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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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I... really disagree. i think christie's reputation as a "moderate" is a complete fabrication that he only manages to get away with because the media is terrible at holding anyone accountable, ever.

Rand is just such a fucking hypocrite about so many things.

Likes to grandstand about tuff-rugged individualism and the invisible hand -- needs bucketloads of subsidies for corporate handouts in his deadbeat state.

claims to be a steadfast guardian of civil liberties -- yet wants to enforce his stupid religious worldview on the rest of society.

also there's the weird personality cult surrounding him and his dumbass father. god, i hate internet libertarians

(they're all pretty terribel)

Rand Paul lies all the time. On a side note, I appreciate him for standing up to the Common Core Education reforms in Kentucky, even if it's doing well for your students! =P smh

As for Christie, JesseEwiak has immolated him a billion times, so...yeah. He's no moderate.


World Economy....it was nice knowing you.


I can't anymore.

“It’s time to put the partisan bickering aside and fund the vital services we all support, maintain our credit rating, and continue the debate about the damage Obamacare is doing to the economy. Sen. Cruz has fully supported individual measures to fund essential government services and to take responsible action to reduce our debt. The President and all members of Congress should send an unmistakable signal that the United States will not default on its debt. We should not put our credit ratings in jeopardy over our political disputes,” – Catherine Frazier, press secretary for Senator Ted Cruz.


BREAKING NEWS: Karl Rove called Zach Galifianakis by the name of Nick Galifianakis when trying to quote The Campaign. More to come as this develops.


I wonder if Republicans want to crash the economy so that they can attempt to place the blame on Obamacare?

"Look everyone, the economy crashed just as Obamacare became active! Coincidence? I think not!"


I for one look forward to hearing about Parking-Gate in 2016

Hillary Clinton got a bit of a the commoner experience in London on Saturday when she got a parking ticket—although her security detail did try to stop it. Clinton’s silver Mercedes was parked outside the Chatham House in Westminster—where she was picking up an award—for nearly 45 minutes, without allegedly having paid the £3.30—or $5.25-per hour parking fee. When the traffic warden wrote the ticket, five members of her security detail jumped out, but the warden refused to back down. The £80—about $127—fine can be reduced if she pays it within 14 days (down to £40, or $63). Otherwise, Clinton has until October 25 to appeal, giving the entire world the opportunity to see Hillary Clinton in traffic court.

Bonus: the accompanying pic (outline only, of course) would make a great new av for PD

Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 3m
Member texts from Cap Hill Club basement, tells me the whole R scene is "depressing... everyone needs a drink after today"

Wow. It's almost as if this was a terrible idea from the start.

Also from Costa, just now:

Boss heard Boehner will bring [Senate deal] to the floor... House action probably over." --House GOP aide, via e-mail.

And that's the game.
@robertcostaNRO 2m

"Boss heard Boehner will bring [Senate deal] to the floor... House action probably over." --House GOP aide, via e-mail.

It's over.

Boehner just might resign now, wow. I figured he could survive if he made a "we tried our best" speech, but now...

And it gets torn apart here as being an imaginary middle the media elite wants to think exists

Well, you know, maybe there happens to be a clear lack of support in the Center for diversity because you have excluded people of color from your definition of the Center.
But let’s look at this “Center” more closely in terms of actual policy, to see whether this “Center” looks like the imagined “Center” of a Sunday show panel guest. This “Center” has dumb beliefs about “government spending” and a “balanced budget” because those issues are generally explained poorly and constantly lied about, but it is well to the left of the Washington consensus on specific economic issues. This “political center,” which is, again, primarily (but not entirely) a soft-Democratic white plurality, supports raising the minimum wage, hiking taxes on millionaires (59 percent support!) and taxing carbon emissions (yes, a carbon tax polled well in a survey of “the Center”), and financial regulation. We’re definitely still a center-right nation as long as you only pay attention to vague beliefs about the importance of balancing the budget and ignore the strong national desire to soak the rich.



Unconfirmed Member
Wow. It's almost as if this was a terrible idea from the start.

Also from Costa, just now:

And that's the game.


“We’re very excited,” said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). “It’s exactly what we wanted, and we got it.”

“It’s wonderful,” said Rep. John Abney Culberson (R-Tex.), clapping his hands to emphasize the point. “We’re 100 percent united!”

They honestly never saw it coming.


Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 37s
per sources, options for the House GOP are limited: accept what Reid-McConnell broker, or at last minute try for a short DL ext

Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 7m
"Boss heard Boehner will bring [Senate deal] to the floor... House action probably over." --House GOP aide, via e-mail.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Member texts from Cap Hill Club basement, tells me the whole R scene is "depressing... everyone needs a drink after today"

Bartender: Why so blue, congressman?

Boehner: I just had to vote to not destroy the global economy. And I didn't even get anything in return!
What's in the senate deal again?
Still in the air as of this AM. Negotiations paused, I guess because McConnell wanted to see if Boehner could get his caucus in line:
The outline of the emerging Senate deal is this: The government is funded until Jan. 15. The debt ceiling is lifted until Feb. 7. There are a handful of small Affordable Care Act changes: Stronger income verification, which Republicans want, and a one-year delay on the reinsurance tax, which Democrats want.

Oh, and there's a bicameral budget committee that needs to report back by Dec. 13.

The timing of all this is designed to create a fight about sequestration. The Jan. 15 deadline means funding for the federal government runs out at the exact moment sequestration's deeper cuts kick in. The Dec. 13 deadline means that the full House and Senate would have time to consider any package of recommendations the bicameral committee comes up with, if the committee actually manages to come up with anything.


Wish Reid would add in the McConnell Provision to end debt ceiling extortion.... and give federal agencies some more flexibility on the Sequester.
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