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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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@daveweigel 9m

Rep. Jim McDermott on Dem strategy against GOP: "We sit here until they figure out they f**kin’ lost."

Hahahaha that's awesome. I like to believe Obama gathered all of them into a room and gave them a Kenny Powers speech before this all started. "Hey fuckers, grow some nuts".
I just turned 30 which explains the premium hike. :)

Ah, well I already looked that up on covered california out of curiosity.

$200-220 is what I've seen (pre-subsidy).

No deductible for silver plans, too. Low copays.

That's cali, of course. I think it might be cheaper by you.
Hahahaha that's awesome. I like to believe Obama gathered all of them into a room and gave them a Kenny Powers speech before this all started. "Hey fuckers, grow some nuts".

Being in a liberal Seattle district (that's where I live) let's you say awesome stuff like this without any fear or reprisal since the 2nd place finisher in 2012 in his district was somebody to his left.


Ah, well I already looked that up on covered california out of curiosity.

$200-220 is what I've seen (pre-subsidy).

No deductible for silver plans, too. Low copays.

That's cali, of course. I think it might be cheaper by you.
Oh, that's decent. I am sure it will be cheaper, even if marginally. PA from what I can recall averaged $159 for silver plans, but that was for a 27 year old so you might be right on the money.

Seeing as though I have been to the doctor a LOT more lately, the extra $$ for the premium kind of pays off, you know?

btw, I am confused about signing up. Is it true that if my future employer offers healthcare I have to take it? The website seemed to word it that way based on all the bubble questions. What if I want a silver plan no matter what? Am I allowed to stay on?


Oh, that's decent. I am sure it will be cheaper, even if marginally. PA from what I can recall averaged $159 for silver plans, but that was for a 27 year old so you might be right on the money.

Seeing as though I have been to the doctor a LOT more lately, the extra $$ for the premium kind of pays off, you know?

btw, I am confused about signing up. Is it true that if my company offers healthcare I have to take it? The website seemed to word it that way based on all the bubble questions. What if I want a silver plan no matter what? Am I allowed to stay on?

you don't qualify for subsidies if your company offers you a healthcare plan that meets minimum standards. You can still use the exchange.

Oh, that's decent. I am sure it will be cheaper, even if marginally. PA from what I can recall averaged $159 for silver plans, but that was for a 27 year old so you might be right on the money.

Seeing as though I have been to the doctor a LOT more lately, the extra $$ for the premium kind of pays off, you know?

btw, I am confused about signing up. Is it true that if my company offers healthcare I have to take it? The website seemed to word it that way based on all the bubble questions. What if I want a silver plan no matter what? Am I allowed to stay on?

You can always reject your employer insurance and take the exchanges.


A. You won't get employer contribution (most likely)
B. You won't get subsidized if the employer insurance is < 9.5% of your income.

For example, if you earn $30k at your job and your insurance costs $300 a month ($3600 a year), you can go on the exchanges and get subsidized. But if it costs less than $2850, you wouldn't.

More often than not, the employer insurance will be better, as well.

you don't qualify for subsidies if your company offers you a healthcare plan that meets minimum standards. You can still use the exchange.

Just to clarify, this is only true if your insurance through the employer is less than 9.5% of your income. If it's more, you can still get subsidized.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'll never get the whole "Hey, let's just delay it for a year!" idea.

I mean, isn't it quite obvious the GOP wants that so they can come up with some ridiculous false arguments/talking points to repeat ad nauseum for a year, eventually convincing more people to want it gone?


you don't qualify for subsidies if your company offers you a healthcare plan that meets minimum standards. You can still use the exchange.
Ahhh I see. That still isn't a bad deal because if I get screwed out of a job and start another one that doesn't have sufficient coverage I can just go back on the marketplace and get the subsidy.

All these years, what discouraged me from going on a company plan of some sort was knowing that if I quit/get laid off, I have to go back out on the open market and I would probably have been subjected to a MUCH higher premium than what I have now since I would have cancelled that plan and it was based on a rate I got when I was a teen.

Nick Begich Jr., the son of former U.S. Representative Nick Begich and author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP, has claimed that HAARP could trigger earthquakes and turn the upper atmosphere into a giant lens so that "the sky would literally appear to burn", and maintains a website that claims HAARP is a mind control device.[22][24]

Isn't that Mark Begich's brother?


Black Mamba said:
For example, if you earn $30k at your job and your insurance costs $300 a month ($3600 a year), you can go on the exchanges and get subsidized. But if it costs less than $2850, you wouldn't.

More often than not, the employer insurance will be better, as well.
Well considering I'm out of work I might wind up with something <30k. UE benefits don't last forever.

Another question: Say I sign up for the marketplace tomorrow, assuming it works (lol). I am unemployed so I get the subsidy, maybe even medicaid (but I doubt it because this is PA). What happens when I do get a job? Am I solid for a year with a silver plan or do I have to ditch that asap and go with the company plan provided it is there?
Well considering I'm out of work I might wind up with something <30k. UE benefits don't last forever.

Another question: Say I sign up for the marketplace tomorrow, assuming it works (lol). I am unemployed so I get the subsidy, maybe even medicaid (but I doubt it because this is PA). What happens when I do get a job? Am I solid for a year with a silver plan or do I have to ditch that asap and go with the company plan provided it is there?

You join your company's plan if you want to, which you'd probably want to, ASAP.

If you want to stay on the Silver plan, you can do that, but you will owe the IRS money back with your increased income.


You join your company's plan if you want to, which you'd probably want to, ASAP.

If you want to stay on the Silver plan, you can do that, but you will owe the IRS money back with your increased income.
Makes sense.

What if you lose your job when it isn't open enrollment period, then what?
Makes sense.

What if you lose your job when it isn't open enrollment period, then what?

You are allowed to enroll in the exchanges at any time if you

A. lose your job
B. have a baby
C. I forgot this one, but it's based on a huge change in your life situation in general.

This is true forever.


If I lose my job (and with it my health plan) after the open enrollment period ends, will I be able to get a new plan right away in the exchanges? Or is there a coverage gap until the next open enrollment period begins?

SK: Yes, if you lose your job outside of open enrollment, you will be able to get a plan right away in the exchanges. While there is indeed an open enrollment period (this year, from Oct. 1 to March 31), the health-care law allows people who have certain life-changing events to sign up outside of that period. Losing a job, along with moving to a new state or having a baby, count as those life-changing events.

Read this thing, it is helpful: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...-obamacare-questions-wonkblog-has-42-answers/


No Scrubs
You are allowed to enroll in the exchanges at any time if you

A. lose your job
B. have a baby
C. I forgot this one, but it's based on a huge change in your life situation in general.

This is true forever.

I'm guessing no long qualifying under your parents counts for C.


You are allowed to enroll in the exchanges at any time if you

A. lose your job
B. have a baby
C. I forgot this one, but it's based on a huge change in your life situation in general.

This is true forever.
What if you get fired opposed to laid off? Is it like unemployment where you have to go to court and explain why you applied for it? I'm glad I didn't have to do that for my UE, as it was a clean layoff process, company letter and all.

"Huge change"... that seems kind of broad, heh. I bet people will figure out a way to abuse the shit out of that.
That's a "life event" like babies and marriage. You can sign up whenever that happens.

I'm guessing no long qualifying under your parents counts for C.

yes, marriage was it. And I forgot moving to a new state, as well. And I'm guessing you're right on turning 27, Dubs.

What if you get fired opposed to laid off? Is it like unemployment where you have to go to court and explain why you applied for it? I'm glad I didn't have to do that for my UE, as it was a clean layoff process, company letter and all.

"Huge change"... that seems kind of broad, heh. I bet people will figure out a way to abuse the shit out of that.

Doesn't matter if you're fired or quit. Or if I imagine your lose your business. It's based on a huge life change. Anything that does it qualifies.

I'm sure there might be a slight amount of fraud, but nothing to worry about.


aka andydumi
Arizona paid to open the Grand Canyon during the shutdown.

They're trying to do the same thing. Obama is saying no.

It flips the messaging. Now Obama is deliberately preventing tourists from visiting, and is hurting businesses.

Yes, the GOP took the ball and ran home, but when the neighbor stopped by and offered to buy Obama a new ball, he kicked it away and ran off, because he's not getting his way.

Two days ago Brewer flatly said that they won't be providing state money for the Grand Canyon during the shutdown.

Right. I think this time some local townships and some businesses are offering to pitch in some moneyto open temporarily. Unknown money and unknown timeline though.


Right. I think this time some local townships and some businesses are offering to pitch in some moneyto open temporarily. Unknown money and unknown timeline though.

yeah, thats not doable.

Last time they had the national guard come in and open the parks semi-forcibly. It wasn't all "Hey Bill, lets open the parks" "Sure thing!"
yeah, thats not doable.

Last time they had the national guard come in and open the parks semi-forcibly. It wasn't all "Hey Bill, lets open the parks" "Sure thing!"

No, some joker brought the national guard in, and the park manager laughed then away.

When the state came back with bags of cash big Bill opened the doors.

They're bringing the cash and Obama is sending them home, just because
WASHINGTON—As the federal government shutdown stretches into its fourth day, 20 members of the Republican’s Tea Party faction announced this morning they would be willing to support a clean budget resolution bill in exchange for the president’s firstborn daughter, Malia Obama.

While members of the Republican Party’s far-right wing have heretofore been resistant to any sort of deal with the White House over the issue of Obamacare, the Tea Party caucus authored and released a short, tersely worded statement this morning in which they agreed to a swift negotiation of an unstipulated spending bill if the president were to deliver “the firstling.”

“The girl. Bring us the girl,” said Congressman Steve King (R-IA) as he stood beside fellow Tea Party leaders during this morning’s press conference on the steps of the Capitol. “The bill may pass, but the firstborn shall be ours.”

“Heed our bidding,” added an unblinking Phil Gingrey (R-GA). “And thy wish shall be granted.”

According to Washington insiders, the deal would reportedly feature a continuing resolution to fund government operations through November 15 without any modifications to the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, including implementation of the individual mandate and the much-maligned tax on medical devices, while Malia Obama would legally fall under the protectorship of the Tea Party caucus.

White House officials have declined to comment.

According to Congressional aides, if the White House agrees to deliver Malia, as well as a pint of Michelle Obama’s blood, a ram’s horn, and a shard of obsidian to the basement of the Cannon House Office Building by this evening, a House vote on the bill could take place as early as Saturday.

“Obamacare may be a scourge, but lo, our eyes are cast upon matters of greater import,” explained Tea Party Republican Justin Amash of Michigan’s third district. “Preparations must be made. The hour is nigh.”

While some political analysts argued the surprise announcement suggests a weakening in resolve of the faction, opening the door for further movement on their stance, several Republican staffers have already indicated that the caucus will not negotiate on their declared terms and that any attempts to substitute Sasha for Malia will be fruitless.

“It must be Malia,” stated Mick Mulvaney (R-SC). “First of birth. First of blood. First of the reckoning.”

Experts added that in addition to limiting the damage of the current government shutdown, the deal could also avoid a protracted and dangerous battle over raising the nation’s debt ceiling in the coming weeks if members of the Tea Party determine Malia has fulfilled the prophecy.

“The Tea Party has spoken,” said Georgetown professor of political science Richard Drape. “The deal has been wrought. All bear witness to the fruits of the Great Compromise, for it is with us.”

At press time, a teary-eyed Michelle Obama was informing Malia that she will always love her.

They are too good at this
I'll never get the whole "Hey, let's just delay it for a year!" idea.

I mean, isn't it quite obvious the GOP wants that so they can come up with some ridiculous false arguments/talking points to repeat ad nauseum for a year, eventually convincing more people to want it gone?

Pretty much. While I'm glad Obama has outright rejected the idea, I would have been interested in him asking the obvious question: what happens after the one year delay? It's fully implemented and left alone? If you believe Obamacare is an existential threat to the country, and one of the worst laws ever created by man...why would a one year delay appeal to you? After a year delay it would still be an existential threat to the country, and one of the worst laws ever created by man.


Republican mouth pieces Sarah "I can see Russia from my House" Palin and Michelle "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann are running with the whole "Slimdown" of the government instead of the partial shutdown angle. Bachmann has even gone so far as to call it a "slowdown". If you can't make your party look good, try your best to minimize it!

Who needs the IRS, HUD, Department of Education, Library of Congress, Smithsonian, NIH, NSF, and NASA anyway? things are just fiiiiiiiiiiiine!
Republican mouth pieces Sarah "I can see Russia from my House" Palin and Michelle "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann are running with the whole "Slimdown" of the government instead of the partial shutdown angle. Bachmann has even gone so far as to call it a "slowdown". If you can't make your party look good, try your best to minimize it!

Workers know that as economic sabotage.


Republican mouth pieces Sarah "I can see Russia from my House" Palin and Michelle "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann are running with the whole "Slimdown" of the government instead of the partial shutdown angle. Bachmann has even gone so far as to call it a "slowdown". If you can't make your party look good, try your best to minimize it!

Who needs the IRS, HUD, Department of Education, Library of Congress, Smithsonian, NIH, NSF, and NASA anyway? things are just fiiiiiiiiiiiine!

The best part of that is that it plays directly against the strategy that the rest of the GOP is using, which, again, is the best way to guarantee the media coverage of you will be negative (since you represent "internal discord" in your party).


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Republican mouth pieces Sarah "I can see Russia from my House" Palin and Michelle "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann are running with the whole "Slimdown" of the government instead of the partial shutdown angle. Bachmann has even gone so far as to call it a "slowdown". If you can't make your party look good, try your best to minimize it!

Who needs the IRS, HUD, Department of Education, Library of Congress, Smithsonian, NIH, NSF, and NASA anyway? things are just fiiiiiiiiiiiine!

Realistically, republicans would probably want most of those things gone if they had the choice.


Oh NOW the Republicans care about helping people.

Warning -- Faux News: Republicans press Obama to back FEMA funding bill as storm nears

The budget showdown is about to collide with a major weather event.

The House voted Friday to fund the Federal Emergency Management Agency, as Republicans cast the bill as an emergency measure to help Americans threatened by the approaching tropical storm.

"This is about people's lives, people's businesses," Rep. Randy Weber, R-Texas, said.

The bill was one of several House Republicans have pushed in recent days to fund chunks of the government amid the partial government shutdown.

They've been pressuring Democrats, with little success, to support these mini-spending measures while the budget impasse drags on. Republicans upped that pressure on Friday, saying disaster response is critical as Tropical Storm Karen tracks toward the Gulf Coast and is poised to hit this weekend.

"When you've got a storm in the Gulf of Mexico, this is not a time for partisanship," Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., said after the vote, flanked by Gulf state lawmakers. Scalise called on President Obama to remove his veto threat and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass the bill in the Senate.

The House voted 247-164 to approve the FEMA spending bill.

The chamber plans to vote later in the day on nutrition services for low-income women and children.

It's part of a strategy by Republicans to pass a series of small bills, effectively daring Democrats to oppose them while simultaneously pressuring them to come to the negotiating table over the broader budget.

In anticipation of Tropical Storm Karen, FEMA has already starting bringing vital employees back to work to deal with the storm. But the administration has threatened to veto the mini-spending bills.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the administration wants to see "the whole government" re-opened -- not just select parts of it.

Plus Carney noted the law allows for FEMA and other employees to be called in for "protecting life and property."

The two sides did agree on one bill Friday afternoon, for the first time since frantic negotiations over the budget broke down on Monday. The White House announced it would support a House spending bill to provide back-pay for furloughed federal workers.

"Federal workers keep the nation safe and secure and provide vital services that support the economic security of American families," the White House said in a statement. "The administration appreciates that the Congress is acting promptly to move this bipartisan legislation and looks forward to the bill's swift passage."

The only other House bill that the Senate has approved and Obama has signed in the last week has been a measure to pay the nation's military. The White House has threatened to veto every other bill.

So far, the House has voted to fund the National Institutes of Health, the National Guard and Reserve, the National Park Service and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The bill to retroactively pay furloughed workers is on the docket for Saturday.

Though the White House statement in support of that bill could be considered a minor victory for Republicans, it did not signal a breakthrough in talks to re-open the government.

"This bill alone, however, will not address the serious consequences of the funding lapse, nor will a piecemeal approach to appropriations bills," the White House said, calling on the House to approve a catch-all spending bill.

Republicans are continuing to insist that Democrats agree to some concessions on ObamaCare in exchange for such a budget bill.

The White House decision to back the measure for furloughed workers, though, does offer Republicans an opening to ask why the president would support that bill, but not bills to fund such vital agencies like the NIH.

Roughly 800,000 federal workers have been furloughed without pay, and it would take an act of Congress to retroactively pay them for the missed days.

Many more federal employees are working this week without pay -- but under the law, they will automatically get paid once a budget deal is reached.

Of course when Lousiana is threatened, Republicans start to get all frigidity... The Republicans really are devious little snakes.

My representative is Renee Ellmers.

Motherfucking redistricting taking me away from David Price.

At least your representative is not Joe "You lie!" Wilson.

I hate sharing my last name with that douche.
My representative is Renee Ellmers.

Motherfucking redistricting taking me away from David Price.
I'm looking at a map of your district, and the gerrymandering is painful to look at. WTF did they do to Raleigh?

Edit: speaking of David Price, it looks like he's now representing the district that my brother is currently living in (he goes to UNC Chapel Hill)


No Scrubs
My representative is Renee Ellmers.

Motherfucking redistricting taking me away from David Price.

Yikes. Makes me grateful my area wasn't affect too bad in the redistricting. Went from Greg Meeks to Steve Israel.

Also what the hell kind of shit did they do to your state? Those redistricting lines are disgusting.
the state isn't bringing cash

No, they aren't.

Guys you cant just say things and hope it makes it true. I think youuve been reading too many GOP posts and think that strategy works.

PHOENIX &#8212; Arizona&#8217;s Republican leaders, known for picking fights with the federal government, are seething again now that the Grand Canyon is closed because of the budget crisis in Washington.

Gov. Jan Brewer wants the state&#8217;s signature national park reopened and has offered to pay for it with state money, but her proposal was rejected Thursday by a park official who said that as long as the federal government remains shut down, such a plan isn&#8217;t an option.

&#8220;I appreciate the support and I thanked them for the offer, but it&#8217;s not an offer we can accept,&#8221; said park superintendent Dave Uberuaga.

Nationally, at least one other governor also has been turned back in a similar effort. South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard had offered to use state employees to keep Mount Rushmore open.


Meanwhile in 1995

The shutdown was briefly solved, but when the parks were again closed a month later, the state paid more than $17,000 a day to keep the road to Mather Point and the Grand Canyon Village open.

Obama is deliberately kicking the ball over the fence


Man, Fox is really hammering home the "Won't someone thing of the veterns?!" Rhetoric. The irony is amazing.

Also, it's not surprising George Will joined Fox.


Guys you cant just say things and hope it makes it true. I think youuve been reading too many GOP posts and think that strategy works.


Meanwhile in 1995

Obama is deliberately kicking the ball over the fence

*sigh* The federal government is shutdown. That previous governments (congress and executive) have allowed states to keep open federal parks is not relevant, not really.



What line though, Marx-Engels-Lenin? Marx-Lenin-Stalin-Hoxha? Marx-Luxemburg-Political Irrelevance? Marx-Kautsky-Milton Friedman? This is a very important question that no one can ever answer for me. :(
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