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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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I can see it now. "Obama was far from perfect but he worked to pass tax cuts and some other bipartisan work. Hillary Clinton is the most partisan, liberal nominee of all time."


The Autumn Wind
I'd hope for a good smackdown response, but it's CNN and Jeff Zucker, so I'm not expecting much.


The head of the Republican Party threatened Monday to cut out CNN and NBC from the GOP presidential primary debates if the networks do not shelve their plans to air lengthy features on Hillary Clinton -- who is widely expected to be a Democratic candidate in the 2016 election.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus accused both networks of trying to put "a thumb on the scales" of the 2016 race with programming he claimed would be tantamount to an "in-kind donation" to the Clinton campaign.


What a bunch of manchildren...


I can see it now. "Obama was far from perfect but he worked to pass tax cuts and some other bipartisan work. Hillary Clinton is the most partisan, liberal nominee of all time."

I know they're going to try this shit, painting Hillary as another commie liberal, but man it's going to be funny. I feel like they've already called wolf WAAAAAY too hard. Obama is already socialist satan incarnate. They can't go any further. No one's going to believe Hillary is somehow worse.
Right or wrong/like it or not Hillary has Eisenhower-type positives right now. Obviously they will lower to 50something% during an inevitably ugly campaign but in the meantime she's untouchable.

I hope they keep up the "she's old" complaints. The same party that nominated John McCain.


I can see it now. "Obama was far from perfect but he worked to pass tax cuts and some other bipartisan work. Hillary Clinton is the most partisan, liberal nominee of all time."

They did this with Bill Clinton and Obama. The GOP has been lavishing Bill Clinton (and Hillary pre-Benghazi) with praise for the past 5 years as a way to attack Obama.

No doubt they will switch it up when Hillary runs.
When Hillary is president, Republicans will start washing Obama's balls as a way of making her look bad.

Regardless of whether she actually does anything differently.


They did this with Bill Clinton and Obama. The GOP has been lavishing Bill Clinton (and Hillary pre-Benghazi) with praise for the past 5 years as a way to attack Obama.

No doubt they will switch it up when Hillary runs.

Benghazi!Benghazi!Benghazi! Seriously, it'll be drinking game worthy how much they attempt to attach that to her.
When Hillary is president, Republicans will start washing Obama's balls as a way of making her look bad.

Regardless of whether she actually does anything differently.

"Remember when Bill Clinton compared Obama to Jesse Jackson in South Carolina, while campaigning for Hillary?"

Fox News 2017: "Is this the Bush Obama recovery?"


"Remember when Bill Clinton compared Obama to Jesse Jackson in South Carolina, while campaigning for Hillary?"

Fox News 2017: "Is this the Bush Obama recovery?"

"Hilary is absolutely failing as president. If it weren't for policies put into place by President Obama while still in office, America would be on a path to destruction right now. Obamacare has really turned the nation around, but all of Clinton's polices are ruining it."
"Does Hillary act too much like a witch to be president? Remember how she lost her temper and said, 'Shame on you, Barack Obama!' Do you also remember when she cried right before the New Hampshire primary? How can we be sure she won't use her emotion cynically?"


The Autumn Wind
"Does Hillary act too much like a witch to be president? Remember how she lost her temper and said, 'Shame on you, Barack Obama!' Do you also remember when she cried right before the New Hampshire primary? How can we be sure she won't use her emotion cynically?"
"Every 28 days, the entire country will be on high-alert!"
"Do we really trust the scientific consensus? Are we really sure that no blood is diverted from the brain during the menstrual cycle, thereby impairing critical-thinking skills?"


No Scrubs
"Do we really trust the scientific consensus? Are we really sure that no blood is diverted from the brain during the menstrual cycle, thereby impairing critical-thinking skills?"

And of course they'll get a hot blonde news reporter with great legs to give this report.


Why do you think this? Can you give examples of how Obama expanded the power of corporations over, say, George W.? This seems rather rote to me when considering a president who began the creation of a health care system instrumental to empowering labor against rent-seekers, not to mention Dodd-Frank and the CPFB.

Since ivedoneyourmom hasn't replied to this yet, I'll field this one as I feel the same he does:

TPP. A treaty that has been negotiated entirely behind closed doors, with virtually zero oversight from the public. Negotiations have been going on between the president and the leaders of other nations instead. Oh, and lobbyists and "advisors" representing about 600 corporations. The current plan for the president seems to be to just get it past the few people representing labor-interests in congress the same way Clinton did.

Putting aside for a second that the "trade"part of this seems to be the same kind of "free-trade" agreement NAFTA was, which pretty much only benefited corporations and no one else(I says "seems to", because citizens and public officals aren't privy to what's being discussed like our holy job creators are) -- according to leaks(here and here with analysis from EFF for the latter) this treaty demands a crackdown on downloading way beyond what SOPA/ACTA were going to do and allows corporations to challenge states(and thus, taxpayers) in front of an international court to demand compensation.

If that doesn't count as giving corporations more power, I don't know what does. To be fair, when those leaks hit, the treaty wasn't finalized...but the one US congressman who was allowed to look through it says pretty much the same thing about sovereignty.

The only bright spot here is that I don't believe this treaty is going to be politically viable in any of the countries involved. I don't think anyone is going to be happy with "investor-state disputes" or with downloading youtube songs being criminalized(case in point). I hope that this is just a case of our leaders being ridiculously out-of-touch thanks to the bubble they live in and they hurriedly back down when the backlash begins.
Hey Poligaf I'm a pretty new member to neogaf and I read this forum every now and than so I was wondering what is the general consenus on reliable websites to site when I'm arguing with people.

It would depend on the actual topic, wouldn't it? If you were to get more specific, I think people here would try to help you out.

"Every 28 days, the entire country will be on high-alert!"

This would be super hilarious considering that time has passed her by.

"She may get a heat flash at any moment and then nuke India by mistake!"

Also lol @ that letter to CNN/NBC.
The Clinton love-fest from the GOP during the time of the conventions and near election was one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen in politics.

Even I didn't see that one coming.

2016 Obama love-fest would make me all warm inside.


The Autumn Wind
This would be super hilarious considering that time has passed her by.

"She may get a heat flash at any moment and then nuke India by mistake!"
Because if there's one thing the GOP has proven, it's that they understand women's bodies.
In the interview, Ayres got at a key point that keeps getting lost in the discussion. While some polls do show Republicans oppose a path to citizenship, other polls — ones that present the range of policy options in a more accurate manner — find they support it. For instance, if polls ask respondents to make a straight choice — do they favor favor citizenship, Yes or No (as the Post poll does) — a majority of Republicans say No. But when polls tell respondents that citizenship comes packaged with increased border security and/or conditions attached, a majority of Republicans supports it. This is true in polling from Quinnipiac and National Journal, both of which find at least six in 10 Republicans supportive.

Ayres says his research bears this out. It demonstrates that Republican primary voters are hostile up front to citizenship, but they recognize a need to fix the system and accept citizenship as part of a broader package of reforms that includes a border security buildup, back taxes, fines, and learning English.

“Our research has shown that Republican primary voters do not like having to deal with the issue of the presence of illegal immigrants in this country,” Ayres tells me. “But they recognize that the status quo is not good for the country, and that we need to try to craft something better. Once they wrestle with the issue, they end up supporting a range of options, such as increased border security, increased internal security, and a path to citizenship with strict conditions.”

“Virtually all Republicans oppose a blanket amnesty,” Ayres continued, in a reference to how they react when asked just about citizenship. “But they make a distinction between blanket amnesty and a lengthy path to citizenship that requires illegal immigrants to jump through numerous hoops and wait many years.”

Separately, in a fascinating interview with Alex Roarty, Ayres also noted that the failure to address immigration could impair GOP efforts to win over white voters in the numbers that will be necessary to make up for losses among Latinos, particularly white suburban women, because they want to associate with a party that’s diverse and tolerant.

GOP Pollster: Primary GOP voters want immigration reform.

Chances House listens? nil.

This goes along with what I said prior. Even people who don't like illegals being here and giving them citizenship understand the status quo makes no sense at all.
Whoa, Washington Post just got sold to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

The Washington Post Co. has agreed to sell its flagship newspaper to Amazon.com founder and chief executive Jeffrey P. Bezos, ending the Graham family’s stewardship of one of America’s leading news organizations after four generations.

Bezos, whose entrepreneurship has made him one of the world’s richest men, will pay $250 million in cash for The Post and affiliated publications to the Washington Post Co., which owns the newspaper and other businesses.

Seattle-based Amazon will have no role in the purchase; Bezos himself will buy the news organization and become its sole owner when the sale is completed, probably within 60 days. The Post Co. will change to a new, still-undecided name and continue as a publicly traded company without The Post thereafter.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


Gotta love drive-by posts such as "Obama sucks," "Obama is a terrible president", "Obama is just as bad as Bush as president" in threads about shitty pieces of legislation the Obama Administration is trying to past/shitty things the administration does.
Gotta love drive-by posts such as "Obama sucks," "Obama is a terrible president", "Obama is just as bad as Bush as president" in threads about shitty pieces of legislation the Obama Administration is trying to past/shitty things the administration does.
That's the OT for ya. Completely ignorant but stll arrogant.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gotta love drive-by posts such as "Obama sucks," "Obama is a terrible president", "Obama is just as bad as Bush as president" in threads about shitty pieces of legislation the Obama Administration is trying to past/shitty things the administration does.

As I mentioned in that SOPA thread, it just reiterates the point that it wasn't just the conservatives who somehow convinced themselves that Obama is a hardcore leftist despite the evidence to the contrary.
Gotta love drive-by posts such as "Obama sucks," "Obama is a terrible president", "Obama is just as bad as Bush as president" in threads about shitty pieces of legislation the Obama Administration is trying to past/shitty things the administration does.
I don't understand how the commerce department recommending a small part of SOPA translates to the Obama administration reviving a part of SOPA.


I don't understand how the commerce department recommending a small part of SOPA translates to the Obama administration reviving a part of SOPA.

I honestly think this is a Reddit phenomena -- a hyper, knee-jerk reaction to anything could even smell of privacy interference. And really, most of these aren't legitimate complaints that are based in a true belief in copyright freedom, it's just 15-25 year olds who want to torrent Game of Thrones. I do work on a TV show and have piracy concerns, so maybe that colors my worldview.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I honestly think this is a Reddit phenomena -- a hyper, knee-jerk reaction to anything could even smell of privacy interference. And really, most of these aren't legitimate complaints that are based in a true belief in copyright freedom, it's just 15-25 year olds who want to torrent Game of Thrones. I do work on a TV show and have piracy concerns, so maybe that colors my worldview.

No, I agree. I don't think there's any posts at all in that thread giving a coherent, rational argument grounded on copyright freedom or even on the restriction of some identifiable right that they currently have that they won't under the new law.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
No, I agree. I don't think there's any posts at all in that thread giving a coherent, rational argument grounded on copyright freedom or even on the restriction of some identifiable right that they currently have that they won't under the new law.

Yeah, I peeked in for about three seconds and figured I would just be wasting my time. There are real political threats to internet freedom but, much like with a lot of the recent NSA stuff, I end up sounding like I'm arguing for something I'm not just because my position is "guys, think through the details instead of just reading the headline please, get the details before being outraged"


Yeah, I peeked in for about three seconds and figured I would just be wasting my time. There are real political threats to internet freedom but, much like with a lot of the recent NSA stuff, I end up sounding like I'm arguing for something I'm not just because my position is "guys, think through the details instead of just reading the headline please, get the details before being outraged"

It's not about details. It's about taking a side of INTERNET FREEDOM without actually looking to see what such policies might entail. Maybe it's because some people feel ownership over the internet as "their" place or "their" haven? Is it internet nationalism?

East Lake

Any negative Obama story has been producing this same circus for years now. It's not usually about the story. It's like the bat signal for conservatives and the disillusioned left posters to finally get the satisfaction of saying "I told you so."


I honestly think this is a Reddit phenomena -- a hyper, knee-jerk reaction to anything could even smell of privacy interference. And really, most of these aren't legitimate complaints that are based in a true belief in copyright freedom, it's just 15-25 year olds who want to torrent Game of Thrones. I do work on a TV show and have piracy concerns, so maybe that colors my worldview.

I just think it's okay for 15-25 year olds to torrent Game of Thrones without getting smacked with a prison sentence, I guess. I think prison sentences are a live-destroying thing that should be saved for horrible crimes or dangerous people, not copyright violations.

also, most of the drive-by shitposting in the thread is coming from people smugly stating no one has read the article now.
Yeah, I peeked in for about three seconds and figured I would just be wasting my time. There are real political threats to internet freedom but, much like with a lot of the recent NSA stuff, I end up sounding like I'm arguing for something I'm not just because my position is "guys, think through the details instead of just reading the headline please, get the details before being outraged"
I think one of the problems is that thread titles, recently, have become really inflammatory when it comes to certain subjects. A good chunk of people on GAF — maybe the majority — only read the title, then comment. Next largest batch skims the quoted section then makes comments. A small amount read all of the article, or thoroughly reads most of it, before posting their replies.


I just think it's okay for 15-25 year olds to torrent Game of Thrones without getting smacked with a prison sentence, I guess. I think prison sentences are a live-destroying thing that should be saved for horrible crimes or dangerous people, not copyright violations.

also, most of the drive-by shitposting in the thread is coming from people smugly stating no one has read the article now.

Piracy is a crime even if you can't necessarily qualify its exact reach. I have no problem levying people with fines for pirating other people's owned content because it does affect the livelihood of people in television who are dependent on people watching their shows legally. I hate that our show is not able to be streamed in an efficient way. I hate even more that people illegally download our show instead of watching it live, on DVR, or on iTunes of Amazon because we never see any of those eyeballs to help us levy a renewal.

Most of the driveby shit posting is from people who can't comprehend what the actual article is talking about.


Piracy is a crime even if you can't necessarily qualify its exact reach. I have no problem levying people with fines for pirating other people's owned content because it does affect the livelihood of people in television who are dependent on people watching their shows legally. I hate that our show is not able to be streamed in an efficient way. I hate even more that people illegally download our show instead of watching it live, on DVR, or on iTunes of Amazon because we never see any of those eyeballs to help us levy a renewal.

That's quite different from putting people in a cage for years! I can get behind that. Punishing piracy with felonies, on the other hand, is nuts.

Most of the driveby shit posting is from people who can't comprehend what the actual article is talking about.

At the start of the thread. They've been silenced and replaced:p
So I was in criminology class and there were these two people in class, who live in the hood talking about how bad things are now and things are getting way worse. So I made that comment crime has been radically down over the past twenty years.

The teacher said "I don't know about radically, I mean its down since the 90s but crime has largely fluctuated. Its just that different types of crimes get popular**."

I mean WTF is it with my teachers not knowing basic stuff.

** The context of this is that "Yeah homicides went down but assault went up" or "yeah theft went down but burglaries are up."
Going by his donations, he seems to be the standard socially liberal, fiscally conservative libertarian, not the crazy Rand Paul kind. I can live with that.

Well, it has the negative side effect of Amazon's constant sales tax dodges and reputedly deplorable working conditions in their warehouses, so it is worth mentioning perhaps.
The SOPA threat is a pretty good thermometer for Hillary.

Why anyone thinks a dinosaur thats chained to the hip with the failed Obama administration has a chance in hell of getting votes is beyond me.

Yeah, the youth vote will turn out....to boo at her speeches.

Never mind that she'd ruin women's history.

She's be "first female president" with a giant fucking asterix.
It's not about details. It's about taking a side of INTERNET FREEDOM without actually looking to see what such policies might entail. Maybe it's because some people feel ownership over the internet as "their" place or "their" haven? Is it internet nationalism?

This is a good description

That's quite different from putting people in a cage for years! I can get behind that. Punishing piracy with felonies, on the other hand, is nuts.

Lets not pretend that when fines are on the table that's too much either. The internet wants to pirate and that's what a lot are fighting for. Any change is too much for them.
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