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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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The now-cast in particular makes me feel nauseous.


It's going to get worse with the polls out today
No way. The delay proves it. After a day of getting trounced people believed it. Sure there be a small initial bounce but without the narrative the people leanin Obama would firmly stay here

That is simply not true. The immediate debate snap polls that came out that night showed Obama lost decisively. 68 million people watched, more than both conventions combined. The response was unanimous even without a media freakout. People saw Obama get owned while Romney looked like the actual president.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
If Romney wins this, PD is forever to be crowned King of PoliGAF. None of his other blatantly wrong predictions will other matter again, for he will have called the race that absolutely nobody else in their right mind would have predicted...
Obama needs to admit that its over, steep aside and let Biden run

Morning Joe was commenting how last night was the first time they had seen well known Dems on Twitter saying Biden 2016.

That is popular vote, not electoral college.

Yeah, I would still bet on Obama winning if the election were held today, but even when we look at history, I think we get fooled how sometimes seemingly close races end up being a "wave" election where one candidate just pulls away and states start falling all over the map (I guess I'm thinking more Reagan/Carter than anything). The jobs numbers that have come out have certainly ticked in the right direction for Obama, but Romney still has the momentum.
Tomorrow's polls aren't going to be a hell of a lot different, though I'd be happy to be wrong. I'm glad Biden did well but I just don't think the VP debate is going to move things much.

I think a lot of Obama's commanding lead pre-debate was probably ephemeral, and there were very few scenarios where the lead was going to grow or even remain the same after the first debate, including an Obama "win". So I do wonder how much of this contraction was inevitable after Romney looking at least competent in a debate (which was very likely) and how much was self-inflicted damage from a listless Obama performance.


That is some revisionism. Look back through this thread, try and find some pre-debate articles. Even the day of the election CNN devoted lots of time into how awesome Ryan is, how young, and energies, how he has been carrying a heavy briefcase with him full if debate material, how he had been practicing since he was chosen, he he is a policy wonk and incredible with numbers. Meanwhile, the little they talked about Biden was usually to mention how he lost to Palin in '08

Let me rephrase. Everybody on here. Of course I don't think Fox News or CNN are going to declare someone a winner before the debate. It doesn't make sense for them to do so.
So, it went O-1, O-5, O-1, O+1?

Did they only interview one person on that O-5 day and it was Jack Welch, maybe?
Their numbers are still nuts. Over 40% weighted as conservatives. With more realistic weights their model would be showing a big Obama lead.

Still a trash poll on all accounts. Obama with a huge lead also not realistic


If these numbers are to believed, it just goes to show how soft Obama's support was prior to the 1st debate. If one bad debate performance is enough to flip an election from being a semi-comfortable lead into a tie or being slightly down then people clearly didn't have much conviction in preferring Obama up until that point.

I think it shows that an unfortunate percentage of the voting population is open to or actively looking for a reason not to vote for Obama. All Romney had to do was show up and look fit for the job and display more passion. He did that at the debates and that was enough to swing things around.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I'm just amazed at how fragile Obama's lead was. I've been so confident for months and then it all just went away in no time. I still think things will turn around, and that the longer people are exposed to Romney, the more they dislike him, but goddamn. I didn't expect it to be close at this point.


Entertaining the thought of a 269-269 tie (not that I ever think it'd happen)- Let's say Romney wins and Democrats select Hillary to be VP (doesn't really matter who they pick here). What happens during 2016 elections? Do they go back to running on separate tickets? Dems have to pick a new Presidential candidate and Reps have to pick a new VP candidate? Seems like a big clusterfuck.
I'm just amazed at how fragile Obama's lead was. I've been so confident for months and then it all just went away in no time. I still think things will turn around, and that the longer people are exposed to Romney, the more they dislike him, but goddamn. I didn't expect it to be close at this point.

Yeah, like I said earlier the polls are just bizarre to me now, even if it bounces back in Obama's favor. I expected about half the tightening of the race post-debate than we actually got. It seems like a LOT of unenthused Republican voters were dying to see a "debate smackdown" from Romney.


Agree its the same crap over and over.
I think it's because this is the last thing anyone expected at this point. No one ever imagined the first debate would go down like it did, nor was anyone prepared for the aftermath.

This is truly like a bad dream, this is the worst October ever.
Tomorrow's polls aren't going to be a hell of a lot different, though I'd be happy to be wrong. I'm glad Biden did well but I just don't think the VP debate is going to move things much.

I think a lot of Obama's commanding lead pre-debate was probably ephemeral, and there were very few scenarios where the lead was going to grow or even remain the same after the first debate, including an Obama "win". So I do wonder how much of this contraction was inevitable after Romney looking at least competent in a debate (which was very likely) and how much was self-inflicted damage from a listless Obama performance.

As I've said before, Obama's big pre-debate margins were due to a couple things, alongside the obvious stuff (47%, conventions, slowly improving economy, etc)

1) His opponent was seen as unacceptable to most Americans
2) Republican leaning independents were sidelined due to Romney being a bad candidate

The debate changed both. Now Romney's favorables are in the high 40s - he's still seen overall unfavorable, but he has seen quite an increase. Also his performance moved ashamed conservatives out of the independent column and into the republican column - something that hadn't happened for quite some time. We're seeing party ID tighten not because independents magically said "I'm a republican now!" - it's because a few are coming home to the GOP, and other true independents were swayed by Romney's performance.

The fact that Romney could call half the country moochers and lead in the polls a month later tells me that Obama's lead simply was not substantial - it was brittle, as Nate Silver said. Voters wanted an actual choice election, but instead were reserved to voting for Obama because the other guy was so bad. Well now Obama looks shaky and the other guy has completely rebounded. Romney can close the deal by continuing to harp on Obama's promises. He's still promising stuff he promised four years ago.(tax breaks for jobs that keep jobs here, immigration reform, green jobs, etc). In 1996, Clinton opened his debates by saying "I said I was going to get x accomplished, and we did it even better. I said we'd get y accomplished, and we got y accomplished even better. etc." That's how incumbents win, by reminding voters they got the job done. Obama has certainly gotten us out of an economic ditch, but voters don't seem impressed, and he struggles to sell that as an accomplishment.


Yeah, like I said earlier the polls are just bizarre to me now, even if it bounces back in Obama's favor. I expected about half the tightening of the race post-debate than we actually got. It seems like a LOT of unenthused Republican voters were dying to see a "debate smackdown" from Romney.

It was a combo of unenthusiastic Republicans getting fired up, which was going to happen no matter what during the first debate, and Democratic voters losing their lunch a little from Obama's poor performance. The former might remain, but the latter will taper off and we'll get back to a 2-3 point lead for Obama nationally before election day. Everyone needs to calm down.


Looks like America will vote for Romney.

You guys didn't learn anything from W and thrive on destruction of the world and your own economy

Mitt is invading Syria and will be giving Israel the go ahead to attack Iran for giggles.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
You are incorrect about this. Nearly everyone, myself included, was saying that Biden was going to come out swinging and win the debate. You might have gone to a Bizarro Gaf or were talking to Kosmo.

I'd like to see these posts, because from what I remember people were saying the opposite, which is why I made the post with an old clip of Biden debating and told people not to sleep on him.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Are you kidding me? Talk about revisionism.

Can you point to a page in this thread where people were saying this? Maybe I missed it, but I distinctly remember seeing people say that if he comes out swinging he will look like an old man scolding a child, and that people hoped he wouldn't make many gaffes.


Diablos and PD are the main ones posting and Black Mamba seems to have disappeared in the past page or so, so of course it is.
I'm noticing more of a back-and-forth of optimism and pessimism, not "chicken little-ing". Admit it, this is getting tighter than anyone anticipated and we don't know exactly where it's going to land right now.

The question now is if Obama can at least negate his first debate performance (or lack thereof). There's going to be a lot riding on it.

Romney has probably practiced for Tuesday like 500 times in his sleep by now, heh.


I'm just amazed at how fragile Obama's lead was. I've been so confident for months and then it all just went away in no time. I still think things will turn around, and that the longer people are exposed to Romney, the more they dislike him, but goddamn. I didn't expect it to be close at this point.
He had been polling above expectations since the convention. Remember, his numbers were receding even prior to the debate. So there's seems to be a natural correction occurring. However, the simultaneity of the debate with the correction has agitated everyone. So I've chosen to ignore the fluctuations because fixating on noise is fruitless. Obama's modest economic advantage and superior organization will prove insurmountable.


Can you point to a page in this thread where people were saying this? Maybe I missed it, but I distinctly remember seeing people say that if he comes out swinging he will look like an old man scolding a child, and that people hoped he wouldn't make many gaffes.

Might have to remind me in a bit. I have a five page paper due in a few hours. Not a huge deal; just medical ethics- but gonna soak up some time.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think the clear solution to this is have Bill Clinton come out in an Obama costume at the next debate.

Election locked up.
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