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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Except in this case he did lie.

“This was a targeting of the president’s political enemies, effectively, and lies [sic] about it during the election year so that it wasn’t discovered until afterwards.”
Well again . . . technically that is not a lie. It heavily implies something that is not true . . . but technically that is a true statement. I'd quibble in that it was not "effective" . . . but the rest of it is true. It just wasn't done by the Obama Administration. And it omits that they also targeted progressive groups.


The Autumn Wind
Damn, that is a bit harsh.

I would have gone with something more along the lines of "Well I prefer represent ALL my constituents instead of one slice that has a particular religious view that they want enshrined into law."
Nah, I prefer the complete and total disregard for anything Bachmann has to say.


Speaking of which, I wonder if she's going to fix the dumbshit Obama was too chickenshit to do as he was worried about his fucking legacy.
whoooaaa dude.

The sad thing is despite Wendy's efforts I think Perry will still get the bill through.

But man, people in TX were losing their shit. I think if it passes it could hurt GOPers in TX in ways we haven't seen in decades


To be in San Fran and see how the locals are celebrating the return of marriage equality in the state of California is something I won't forget anytime soon.

And the dumbest takeaway of the MASen results goes to...

What’s the biggest difference between the victorious 2013 House special-election campaign of Mark Sanford and the losing 2013 Senate special-election campaign of Gabriel Gomez? Simply, a willingness to take on Obamacare.

Despite the kind of résumé that’s a political consultant’s dream — assimilated immigrant who still speaks his native tongue, aircraft-carrier-landing naval aviator, Navy SEAL and an MBA from the Harvard Business School to go along with his camera-friendly wife and four children — Gomez came up short in his special-election campaign against Democratic Rep. Edward J. Markey, who was first elected to Congress before Tom Brady was born and had never before run statewide. Lackluster fairly describes it: It was the lowest turnout in history for a Massachusetts Senate race, and Gomez pulled in about 525,000 votes — about half of the number who voted for Scott P. Brown in January 2010 when the race became a referendum on Obamacare, the main issue that would propel Republicans to a House majority later that fall.

Regrettably, Gomez, who used some of Romney’s consultants and playbook, followed the failed model of 2012 instead of embracing what worked in 2010 and works still. He could have won with a different campaign conversation, emulating Sanford’s successful congressional bid last month, wherein Sanford distinguished himself from his opponent, and made Obamacare a central focus of the campaign.

Markey certainly gave Gomez the opening: In a debate earlier this year, Markey referred to his vote for Obamacare in March 2010 as “the proudest vote of my career.” And in a recent blog post on The Huffington Post, Markey called Obamacare “the most important bill I’ve ever voted for.”

Yet Gomez failed to make use of Markey’s cheerleading for Obamacare in either his paid or earned media. In none of the TV ads Gomez or apparently any outside group aired does the word “Obamacare” cross the announcer’s lips, and in a 10-minute interview Gomez did just two days ago on Fox News Sunday — his last friendly national interview before the electorate headed to the polls — he failed to mention the unpopular program at all.
Hey look, real Democrats. Obama should learn a thing or two.

The D.C. Council passed the hotly debated bill this afternoon to require large retailers to pay their employees a living wage of $12.50 an hour. The 8-5 vote on the Large Retailer Accountability Act of 2013 came after nearly an hour of contentious debate.

The vote came after the bill was narrowed by an amendment from Mendelson, Evans, and Orange that restored an earlier provision, which limits the effects of the bill to retailers with more than 75,000 square feet of store space. Throughout the process, the legislation has only applied to retailers whose parent company grosses at least $1 billion per year.

But with the square footage restriction reinserted, it's once again largely a shot at Walmart, which is planning six stores in the District. Only a handful of existing D.C. retailers will be affected.


Suck those hot humid balls walmart.
To be in San Fran and see how the locals are celebrating the return of marriage equality in the state of California is something I won't forget anytime soon.

Gavin Newsome's catch phrase lately has been "We don't tolerate diversity, we celebrate our diversity."
Rick Perry with the ether.

PERRY: In fact, even the woman who filibustered the Senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances. She was the daughter of as single woman, she was a teenage mother herself. She managed to eventually graduate from Harvard Law School and serve in the Texas senate. It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters.
They should do one show where the left and right positions are hilariously strawmanned by incompetent hacks, and then they'll have a third, centrist guy who's like "Can't you see you're both wrong, and the truth is always conveniently in the middle?" regardless of how far one way or the other they are.

They could call it "South Park"


Don't forget, they also wrote an entire musical about how religion is good because it makes people feel happy and no one actually cares whether the story of a religion's founding is true or not.
What are they gonna run on in 2014? They have nothing. And they can't run on ousting Obama.

Looks like the GOP is going full force on Rape being an issue for them regarding Perry.
I've seen a lot of GOPs confident that they can spin this as not being anti-women and anti-choice but rather a response to Gosnell (the absurd requirements on clinics) and reflecting the will of the people 20-week ban (arbitrary limit as there is a zero percent viability at before 21 weeks any thing before 50% viability can't possibly be argued as saving a baby).
Perry's comments reflect that this is about forcing a women to make their choice, not her choice for her future and not their sanitized talking points.

The dems need to not make this about abortion. They can't be seen to defending 20-week abortions (they will lose). They need to pin this as a choice debate, the GOP is interfering in a doctors and women most difficult choice.
But then she should have said "Who cares what Bachmann thinks?"

As is, many people will interpret it as "Who cares about God's word?". And that is not good politics.

Who is going to hear it that way who is a sane, rational person? Nobody. And the insane irrational people already hate Pelosi, so: who cares?
Immigration DOA in the House=not passing. The only way it passes is if Boehner falls on his sword by bringing the bill to the floor.

I can't see anything of substance passing this year. Dat fever, unbroken as everyone (except Obama) figured.


Immigration DOA in the House=not passing. The only way it passes is if Boehner falls on his sword by bringing the bill to the floor.

I can't see anything of substance passing this year. Dat fever, unbroken as everyone (except Obama) figured.

Any thoughts on how the fever can be broken? Other than giving the tea party caucus republicans everything they want?
Any thoughts on how the fever can be broken? Other than giving the tea party caucus republicans everything they want?

Elections. Keep the senate passing the bills, show the house won't let democracy work.

Run ads explaining the haster rule (highlight how Boehner won't allow a bipartisian vote, will only allow vote on partisan republican bill)

When running ads towards the wider audience (not hispanic groups or people interested in immigration reform) focus less on the content (you could lose on these issues) and instead on the wider obstructionism.

also this made me laugh

WH Pool from Africa: kids in the rope line were wearing white T-shirts... had a picture of Obama and read, "Welcome home, Mr. President."
I was listening to NPR this AM about the immigration bill and Republicans bloviating about fence this fence that.

Someone help me out here: isn't the whole border fence thing basically a giant pork bill? Something like adding 20,000 border patrol agents and building miles and miles of fencing at $1+m/mile.

Shit is straight up pork. Where's the outrage?


I was listening to NPR this AM about the immigration bill and Republicans bloviating about fence this fence that.

Someone help me out here: isn't the whole border fence thing basically a giant pork bill? Something like adding 20,000 border patrol agents and building miles and miles of fencing at $1+m/mile.

Shit is straight up pork. Where's the outrage?

Pork is only outrageous if it's not your pork. It's the main reason there are so few Jewish and Muslim congressmen.
I was listening to NPR this AM about the immigration bill and Republicans bloviating about fence this fence that.

Someone help me out here: isn't the whole border fence thing basically a giant pork bill? Something like adding 20,000 border patrol agents and building miles and miles of fencing at $1+m/mile.

Shit is straight up pork. Where's the outrage?

Keep out the Mexicans bro
BB with the lowdown.

When the Senate passes its immigration reform bill this afternoon, Republicans will be left to carry the blame if they can’t, or choose not, to move a comprehensive bill of their own with a pathway to citizenship through the House.

Given the immediacy of the situation, and every indication that they’re going to drop the ball, what they need to do is figure out a way to avoid that blame, or even better to turn it back on Democrats. The problem for them is, see paragraph one. And paragraph one is leading them into amazing displays of public reasoning like this from deputy whip Pete Roskam.

“If you’re the White House right now,” Roskam told reporters, “and you have a signature law—that is, Obamacare—that is completely a legacy issue for the president, and it’s looking like implementation is going to be a disaster, and if you’re on your heels in terms of these scandals, and you’re flummoxed by the NSA, there’s one issue out there that’s good for the White House. That’s immigration. The question is: How much energy does the White House actually put into getting the legislation, or do they want to keep the issue for 2014?”

That’s a tortured way of saying Obama probably wants Republicans to kill immigration reform so he can distract the public from various other failures in 2014. You’d think the obvious move for Republicans would be to deny Obama the satisfaction by passing something that we’d all recognize as immigration reform. But they can’t do that. So they’re left with claiming their inability to do what they set out to do after the election is a somehow the result of Obama’s mysterious conniving.

BB with the lowdown.

“If you’re the White House right now,” Roskam told reporters, “and you have a signature law—that is, Obamacare—that is completely a legacy issue for the president, and it’s looking like implementation is going to be a disaster, and if you’re on your heels in terms of these scandals, and you’re flummoxed by the NSA, there’s one issue out there that’s good for the White House. That’s immigration. The question is: How much energy does the White House actually put into getting the legislation, or do they want to keep the issue for 2014?”


Goddamn at that twisted logic

Every single Dem senator voted for cloture on imm. reform b/c they obviously want the bill to die so they can use it an election issue.
Immigration DOA in the House=not passing. The only way it passes is if Boehner falls on his sword by bringing the bill to the floor.

I can't see anything of substance passing this year. Dat fever, unbroken as everyone (except Obama) figured.
He is not going to. Instead the senate bill will force them if anything to finish their own bill. Then both will go into conferencing.
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