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That would work if companies were actually fiscally incentivized to hire and train unskilled workers. They're not, to the extent that they would need to be anyway.

It doesn't work and history has proven that it doesn't work, but it hasn't stopped Republicans over the last 30 years from pretending that it does.
It doesn't work and history has proven that it doesn't work, but it hasn't stopped Republicans over the last 30 years from pretending that it does.

It does work, if the tax cuts are targeted at the actual employees of businesses. It's why most big companies offer their employees health insurance as part of their compensation package. It can work, but it has to be done at the business level, not the individual level. And the tax expenses have to be used to do something useful, like providing health insurance or job training.


I mean, this is going to be a tick down on 538, but overall I don't think it'll change the overall math -- as people have been saying, the economy sucks, but we still don't blame Obama for it (and I do think republican obstructionism is part of the reason why, as witness their historically low approval rating). I think the convention was well targeted at converting "big tent" undecided and unlikely voters to likely Democratic voters. That google politics stat matters. So time will tell. I don't think this will play much into whether we see a convention bounce (although we'll be hearing all about it if we don't).


Serious question is there anything showing that we shouldn't be thinking that the vast majority of the people that left the work force are retirees? I mean there are a hell of a lot of baby boomers in there mid 60's right now.

Lovely. After not coming back after everyone dismantled your "fact check" source on Bill Clinton's speech, you come in here with a chart that was made when the data said that Q4 of 2008 had a contraction of ~3%, not the 8.9 that it was.


Serious question is there anything showing that we shouldn't be thinking that the vast majority of the people that left the work force are retirees? I mean there are a hell of a lot of baby boomers in there mid 60's right now.
College kids quitting summer jobs?

Edit: is there usually a bump in people leaving work force around this time?
How did I miss this gem of bullshit? Who said I was happy people are struggling? What I said is that most people don't pay attention to the details and there might be some who see that the percentage has dropped and think that's a good thing. There is a reason politicians lie and 30 second ads work. A lot of the general electorate doesn't know better and they will not spend the time or energy to figure out the politician is or ad lying to them and the attention span of most people is extremely small. This goes for both sides!

As for wanting to keep Romney out of office, you bet your ass I do. He wants to overturn the ACA and without it my family is being crippled by medical debt. This isn't something I want because of partisan bullshit, this is something millions of families like mine need.

I know Romney promises to come in and sprinkle his magical fairy dust and create 12 million jobs, but it's not happening (and he won't tell you how he plans to do it either). Job growth is going to be slow and shitty for a while no matter who is in office and to think otherwise is to lie to yourself.

At least you admit it's a gem. It must have some value.
I'm sorry to hear about your family's medical problems. I can understand now why you feel so strongly.
But, honestly speaking, your post really came off as cold and uncaring. There's a reason why I'm not the only one who reacted that way to it.
Americans have a clear choice.

1. Go on current track and have a net gain of jobs between 80-180K every month up to the point we catch up to the number of 2009 of 7.9 and then keep on steadily falling

2. Go back to the period between 2001 to 2009 where we went from 4.4 % unemployment rate to 7.9% unemployment rate and climbing.

The World is looking at The United States. They know which choice will confirm their status as world economic leader.


"Re 96k jobs, economists say margin of error is plus or minus 100k. So we could have added 200k or lost jobs. So silly to make central."


Remember last year. August report came in at 0 jobs created, then was revised to 100k in September.

thats not something to hang your hat on today, the best you can hope for is a good september number with a decent upward revision for August... until then its 96k and its not good


Well probably see QE3 in October. It will have little or no long-term effect, but since it's October, that might not be the question.


Unconfirmed Member
As I posted, 200k of that labor force contraction was between 16 and 19, so this is definitely a factor.

So more than half was seasonal jobs for teenagers coming to an end? The way they do every year? That's...kind of a major point to simply gloss over in the reporting.
At least you admit it's a gem. It must have some value.
I'm sorry to hear about your family's medical problems. I can understand now why you feel so strongly.
But, honestly speaking, your post really came off as cold and uncaring. There's a reason why I'm not the only one who reacted that way to it.

OK, I've calmed down a bit, but as you can see this affects me deeply. Yes, I have a job, and I'm grateful, but sometimes I think what good is having a job when you have to borrow to pay your bills because you are being swallowed in medical bills?

I appreciate your concern. I'm usually not so hot headed, but I fear it will get much worse before November comes. Perhaps what I said came off as cold, perhaps not (people have said both), but it was never intended to seem like I was happy that people can't find jobs.
Under Bush: 2001 to 2009


Under Obama: 2009-2012*


Battleground States


Who is better off now than four years ago

Michigan - 11.3 - 9%
Ohio - 8.6 to 7.2%
Iowa - 6.1 to 5.3%

Who is worse off now than four years ago

Nevada - 9.6 to 12 %
North Carolina - 9 - 9.6%
Colorado 6.6 to 8.3%

Who is unchanged

Virginia - 5.8 to 5.9%
Wisconsin - 7.2 to 7.3%
Florida - 8.7 to 8.8%


So more than half was seasonal jobs for teenagers coming to an end? The way they do every year? That's...kind of a major point to simply gloss over in the reporting.

Yeah, I'm actually surprised they don't seasonally adjust for that. But the seasonal adjustments have been kind of iffy in general since the recession started.


So more than half was seasonal jobs for teenagers coming to an end? The way they do every year? That's...kind of a major point to simply gloss over in the reporting.

If there were quite a few more seasonal jobs than last year, wouldn't that mess up the BLS's new job number estimate?

Might explain why the ADP numbers don't match up with BLS this month.


No Scrubs
Yeah, I'm actually surprised they don't seasonally adjust for that. But the seasonal adjustments have been kind of iffy in general since the recession started.

I just don't get why this number and the number we got a few days ago differ so greatly? I mean in the past they've been rather close right? Someone somewhere has been doing something weird.


I just don't get why this number and the number we got a few days ago differ so greatly? I mean in the past they've been rather close right? Someone somewhere has been doing something weird.

they were close last month for the first time in a while. ADP has been off of BLS. Like was mentioned though, last year saw a huge upward revision for August, you can hope that when Sept numbers come out that that happens. If that does happen, with a decent number for Sept, you MAY see a 7.9% which would be a pretty big psychological hurdle
I just don't get why this number and the number we got a few days ago differ so greatly? I mean in the past they've been rather close right? Someone somewhere has been doing something weird.

I remember reading somewhere that the ADP report is off by an average of 60k. Above and below.
Oh wow. The stench of elitism is wafting from this post. The "average" (I assume you mean ignorant as well) American knows damn well what is happening out there. There aren't jobs. They're paying fucking attention, Cubiclerob. You're happy with more people struggling, out of work and poor just to keep Romney/Ryan out of office? How wonderful of you.
But bilbo, it's not elitism to state the obvious. Average American is a high school dropout/graduate, works in Walmart or as a construction worker, and lives in a home he cannot afford. Which is why majority of Americans have voted against their interests countless times, and many still do. You might think you're defending a poor joe sixpack against latte sipping limo liberals in monocles, but there's absolutely nothing to defend. Americans like small bite sized talking points, word plays and idiotic, childish chants (drill baby dril!! or USA USA USA). Someone takes out a whiteboard like Ross Perot to explain the complex problems facing our country, and he is fried on national TV and Americans alike. They want government services, but want government out of medicare and a smaller government. They want jobs, but less government spending. They look at UE rate to feel how the country is doing, rather than actual job numbers.

This isn't necessarily a ding at "Average American" but more of a rant at our failing education system, from 1st grade to the prohibitively expensive Graduate school.
Based on unemployment in Battleground states, if you gave all very tight races to Romney or Obama based on if the unemployment is worse is better this is how it stands...


Obama has to win 1 of the 3 States

Romney has to win 2 of the 3 States
CNN Newsroom had a Dem, Undecided and Repub voter panel.

Dem voter is voting for Obama

Undecided voter is definitely leaning Obama, and thought Mitt blew his chances with a vision-less RNC speech

Repub voter thought Obama speech was really good, and is "open to voting for Obama".


CNN Newsroom had a Dem, Undecided and Repub voter panel.

Dem voter is voting for Obama

Undecided voter is definitely leaning Obama, and thought Mitt blew his chances with a vision-less RNC speech

Repub voter thought Obama speech was really good, and is "open to voting for Obama".
I was impressed with the level of understanding expressed by the undecided. I was expecting her to be like everyone else on TV and be a total idiot
Based on unemployment in Battleground states, if you gave all very tight races to Romney or Obama based on if the unemployment is worse is better this is how it stands...


Obama has to win 1 of the 3 States

Romney has to win 2 of the 3 States

Yea...Romney winning NV will be very hard for him. Dems have one of the best GOTV efforts there backed by Harry Reid's team.


Based on unemployment in Battleground states, if you gave all very tight races to Romney or Obama based on if the unemployment is worse is better this is how it stands...


Obama has to win 1 of the 3 States

Romney has to win 2 of the 3 States

Real talk. You actually think Romney has a shot at NH?


The country may be better off and on more sound financial ground, but the question being asked is "are YOU better off than you were 4 years ago". That's a little different, and the fact that less Americans are working now than 4 years ago (I think that's true) makes it really difficult for Obama.

It's not. As all the fact-checkers have noted, more people are working today than when Obama took office, albeit not very many more.

"Are you incrementally very slightly better off than you were 4 years ago?"


Goddamn it, I was really hoping for a 200k report.

At this point I just hope this situation is better by Summer 2014 when I'll finish grad school and re-enter the workforce.

I remember back from 2002 to 2007, whenever I needed a job I just went out and got one. It wasn't something I was particularly worried about at any point. Someone was always hiring. I got my first post-college job through a friend. It paid very well, and I was the only one who interviewed. They hired me on the spot.

This year I interviewed for an assistant director's position at a non-profit. The job ended up going to a woman in her 50's with 30 years experience in the industry. A 27 year old guy with 4 years of professional experience interviewing against someone with 30 years in the industry, for a low-level job. Things like that just shouldn't happen.

Worst is that corporate profits are so high right now, and businesses have aggregate cash reserves in the trillions. There is so much capital available to solve every problem we have, but it just doesn't flow.
Romney's campaign is bombing the hell out of NC. They've shown 8 Romney ads in the past two hours. I don't think I've seen a single one for Obama. I expect similar results in other swing states.
National polls dont matter, national unemployment doesnt matter

What matters is polls in battleground states and battleground states unemployment

You can have the national unemployment rate plummet because Alabama and north carolina had a bad month but ohio and michigan went up
At this point, I seriously doubt there is ANYONE who is genuinely on the fence between Obama and Romney, so this so called "Shitty" Jobs report is pretty much meaningless. Voters made up their minds long ago, and evidence has shown that it heavily favors Obama.

You'd have to apply some serious cognitive dissonance to believe otherwise.
Romney's campaign is bombing the hell out of NC. They've shown 8 Romney ads in the past two hours. I don't think I've seen a single one for Obama. I expect similar results in other swing states.

Romney is now legally allowed to use his re-election campaign money, hence the blitzkrieg. Expect a similar blitzkrieg from Obama from Monday.


It's not. As all the fact-checkers have noted, more people are working today than when Obama took office, albeit not very many more.

"Are you incrementally very slightly better off than you were 4 years ago?"

My favorite is the "you don't know real voters, but I do" aspect of these predictions. In the same breath he says that everyone he opposes is being an elitist for saying how blocks of people will vote and then says that he knows how they will vote and HE knows what the true American people are feeling. It's not elitist when he does it.

Even if you cite a statistic that shows how many people are not working it does not fully predict who they will vote for. It's a proxy measure. A strong proxy measure, but still a proxy.

How about this. Some people will have predictable voting patterns ... but some will not. We won't know until election day. This is the type of speculation that often reveals bias.


Romney's campaign is bombing the hell out of NC. They've shown 8 Romney ads in the past two hours. I don't think I've seen a single one for Obama. I expect similar results in other swing states.

What are the ads like? Just saying how bad Obama is? No actual accomplishments or details from Romney outside of Olympics and he ran Bain but no details on what he actually did?
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