Pretty much, but I also think a lot of the anger is about the election. Let's not forget the context of that summer and fall. Obama had a clear lead in the polls and there were multiple stories on the right spinning it as a repeat of 1980; Carter had a lead on Reagan until the Iran hostage situation got out of control (obviously there were more factors, but this is the republican narrative). Benghazi gave republicans the foreign policy disaster they wanted, and they clearly thought it would end Obama's presidency.
Remember the night it happened, including Romney's pathetic response? I remember twitter going insane with conservatives hailing it as a strong speech. Yet the attack had next to no impact on the election and Obama won handily. So I think a lot of the obsession over Benghazi has to do with republicans claiming Obama won the election by lying about Benghazi, thus invalidating his re-election. There's also the fringe insinuation that Obama either wanted US servicemen to die or didn't care.
This shit moved into incitement territory a long time ago. It's pretty clear many on the right are accusing Obama and Hillary of treason, of letting US servicemen die in order to protect their political positions. That's dangerous, and yet there's not a single republican who has backed off or tried to calm this shit down; instead they're all fanning the flames. There's a very obvious sinister undercurrent to the way the far right discusses Benghazi, or shit like