The now-cast in particular makes me feel nauseous.
Can we just fast forward to tomorrow's polls already.
I can't stand all this chicken littleing.
Such a sharp decline. Please don't turn into a plummet.
No way. The delay proves it. After a day of getting trounced people believed it. Sure there be a small initial bounce but without the narrative the people leanin Obama would firmly stay here
How do we know tomorrow's polls are going to be any better? :lolCan we just fast forward to tomorrow's polls already.
I can't stand all this chicken littleing.
Could they pick someone else?
The now-cast in particular makes me feel nauseous.
Obama needs to admit that its over, steep aside and let Biden run
That is popular vote, not electoral college.
Morning Joe was commenting how last night was the first time they had seen well known Dems on Twitter saying Biden 2016.
I was wondering this too. Do they have to select the Dem VP nominee? Could they actually select Obama (oh man, the shit that would go down with that)?
That is some revisionism. Look back through this thread, try and find some pre-debate articles. Even the day of the election CNN devoted lots of time into how awesome Ryan is, how young, and energies, how he has been carrying a heavy briefcase with him full if debate material, how he had been practicing since he was chosen, he he is a policy wonk and incredible with numbers. Meanwhile, the little they talked about Biden was usually to mention how he lost to Palin in '08
Their numbers are still nuts. Over 40% weighted as conservatives. With more realistic weights their model would be showing a big Obama lead.So, it went O-1, O-5, O-1, O+1?
Did they only interview one person on that O-5 day and it was Jack Welch, maybe?
Yes very trash poll lol.Their numbers are still nuts. Over 40% weighted as conservatives. With more realistic weights their model would be showing a big Obama lead.
Still a trash poll on all accounts. Obama with a huge lead also not realistic
Uhh... you don't want the popular vote to be that close. Ever.That is popular vote, not electoral college.
Writing off Bams already? It's that bad?Obama is done, I was thinking Hillary
Let me rephrase. Everybody on here. Of course I don't think Fox News or CNN are going to declare someone a winner before the debate. It doesn't make sense for them to do so.
Agree its the same crap over and over.Ugh. Obama needs to win already. I'm tired of hearing all this bullshit.
I'm just amazed at how fragile Obama's lead was. I've been so confident for months and then it all just went away in no time. I still think things will turn around, and that the longer people are exposed to Romney, the more they dislike him, but goddamn. I didn't expect it to be close at this point.
I think it's because this is the last thing anyone expected at this point. No one ever imagined the first debate would go down like it did, nor was anyone prepared for the aftermath.Agree its the same crap over and over.
Are you kidding me? Talk about revisionism.Nobody on here. And if there was someone, they were likely mocked.
Nobody on here. And if there was someone, they were likely mocked.
In the event of a tie, the House decides the president and the Senate decides the Vice President.
Romney-Biden everybody!
Sounds like the makings of a great sitcom.Their greetings at the SOTU addresses would be great.
Romney: "You're probably not used to sitting next to a white guy."
Biden: "Get bent, asshole."
I mean, I can't imagine they'd do much else together.
Tomorrow's polls aren't going to be a hell of a lot different, though I'd be happy to be wrong. I'm glad Biden did well but I just don't think the VP debate is going to move things much.
I think a lot of Obama's commanding lead pre-debate was probably ephemeral, and there were very few scenarios where the lead was going to grow or even remain the same after the first debate, including an Obama "win". So I do wonder how much of this contraction was inevitable after Romney looking at least competent in a debate (which was very likely) and how much was self-inflicted damage from a listless Obama performance.
I hope this is just chicken little Poli-GAF.
Yeah, like I said earlier the polls are just bizarre to me now, even if it bounces back in Obama's favor. I expected about half the tightening of the race post-debate than we actually got. It seems like a LOT of unenthused Republican voters were dying to see a "debate smackdown" from Romney.
You are incorrect about this. Nearly everyone, myself included, was saying that Biden was going to come out swinging and win the debate. You might have gone to a Bizarro Gaf or were talking to Kosmo.
Are you kidding me? Talk about revisionism.
I'd like to see these posts, because from what I remember people were saying the opposite, which is why I made the post with an old clip of Biden debating and told people not to sleep on him.
I'm noticing more of a back-and-forth of optimism and pessimism, not "chicken little-ing". Admit it, this is getting tighter than anyone anticipated and we don't know exactly where it's going to land right now.Diablos and PD are the main ones posting and Black Mamba seems to have disappeared in the past page or so, so of course it is.
Think mainline-OT was saying Biden was a lightweight more than this thread
He had been polling above expectations since the convention. Remember, his numbers were receding even prior to the debate. So there's seems to be a natural correction occurring. However, the simultaneity of the debate with the correction has agitated everyone. So I've chosen to ignore the fluctuations because fixating on noise is fruitless. Obama's modest economic advantage and superior organization will prove insurmountable.I'm just amazed at how fragile Obama's lead was. I've been so confident for months and then it all just went away in no time. I still think things will turn around, and that the longer people are exposed to Romney, the more they dislike him, but goddamn. I didn't expect it to be close at this point.
Can you point to a page in this thread where people were saying this? Maybe I missed it, but I distinctly remember seeing people say that if he comes out swinging he will look like an old man scolding a child, and that people hoped he wouldn't make many gaffes.
Ohio will be too close to call and eventually fall to Romney
I'm noticing more of a back-and-forth of optimism and pessimism, not "chicken little-ing".
If he takes OH I think he'll get NH too, but yeah, that's close to what a losing map looks like, fo 'sho.My final map:
Romney: 275
Obama: 263
Ohio will be too close to call and eventually fall to Romney, by hook or crook
My final map:
Romney: 275
Obama: 263
Ohio will be too close to call and eventually fall to Romney, by hook or crook
And I'll make it into Harvard Law