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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Man these guys are nuts! At what point do we all agree that it's about the tea party being so being pissed that they got out maneuvered by a black man. Trust me I'm the last guy to bitch about racism, but how can you not come to this conclusion after witnessing the behavior of these idiots.

Yup. Anyone who continues to deny that the vast majority of the Repbulicans and their base aren't racist or have racial bias and prejudice exemplified by White Privilege is delusional. You've have 5+ years of the evidence practically screaming at you in your face, FFS!
beaten but here you go.

UPDATE: One slight clarification. If Dems can get the 218 signatures on the discharge petition, then Dems would use a procedural move to replace the Lankford bill with an amendment: A clean CR, just like the one in the Senate. So this would not enshrine the one-percent-per-year reduction in spending, as does the Lankford measure.


Harry Reid is hilarious. The poor guy looks like he's ready to jump over the podium and choke slam a reporter. He visibly takes a moment to calm himself down before answering any question.


Harry Reid is hilarious. The poor guy looks like he's ready to jump over the podium and choke slam a reporter. He visibly takes a moment to calm himself down before answering any question.

If it's a Fox News "reporter", I'd pay good money to see that.
I doubt the discharge will get 10 republicans to sign it. I support trying it but at this point it's clear that the only people with less guts in the House of Representatives than John Boehner are moderate republicans. Especially Peter King and his wily band of cowards.


Really starting to get pissed about healthcare.gov. The site should have been ready beyond the first 24 hours of traffic load.

I doubt the discharge will get 10 republicans to sign it. I support trying it but at this point it's clear that the only people with less guts in the House of Representatives than John Boehner are moderate republicans. Especially Peter King and his wily band of cowards.
ugh. It is true. 20+ GOPers adopt a position but don't vote that way. What would make this time any different

where does this madness end
I doubt the discharge will get 10 republicans to sign it. I support trying it but at this point it's clear that the only people with less guts in the House of Representatives than John Boehner are moderate republicans. Especially Peter King and his wily band of cowards.

No Republican will sign it besides maybe the Virginia Representatives. I see its use as a messaging tool, showing that its Boehner holding this whole thing up. Only voting on his bill. Counters #letstalk with #letsvotes.

Its silly and sophomoric but its where our government is at this point. Battling hashtags


Godwin's law invoked again.


It's funny how Evangelicalism can also be equated to downright stupidity.

Then again, they do say ignorance is bliss...


Props to whatever staffer came up with this. I think there's still hope that they can get the signatures but even if they don't, as you say it helps with the messaging battle.

edit, never mind they'd amend it to be identical to the Senate bill.


Most of the state sites run great, but yeah, Healthcare.gov needs to be improved before the shutdown is over and that's where the media attention turns.


yeah huuuuuge fuckup here.. its causing people that are genuinely curious to give up.
The irony. People could start thinking the law has been delayed because the site isn't working.

As PD said, three years to prepare and the website is a piss poor mess. From coding to grammatical errors, it is just an embarrassment.
Most of the state sites run great, but yeah, Healthcare.gov needs to be improved before the shutdown is over and that's where the media attention turns.

Yeah as I said yesterday DC ran great. Though I didn't sign up as I already have Insurance.

I have a question to the health policy wonks: Last night I was talking to a girl who I believe owns a farm and their family had bought insurance privately but now claimed she was being thrown off her plan and her premiums were going up by $700. Of course Obamacare was to blame.

Its this actually a widespread phenomenon or one of those rare cases where their plan wasn't meeting ACA guidelines or wasn't profitable enough?
Yeah as I said yesterday DC ran great. Though I didn't sign up as I already have Insurance.

I have a question to the health policy wonks: Last night I was talking to a girl who I believe owns a farm and their family had bought insurance privately but now claimed she was being thrown off her plan and her premiums were going up by $700. Of course Obamacare was to blame.

Its this actually a widespread phenomenon or one of those rare cases where their plan wasn't meeting ACA guidelines or wasn't profitable enough?

If she is being thrown off her plan, how are her premiums going up?

I don't understand what's negative here. All he said was the reporters misstated what he said. He applied and has pretty much decided on his plan but didn't submit it yet.

Also, The Covered California website has been good. I've already shopped around for my parents and will sign them up soon. They're going to pay way less than half what they pay now through their employee with subsidies (they qualify since the employer insurance is > 9.5% of their income). And the plan they get looks better on face, but i need to go back and compare their current one.


A view from inside the House. This was a response from my Dem congressman.

Thank you for contacting me concerning operations of the Federal government. I appreciate learning of your interest in this issue.

As you know, the annual Appropriations Acts for Fiscal Year 2014 failed to be passed by Congress before the October 1, 2013 deadline. This has precipitated the general shutdown of the Federal government. While the current reason for this shutdown is based on the House of Representatives Majority Party's insistence that the Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare, should be dismantled and unfunded, the real cause of the breakdown in the Appropriations process goes back several months.

Last March, both the House and Senate passed Budget Resolutions for Fiscal Year 2014. The Senate version, S.Con.Res. 8, included a discretionary funding level of $1,058 billion. This level of funding was mandated by the Budget Control Act which passed both the House and Senate and was signed by the President in August, 2011. However, the House version, H.Con.Res. 25, violated the Budget Control Act by setting discretionary funding at $967 billion. Because this was $91 billion below the previous agreed upon level, and would ensure massive, devastating, and dangerous cuts to critical government programs, I opposed passage of H.Con.Res. 25.

Once competing versions of legislation passes both the House and Senate, it is customary to organize a Conference Committee consisting of selected members from both bodies to reach a compromise and final version of the legislation. In the case of the Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2014, though the Senate passed several motions to go to Conference, the Majority Party of the House refused to comply. Without a final version of a Budget Resolution, with a compromise level of funding, the ability to pass realistic Appropriations bills that had the promise of being signed into law by the President became almost impossible. Accordingly, by October 1, 2013, the beginning of Fiscal Year 2014, it was necessary to pass an all-encompassing Continuing Resolution to fund the entire Federal government. And because the Majority Party of the House insists that this Continuing Resolution includes no funds for the Affordable Care Act, a position that the Senate has rejected at least forty-four times and the President has emphatically stated he would veto, the Federal government has come to a standstill and has shutdown. Like the majority of the Senate and the President, I opposed each of these Continuing Resolutions as I believe it is in the best interest of the nation to fully fund the ACA.

As a Member of the House Committee on Appropriations, I assure you that I share the frustration of the wide majority of the people of the Seventh Congressional District with the intransigence of the current leaders and the Majority Party of the House of Representatives. However, at this point, it serves little purpose to dwell on or assign blame. It is now incumbent on all elected officials to work together. Accordingly, please be assured that I will continue to work with my colleagues serving on the Committee, both Republicans and Democrats, to bring this impasse and government shutdown to a reasonable and sensible conclusion.

It was good to hear from you on this important matter.
Yeah as I said yesterday DC ran great. Though I didn't sign up as I already have Insurance.

I have a question to the health policy wonks: Last night I was talking to a girl who I believe owns a farm and their family had bought insurance privately but now claimed she was being thrown off her plan and her premiums were going up by $700. Of course Obamacare was to blame.

Its this actually a widespread phenomenon or one of those rare cases where their plan wasn't meeting ACA guidelines or wasn't profitable enough?

Everyone who currently has an individual plan is being "thrown off" and onto the exchanges. None of those plans will be valid starting January 1st.

And yeah, all the premiums are going up and since her family owns a farm, my guess is they are well off so their premiums are going to go up a lot ($700 is for 2 people or more, I assume).

People who earn a lot and own their own business will have a rate shock. I'm not crying for them.

If she is being thrown off her plan, how are her premiums going up?

The new plans, which are about the same, have a much higher price tag.


Yeah as I said yesterday DC ran great. Though I didn't sign up as I already have Insurance.

I have a question to the health policy wonks: Last night I was talking to a girl who I believe owns a farm and their family had bought insurance privately but now claimed she was being thrown off her plan and her premiums were going up by $700. Of course Obamacare was to blame.

Its this actually a widespread phenomenon or one of those rare cases where their plan wasn't meeting ACA guidelines or wasn't profitable enough?
Well, not to harp on the ACA, but -- I've had a private insurance plan since I was 20-21. Because of this my premium has been crazy low, as well as a $500 deductible. However upon calling my insurance company I have been told that my plan is obsolete and thus at the end of 2014 will be cancelled, and I will have to get a new plan during open enrollment next year, or go with one at whatever company I will be at.

Fine. But I'd really like to fucking see what my options are; the longer it takes to get online and see the more frustrated I get. This is truly unacceptable. I'm not even committing to a plan yet, I just want to see what my options are. The server is seriously a mess. I got like seven confirmation e-mails saying I have "new information" in the marketplace but I can't log in to see it.

And say what you will, but this really does go against Obama's claim that "if you like your health insurance plan, you can keep it". It's really only a half-true statement.
Why not?


Where does this end? Seriously. This is ridiculous.

At the debt ceiling limit.

This shutdown is going on till near October 17th. At this point, it's time to accept it. We're not going to get something new this week that will end it.

It's time to stop being hopeful and be realistic. I gave up on this yesterday.


Harry Reid needs to calm the fuck down. He's going to get too aggressive and potentially stir up the Dems which could end poorly.
Everyone who currently has an individual plan is being "thrown off" and onto the exchanges. None of those plans will be valid starting January 1st.

And yeah, all the premiums are going up and since her family owns a farm, my guess is they are well off so their premiums are going to go up a lot ($700 is for 2 people or more, I assume).

People who earn a lot and own their own business will have a rate shock. I'm not crying for them.

The new plans, which are about the same, have a much higher price tag.

That was my basic understanding. I echo the fact that I'm not a crying for her but its hard to tell someone that's not worth ditching a plan that helps millions more and she's not going to suffer by any objective measures, it sucks yeah but she still has care and isn't paying and exorbitant amount more. She did also say she can't see her doctor now since I guess he's not on any of the exchange plans. And yeah its for a family and I had a hard time figuring out if it was $700 for the year or month.

Harry Reid needs to calm the fuck down. He's going to get too aggressive and potentially stir up the Dems which could end poorly.
Independents don't care about Harry Reid. And Dems need their base read for 2014. I say get more aggressive. The goal here is to break republicans.
@daveweigel 9m

Rep. Jim McDermott on Dem strategy against GOP: "We sit here until they figure out they f**kin’ lost."

Exactly. Let Boehner stew in his failure a bit longer. Don't allow any unforced errors and this will end soon-ish.
Well, not to harp on the ACA, but -- I've had a private insurance plan since I was 20-21. Because of this my premium has been crazy low, as well as a $500 deductible. However upon calling my insurance company I have been told that my plan is obsolete and thus at the end of 2014 will be cancelled, and I will have to get a new plan during open enrollment next year, or go with one at whatever company I will be at.

Fine. But I'd really like to fucking see what my options are; the longer it takes to get online and see the more frustrated I get. This is truly unacceptable. I'm not even committing to a plan yet, I just want to see what my options are. The server is seriously a mess. I got like seven confirmation e-mails saying I have "new information" in the marketplace but I can't log in to see it.

And say what you will, but this really does go against Obama's claim that "if you like your health insurance plan, you can keep it". It's really only a half-true statement.
Its true for 80% of Americans but it is easy for the GOP to bring up in ads. Sucks about the website. What were your premiums before the ACA? I was looking at the DC marketplace and they prices for under $1000 deductible were like 200 or 250. I don't know how they'd be in PA


This is an unexpected side of you -- you're now afraid that the Democrats AREN'T BEING COMPROMISING ENOUGH.
Holy moly, pigeon. That's not quite what I said. He shouldn't roll over, I'm not saying that. I'm saying he needs to play it cool and stop being so emotional, especially if this is going to last until the 17th. Don't wanna burn yourself out too early. That's all I meant.

calm the fuck down =/= rolling over to GOP demands


I'm with the October 17th crowd at this point, nothing will get done until then, so that means I will be working for 8 days without funding that's about $2100, pre-deductions, of pay I don't know when I will get back (my agency said they had money until Monday). And for those who are very clever, no I don't get Columbus day off. During a shutdown you do not get federal holidays off.

I know I have it better than a lot of fellow federal employees who have also had weekly or bi-weekly furloughs as well. It still pisses me off though.

Also I am the sole income for my family.
Yup. Anyone who continues to deny that the vast majority of the Repbulicans and their base aren't racist or have racial bias and prejudice exemplified by White Privilege is delusional. You've have 5+ years of the evidence practically screaming at you in your face, FFS!

Eh, that is quite a large generalization you're making there. While there's no doubt in my mind that some of these tea party members are racist, projecting that image on the whole party is wrong in my opinion. I have plenty of staunchly conservative friends who aren't racist; they just grew up in an echo chamber and have a very narrow viewpoint.
@SenatorReid 10m
Speaker Boehner is a good man who has a tough job. I hope he'll do what he knows is right.

Keep putting the pressure on Boehner, they ball has always been in his court.
Now they got a two front plan with Reid and the discharge.
Meanwhile, Alabama's governor has declared a state of emergency due to the hurricane about to hit there. FEMA personnel are furloughed but will be responding.

If the storm does substantial damage there's going to be a lot of push from Alabama republicans to get something done/pass an aid package. I eagerly await Ted Cruz's views on this matter.
I'm with the October 17th crowd at this point, nothing will get done until then, so that means I will be working for 8 days without funding that's about $2100, pre-deductions, of pay I don't know when I will get back (my agency said they had money until Monday). And for those who are very clever, no I don't get Columbus day off. During a shutdown you do not get federal holidays off.

I know I have it better than a lot of fellow federal employees who have also had weekly or bi-weekly furloughs as well. It still pisses me off though.

Also I am the sole income for my family.

Stay strong. Hopefully, you have some money put away to keep you and your family afloat through this. I can't imagine this not ending by the 17th so at least it's less than a month.

If I run into a House GOP member I'd punch him in the face for you (well, I'd pretend to do it, anyway; prison doesn't seem fun).
That was my basic understanding. I echo the fact that I'm not a crying for her but its hard to tell someone that's not worth ditching a plan that helps millions more and she's not going to suffer by any objective measures, it sucks yeah but she still has care and isn't paying and exorbitant amount more. She did also say she can't see her doctor now since I guess he's not on any of the exchange plans. And yeah its for a family and I had a hard time figuring out if it was $700 for the year or month.

Tell her she is subsidizing her future self. I don't understand how people do not understand that they age over time. Absent Obamacare, as she ages she eventually becomes entirely uninsurable before she reaches Medicare age (especially with idiots trying to push the Medicare age limit upward). And what insurance is available at that age is obscenely priced. If she is getting hit by an increase now, she would be entirely unable to afford insurance later. Therefore, she is paying more now but will pay less later (and be insured and not bankrupt).
Meanwhile, Alabama's governor has declared a state of emergency due to the hurricane about to hit there. FEMA personnel are furloughed but will be responding.

If the storm does substantial damage there's going to be a lot of push from Alabama republicans to get something done/pass an aid package. I eagerly await Ted Cruz's views on this matter.

But I'm from New Jersey and these people shouldn't get any aid because of reasons


Good luck to the people who are going to be affected. Let's hope this passes without much issue.


Its true for 80% of Americans but it is easy for the GOP to bring up in ads. Sucks about the website. What were your premiums before the ACA? I was looking at the DC marketplace and they prices for under $1000 deductible were like 200 or 250. I don't know how they'd be in PA
Insanely low. Less than $160 with a $500 deductible. I have no idea how I lucked out. I wasn't in on some big group plan, nope. It was just me. I would guess perhaps it is because I did it when I was 20-21 like I said before (I am thinking I might have been 19, cannot remember, it has been so long). No joke -- when I first signed up for the plan, it was $80 a month with a $500 deductible. :lol I had to call and see if it was a mistake. It wasn't...

That said, whenever I get a full time job I'm probably just going to go on the company's health plan -- or if the ACA plans are decent I might bite. Reason being is because my premiums have risen $40 in the past year alone, making it not that great of a deal anymore. Not to mention, my health care plan does not cover preventative stuff like heart monitoring, colonoscopies, etc. -- well, it is 80/20 or 60/40 depending on where you go, but that can still be over $1000, and afaik a lot of the ACA plans cover that (unless I am mistaken). No mental health coverage as well.

I know Obama's message applied to 80% of the public but it was just poor messaging. That extra 20% no doubt consists of people like farmers who were probably depending on those plans, obsolete as they may be. This may or may not prove to be a thorn in Democrats' side depending on how it plays out. We'll see.

I am anticipating somewhere between $170-240 a month but thanks for the heads up. And mostly every plan has at least a $750 deductible, even company plans before I got laid off were that.
Tell her she is subsidizing her future self. I don't understand how people do not understand that they age. Absent Obamacare, as she ages she eventually becomes entirely uninsurable before she reaches Medicare age (especially with idiots trying to push the Medicare age limit upward). And what insurance is available at that age is obscenely priced. If she is getting hit by an increase now, she would be entirely unable to afford insurance later. Therefore, she is paying more now but will pay less later (and be insured and not bankrupt).

Now, what she pays later is unchanged. Not that I disagree with you, just to clarify that now your price is based on age, location, and whether you smoke.

Diablos, how old are you?
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