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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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No Scrubs
538 has Obama's chances of winning Ohio, Virginia, Colorado at 72%.

Chances of winning Florida is 64%.

Unless Romney gives one of the best debate performances of his life, this is over.

It would have to be more than just "one of his best" it'll need to be his absolute best. He needs to find the best debater in the GOP to practice against and get the best debate coach he can afford because at the rate the election is going he's going to need a royal flush to pull out a win.


Obsidian fan
Some shitheel said:
I’m seriously thinking that if Obama is reelected, there will be a Revolution. If he’s defeated, there will be Race Riots. He has divided this nation like no other President has ever done.

Yep, America's never been more divided than it is in 2012. Not ever.

538 has Obama's chances of winning swing states above 60 percent and some above 70.

Unless one of these happens:

1)Israel attacks Iran, changing the narrative

2)Economic Meltdown in Europe

3) A scandal on the level of Monica Lewinsky

Romney stands absolutely no chance.


CHEEZMO™;41891244 said:
Yep, America's never been more divided than it is in 2012. Not ever.

I love that he gets all the blame from this. From Paul Ryan's talks the other day on down to people like the one you quoted. It's all his fault for dividing the nation. It strikes me as some sort of victim blaming. It's like saying to someone "Wow, you've let so many people rape you. Why? Why have you allowed so much rape... You're just a terrible person, obviously."


It would have to be more than just "one of his best" it'll need to be his absolute best. He needs to find the best debater in the GOP to practice against and get the best debate coach he can afford because at the rate the election is going he's going to need a royal flush to pull out a win.

Apparently he's prepping with Rob Portman.


I dunno.

1)Israel attacks Iran, changing the narrative

Honestly, I don't even see this as helping Romney. His foreign policy weakness is too severe.
I love that he gets all the blame from this. From Paul Ryan's talks the other day on down to people like the one you quoted. It's all his fault for dividing the nation. It strikes me as some sort of victim blaming. It's like saying to someone "Wow, you've let so many people rape you. Why? Why have you allowed so much rape... You're just a terrible person, obviously."
I feel like if Obama were assassinated right-wing pundits would blame him for being black.


"I will not take God out of our platform."

Expect to hear that alot more from Romney like today on the campaign trail.
Full statement
"I will not take God out of our platform," the Republican nominee said after reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. "I will not take God off our coins, and I will not take God out of my heart."

In response, Obama spokeswoman Lis Smith called the insinsuation false and an act of desperation.

"It’s disappointing to see Mitt Romney try to throw a Hail Mary by launching extreme and untrue attacks against the President and associating with some of the most strident and divisive voices in the Republican Party, including Rep. Steve King and Pat Robertson," she said in a statement. "This isn’t a recipe for making America stronger, it’s a recipe for division and taking us backward."


Out of nowhere, but my thoughts post-DNC:

Obama has to do more than just sell the future and ask America for another shot. Being positive and encouraging cooperation is what he does, but he needs to validate the last four years. Mentioning his failures may have been honest and brought him down to our level, but it was a poor, and in a way, inaccurate choice of words that could easily come back to haunt him.

It's not his fault that Republicans hate his guts. They're devicive assholes who polarized themselves in order to make the Democrats look like socialist tyrants. Anyone who doesn't play ball gets alienated, excommunicated or even thrown out. Their top priority is to talk about how bad things are and how ineffective Obama is, rather than finding any kind of solutions. We all know Mitt Romney doesn't have a clue. His views on foreign policy are laughable, his policies as Governor are inconsistent with his current ones (not to mention, his party's platform) and his time at Bain is mired with all kinds of negative revelations.

With that said, Obama has to do more than just show Romney for the ignorant, opportunistic fool that he is. Identifying the problem and finding it's source is fine, but of course, solutions are much more favorable. Obama has the latter down pretty well, but he needs to improve on the former. Congress is the real enemy, not Mitt Romney. Bringing up the Bowles-Simpson Commission is a great start, but it's just the prologue of a story that Obama and Democrats need to tell. They need to a paint a much larger picture regarding how serious the Republican obstruction in Congress is. Without being too aggressive or alleviating himself of all blame, he needs succinctly explain the systematic blockage that's against him. Bring up John Boehner, Mitch McMconnel (Senate, but still...he's a dick head too). Hell, Paul Ryan, just to name another. They need to put faces to those who are leading and facilitating the gridlock. Narrowing it down to individuals who are preventing things from getting done will make Obama's case more believable and significantly stronger. And they shoudln't keep their focus on Washington alone. Mention the voting registration issues that have been going on in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida.

The President can't rely entirely on Joe Biden and Bill Clinton to be his attack dogs either. He shouldn't be afraid of falling from grace and getting his hands dirty sometimes. If Obama wants people to know that he is, in fact, the President, and wants people to give him another term, he needs to go a little bit more on the offensive himself. He needs to take control of situations and be in charge, not just say he is. He let the whole birth certificate thing go way out of control. Then again, he probably didn't want to deal with it since, by ignoring it, it would make it appear that he was above it. On the flip side, for everything Obama doesn't do or say, Republicans will candidly fill in the blanks for him.

Obama is described as being thoughtful and having incredible courage, fortitude and a backbone of steel. Where is it? I haven't seen it, especially against the Republican Congress that has been his nemesis for so long. If he can defend himself and justify the internal logic behind the decisions he made, while explaining the reasons why things are not where they should, then he could better his chances at a second term.
good stuff
I know it's not likely to happen, but if Democrats do take back the House and maintain their majority in the Senate, Obama just needs to go full-steam ahead with his agenda. When Republicans complain about not being "bipartisan" he can just say "The last time we tried to cooperate with you, you took us to the brink of economic collapse and got our credit downrated. You stalled progress in the interest of making me a one-term president, well guess what, this is my second term and we're doing things my way"

Then Democrats pass the Fix America Act which instantly reduces unemployment to 2%, cuts carbon emissions by 98% and enacts single-payer.

Republicans can hitch a ride to the Obama Dream Train if they want to, and I imagine a few of them would (Susan Collins for example), but I'd like to think Obama would declare a mandate in a big victory over Romney.


I'm going to do a backstroke in the bitter tears. We need to do a thread for facebook gems on election night.

I love this idea.

We'll also have to include YouTube clips of TV and real-life reactions, as well as personal stories. Fox News personalities and C-SPAN Morning Journal callers (especially on the Republican and "Independent" lines) are going to be a gold mine. It might be a thread I bookmark for days when I feel a bit sad. Like a pick-me-up thread.

Wait, is that seat in play?
Because fuck Eric Cantor, he brings shame to my people.

And unlike crazies such as Bachmann, that asshole holds real and meaningful political power.

It's been a while since I've checked polling, but he was at least within striking distance of his opponent. Grrr..


Obsidian fan
Somedude found a new home?

Freep is full of these people.

"I'm not racist but I can't wait for the Race War to start so I can mow down crowds of niggers and spics urban youths trying to destroy America and take it over so they can force white christian men into slavery and subjugation"

You know the type.
I love this idea.

We'll also have to include YouTube clips of TV and real-life reactions, as well as personal stories. Fox News personalities and C-SPAN Morning Journal callers (especially on the Republican and "Independent" lines) are going to be a gold mine. It might be a thread I bookmark for days when I feel a bit sad. Like a pick-me-up thread.
I hope to god we get a repeat of this.

(i can't find this damn video. karl rove's reaction after Ohio is called for Obama)
Wasn't Obama the one who forced God and Jerusalem back into the platform?

Mitt: I won't take God out of the platform.

Obama: Which is why I forced it back in, because it should be there. Meanwhile, the GOP platform has no exception for abortion for the raped, incest, or health of mother. Why didn't you force the change in the platform?

Mitt: uhhhh

Obama: So I lead my platform on change, you succumbed to yours.

How does Mitt win this?


Wasn't Obama the one who forced God and Jerusalem back into the platform?

Mitt: I won't take God out of the platform.

Obama: Which is why I forced it back in, because it should be there. Meanwhile, the GOP platform has no exception for abortion for the raped, incest, or health of mother. Why didn't you force the change in the platform?

Mitt: uhhhh

Obama: So I lead my platform on change, you succumbed to yours.

How does Mitt win this?

However, Bams needs to stop caving in to the opposistion's criticism. It makes him look weak. If they hadn't said anything, then no one would have changed the wording.

He shouldn't let the Republicans bully him into making decisions. He should make them on his own. This is one of those few situations (unlike most) where by doing nothing, he's basically saying, "Fuck you. I do what I want".


However, Bams needs to stop caving in to the opposistion's criticism. It makes him look weak. If they hadn't said anything, then no one would have changed the wording.

He shouldn't let the Republicans bully him into making decisions. He should make them on his own. This is one of those few situations (unlike most) where by doing nothing, he's basically saying, "Fuck you. I do what I want".

Don't be naive. If the platform wasn't changed, the non-Fox media would be beating this story to death right now. It was the smart thing to do
I'm starting to believe an Israeli attack on Iran would help Obama, just as it would have helped Bush in 2004. Romney has proven himself to be a joke on national security, and I don't see voters flocking towards him in war time, regardless of the economic impact.
Some retired military dude named Powell is taking on Cantor. They've agreed to debate so it must be close. VA is gungho about the military, right? Could be close.
Romney basically said fuck it:


Mitt Romney suggested Saturday in Virginia Beach that President Obama wants to remove God from coins, provoking a fierce retort from the president's campaign.

"I will not take God out of our platform," the Republican nominee said after reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. "I will not take God off our coins, and I will not take God out of my heart."

Out of context perhaps but wow. Especially combined with his recent support of Steve King.

Missed that this was already posted above.
Romney basically said fuck it:


Out of context perhaps but wow. Especially combined with his recent support of Stephen King.
I don't think Stephen King will ever be a Romney supporter.

Steve King on the other hand.

PhoenixDark said:
I'm starting to believe an Israeli attack on Iran would help Obama, just as it would have helped Bush in 2004. Romney has proven himself to be a joke on national security, and I don't see voters flocking towards him in war time, regardless of the economic impact.
Yeah I don't get the people who insist an Israeli-Iranian war would be bad for Obama. I have to believe he would respond swiftly and probably boost his public standing.

Foreign policy is the one area where Obama's got complete control of the situation.
However, Bams needs to stop caving in to the opposistion's criticism. It makes him look weak. If they hadn't said anything, then no one would have changed the wording.

He shouldn't let the Republicans bully him into making decisions. He should make them on his own. This is one of those few situations (unlike most) where by doing nothing, he's basically saying, "Fuck you. I do what I want".

Obama is religious. If you don't believe this by now, you're little better than people who think he's Muslim. He did make this decision and apparently was unaware it was taken out.
Obama is religious. If you don't believe this by now, you're little better than people who think he's Muslim. He did make this decision and apparently was unaware it was taken out.
Nah he probably planned it to happen so he could look like big man on campus by sticking it back in.
Amazing how Romney camp has absolutely nothing on Obama when it comes to foreign policy. This has never happened before. They got nothing. Here's a rehash of their talking points:

1) Obama's apology tour made us less respected/safe
2) Obama's traitorous remarks to Medvedev on a hot mic when he said he'll have more flexibility post-election
3) Obama's soft on China

That's it.
Obama is religious. If you don't believe this by now, you're little better than people who think he's Muslim. He did make this decision and apparently was unaware it was taken out.

I'm not so sure. I think in Dreams of My Father, he mentions looking for a church to help get him a leg up in the community.

He does deliver a great sermon though.

I don't think Stephen King will ever be a Romney supporter.

Steve King on the other hand.

Oops, fixed.


Obama is religious. If you don't believe this by now, you're little better than people who think he's Muslim. He did make this decision and apparently was unaware it was taken out.

It's not a matter of being religious or not. There's a much bigger picture and much bigger message this sends. The omitted content could have been about anything. It just so happened to be religious. Again, that's irrelevant.

The real issue here is that he made the decision to add it back in AFTER being scolded for not having it there in the first place. It makes it appear that he's caving in to criticism, thus making his decisions seem reactionary and defensive.


Amazing how Romney camp has absolutely nothing on Obama when it comes to foreign policy. This has never happened before. They got nothing. Here's a rehash of their talking points:

1) Obama's apology tour made us less respected/safe
2) Obama's traitorous remarks to Medvedev on a hot mic when he said he'll have more flexibility post-election
3) Obama's soft on China

That's it.
Leading from behind!
Betrayed Israel!
Doesn't respect the special relationship we have with the United Kin... oh, never mind that, let's not talk about the UK for a while.

But yeah, having the best Secretary of State ever™ provides you some cover on that front.



Even fuller statement:

"'One nation indivisible,'" he said. "I will not divide this nation. I will not apologize for America abroad, and I will not apologize for Americans here at home. 'With liberty and justice for all.' With libery, I will not forget that for us to have liberty here, for us to be able to protect ourselves from the most evil around the world, for us to share liberty with our friends around the world, we must have a military second to none."



Romney is trying to change the dynamics of the race. Smells like desperation but it could motivate the base.

I expect we'll be seeing Rev. Wright soon lol
Leading from behind!
Betrayed Israel!
Doesn't respect the special relationship we have with the United Kin... oh, never mind that, let's not talk about the UK for a while.

But yeah, having the best Secretary of State ever™ provides you some cover on that front.

I love clinton as SoS but what monumental goals has she gotten accomplished?
Shes a great person to send around but I don't think SHE herself is getting things gone.

I don't think she's a Kissinger or Acheson.
Amazing how Romney camp has absolutely nothing on Obama when it comes to foreign policy. This has never happened before. They got nothing. Here's a rehash of their talking points:

1) Obama's apology tour made us less respected/safe
2) Obama's traitorous remarks to Medvedev on a hot mic when he said he'll have more flexibility post-election
3) Obama's soft on China

That's it.

We live in a world where Democrats can go hardball on Republicans on Foreign Policy.

Obama being elected truly did turn the political world upside down in the US. :lol :lol


538 has Obama's chances of winning swing states above 60 percent and some above 70.

Unless one of these happens:

1)Israel attacks Iran, changing the narrative

2)Economic Meltdown in Europe

3) A scandal on the level of Monica Lewinsky

Romney stands absolutely no chance.

I've been wondering exactly how this hurts President Obama. Do people really believe that the US can control what Israel does? Even if fighting broke out wouldn't that make people trust Obama more considering how he's handled things so far in terms of foreign policy? How many terrorist have been killed under his watch? Etc?
It's not a matter of being religious or not. There's a much bigger picture and much bigger message this sends. The omitted content could have been about anything. It just so happened to be religious. Again, that's irrelevant.

The real issue here is that he made the decision to add it back in AFTER being scolded for not having it there in the first place. It makes it appear that he's caving in to criticism, thus making his decisions seem reactionary and defensive.

He did have it put back in after the Republicans called it out, but wouldn't have wanted it out in the first place. Do you really think it wise to have Obama facing criticism that he doesn't believe in God or thinks it has a place in the Democratic party? It gets put back in and bye-bye talking point.

"Barack Obama even put God and Jerusalem back in the Democrat Party platform... Wait, what?"


I love clinton as SoS but what monumental goals has she gotten accomplished?
Shes a great person to send around but I don't think SHE herself is getting things gone.

I don't think she's a Kissinger or Acheson.
Both Acheson and Kissinger were amazingly and fundamentally wrong about the USSR, and they got both Korea and Vietnam under their belt.
So I'm going to say 'no' (and I'm going to say fuck Kissinger, fuck him and the realpolitik horse he rode on).

Clinton did a masterful job handling the withdrawal from Iraq, the situation with Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Arab spring.
Also, the work this administration is doing in southeast Asia is a bigger deal than most people realize, and at the end of the day, might be their most important legacy (though smart money is still on universal healthcare).

I generally think such ranking are silly (hence the cheeky trademark sign) but if I had to choose a contender, James Baker did some nice work in his tenure.
Clinton did a masterful job handling the withdrawal from Iraq, the situation with Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Arab spring.

Libya -- and the negotiations around that with our allies, including getting Russia and China on board, building the Arab coalition support, etc -- was a masterstroke of how to wage a war in the Middle East.
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