jobs again.

I still think Obama is the clear favorite because the economy isn't bad enough that it's any more of a burden on him now than it was yesterday.

The fact that Romney's only playing in NC, OH, FL, VA, NH, NV, CO, IA speaks volumes to this. Notice how his surge of advertising doesn't hit Wisconsin at all.
One Firms ad From Obama campaign is equivalent to 100 nonsense Obama teh boogeymanz! Ads from Romney campaign. I pointed this out earlier. Obama's messaging is sharp, clean and objective, whereas Romney's messaging doesn't have any clear narrative other than I'm anti-Obama. Democrats and Obama have successfully painted Romney as an opportunist corporate raider who takes your job and ships it overseas. He's also shown as free market capitalist who has called for Detroit to go Bankrupt, and auto industry fail. This is the main reason why Ohio and Virginia are still polling blue despite never ending deluge of Romney ads. I've pointed this out earlier, Obama and the democrats are vastly outspent by Romney and his allies when it comes to campaign cash (fundraising as well as SuperPACs). Obama will continue sticking to quality over quantity, whereas Romney wants to drown everything with quantity. The man has enough money to run a small country, but misfortune to present everything but himself and his record.

I may be wrong, but I don't feel like the RNC or the DNC is going to have an impact. I really don't think ads will have an impact. I'm not convinced that the actual debates will have an impact. It's going to be pretty close and most voters are locked in. Nothing is going to change that short of an utter catastrophe.

At this rate, unemployment will be under eight percent by the election.

People hate ads. Why not give the people something they want?

Ie: the first thirty minutes of this episode of fringe are brought to you ad free by Obama, moving forward.

Ads can backfire so easily, as people sick of ads might vote in spite.


Looks like most people expect QE3 next week. I'm fine with monetary policy, but I do wish Congress could pass some actual fiscal stimulus apart from tax breaks. Shame it'll never happen with the current legislature. The ARRA was hard enough to pass.



LOL at one of the comments below:

Let us do the arithmetic. In the last 52 years, Republican Presidents served for 28 years and created 24 million jobs out of 66 million jobs created in that period. The Democratic Presidents served for 24 years and created 42 million jobs. Romney says he will create 12 million jobs in his first year in office if he is elected. Please do the arithmetic. He is lying from the arithmetic above. Do you believe his lies? Can a lie told many times become true? We will see on Nov 6.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs

LOL Fox News.

The American rock band R.E.M. on Thursday demanded that Fox News “cease and desist” using their song “Losing My Religion” during its coverage of the Democratic National Convention.

“R.E.M.’s ‘Losing My Religion’ was used in the Fox News coverage of the Democratic National Convention last night,” a statement on the R.E.M. HQ website said. “R.E.M. today, through its music publisher, Warner-Tamerlane Music, demanded that Fox News cease and desist from continuing its unlicensed and unauthorized use of the song.”

“We have little or no respect for their puff adder brand of reportage,” lead singer Michael Stipe said. “Our music does not belong there.”
Why do these bands keep claiming it's unlicensed and unauthorized? I thought news organisation and so on just get these licenses that give them the right to use a record labels whole catalog?
Why do these bands keep claiming it's unlicensed and unauthorized? I thought news organisation and so on just get these licenses that give them the right to use a record labels whole catalog?

I thought it was more the optics (OPTICS!!!) of someone using a song while the creator of the song decries it. They may legally be able to do it but they look like dicks.
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