I agree with PD that Obama’s first couple of years where he had a majority in Congress (but not a filibuster-proof majority, I know) could have been more forceful. He actually seemed sincere in wanting to change the tone in Washington, but didn’t change course when the other team weren’t playing ball. Salmon Rushdie had a great quote where he said in other countries “when you win the election, you run the country”. Obama had an opportunity after the financial crisis to really dictate terms and run the country in a manner fitting of the Democratic Party, but instead seemed far too conciliatory and pragmatic and wanting to govern from the centre-right.
What I would have liked to have seen in the first couple of years:
- Structural reforms of the financial sector that eliminate TBTF (the complete opposite has happened, with greater concentration of money in fewer banks)
- Bigger stimulus, or at least a greater proportion of the stimulus being allocated to spending and not tax cuts
- Greater push for a public option, or at least a better sale of the ACA to the public (this could be argued is still lacking today)
- Better messaging of the role of Government in the handling of a financial crises – instead of co-opting the debt and deficits talk coming from the Republicans. For someone who is meant to be a great communicator, he lost the messaging war to conservatives on the debt which is why he got steamrolled in 2010.
Where I disagree with PD though is how Obama can get things done in the current climate. The problem is much bigger than the Republican’s not wanting to work with Obama. They want to deny any legislative victory for the Democratic party and in doing so, have completely abdicated their responsibility in helping to govern the country through a crisis. Harry Reid could push a bill with tax relief for small business owners and a payroll tax holiday and it wouldn’t get past the House.
There's a lot of people who die to gun violence every day. But they aren't dying to assault weapons. They're dying to handguns.
The Manchin-Toomey bill was a straight up Background Check expansion coupled with harsh penalties for any government official setting up a Gun Registry. It would almost certainly save lives in the long run.