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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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stuff like what went down in texas made me remember why i love and hate politics. it's so exciting when people make their voices heard and stand up for what's right (in this case, not whether you're pro-life or pro-choice, but letting the god damn rules play out as they should), and so frustrating when the bad guys try to do shady shit.

i know it happens all the time outside of the big elections too, but it's just too stressful to keep up with all the time.
stuff like what went down in texas made me remember why i love and hate politics. it's so exciting when people make their voices heard and stand up for what's right (in this case, not whether you're pro-life or pro-choice, but letting the god damn rules play out as they should), and so frustrating when the bad guys try to do shady shit.

i know it happens all the time outside of the big elections too, but it's just too stressful to keep up with all the time.
Imagine if a Dem-led legislature tried to pull something like this. The media would crucify them.

Instead you have AP covering for the Republicans by saying it passed after consulting exactly one person, the Lt. Gov.


good credit (by proxy)
Is there literally nothing to stop the Texas senate president from completely flouting actual law and rules when presiding?

If he can really do whatever the fuck he wants, what's to stop the presiding officials from these sort of actions like, all the time?


Idunno, I think given the media's bias to sensationalism, Issa manufacturing a false flag scandal to rail against and "expose" is waaaaaaay juicer than the original scandal.

Why do we think this was a false flag op? Seems more likely Issa was trying to weaken Tea Party groups than some elaborate scheme. He just went into opportunity mode when the whole thing came to light.
DOMA 5-4 gone. Yay

Roberts dissenting does not bode well for prop 8 nationally. Fuck.

Kennedy wrote opinion violates 14 equal protection


There is a "careful consideration" standard: In determining whether a law is motivated by improper animus or purpose, discriminations of an unusual character especially require careful consideration. DOMA cannot survive under these principles.
Lol fuck the conservative wing. It's always funny how vigorously they defend property rights and second amendment rights, but don't give two shits about Equal Protection.
We keep waiting for the Republicans to get their comeuppance. Meanwhile, we're getting our asses handed to us in terms of actual policy. It'd be nice to actually turn the corner instead of just waiting for it while minorities and women continue to get fucked.


Needs to be re-quoted for emphasis.

I'm truly happy that it's very likely LGBT rights will take a huge step forward today. I am not happy that, overall, minority rights are getting trampled in the process. I despise the fact that LGBT rights are going to be used as a "screen" to get the public to ignore the VRA decision.


No Scrubs
Lol fuck the conservative wing. It's always funny how vigorously they defend property rights and second amendment rights, but don't give two shits about Equal Protection.

Equal protection can't get you rich.

DOMA's gone, I'm not even gay and I feel great. We managed to do the right thing and it feels good.
Justice Scalia is reading from his dissent right now. The Court's opinion both in explaining its jurisdiction and its decision "both spring from the same diseased root: an exalted notion of the role of this court in American democratic society."
Fuck you Scalia. The nerve you have to say this after what you did yesterday in the vra. Truly no shame.

Hypocritical societal diarreah.

Wow Roberts dissent seems to indicate prop 8 lacks standing coming up. What chickenshits if true.


I feel like this comment from Scalia is somehow contradictory to certain things he said yesterday:
Scalia said:
The Court's opinion both in explaining its jurisdiction and its decision "both spring from the same diseased root: an exalted notion of the role of this court in American democratic society."
Equal protection can't get you rich.

I forgot to mention in my earlier post . . . Conservatives don't give a shit about Equal Protection, unless it can allow them to appoint the President.

Bush v. Gore was decided on EP grounds, it was one of the most strict applications of EP by a wing of the court that never applies it strictly. Can't make this shit up.


No Scrubs
I forgot to mention in my earlier post . . . Conservatives don't give a shit about Equal Protection, unless it can allow them to appoint the President.

Bush v. Gore was decided on EP grounds, it was one of the most strict applications of EP by a wing of the court that never applies it strictly. Can't make this shit up.

The bolded can wind up getting you rich (book tours and speeches that come from the fame) so my point remains.
It seems as though Kennedy believes in above rational basis test for this which means even if they ignore prop 8 case for standing that the next time the court gets it with proper standing, marriage equality will be nation wide.

Edit. We're being trolled by another case before prop 8. Lol
Holy shit prop 8 justice lineup makes no sense

No standing for case. Vacated and remanded.

I don't get it. Ginsberg in majority, Thomas and Kennedy dissent?????

Majority is Roberts with Scalia, Ginsburg, Breyer, and Kagan.

What the fucking fuck.
Holy shit prop 8 justice lineup makes no sense

No standing for case. Vacated and remanded.

I don't get it. Ginsberg in majority, Thomas and Kennedy dissent?????

Them vacating the case essentailly means Prop 8 falls, yes?

Not as good as them going all-out Marriage equality for the nation, but still good news.


Great news with DOMA dead.

Indirectly related, with this ruling, it takes away one of the Republican's excuses of not passing the Immigration bill, since it will no longer need Patrick Leahy's amendment, which many considered it to be a poison pill.


I was just thinking why are supreme court justices appointed for life? I think I read somewhere that because they don't have to run for reelection that that means they can focus more on being impartial or something? Which recently seems like a lode of crap. So whats the deal?
So this was Joe Biden's master plan. He was head of the Senate Judiciary Committee and instrumental in blocking Robert Bork, which lead to Robert Kennedy.


Mike M

Nick N
Why do we think this was a false flag op? Seems more likely Issa was trying to weaken Tea Party groups than some elaborate scheme. He just went into opportunity mode when the whole thing came to light.

Damn you, that makes much more sense and is much less fun.

I frequently forget the TP vs Establishment schism since it seems to just be all teatard all the time in the news...
I was just thinking why are supreme court justices appointed for life? I think I read somewhere that because they don't have to run for reelection that that means they can focus more on being impartial or something? Which recently seems like a lode of crap. So whats the deal?

Not impartial but so they can vote their beliefs without worry. To that end it is right. It's just the beliefs of guys like Scalia suck.
Not in the final years.

Anyone find it odd that on one had private citizens have no standing appealing laws overturned but congress has standing appealing a law overturned that the president won't enforce???

At least Roberts dissent complaining about this is consistent.
The opinion in Prop 8 is troubling, doesn't the fact a person can't defend the initiative (only the state) give the state additional power in a process that is supposed to take power away from the states and give the people power over it?
The opinion in Prop 8 is troubling, doesn't the fact a person can't defend the initiative (only the state) give the state additional power in a process that is supposed to take power away from the states and give the people power over it?

Standing rules in general have been strict since Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife.


No Scrubs
Not in the final years.

Anyone find it odd that on one had private citizens have no standing appealing laws overturned but congress has standing appealing a law overturned that the president won't enforce???

At least Roberts dissent complaining about this is consistent.

I figure they OKed it because Congress had made the law originally.
Boehner on immigration:
THis is no brainer.

Senate bill is absolutely doa in House pretty much every analyst knows it. Boehner is simply making sure no R's going to call him obama's waterboy by trying to prioritize house version of the bill. Ultimately its going to conferencing.
This is the most bipolar Supreme Court in...forever.

How the fuck do you make an awful decision and then LITERALLY the VERY NEXT day move the country 5 steps forward?

Da Fuq?


Salty tears from South Carolina.

Praise the Lord.

Response 1:
The LORD would never approve of this! READ YOUR BIBLE!

There is one lone woman, with a the red quality picture of a man and woman holding hands going about rebutting everyone will bible verses only to be smacked down by other people with bible verses, yet she keeps going.

It's amazing to watch someone blinded by their religion smacked down uses the same tool of worship they cling to and floundering like crazy.
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