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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Thinking this might have played a small part

"Manos is a big supporter of killing innocent Muslims. Drone strikes are criminal acts and would be treated as such in any rational world where rule of law applied."

Damn EV, who's gonna school us on MMT now? With Toxic and EV gone it's like the pillars of the thread are gone :(


They will be able to write numerous books about how bad Romney's campaign has been.

For a person running for President for two cycles and having run for office for much longer he just stinks at it

Can't wait till this political season's equivalent of Game Change. The Politico e-books have been an okay source of info, but the stuff that'll come out about last night will assuredly be amazing.

Also, Bams still up 1 on Romney in Gallup's Daily Tracking (though we'll see what happens when past days cycle out). Down 1 on Ras.



Got my vote :-0


I'm basically in Kentucky and cannot remember the last time I heard someone so casually drop a "nigger." I'm always kind of shocked how less racist it seems to me than Boston.

Nothing will ever top south side Hispanics v. north side African Americans in Milwaukee. That is some hard core racial hatred.

Lets not exaggerated things. The hate between Hispanics and Blacks in Milwaukee was mainly due to gang violence that was going on in the early to mid 90's. Since there barely are any gangs anymore, that stuff has gone all away. Drive through the south side now and you'll see plenty of blacks living there.

You wanna talk real hardcore racial hatred in south eastern Wisconsin then that's easy. There is a county called Waukesha that along with housing hardcore republicans it also happens to be hardcore racist too. But something tells me you already knew that.


RNC delegate offended by ‘Mexican’ working at Epcot’s ‘America Pavilion’

Pennsylvania delegate Mark Harris and his wife Irene took a trip to Disney’s Epcot Center as a part of their trip to Florida, and were shocked and horrified by what they found there.

In a post called “Offended at Epcot” at the couple’s blog “Rock Star GOP,” Irene Harris wrote, “During our time at Epcot we visited the different countries. It was neat seeing each country and the employees were from that individual country. Then we visited America . . . one would think you would find American employees. We were offended to find a person from Mexico working in America.”

Mark Harris apparently complained to Disney personnel, but the blog post was not clear as to whether he spoke to anyone besides the Latino employee, such as a supervisor or customer service representative, or whether he was content to simply snipe at the offending worker. Irene wrote that her husband was “civil, but his point was well made.”

Local Republican officials have decried the foofaraw to website, The Daily Item.

“The statements made by Mark and Irene Harris are uninformed and highly offensive,” said Snyder County Commissioner Joe Derk. “The Harrises’ comments show their ignorance as they cast judgment on someone they do not know. They do not speak for our county or party.”


You wanna talk real hardcore racial hatred in south eastern Wisconsin then that's easy. There is a county called Waukesha that along with housing hardcore republicans it also happens to be hardcore racist too. But something tells me you already knew that.

Iowa is the same way, go to either side (SW and SE) and you will find devout religious and heavily racist white people (who vote GOP)

Shockingly its the SW corner heading to Missouri that is awful and not the west leading into Nebraska, probably because Council Bluffs and Omaha,NE share a border a ton of Hispanics.
im in new jersey in a heavily white suburban area and people are rather openly racist at times. people in my neighborhood were upset when a black family moved down the street, and blamed them for the value of homes dropping.
Most of my family are conservatives, and many of them are vocally racist when behind closed doors.
My parents found this out moving down to Florida. They are old and white and they've been shocked how many times this means people will just go into racist rants when they are around. That just didn't happen back in Minnesota.


im in new jersey in a heavily white suburban area and people are rather openly racist at times. people in my neighborhood were upset when a black family moved down the street, and blamed them for the value of homes dropping.

Parts of Jersey yeah, real racist, probably more so than anywhere else in the tristate area, except for maybe certain Boston suburbs.

My parents found this out moving down to Florida. They are old and white and they've been shocked how many times this means people will just go into racist rants when they are around. That just didn't happen back in Minnesota.

This is sad.

I grew up in St. Paul, and yeah, not a lot of black people, but I encountered almost no racism while growing up there. My best friend had a white mother and black father, I was blessed that both our parents thought it was healthy, normal, and good for us.


Lets not exaggerated things. The hate between Hispanics and Blacks in Milwaukee was mainly due to gang violence that was going on in the early to mid 90's. Since there barely are any gangs anymore, that stuff has gone all away. Drive through the south side now and you'll see plenty of blacks living there.

You wanna talk real hardcore racial hatred in south eastern Wisconsin then that's easy. There is a county called Waukesha that along with housing hardcore republicans it also happens to be hardcore racist too. But something tells me you already knew that.

You should leave the east side every now and then.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Hey I'm gonna be in Washington State tomorrow, how's my racism forecast looking?

Better than most. I can say that safely as a middle class white man who has never been racially harassed.

But it's like anywhere in America, you just drive left or right 'til the radio stations turn to country, Jesus and Mariachi.


Better than most. I can say that safely as a middle class white man who has never been racially harassed.

But it's like anywhere in America, you just drive left or right 'til the radio stations turn to country, Jesus and Mariachi.

So then sunny with a slight chance of bigot?
I grew up in the middle of Iowa and now live in the Milwaukee area. Back home I didn't notice much racism in the family, but with my wifes family, who lives in the area, I can't believe the things I hear coming out of their mouths sometimes. Some of my friends in the area too.

I chuckled to myself when I saw the community I now live in under the Wikipedia entry for White Flight.


This is a big deal. Dems have quite a potent political machine in Ohio and will be able to exploit this

Plus this kind of negates some of the voting hour cuts republicans have used in urban areas
The ruling is important on principle. Expanding voting access should be regarded as a normative good. And every attempt to disenfranchise should be immediately contested. Still, you're exaggerating the practical effect of this particular ruling. If the Democrats' estimate is accurate, approximately 90,000 people voted on those three days in 2008. Moreover, although early voting in Ohio probably benefits Democrats, the difference is modest. As this analysis indicates, early voters are more likely to be women and of lower educational achievement and income. Yet they also trend towards seniors. Overall, this probably benefits Democrats. But I doubt it even approaches tipping the state.
it wasn't bad, it just wasn't good
This has been our refrain for too long.
How did TA get got? I looked at his recent post history, and I'm just confused.
He mentioned leaving GAF recently. I suppose he bowed out.
After watching the Republican Convention last night, Obama has the presidency in the bag.
Romney may get a little bounce but that little bounce will fade.

I don't think it is in the bag but Obama has a very high probability of winning. It is going to take a nasty October surprise, a scandal, some real melt-down for Obama to win.

It will be close no matter what, there is no landslide. Obama could get a solid win but if Romney wins, it will be a 50.1% squeaker.
That's awesome. It brings back something Ohio Republicans were deathly afraid of: black people going directly from church to the voting booth.

Churches aren't supposed to directly endorse candidates, right? I know white evangelical churches violate this all the time. Do black churches?

Even here and now in Baton Rouge I hear it a good bit, but less frequently. The first day I met my neighbor he told me he left Alexandria because there were too many N* there. We live in a mixed neighborhood so he had to literally look left and right to make sure nobody could hear him. That was two years ago.

I will never understand why racists think it's okay to just start spouting this shit to strangers, as if they are like-minded. The things people have said to me in checkout lines, or meeting for the first time, etc. is mind-boggling. I always assume everyone is a church-going conservative and don't say anything to rock that boat until I know otherwise or am comfortable with them.
Karl Rove is just evil. He is not evil because he is a conservative . . . he is evil because he is just a fucking Machiavellian scum-bag. The guy had a gay dad yet he ran the 2004 campaign on gay demonization. Rove is an atheist as far as I can tell but he pushes the Christian-Right bullshit just for votes.

Rove quipped to the audience: "We should sink Todd Akin. If he's found mysteriously murdered, don't look for my whereabouts!"

I think the guy has psychological issues. Gay dad and mom that committed suicide. And he's a tubby baby-faced guy that probably got bullied growing up. So he seems like he has lived his life in a big "FUCK YOU" to everyone on the planet.


Karl Rove is just evil. He is not evil because he is a conservative . . . he is evil because he is just a fucking Machiavellian scum-bag. The guy had a gay dad yet he ran the 2004 campaign on gay demonization. Rove is an atheist as far as I can tell but he pushes the Christian-Right bullshit just for votes.


I think the guy has psychological issues. Gay dad and mom that committed suicide. And he's a tubby-baby faced guy that probably got bullied growing up. So he seems like he has lived his live in a big "FUCK YOU" to everyone on the planet.
Wow. What a piece of shit.


Better than most. I can say that safely as a middle class white man who has never been racially harassed.

But it's like anywhere in America, you just drive left or right 'til the radio stations turn to country, Jesus and Mariachi.

As someone that has spent most of his life on the East of Washington this seems about right (Live in Tacoma now). West of the Cascades Washington is fairly racist tame to me, you get some small pockets but for the most part it seems most people get along with each other pretty well even in some pockets of conservative districts. Outer regions of Spokane in Eastern Washington and into the Panhandle though..., let me put it this way downtown Spokane/some parts of the Spokane Valley has a lot of subtle/political racism people you see on TV (Heavy tea party groups), but get right outside of the cities and it becomes much more dicey, we still have large remnants of the Idaho Panhandle white supremacist movements that congregated. The guy that tried to use a backpack bomb to blow up during a martin Luther day parade was from just north of Spokane in a small town.


You should leave the east side every now and then.

Hahaha, knew this was coming. Its funny since I grew up on S 3rd St for basically a majority of my life (south side). Or how about that my parents still live there and i'm basically down there every other day. Or how about that I look black but actually am fully fluent in Spanish and could easily understand what the majority Mexican population where saying without them knowing I was actually understanding them. Guess was!? Almost never did they say anything about the dreaded "blacks". I may live in the East side know but that hardly means I don't know what i'm talking about. By the way, Mexican fiesta was great! Me and the tons of Mexicans and black people that attended it would have to agree (no incidents either!!!) Got any more short sighted things to say Eznark?


Professional Schmuck
Romney may get a little bounce but that little bounce will fade.

I don't think it is in the bag but Obama has a very high probability of winning. It is going to take a nasty October surprise, a scandal, some real melt-down for Obama to win.

It will be close no matter what, there is no landslide. Obama could get a solid win but if Romney wins, it will be a 50.1% squeaker.

320+ is a landslide, isn't it? I think he'll get close.


I'm basically in Kentucky and cannot remember the last time I heard someone so casually drop a "nigger." I'm always kind of shocked how less racist it seems to me than Boston.

Nothing will ever top south side Hispanics v. north side African Americans in Milwaukee. That is some hard core racial hatred.

Really? That's pretty terrible. I've lived around Milwaukee for a while, and seeing just how segregated the city is sucks.

And yeah I've not heard anyone casually drop that word in a long time. My extended family sometimes toes the line on what they say, but they never go that far at all. My dad in particular is rather paranoid sometimes, and says some questionable things. He's especially that way when he ventures into Milwaukee proper. When I lived in the city he always had to get out before sun down, which struck me as kind of hilarious because he's a big tough biker. I guess I can't blame him as much, since he "vacationed" a lot while he was little at an aunt's house right in the middle of Milwaukee during the race riots. They'd close all the windows of the house, but he'd go up to the attic and look out the window at what was going on.
I sometimes wonder how people here get along with others in the real world.

Do you only hang out with liberals and or conservatives?
I bar hop alot and will talk to anybody regardless of politics. My friends are a range of mostly liberal types with a few hardcore religious fundamentalists. We get along fine, because we all love to argue ;P
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