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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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I didn't see this posted.
Romney Responds To Obama’s Dig On London Olympics
I'm very pleased that my Olympic experience allows me to talk about the Olympics in a straight talk manner and I think it would be appropriate if the president would talk to China in a straight talk manner," Romney said. "They have manipulated their currency for well over a decade. They have taken American jobs and I think it's totally appropriate to show backbone and strength as we deal with other nations around the world. Nothing wrong with telling people the truth."


Junior Member
If Obama does win in and electoral sweep, how the will GOP respond going forward?
They will tarnish Obama's legacy to make sure there will be a Republican president in 2016. They have already signaled that they will not work with the president even if he wins.
Well, all that talk of 24/7 news coverage and twittering of instant social media networkings nonstop blah de blah is all crock of crap. I guess you do get a convention bounce this day and age. Color me surprised.


My Mom wrote to the President and didn't realize that the White House responded until I was helping her clean up her unread emails.

She wrote about my older brother's illness and passing, last year. The White House featured her letter as a letter of the week and we didn't even realize it until yesterday.

Here is the link: www.barackobama.com/news/entry/fl-letter-of-the-weekjuly-30th-2012/
A grievous tragedy that should have never occurred. In a country of abundance, it's unconscionable that anyone would die in this manner. Thank you for sharing.
So...according to Princeton Election place, Romney got a negative bounce from the convention

It seems that Ryan's announcement had already provided an ephemeral boost. Accordingly, they had already maximized their base. They would only enjoy a bounce if they appealed to pure independents and weak Democrats. But there were two problems militating against them. First, strong partisans are disproportionately engaged already reducing their potential gains. Second, the Republican Party's ideological extremism alienated potential voters who might support a more moderate alternative.
They will tarnish Obama's legacy to make sure there will be a Republican president in 2016. They have already signaled that they will not work with the president even if he wins.

Put it this way, imagine having 2 popular Dem presidents out campaigning for a nominee in 2016, especially if the economy makes a much better turnaround

if i were the GOP i'd destroy any chance of an Obama legacy in the lame duck 4 years and make him toxic. Clinton can only be around for so long.


They will tarnish Obama's legacy to make sure there will be a Republican president in 2016. They have already signaled that they will not work with the president even if he wins.

They have to say that, though. Can you imagine Boehner saying "Sure, if Obama wins, we'll change our attitude, so a lot more would probably get done in the second term?"

Boehner's been trying to make deals for the last two years (once he got the majority) and been kneecapped by the Tea Party Caucus the entire time. Don't imagine that the Republican leadership doesn't know that the reactionary agenda being advanced by their base is toxic -- if they didn't, the nominee would've been Rick Santorum. (Actually, Mitt Romney is a fascinating example of what happens to a seriously divided party -- when your requirements for a candidate are contradictory and implausible, you get a contradictory and implausible candidate.) I will go out on a limb and say we'll see more compromise in Obama's second term. Obstructionism is what they did to get a Republican President in 2012, and look how well that's working out.

Put it this way, imagine having 2 popular Dem presidents out campaigning for a nominee in 2016, especially if the economy makes a much better turnaround

if i were the GOP i'd destroy any chance of an Obama legacy in the lame duck 4 years and make him toxic. Clinton can only be around for so long.

Obamacare already exists and the economy is in recovery according to pretty much everybody. Obama doesn't have to do ANYTHING to have an enormous legacy after his second term. He just needs to make sure the other side doesn't get to do THEIR thing.


Well, all that talk of 24/7 news coverage and twittering of instant social media networkings nonstop blah de blah is all crock of crap. I guess you do get a convention bounce this day and age. Color me surprised.

You can hear and see all that chaff, but I think people sometimes just want to see straight from the horse's mouth what someone wants to do. It's harder to really do a value judgement when you can't see him or when you're just getting a clip. I think people are disillusioned, sure, and they are really afraid and down on the economy, but I think ultimately people give others the benefit of the doubt. That's probably a big reason why incumbents have a huge advantage (along with many others). People are reluctant to throw someone out unless they're sure he's done something wrong or isn't trying hard enough. It's why Walker won here in Wisconsin. I think a lot of people turned in to see Obama's plea. The convention was like an interview. Sure you have the resume and all that info beforehand, but you've got to judge a man's character in a more substantial way. Obama's an amazing orator, and so that's why I knew there'd be a bounce. I didn't think it'd be quite as large as it was, but I knew it'd be there. If you're on the fence, I think his speech did a great job tying everything up.
Speaking of Beohner, I wonder if he think Mittens can pull a win out of his ass.
No matter who wins, he'll always have the bottle.

RustyNails said:
Btw guys, change your gaming tags to Mitt Romney and enjoy the multitude of cursing and ridicule your way!
Don't you have to pay money to change your gamertag? Now that should have been in the financial reform bill.

pigeon said:
They have to say that, though. Can you imagine Boehner saying "Sure, if Obama wins, we'll change our attitude, so a lot more would probably get done in the second term?"

Boehner's been trying to make deals for the last two years (once he got the majority) and been kneecapped by the Tea Party Caucus the entire time. Don't imagine that the Republican leadership doesn't know that the reactionary agenda being advanced by their base is toxic -- if they didn't, the nominee would've been Rick Santorum. (Actually, Mitt Romney is a fascinating example of what happens to a seriously divided party -- when your requirements for a candidate are contradictory and implausible, you get a contradictory and implausible candidate.) I will go out on a limb and say we'll see more compromise in Obama's second term. Obstructionism is what they did to get a Republican President in 2012, and look how well that's working out.
We'll see more but not much. They'll try to back off the fiscal cliff, pass some jobs legislation, and maybe get an immigration bill through like what was proposed in the Bush years.

Luckily the recovery's supposed to come into full swing over the next four years, so there's that.


After the RNC splat (no bounce) I assumed that Obama wasn't going to get one either as part of my expectation-lowering strategy. I would be pleasantly surprised -- but after watching the convention, really, I'm not surprised at all.

It's also worth noting that Obama's speech hearkened back to one of the most popular American presidents -- and to a message that's really core to the progressive platform, but that hasn't been heard much since then.

Framing the welfare state as a duty is a lot more palatable to the Protestant American ethos than framing it as an entitlement.
Clinton featured a similar theme in his speech. For example, he framed Medicaid as an essential program for indemnifying the middle class. It is, of course.
Globalization killed unions. Unless you work on something that can't be outsourced such as local construction or government work, unions just have very little bargaining power.

Globalization didn't kill unions. Just need to look at Canada. Wonkblog had a great article on it: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/wp/2012/09/04/was-the-decline-of-american-unions-inevitable-ask-canada/

Basically the problems with forming the union are these:

1. First you need to have a majority of employees say they want one.
2. Then a secret-ballot election is held by the National Labor Relations Board, and usually only after a lengthy period in which employers can campaign against the union.
3. In Canada, workers who have formed a union can seek arbitration to ensure that they actually get a contract. By contrast, in the United States, employers have much more freedom to delay that process. As John Schmitt notes, “even after workers win an election, they only reach a contract in a bit over half the cases.”


"I will not take God out of our platform."

Expect to hear that alot more from Romney like today on the campaign trail.


...unless the distraction is something we agree with. Then we'll hammer on that!
"I will not take God out of our platform."

Expect to hear that alot more from Romney like today on the campaign trail.

The economy will remain his big issue but I'm starting to think Romney will go full retard on social issues now. God, abortion, welfare, etc. those are grounds he can potentially win on, outside of abortion.


The economy will remain his big issue but I'm starting to think Romney will go full retard on social issues now. God, abortion, welfare, etc. those are grounds he can potentially win on, outside of abortion.

That's the issue, because if Romney goes full retard on social issues the media coverage will be about that and not the boring played-out medicore economy story which doesn't get ratings.


Joe Walsh To Sandra Fluke: ‘Get A Job
“So at the Democratic Convention Wednesday night their first prime time speaker was Sandra Fluke, whatever her name is,” Walsh said. “Think about this, a 31-32 year old law student who has been a student for life, who gets up there in front of a national audience and tells the American people, ‘I want America to pay for my contraceptives.’ You’re kidding me. Go get a job. Go get a job Sandra Fluke.”

“This a woman who feels entitled that we all should pay for her contraceptives,” he said. “This is what we are teaching Americans? That was embarrassing. That was embarrassing.”
The economy will remain his big issue but I'm starting to think Romney will go full retard on social issues now. God, abortion, welfare, etc. those are grounds he can potentially win on, outside of abortion.
He's not going to win on any of those.

Libby Dole accused her opponent of being an atheist and lost. In North Carolina.


The economy will remain his big issue but I'm starting to think Romney will go full retard on social issues now. God, abortion, welfare, etc. those are grounds he can potentially win on, outside of abortion.
I wouldn't mind if Republicans highlight social issues. If that's a fight they wish to pick, we can win it.


I want Cantor gone. I can feel my blood pressure go up when I see his snively mug.
Wait, is that seat in play?
Because fuck Eric Cantor, he brings shame to my people.

And unlike crazies such as Bachmann, that asshole holds real and meaningful political power.


GAAAH, I can't believe in the public health care thread there's actually someone without health insurance because he can't afford it and utilizing Canada's healthcare service by buying medications from them online arguing that public healthcare is bad.

Fuck my head hurts...

Unfortunately I think it is. :/ "wake up america, brown people!"

Should have gone for Skid Marx, though.


That is going to be a very fun site to visit come November.

Definitely. I think the first thing I'm going to do if/when Obama wins is turn on Fox news and start browsing freerepublic. I'll probably be nearly drunk at that point, too, so it's going to be a great night.


Junior Member
538 has Obama's chances of winning Ohio, Virginia, Colorado at 72%.

Chances of winning Florida is 64%.

Unless Romney gives one of the best debate performances of his life, this is over.


That is going to be a very fun site to visit come November.

We had Newt, who could have given a speech just like Clinton's which dissected the failings of the Obama regime. But the RNC muzzled him. We also have Palin, who gave a tremendous speech last time but was now shut out. Christie certainly could've done a tougher speech...so why didn't the RNC ask him to? And we even have Donald Trump, if you want a real attack dog.

That is a huge advantage Obummer has. In general, the segment of voters we want to reach want to like Obama and they don't want to hear they were wrong about him. It's like some sort of battered spouse syndrome.

Ok, so the bastard is being propped up by the mediaWHORES and pollsters! My question to you all is, I've seen the numbers for the R&R crowds attracted today 6,000 in a small city. WHERE are the numbers of the OJOKER’s crowd size today?? HMMMM seems the mediaWHORES are keeping it under wraps!! I've surfered the net and can't seem to find out the crowd size for oBOMBo. Does anyone here know??

Who’s to say that the pollsters and their cronie staffers aren’t putting those unanswered phone calls in the oBOMBo column?? Something stinks to high heaven and it smells like desperation to me! Polls can SO EASILY be manipulated...easily!!!

I could read this site all day.

edit: The percentage of American people on either side who think that all they really need is more vicious attacks on their opponents is probably a plurality. I smell a third-party opportunity.
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