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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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The opinion in Prop 8 is troubling, doesn't the fact a person can't defend the initiative (only the state) give the state additional power in a process that is supposed to take power away from the states and give the people power over it?

Wasn't the ruling they made. They said only someone who has experienced a legal injury can bring a case to the Supreme Court. Defenders of Prop 8 had experienced no such injury.
Salty tears from South Carolina.

Response 1:

There is one lone woman, with a the red quality picture of a man and woman holding hands going about rebutting everyone will bible verses only to be smacked down by other people with bible verses, yet she keeps going.

It's amazing to watch someone blinded by their religion smacked down uses the same tool of worship they cling to and floundering like crazy.
Ah, cafeteria Christianity. Most often employed by the ones who are most guilty of it.
Glad to see DOMA ruled unconstitutional under the equal protection clause, but that should mean gay marriage should be made legal across the country. But then again, Roberts and his cohort don't need legal reasoning to rule in a certain way.

By the by, if what Boehner said is his true intentions, then immigration reform is as good as dead. Boehner can't pass a bill through the House with a majority of Republican support, and even if it did manage to go to conference, it'll be pushed too far to the right to pass both chambers.

Keep digging your graves, Republicans.
The opinion in Prop 8 is troubling, doesn't the fact a person can't defend the initiative (only the state) give the state additional power in a process that is supposed to take power away from the states and give the people power over it?

Well, the people voted in the government (Jerry Brown) who are declining to defend it. So it is not like the people's will is being completely thwarted.
You guys want tears? Here's a year's supply!

When you take abnormal behavior and begin to pass it off as normal, you then see the moral decay of society. Deep down, when you see two people of the same sex making out in public, you truly know its not normal. You know it and I know it. And I know you know it deep down.
Thanks to our PotUS, CotUS and SCotUS America is becoming Sodom and Gomorrah where homosexuality and infantacide reign supreme. As for my people, children are their oppressor, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. (Isaiah 3:12)

God will not smile upon us today....if he hasn't already done so, decsions such as this could result in His precious Hand being removed from our nation & leaving us to ourselves. Sad, sad day in America.
So now people and animals and things are allowed to marry who ever whatever how many ever they want???

Congratulations, SCOTUS... you've just opened the door to MOSLEMS moving here and being completely legal bringing their 2,3,4,5,6 wives with them... Guess you'll have to stop harassing the Mormons too... Oh.. and let us not forget Big love, pedophilia, and buggery...

I am a conservative but as the mother of a gay som I see things a bit differently & I couldn't be happier about the ruling.

Response:please stop saying you're a conservative. Also, you are not a Christian or a fit mother. Read the Bible dear, its crystal clear where your son is going, but you only care about his happiness here. Of course, I'ma bigot and a homophobe because I dont share your view.

This is what happens when a society doesn't have the intelligence or context with which to interpret the Constitution. Once we, as a nation, allowed God/prayer/the Bible to banned from our every day norm, and let them be replaced with progressive, namby-pamby thought we were already on the backside of the proverbial slippery slope.

The Supreme Court's decision doesn't change God's opinion, which is really the only one that matters.
Sickening. The LGBT agenda has been crammed down our throats and the throats of our children for years. I highly recommend the book "The Marketing of Evil", to see how this brain-washing has occurred. We must, MUST, get rid of the Liberals who are running and ruining this country.
Salty tears from South Carolina.

Response 1:

There is one lone woman, with a the red quality picture of a man and woman holding hands going about rebutting everyone will bible verses only to be smacked down by other people with bible verses, yet she keeps going.

It's amazing to watch someone blinded by their religion smacked down uses the same tool of worship they cling to and floundering like crazy.

There is an amazing amount of hypocrisy and bigotry even if you assume such a Biblical position is a valid position to take (which it isn't since we are secular nation). Jesus said NOTHING about gays. But he HATED divorce and talked much about it. Yet divorce is legal all over and no one is fighting to ban it. But gays are only mentioned in the old testament, Jesus said nothing about them. But they are the target of much hate & discrimination.

So it is not a principled position . . . it is just bigotry and discrimination against those icky gays.


If the world is supposed to end because of gay marriage does that mean I have to go into work tomorrow?

I really need to read the prop 8 majority opinion. What the hell?How can you say that the State has the power to make somebody second class when you just said the federal government must treat them equally?
So this ensures gay immigrant couples will receive some equal benefits under the immigration bill, if it passes of course. Which seems more unlikely every day.
If the world is supposed to end because of gay marriage does that mean I have to go into work tomorrow?

I really need to read the prop 8 majority opinion. What the hell?How can you say that the State has the power to make somebody second class when you just said the federal government must treat them equally?
The Prop 8 ruling just means that private citizens can't intervene on behalf of the government. Practically speaking, it overturns Prop 8, since the state didn't want to appeal the ruling. They punted, basically.

Reading all those salty tears reminds me of the evilgasm that Khan has after Shatner does his "KHAN!" scream.


Great day for gay rights as the dial has once again been pushed forward. However disconcerting that DOMA was decided on party lines.

I'm in San Fran right now so hope to see some festivities with people celebrating the decisions.


Great day for gay rights as the dial has once again been pushed forward. However disconcerting that DOMA was decided on party lines.

I'm in San Fran right now so hope to see some festivities with people celebrating the decisions.

Also, June 28th is the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots which marks the unofficial beginning the history of gay pride. So it's almost like the official day of pride. It's gonna be CRAAAAAAAAAAAAZY


Also, June 28th is the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots which marks the unofficial beginning the history of gay pride. So it's almost like the official day of pride. It's gonna be CRAAAAAAAAAAAAZY

I hope to catch some festivities but I will most of it as I will heading out to Austin on Saturday. Dayum.
I hope to catch some festivities but I will most of it as I will heading out to Austin on Saturday. Dayum.

The one thing I was wrong about was I thought Roberts would go the other way on DOMA. Thought he wanted not to have a partisan outcome. Maybe alito would come along if he did.

I'm just glad the right ruling came through though. It was a disgrace that same sex married couples did not have the same tax and such rules applied to them.
A very good criticism of the opinion Roberts wrote for the Court.

Roberts really did make a mockery of the VRA with what he did yesterday. I don't care what he did on DOMA and Prop 8 today – he doesn't deserve to be on that Court, and especially not Chief Justice.

What a joke.
Thought this was cool and surprising quote considering the source:

"Today's rulings advance civil marriage equality, but they should also serve as a call for Christians to embrace religious marriage equality. Countless faithful Christians have lived out their lives in committed same-sex relationships, and we have seen the fruits of their fidelity in our families, our congregations and our communities. If we use this historic moment to see more clearly how their faithfulness contributes to the common good, we will better be able to walk with our LGBT sisters and brothers as an act of Christian faith." — Rev. Gary Hall, dean of Washington National Cathedral.

source: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/...tion-to-2013-supreme-court-rulings-93437.html

There's some other good ones in there too and, of course, a heap of salt from the other side.
quickly someone gay marry me in Vermont

whore pills, equal pay, right to control body, and now the right to marry who you want.


BTW, how does oral arguments for prop 8 look now!? lol. Everyone was crying that Kennedy didn't believe the case should be heard for standing and he is the one who dissented on standing. lololol.

Anyway, someone I know was crying tears of joy (they have the icky gay gene). Good day for California. Especially so if you're in the wedding profession (more jobs!)
We've already got a lesbian wedding booked for this Friday.

I'm assuming this was booked before today, heh. I bet it will be extra emotional.

I read that the California AG has requested the 9th hurry up and remove their stay ASAP and allow this to go through. I think by at least this time next week the state will approve licenses again.

Mike M

Nick N
I'm assuming this was booked before today, heh. I bet it will be extra emotional.

I read that the California AG has requested the 9th hurry up and remove their stay ASAP and allow this to go through. I think by at least this time next week the state will approve licenses again.

Oh yeah, we booked them months ago, but dat timing...
I like this new harsh-talking Obama . . .

“We don’t have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society,” Obama said. “Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it’s not going to protect you from the coming storm.”

I went looking for the quote and found . . . on Infowars where they were offended. LOL. I couldn't help but leave a message behind.

LOL. I was looking for this quote and I find it on Info-Wars by people who are offended. How funny. Yes, you are the butt of the joke. Maybe someday you'll give up your silly Chem trails, false flags, truther, and birther conspiracy theories.

Edit: That shit site is banned . . . nice. BTW, I've been using Stitcher a lot lately (an internet based audio streaming mobile app). I click on the 'conservative politics' category . . . the top one is InfoWars. Wow. (over O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Howie Carr, Laura Ingraham, etc.) Man, they are really concentrating down to the nuts.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So...Scalia seems like kind of a tard:

We have no power under the Constitution to invalidate this democratically adopted legislation and that the decision represents an exalted notion of the role of this court in American democratic society.
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