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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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I'm around that age too.

Its not even the left right divide is just the general pessimism about society and politics. I don't think today is any different than general trends we've seen in the past and which we've constantly improved on.

I'm a optimist about the future because our history on the long term shows that to be the almost universal trend. Which is funny because I'm a pessimist about my own life.

I'm exactly the same way haha.
Alan West has some things to say:

“What type of gimmick will we rush to accept as a leader regardless of qualification, leadership, or principles? The first Hispanic president? The first gay president? The first transgender president? The first Muslim president? (Oh, wait…) How long will we follow destructive cults of personality just to appease the gods of political correctness?”

“I suspect that by now, those of you with a different perspective are reading this and steaming. Good. Those of you who are black and who follow the progressive socialist ideology and philosophy are most likely shouting at these pages, calling me an Uncle Tom and a sellout.

In return, let me say you are the ones who are the Uncle Toms and sellouts. You have sold your own once regal and proud black community for less than thirty pieces of silver, and to what end?”

“When I revisit my neighborhood in Atlanta, I see the blight facing most urban neighborhoods: Section 8 housing, food stamps, EBT card signs, and the breakdown of the family. Of all the consequences of the Great Society programs and the War on Poverty, intended or otherwise, the destruction of the black family has been the most disastrous. More than 70 percent of black children are born outside of marriage. That is an epidemic. And if you take into account the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s statistics that close to three hundred thousand black babies are aborted annually, are we looking at racial genocide?
The brilliant idea for this tragedy came from the progressive socialists of the Johnson administration who thought government should provide welfare payments to women who purposely had children out of wedlock and did not seek to get married or have a male living in the same home.

In other words, the Johnson administration was promoting the disintegration of the moral fiber of the black community. Furthermore, the government would send our social workers to inspect the households and ensure there were no males residing in the home, because if there were, the benefits would be cut off. As long as women remained single, they could stay on these programs and receive free health care, housing, and babysitting services for life.

The most dangerous consequence of President Johnson’s misguided policy is the abdication of individual responsibility in the black community.”

“The Left and its black gatekeepers went absolutely apoplectic some months ago when I used the word enslavement. But you tell me a better description for what social welfare dependence breeds. To me it’s worse than physical enslavement, because it enslaves human spirit. It destroys the will and determination to seek improvement and a better life.”


From recent police actions I'm not quite sure who would be against cops having to pay a quarter before they can shoot anyone.

Or, for that matter, arresting a central banker...

From the comments.

I'm having a hard time disagreeing

Alan West has some things to say:

I am mostly shaking my head at his stupidity. His slavery comment is completely idiotic. He is implying that slaves had the opportunity to improve their lives. Not to mention that actual data shows that the vast majority of people are not permanently on welfare and use it like it was meant; a ways to get back on their feet. Though I guess its expecting too much to have thoughts actually grounded in reality expressed from the mouth of this idiot


Remember that time he beat a suspect and fired a gun by his head and then retired so he didn't have to face jail time.

And then remember that time he got fired from the same company that somehow still produces Zonation.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Stuff like taxation and immigration is exactly the government's business; it's silly for libertarians demand the government get out of marriage out of one side of their mouth while asking for government-granted benefits out of the other.

Are you sure you meant to say "libertarians"?
Georgia Senate poll, the same outfit that did the Carter-Deal matchup earlier.

Perdue 38
Nunn 33

Gingery 41
Nunn 38

Broun 38
Nunn 38

Kingston 38
Nunn 37

Nunn 38
Handel 37
Nunn holding her own against all comers except Perdue who would probably be the hardest to defeat (although the undecideds in that matchup are really high, though they are in all the matchups which suggests these are the floors for the candidates). Perdue pulled a Braley by attacking Handel for not having a college degree so we'll see if that damages him in the primary.

Nunn is going on the air tomorrow as well.


What ever happened with Oregon's state exchange, by the way? Did they get the website working, or is it all still paper/phone? (Ghaleon?)
They never did get the site working. You could sign up by mailing a paper form, going to an office and applying with the help of (socialist marxist nazi) navigators, applying over the phone where someone could work the processing side that users couldn't, or emailing a filled out PDF. Your basic clusterfuck. And they still had pretty good enrollment.

Oregon Health Plan enrollments through Cover Oregon: 122,880

Net enrollments: Net private medical: 52,372

The administation is debating what to do. Continue shoveling money at Oracle to get it working, or abandon it. If they abandon it, options I've seen mentioned are lifting another state's tech and adapting it, or just handing Oregon over to the federal exchange. Starting over isn't really an option given the next enrollment period is just six months away.



Pretty accurate view of libertarians IMO.


Unconfirmed Member
Edit: the only difference between cats and libertarians is cats have a better work ethic when it comes to licking their own genitals.

They never did get the site working. You could sign up by mailing a paper form, going to an office and applying with the help of (socialist marxist nazi) navigators, applying over the phone where someone could work the processing side that users couldn't, or emailing a filled out PDF. Your basic clusterfuck. And they still had pretty good enrollment.

The administation is debating what to do. Continue shoveling money at Oracle to get it working, or abandon it. If they abandon it, options I've seen mentioned are lifting another state's tech and adapting it, or just handing Oregon over to the federal exchange. Starting over isn't really an option given the next enrollment period is just six months away.
they should partner with another state and use theirs, not just the site though, the whole exchange. Providers would be happy if they could provide one plan and qualify for multiple states at once. my endgame is multistate exchanges that offer their own public option.

12 thousand people for start of Michigan Medicaid expansion

Nice. The Healthy Michigan dental program has been running great since October, especially for children; Medicaid reimbursement rates were greatly increased. And now the state is in the process of increasing the reimbursement rates for adults, which will help even more.

One thing people many people tend to overlook is that Medicaid patients are often treated poorly by medical/dental providers, in part due to the low reimbursement rates pre-ACA. Many offers herd Medicaid patients through for a bit of quick malpractice; care that might take an hour for a patient with private insurance might take 10 to 20 minutes for a Medicaid patient, and that way you stack 2-3 patients into an hour to maximize productivity.

The reimbursement rates are now in line with a variety of insurances, at least in Michigan; I know the law increases rates nationally but I can only speak for my state. And while I know many offices will still herd Medicaid patients, I really believe the law will increase care quality by allowing Medicaid patients to go to better health/dental practices that treat their patients with respect.
She's going to lose regardless of voting options. 2012 showed that limited options can be adapted to, specifically by using republican weapons to your advantage (absentee ballots, which dems greatly improved on in 2012); I'm not denying voter right restrictions is a problem, just pointing out it can be overcome. The problem is that Obama won't be on the ballot to drive dem voting, be it absentee or day-of. When you have a depressed economy that is impacting dem voters more than anyone else, not to mention the ACA isn't helping a good deal of working poor citizens due to not expanding the Medicaid program, it's unlikely we'll see a big enough wave to save Hagan.


At this point, I don't even care if the Democrats lose the Senate. We could do without the current set of spineless rats who won't stand up and defend their party's biggest achievement in 3 decades. Every Democrat could have a huge advantage with woman if they did nothing else but talk about how Obamacare helps them. Fuck it ya know, get these losers out and hopefully put in some who are willing to fight during the next cycle.
She's going to lose regardless of voting options. 2012 showed that limited options can be adapted to, specifically by using republican weapons to your advantage (absentee ballots, which dems greatly improved on in 2012); I'm not denying voter right restrictions is a problem, just pointing out it can be overcome. The problem is that Obama won't be on the ballot to drive dem voting, be it absentee or day-of. When you have a depressed economy that is impacting dem voters more than anyone else, not to mention the ACA isn't helping a good deal of working poor citizens due to not expanding the Medicaid program, it's unlikely we'll see a big enough wave to save Hagan.
It's really funny how you keep peddling this "Hagan's doomed because PPACA doesn't work in North Carolina" line because


Enrollment in the online health care exchanges continues to be strong in North Carolina, as federal numbers reveal more than 200,000 people in the state have signed up for coverage provided as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

Original projections were that about 191,000 people in North Carolina would sign up, but the February numbers showed that an additional 40,000 North Carolinians signed up, putting the state past its enrollment goal.

North Carolina is one of only seven states that have surpassed its enrollment goal. More than 4.2 million people across the country have now signed up for insurance through the health insurance exchanges.
Will Hagan capitalize on this? Because all of her Republican opponents are going to have to own up to taking health insurance away from 200,000+ people (the number is almost assuredly higher at this point) if they want to keep running on a platform to repeal Obamacare. Which, if you haven't noticed, is the Republicans' only issue in 2014, and if PPACA is even seen as a minor success they will lose big. Maybe not in numbers but in the chance to shore up their House majority against the inevitable Hillary wave or win the Senate majority.


The problem in NC isn't people aren't enrolling, it's that prices went up for basically anyone who was buying private insurance but isn't eligible for subsidies. They had no other choice but to enroll, especially those with cancelled plans who's only other option was some crazy 3x increase. I know a friend of mine is paying about 50% more for his unemployed student wife's health insurance, and is not eligible for any subsidies due to his income. He's more of a libertarian than anything else, but he's the sort of independent who'll vote democrat in most elections due to how batshit the other side is. That's the sort of demographic that is getting fucked by premium hikes due to Obamacare in NC, and it's going to definitely hurt Hagan.
The problem in NC isn't people aren't enrolling, it's that prices went up for basically anyone who was buying private insurance but isn't eligible for subsidies. They had no other choice but to enroll, especially those with cancelled plans who's only other option was some crazy 3x increase. I know a friend of mine is paying about 50% more for his unemployed student wife's health insurance, and is not eligible for any subsidies due to his income. He's more of a libertarian than anything else, but he's the sort of independent who'll vote democrat in most elections due to how batshit the other side is. That's the sort of demographic that is getting fucked by premium hikes due to Obamacare in NC, and it's going to definitely hurt Hagan.

This is exactly my point, Aaron. The law creates a coverage donut hole for those who make too much for Medicaid, and also make too much for subsidies. NC is fucked because without the Medicaid expansion many people are forced to purchase coverage they cannot afford. Subsidies are largely what makes this law affordable for people, and when they aren't accessible it becomes a problem. In the future I'd imagine dems will be pushing to increase income eligibility for subsidies, but that's not going to become law anytime soon.

Most voters aren't highly educated on national politics, much less national ones. How many know their governor shitcanned Medicaid, vs those who just automatically blame Obama because Obamacare isn't working for them?

This is where the Medicaid expansion ballot initiatives come in. Perhaps democrats can drive turnout if they can get that issue on the ballot. They're trying in Louisiana, and I think it could help save Landreui. Maybe NC can do the same.
This is NOT the Onion or an April 1st gag:

CHARLESTON, South Carolina (Reuters) - An 8-year-old South Carolina girl's dream of having the woolly mammoth become the official state fossil has been put on hold while lawmakers debate an amendment that gives God credit for creation of the prehistoric animal.

A bill that recently passed the state House to designate the Columbian Mammoth as the state fossil stalled in the Senate after Republican Senator Kevin Bryant added two verses from the book of Genesis.

That amendment was ruled out of order but senators this week will debate a new amendment that says the mammoth was "created on the sixth day along with the beasts of the field," Bryant said on Monday.


So SA seems pretty convinced that Sanders is going to run in 2016, I wonder why he hasn't been getting that much media buzz.
Because he's not a 'very serious person' who wants to cut the deficit and Social Security. He's a socialist so the media considers him a joke and will never take him seriously regardless of the merit of his ideas.
The problem in NC isn't people aren't enrolling, it's that prices went up for basically anyone who was buying private insurance but isn't eligible for subsidies. They had no other choice but to enroll, especially those with cancelled plans who's only other option was some crazy 3x increase. I know a friend of mine is paying about 50% more for his unemployed student wife's health insurance, and is not eligible for any subsidies due to his income. He's more of a libertarian than anything else, but he's the sort of independent who'll vote democrat in most elections due to how batshit the other side is. That's the sort of demographic that is getting fucked by premium hikes due to Obamacare in NC, and it's going to definitely hurt Hagan.
Perhaps but those people would still lose their insurance if Obamacare was repealed. Hagan really needs to go to bat on this.
Perhaps but those people would still lose their insurance if Obamacare was repealed. Hagan really needs to go to bat on this.

To be honest their insurance would be cheaper without Obamacare, since they'd once again be able to enroll in horrible plans that the ACA terminated. And while we can certainly argue against the plans, there are more than a few people who are upset they can't keep their shitty plans. It's one of the weirdest things I've ever seen professionally. But then again if all you can afford is a $50 shit plan, getting a $100 replacement that is better won't help you financially.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Why did Paul Ryan reveal yet another new budget plan? There's no legitimate reason I can think of. It was completely unnecessary at best and at worst, will give the Dems major ammo to hammer him in the midterms.
Why did Paul Ryan reveal yet another new budget plan? There's no legitimate reason I can think of. It was completely unnecessary at best and at worst, will give the Dems major ammo to hammer him in the midterms.

I still think it is hilarious that the biggest thing he proposes cutting is Obamacare . . . on the day they announced 7.1 million sign-ups on the web site. It was such perfect timing.

It is standard GOP budgeting . . . cut money for poor & sick . . . . but protect old people socialism because they still vote for the GOP . . . and more for defense. Just like Jesus would want.

I really think it would be awesome if the Pope gave Paul Ryan a surprise visit.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Dick Durbin said:
You’re not going to turn away seven or 10 million people from insurance coverage — doesn’t work anymore. And then comes Ryan. Thank you, thank you Congressman Paul Ryan, for reminding us what Republicans would do if they had control.

Seriously, the boy genius isn't even close to being as smart as anyone thinks he is.

Also, speaking of Durbin, I noticed the other day when Obama gave the speech about reaching the 7 million goal, he thanks Pelosi and Durbin for helping pass the bill, but not Harry Reid for some reason. Wonder if he's pissed...
Why did Paul Ryan reveal yet another new budget plan? There's no legitimate reason I can think of. It was completely unnecessary at best and at worst, will give the Dems major ammo to hammer him in the midterms.

and then there is the Ryan budget getting slammed by Sarah Palin...for not going far enough.
Jeez, the right is REALLY BAD at Math



Rampant Vote Fraud Uncovered In North Carolina
as many as 1 million persons may have voted twice in 2012

While we will never be able to stamp out the race-baiting that is the stock-in-trade of guys like Bouie we can put to rest the idiocy of the “it doesn’t happen” argument. Via FoxNews: Hundreds of cases of potential voter fraud uncovered in North Carolina:

Elections Director Kim Strach told state lawmakers at an oversight hearing Wednesday that her staff has identified 765 registered North Carolina voters who appear to have cast ballots in two states during the 2012 presidential election.

Strach said the first names, last names, birthdates and last four digits of their Social Security numbers appear to match information for voters in another state. Each case will now be investigated to determine whether voter fraud occurred.
But wait, there’s more…

A law passed last year by the Republican-dominated state legislature required elections staff to check information for North Carolina’s more than 6.5 million voters against a database containing information for 101 million voters in 28 states.

The cross-check found listings for 35,570 North Carolina voters whose first names, last names and dates of birth match those of voters who voted in other states. However, in those cases middle names and Social Security numbers were not matched.
This is not a minor problem, this is an industry. Under a most favorable scenario one has to expect the overwhelming majority of the voters matching name and date of birth are the same person. To appreciate magnitude of what we are seeing here consider this only includes one state and that state’s data was only cross checked against 28 states. Extrapolated nationally, this could be as many as 60K illegal voter that emanate from North Carolina alone and as many as 1,000,000 illegal voters nationwide. As each of the voters in this sample voted twice, the impact is not trivial.

Even though Romney carried NC in 2012 one has to presume these 35K voters didn’t suddenly appear in 2012 but are part of a longstanding pattern of double voting. In 2008, Obama carried NC by less than 15,000 votes. One also has to assume that the fraudulent votes are not spread evenly in all congressional districts… my guess would be they are concentrated in districts with high numbers of Democrats… and could very easily be responsible for the election of Mike McIntire in North Carolina’s 7th District which he won by only 533 votes in 2012.

Voter identification is the only assurance that elections are both free and fair. When you have over 1% of the Democrat votes cast in North Carolina explainable by fraudulent voting we no longer have that assurance.

This kind of #analysis is serious.
Jeez, the right is REALLY BAD at Math



This kind of #analysis is serious.
Even though Romney carried NC in 2012 one has to presume these 35K voters didn’t suddenly appear in 2012 but are part of a longstanding pattern of double voting. In 2008, Obama carried NC by less than 15,000 votes. One also has to assume that the fraudulent votes are not spread evenly in all congressional districts… my guess would be they are concentrated in districts with high numbers of Democrats…
Some pretty rock-solid analysis there based on nothing but facts.
Hold on. The article cites 765 people who voted twice. But then it says this later:

The cross-check found listings for 35,570 North Carolina voters whose first names, last names and dates of birth match those of voters who voted in other states. However, in those cases middle names and Social Security numbers were not matched.

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