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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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The Treasury inspector general whose report helped drive the IRS targeting controversy says it limited its examination to conservative groups because of a request from House Republicans.

A spokesman for Russell George, Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration, said they were asked – by House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) – “to narrowly focus on Tea Party organizations.”


Those were votes 40 years ago

That's within a century. The rulings just happened and could have been prevented; if things were only a little different at the turn of the century it would be different. And voting helps prevent rulings like that in the future.

Voting is important. In this century. In this decade. In the next.
That's within a century. The rulings just happened and could have been prevented; if things were only a little different at the turn of the century it would be different. And voting helps prevent rulings like that in the future.

Voting is important. In this century. In this decade. In the next.

Both parties will nominate someone who will put corporations and the elite ahead of anything.


Both parties will nominate someone who will put corporations and the elite ahead of anything.

Then why was Citizens United 5-4, to give one big example? It should have been 9-0, right? Nope. Even the Justice appointed by a corporate Democrat like Obama voted against it. Kagan probably would have voted against it as well.

Voting is important.
This isn't true considering there were a few cases last week where the court had justices siding with the people over corporations

Any examples? None are ringing any bells....

Take the rulings today and yesterday. Can you pick one that was progressive?

Then why was Citizens United 5-4, to give one big example? It should have been 9-0, right? Nope. Even the Justice appointed by a corporate Democrat like Obama voted against it. Kagan probably would have voted against it as well.

Theoretically. 5-4 is an easy way for someone to switch sides and keep face while ensuring what they really want passes.

Remember, this is the court thats keeping the "juicy" case for the very last day, for absolutely no reason.
Theoretically. 5-4 is an easy way for someone to switch sides and keep face while ensuring what they really want passes.

Remember, this is the court thats keeping the "juicy" case for the very last day, for absolutely no reason.

There's no point in providing examples if your going to just dismiss them
What am I dismissing?

Theres many minor supreme court cases, I dont know them all. I sitll have no clue what baby girl is.
There was something on class action law suits last week.

But you just said those 4 votes in Citizens United don't count

These cases that side with corporations aren't 9-0. Your votes matter because if we get more democratic senators and presidents overtime we'll have more than just 4

Mike M

Nick N
Unbelievable. A Congressman blatantly manufacturing a scandal and lying about it?

This should be bigger news than the underlying scandal itself. Let's see if the media will give it the same attention (I doubt it.)

Idunno, I think given the media's bias to sensationalism, Issa manufacturing a false flag scandal to rail against and "expose" is waaaaaaay juicer than the original scandal.
There was something on class action law suits last week.

But you just said those 4 votes in Citizens United don't count

These cases that side with corporations aren't 9-0. Your votes matter because if we get more democratic senators and presidents overtime we'll have more than just 4

I dont mean the 4, I mean maybe it was really 6-3 but one of them jumped the line for political reasons.

I look up the class action one.

The work discrimination one was total bs.


This Texas thing is pretty crazy. Get in that thread and open the stream if you aren't already following it.
This shit is fucking mental.
It's like a soccer match, running out the clock, crowd chants, only thing missing is for someone to feign injury and wait for the magic spray.


I hope there's a highlight video of the Texas thing, I couldn't get the YT stream to work.

Did it pass or not?
I honestly have no idea.
And don't worry, this will be all over the news.

Edit: it didn't pass yet, it's pass midnight, but who the fuck knows what's going on.
It's one of the craziest things I've ever seen in politics.

Edit2: GOP now says it passed, who the fuck know.
Here's the thing, if the GOP want it passed it will pass, the goal of such tactics is to call attention to what is being done, and as such, this filibuster was amazingly successful.


Been crazy busy with work, so I've only tangentially paid attention to the news over the past couple weeks. But I see Republicans 1) delighting in the gutting of the enforcement provisions of the Voting Rights Act, 2) the House GOP gearing up to kill the immigration bill, and 3) Texas Republicans taking the national stage to restrict abortion access.

Nice to see they've taken to heart the lessons of the last election. I don't see this ending well for them in the long or even short term. (Though to be fair, the SCOTUS decision will actually help them win some, in the near term.)
How's that outreach/makeover going?

If democrats can't motivate minority and female voters after the VRA+Texas stuff, might as well give up.


Unconfirmed Member
Unbelievable. A Congressman blatantly manufacturing a scandal and lying about it?

This should be bigger news than the underlying scandal itself. Let's see if the media will give it the same attention (I doubt it.)

Well they are talking about the new information that those progressive search terms were also used. What they aren't talking about is that the information comes from the exact same damned document that started this whole mess, but wasn't known about from the beginning because Issa omitted it.

Fox news even mentioned the search term thing, but followed up by saying more tea party groups were still targeted (maybe because more tea party groups were founded? I don't know how to look that up) and bringing up an example of some tea party organization that applied in 2010 but only recently got approved.
How's that outreach/makeover going?

If democrats can't motivate minority and female voters after the VRA+Texas stuff, might as well give up.

They need to start now. They need to be constantly pointing to these things to build a narrative to 2014. They need to be coaching their candidates to stress these issues. The economy is improving I don't see that being the deciding issue (I will be the most important issue in polls) in 2014 or 2016.
Been crazy busy with work, so I've only tangentially paid attention to the news over the past couple weeks. But I see Republicans 1) delighting in the gutting of the enforcement provisions of the Voting Rights Act, 2) the House GOP gearing up to kill the immigration bill, and 3) Texas Republicans taking the national stage to restrict abortion access.

Nice to see they've taken to heart the lessons of the last election. I don't see this ending well for them in the long or even short term. (Though to be fair, the SCOTUS decision will actually help them win some, in the near term.)
Really it'll only help them win some in places they've already gerrymandered to oblivion. Not to trivialize the impact of VRA being gutted but I don't think it'll make a practical difference in the next election.

Obama needs to be hard at work mobilizing Dem voters in 2014 and make presidential turnout the goal. The Republicans will not compromise, they don't believe in legislating and his legacy is going to be shot unless he has a Democratic Congress to work with in his last two years (realistically, only in 2015 - in 2016 everyone will be focused on the presidential race).


Sidhe / PikPok
Fox news even mentioned the search term thing, but followed up by saying more tea party groups were still targeted (maybe because more tea party groups were founded? I don't know how to look that up) and bringing up an example of some tea party organization that applied in 2010 but only recently got approved.

I'm still astounded that nobody seems to be looking at simple math like this to see if that explains any actual discrepancies.
This isn't true considering there were a few cases last week where the court had justices siding with the people over corporations

Then why was Citizens United 5-4, to give one big example? It should have been 9-0, right? Nope. Even the Justice appointed by a corporate Democrat like Obama voted against it. Kagan probably would have voted against it as well.

Voting is important.

While I wouldn't try to dissuade anybody from voting (and I do think the make up of the Supreme Court is important), one can't really just look at 5-4 decisions or decisions where the "left" side of the court voted against corporations as proof that the "left" block of the court is not pro-corporate. This is because the SCOTUS screens the cases it accepts, so the cases it decides are carefully chosen and likely to be cases with close divisions that the more powerful half of the court can use to move the law in its direction. There are plenty of pro-corporate decisions decided in the court of appeals that even "liberal" judges wouldn't take issue with; those cases never get taken up by the SCOTUS. The reality is that the "left" block of the court is currently very mushy compared to liberals that have occupied it historically. I'd probably even characterize Breyer as a conservative. Ginsberg, Kagan, and Sotomayor are all to the right of Souter, Stevens, Brennan, Marshall, etc. But this is probably to be expected given that the Democratic party as a whole has moved way to the right in modern times.

Been crazy busy with work, so I've only tangentially paid attention to the news over the past couple weeks. But I see Republicans 1) delighting in the gutting of the enforcement provisions of the Voting Rights Act, 2) the House GOP gearing up to kill the immigration bill, and 3) Texas Republicans taking the national stage to restrict abortion access.

Nice to see they've taken to heart the lessons of the last election. I don't see this ending well for them in the long or even short term. (Though to be fair, the SCOTUS decision will actually help them win some, in the near term.)

We keep waiting for the Republicans to get their comeuppance. Meanwhile, we're getting our asses handed to us in terms of actual policy. It'd be nice to actually turn the corner instead of just waiting for it while minorities and women continue to get fucked.
Today's hero:


Well . . . the end is confusing but this sure was a big story. Hopefully it has legs. And running shoes like above.
Republicans complain that they have an image problem, then go out and do stupid shit like in Texas tonight, then wonder why they can't shake their image problem.

Of course, the image is a real reflection of who they are.

It's amazing how cartoonishly villainous they seem in the political landscape right now.


It amazes me why the GOP didn't just let the bill die and take it up in the next session where the optics wouldn't look absolutely atrocious. It would've passed anyways.
This is some In the Loop/ The Thick of It type of shit
In The Loop said:
Linton Barwick: All right, Karen is not to know about this, huh? She is an excitable, yapping she-dog. Get a hold of those minutes. I have to correct the record.
Bob Adriano: We can do that?
Linton Barwick: Yes, we can. Those minutes are an aide-memoire for us. They should not be a reductive record of what happened to have been said, but they should be more a full record of what was intended to have been said. I think that's the more accurate version, don't you?
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