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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Geez, is everyone in here giving up?

Is this to be considered what the Democratic base as a whole looks like right now?

Hillary/Biden/Obama for VP if there's a 269 split? Biden 2016? Really?

There's two debates left. If Obama can stop the bleeding I think he'll win, even if it's narrow. I'm super worried, but not totally giving up yet.

For me personally, I just can't get the first debate out of my head. It gets worse every time I think about it. Has to be the single worst thing someone trying to get re-elected has done for hurting their chances. But I'm not gonna give up, not just yet. There are two debates left and the media loves an underdog.
One of the biggest fascinations I have is how the Tea Party will react to Romney's governing, given he's in office. Romney's going to have make some concessions, and the Tea Party have always made clear they are not fans of that. We'll see if it was about principles or about Obama in particular. I think most here would agree with me, it's the latter.

I really don't see "Government" shrinking in any meaningful way.

Are many of these people going to go from criticizing everything to defending everything? Many of our policies will stay the same, or stay similar enough to not warrant any kind of real comment. They built their movement on opposing every facet of government, so it'll be interesting to see if they can criticize someone they voted for if they keep many of the same policies going.

Concessions? What concessions? If Romney wins, Republicans will almost assuredly control Congress.

Considering how batshit insane they are right now....


will gain confidence one day
Geez, is everyone in here giving up?

Is this to be considered what the Democratic base as a whole looks like right now?

Hillary/Biden/Obama for VP if there's a 269 split? Biden 2016? Really?

I'm looking forward to Julian Castro personally. Fox News will be glorious.
Geez, is everyone in here giving up?

Is this to be considered what the Democratic base as a whole looks like right now?

Hillary/Biden/Obama for VP if there's a 269 split? Biden 2016? Really?

There's two debates left. If Obama can stop the bleeding I think he'll win, even if it's narrow. I'm super worried, but not totally giving up yet.

I was looking how much a one way ticket to Canada costs.
Geez, is everyone in here giving up?

Is this to be considered what the Democratic base as a whole looks like right now?

Hillary/Biden/Obama for VP if there's a 269 split? Biden 2016? Really?

There's two debates left. If Obama can stop the bleeding I think he'll win, even if it's narrow. I'm super worried, but not totally giving up yet.


EDIT: I really don't think you can so easily discount the "I'm moving" viewpoint. Anything related to female reproductive rights, Planned Parenthood, gay marriage rights, health insurance, and separation of church and state could provide many with legitimate reasons to move.
Serious question:

How many of you would move out of the U.S. if Romney wins?

If I wasn't tied to the States, I would most certainly do it. Escape the austerity menace before it hits.

I've seen this type of campaign before from Republicans. The solution always involves cuts.

If the PPACA is repealed and there is no longer any insurance protection for people with pre-existing conditions I will leave. I don't want to live in a country that doesn't give a damn about people that aren't perfectly healthy.


if obama doesn't win in 2012, i want to see him try in 2024.
You have got to be kidding me.

That's a losing strategy. He would only be entitled to one more term and the party isn't going to nominate someone who could not get re-elected, who previously lost his re-election bid. By 2024 if the Democrats don't have someone else to inspire the base the party will be in terrible shape.


I'm not at the point yet where I think Obama will lose.

However, if the American people actually let themselves get hoodwinked by Romney entirely on the basis of a good debate, they deserve whatever comes of his presidency.

The rest of the world doesn't.


This thread is too much for me, I'm out... Until next week when Obama destroys Romney like he should have the first time. I expect things will look much different around here.
Serious question:

How many of you would move out of the U.S. if Romney wins?

If I wasn't tied to the States, I would most certainly do it. Escape the austerity menace before it hits.

I've seen this type of campaign before from Republicans. The solution always involves cuts.

Of course not. I love my country.

The economy will improve, meaning more jobs. It would be foolish to leave. Romney is not going to destroy the country
If Romney wins this, PD is forever to be crowned King of PoliGAF. None of his other blatantly wrong predictions will other matter again, for he will have called the race that absolutely nobody else in their right mind would have predicted...
Meh. I've been saying it was a pretty even race way back. More recently I said Obama had it pretty much sewn up except if something big happened. Romney's debate performance and massive etch-a-sketch shake-up was pretty big. But at best Romney might just win in a squeaker if Obama doesn't man up in the next 2 debates. But Romney's flip-flops are getting circulated and facade is cracking.


So 2008 was your first election that you really paid attention to? Certainly it was the first time you could vote for a Pres.

I started tuning in around 2000, and in 2004 I became pretty engaged since I could finally vote.

The uncertainty in the polls and such we are seeing right now is pretty insane. I certainly haven't seen anything quite like this before. We all know it was going to tighten, but not at such an alarming rate. This is the craziest election cycle ever, even more than 2004. And, hell, even more than 2000.

Of course not. I love my country.

The economy will improve, meaning more jobs. It would be foolish to leave. Romney is not going to destroy the country
Democrats will be in the dumps for many years if Romney wins.

Mitt will kill health care, financial regulations, stir the pot in the middle east (at the very least), kill net neutrality, appoint enough SCOTUS justices to officially take us back to the 20's and invalidate Roe v. Wade, make the Bush tax cuts look liberal, and potentially take credit for a recovery that Obama would deserve most of the credit for. It would be a nightmare.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Geez, is everyone in here giving up?

Is this to be considered what the Democratic base as a whole looks like right now?

Hillary/Biden/Obama for VP if there's a 269 split? Biden 2016? Really?

There's two debates left. If Obama can stop the bleeding I think he'll win, even if it's narrow. I'm super worried, but not totally giving up yet.

For me personally, I just can't get the first debate out of my head. It gets worse every time I think about it. Has to be the single worst thing someone trying to get re-elected has done for hurting their chances. But I'm not gonna give up, not just yet. There are two debates left and the media loves an underdog.

When Diablos is the voice of reason, something has gone terribly wrong in poligaf. The polls will start a slow arduous turn by Monday and creep away further from Romney, inch by inch, until election, it's as simple as that.


So 2008 was your first election that you really paid attention to? Certainly it was the first time you could vote for a Pres.

I started tuning in around 2000, and in 2004 I became pretty engaged since I could finally vote.

The uncertainty in the polls and such we are seeing right now is pretty insane. I certainly haven't seen anything quite like this before. We all know it was going to tighten, but not at such an alarming rate. This is the craziest election cycle ever, even more than 2004. And, hell, even more than 2000.
Yes that is correct.

I am not worry about anything Ohio is the key and its looking good I say.
Obama needs to finally hit back hard on taxes. This is what I'd do if I was him in the debate.

"Look, what we have here is an important choice when it comes to taxes and our economy. Let's look at the governor's plan. He said he wants to cut marginal rates across the board by 20%, repeal the AMT and estate taxes among others. All of this is worth $5 trillion over 10 years. To pay for this, he is claiming he will reduce deductions on the wealthy.

But there's a problem here. A big problem. There aren't $5 trillion worth of deductions on the wealthy. That's simply a fact. And the Governor claims there are 6 studies that back him up, but that too is not true. A few of those studies are blogs and op-eds by members of his own economic team. Another completely ignores half of his tax plan. There's one study that tries to make his case but it says two things must be true for his tax plan to work.

The first it says is that it must have enormous growth in the economy to work, growth that we've never seen from tax cuts. The second thing it tells us is that he must raise taxes on people and small businesses the governor has promised not to remove deductions from. The study says it must raise taxes on those the Governor calls middle class. This is simply a fact. He may claim otherwise, but everyone can read this study and see that it does in fact say he must.

Now, this is why this is so important. 12 years ago we were given 3 promises. These promises were large tax cuts that mostly went to the wealthy, unfounded economic growth, and laxing of regulation. And we did all three of those things. And the result was a tax cut that doubled our debt and took us from surpluses to deficits and left my administration with over one trillion in deficit before I stepped foot into office. It left us with the weakest economic growth, investment growth, and job growth of the post WWII era. It left us with a financial disaster that cratered the economy, wiped out the wealth of the middle class, and pushed us to the brink that only our American resolve could withstand.

Now today on this stage the Governor is promising 3 things. A large tax cut that mostly goes to the wealthy, unfounded economic growth, and a laxing of regulation. The governor stands here claiming these are new ideas. But make no mistake, these are not new ideas. These are the exact same idea of the Bush administration that created the mess we're in. These are the same promises of the Bush administration that failed to live up to those promises. Most of the governor's economic policy team are made of of former Bush economic advisers.

And that's a large part of what this election is about. Are the American people going to take a doubling down of the Bush Economic policy as serious? because I don't believe this is a serious solution to serious problems. And what we need right now are serious solutions to these problems, not old and tired solutions that created more problems than answers.

Now, what I've put forth are serious solutions. A jobs bill that would help build up our infrastructure for our eroding roads and bridges and our failing pipelines. A veteran's job bill to help our brave service men and women as they come home. A deficit reduction plan of $4 trillion over 10 years. Asking those who are very well off to pay the same rates they paid during the successful Clinton years before the Bush Economic policies wiped out all our gains so to help all Americans as we are on the road to recover. These are ideas that will push us forward, not backward. That will stimulate growth and reduce of debt payments.

And one last point I'd like to make. The Governor made over $20 million last year according to his taxes but paid just 14% in total federal taxes. That is less than many middle class families pay right now. Middle class families that are struggling and yet pay more in taxes than someone who earned $20 million. When pressed about this on 60 minutes, the Governor said he thought this was fair. That is was fair for him to pay less than you. Under Congressman Ryan's proposal in the House, the governor would have paid less than 1% in federal taxes last year, a proposal the Governor supported. But today he is on this stage claiming he will make sure to close deductions for the very wealthy like himself. He won't tell us which deductions he'd cut, not a single one, but we should trust him, that he'll work it out with Congress.

Now, this is the choice we have to make. Are we going to entrust our tax policy to the Governor who claims he will cut deductions that he has abused for years? Who has stored his money in off-shore accounts? Who supported a plan just last year that would reduce his total federal taxes to 1%? Who supports repeated the exact same played out economic policy of the Bush Administration that put us in this hole?

Are we going to take his plans seriously or are we going to actually move forward as a nation?"

A Florida chapter of the pro-gay Log Cabin Republicans has published an attack ad against the Obama administration that prominently features a picture of slain Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in an attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya last month. Accompanying the picture is the claim that the President refuses to protect gay and gay friendly Americans against “Islamic radicalism

Funded by the Broward County Log Cabin Republicans, the ad calls for LGBT voters to support the Republican Party because of its support for Israel. Israel, according to the flyer, is the “one beacon of hope in the Middle East protecting our communities human rights.” The ad further insinuates that President Obama will impose sharia law on the United States in a second term. The full ad as published in the Florida Agenda, an LBGT newspaper (see right photo).

In making its assertions, the ad perpetuates two rumors surrounding the death of Stevens. The first, that the group shown in the picture was proudly dragging his body through the streets, has been roundly debunked. Translated video of the moments captured in the picture shows that the group was taking the Ambassador to the hospital for treatment. The second is that Stevens was himself gay, an unsubstantiated claim that right-wing blogs have seized on to claim that the Obama administration “needlessly enraged the passions of protesters” in the Middle East.
Pro-gay groups from both parties have condemned the ad. The National Stonewall Democrats released the following statement:

The Log Cabin Republicans of Florida have cravenly disrespected the life and legacy of a United States civil servant with this ad. Put bluntly, they have crossed the line of civil discourse and good taste by including an image of the corpse of slain US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens being carried through the streets of Benghazi, Libya. …

It is simply unimaginable to me how any political message, let alone the muddy and ludicrous message of this ad, in any way justifies disgracing the memory of a man who gave his life in service to his country. This level of depravity and moral indifference must not be allowed to enter our political discourse.
The Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans also denounced the ad’s contents as “fallacious, simple minded and irresponsible.

I hate this party so fucking much.
When Diablos is the voice of reason, something has gone terribly wrong in poligaf. The polls will start a slow arduous turn by Monday and creep away further from Romney, inch by inch, until election, it's as simple as that.

I'm just playing around with doom and gloomers. I see that Gaf has now broken into two schisms: panick (Diablos gaf) and calm (Black mamba gaf).

Team black mamba, bitches.


Once Monday rolls around Biden's joementum will be quashed by the box-office record-setting opening weekend for Atlas Shrugged PT2.
Once Monday rolls around Biden's joementum will be quashed by the box-office record-setting opening weekend for Atlas Shrugged PT2.
They've been advertising it a lot on the radio, but just as "Atlas Shrugged". I was surprised, looking into it on IMDb, that it was actually a sequel.
When Diablos is the voice of reason, something has gone terribly wrong in poligaf. The polls will start a slow arduous turn by Monday and creep away further from Romney, inch by inch, until election, it's as simple as that.

what makes you so sure? I seriously hope you are right. But I will freely admit that I am in Chicken Little mode right now. The polls are on the verge of giving me a stroke.
heads up Diablos - I still think Obama will win. However the fact that we're resorting to "He's winning Iowa and Ohio! Four more years!" is troubling compared to where we were before the debate. A win is a win but I hate uncertainty.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
It's hilarious that people see Romney now as more likeable after tr debate. If half the country had half a mind, Romney would be seen as LESS likeable after lying through his teeth.

While on that subject, what does the Book of Mormon say about lying for personal gain?

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
Christ, CNN is such a joke. "Everyone's Post-Debate Spin: We Won"

The network as a whole encapsulates how "objectivity" is killing real journalism


I am scared for this thread when Romney crosses the stream on 538's popular vote prediction, bound to happen by early next week.


what makes you so sure? I seriously hope you are right. But I will freely admit that I am in Chicken Little mode right now. The polls are on the verge of giving me a stroke.
When the polls tighten this much there is enough reason for chicken little, but it does confirm some of my greatest fears about this President and how he the electorate tends to not give a damn about him for whatever reason.

Now if you look at the TPM averages there is evidence that this is finally flatlining:


But a slew of polls that show Mitt making gains, even if minimal, once more can make that go back to plummeting.

Fingers crossed.


Nope normal gaf panic.
Pretty much.

When Ohio shows signs of cracking and when Obama's huge ground game advantage dissipates, then I'll start to get jittery. It isn't looking as pretty as a few weeks ago, but the job will still get done.

Looking forward to that PPP Ohio poll tomorrow. If it's four more with Obama at or above 50, I'm going to laugh like a loon.
I would be up for e-mail bombing the Obama campaign with this post.

Their own writers would clean it up, of course.

I didn't even mention the $2 trillion military and allude it to Iraq (same promise again) since I thought it would make it too long.

I really just think Obama needs to align Romney's policies with Bush's and the electorate will come back to him decisively. He just has to make it clear that it's the same policy. Right now, people are starting to go "hm, maybe Romney does have some new ideas to push us."
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