WTF Obama introduce nuance.
We can't be just one sided with Israel. POINT THIS OUT. POINT THIS OUT!
WTF Obama introduce nuance.
We can't be just one sided with Israel. POINT THIS OUT. POINT THIS OUT!
Chuck Todd's a fucking idiot:
"POTUS is consistently trying to draw Romney into a more contentious debate. It's what challengers do who think they are behind."
Everyone thought Schieffer would learn from the women.I thought we learned from Lehrer.
My god, this is an EVISCERATION.
And he just got SHUT DOWN by the moderator. My God. Withering.
Palestine in reference to getting OBL critical damage.
Why we got two milquetoast dudes for moderators and the women have to carry all the water in terms of real debate?
We need a Jon Stewart moderated debate. Would be GOLD.
BO is really on the defense tonight.
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I yearn for the day when a presidential candidate will actually admit and press the American people to come to terms with our ugly history of propping up dictators for our own selfish goals. It's impossible to understand things like the Arab Spring without acknowledging the history of US involvement in the area.
One day citizens will understand that people don't hate America for our freedom, but because of what we've done to them. Having our entire populace remain ignorant of our bloody history only serves to reinvigorate that anger.
BO is really on the defense tonight.
BO is really on the defense tonight.
dat breast cancer awareness bracelet
BO is really on the defense tonight.
Can't wait to see the absurd snap polls from CNN and ABC showing it as a tie despite even CNN's normally right leaning "undecideds" flatlining when Romney answers
remember guys, obama is currently winning in the polls and only really needs a tie to maintain status quo.
so the fact that he is winning is just icing on the cake, and media spin calling it a tie won't really hurt him. mitt is the one that needs a game changer here.