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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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I wonder how long the transition to electric cars will be? I imagine that Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Venezuela will have to rethink their economies.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I think it's safe to say that it's a near impossibility that either Sony or Apple (or really any corporation in existence in the past 30 years or so) never took advantage of any help from the government, whether it was in the form of loans, subsidies or tax breaks.

Also, Bolling said that corporations shouldn't take loans from the government, but it's totally fine to take loans from wall street. The latter loans are more freedom-y I assume.


I wonder how long the transition to electric cars will be? I imagine that Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Venezuela will have to rethink their economies.

Iran has the worlds largest proven natural gas reserves so they should still be good. (Qatar as a fuckton as well).
WIth the ACA numbers rolling on in I seriously can't get exercised over the fact that the Democrats will (most) likely lose the Senate. If that's the price for enacting such beneficial legislation that will reverberate for lifetimes then I can stomach a cycle or two of Senate losses.

Of course, political history and the Senate cycle necessarily result in a lopsided advantaged for Republicans -- but I just can't get bothered over the political linkage of the ACA to those running for reelection. I mean, so what?
He was pissed that the government loaned money to Tesla or subsidized them because I quote "Apple didn't need the government to develop the iPhone". Bill was saying Tesla is good because electric cars would decrease dependence on Putin and cut emissions.

Lo and Behold, Austrian Economics Libertarians who idolize Mises and Rothbard are far worse than establishment conservatives.


WIth the ACA numbers rolling on in I seriously can't get exercised over the fact that the Democrats will (most) likely lose the Senate. If that's the price for enacting such beneficial legislation that will reverberate for lifetimes then I can stomach a cycle or two of Senate losses.

Of course, political history and the Senate cycle necessarily result in a lopsided advantaged for Republicans -- but I just can't get bothered over the political linkage of the ACA to those running for reelection. I mean, so what?
And the real question is would they (Dems) be any better off without ACA right now? I doubt it.

If you look at the numbers alone -- Dems defended pretty much every single fucking seat they had to in the past six years. Yes, it sucked that they lost a Dem seat in PA to Toomey for example, but they made up for it in spades by capitalizing on running against Tea Party idiocy in Indiana, Missouri and North Dakota; states the GOP were supposed to hold/gain. They've done everything they needed to and it really boils down to being a pure tossup race on a map that heavily favors Republicans by default.

They still might maintain a majority by a seat or two, especially if the economy stays relatively okay.

IF the GOP gets the Senate though, I'm fully prepared for another shutdown fight, this time with tossing out the ACA (be it altogether or just gutting the things that make it worth actually keeping around, i.e. subsidies) actually having the possibility of reaching the President's desk.


I wonder how long the transition to electric cars will be? I imagine that Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Venezuela will have to rethink their economies.

Approximately 15 years after electric stations are available to the vast majority of the population. I'm throwing out 15 years because that feels that'd be about the length of time i'd take for electric cars to be sold and eventually become standard, and then the gas cars would start aging out of being on the road and become the minority.

If Tesla actually builds out their charger network then it'll be an eventuality, not a possibility.


I'm just waiting until campaigns will be fully sponsored by corporations dumping billions of dollars into candidates. We're heading straight towards this reality with nothing to stop it.
Give it 3 years. Or less.

This pretty much eliminates the need for the pony show that is PACs, right?

We need to pass a law that money is not speech.


Honestly, at this point, may as well just take out the middle man. They already pretty much give however much they want to whoever they want through the PAC system, may as well just take out the middle man. All it does is obfuscate the real issue.


How much chance is there Scalia or Thomas will retire in the next two years?

Voluntarily? As in, not due to health issues? None.

Kennedy is the oldest (conservative), IIRC. Thomas is pretty young overall, so there's pretty much no hope of him retiring. Ruth Ginsburg and Kennedy are the two oldest, but Ginsburg seems to be determined to stay.

I was sincerely hoping Kennedy would retire, but I doubt that happens unless he experiences health problems either.

it's hard not to be disillusioned and pessimistic about the future of the country when you have fucklords like Scalia and Thomas and any of Reagan's and Bush II's legacies sitting on the court.


Unconfirmed Member
Uh. The Supreme Court can just fuck right off.

Btw, this is the shit Roberts wanted to "get away" with when he sought to reduce scrutiny with his ACA decision. Everybody was watching that, only wonks care about finance (to our ultimate misfortune).

Expanded corporate personhood, unlimited campaign finance, and abolishing civil rights era protections. Welcome to the legacy of the Roberts court.


Unconfirmed Member
Allowing people to throw money at elected officials but fuck up the vra so that not everyone can vote
They should get better jobs so the can earn more speech.

Wonder why they left the 5200 limit? Maybe wasn't part of this particular case, but you know it is coming soon.



Koch Brothers' New Obamacare Attack: An Arkansas Trucker Is Confused

After a number of ads run by the Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity have been hammered for making false charges against Obamacare, the outfit has a new spot in Arkansas that offers a less-daring claim: A truck driver is confused about his insurance.

"It's like living in a haze," says Jerry Buckley in the ad, which AFP will spend $540,000 to run. "You don't know whether you're going to have insurance or whether you're going to be able to afford your insurance. It was taken away from us. Or it was given back to us," says Buckley, adding in apparent frustration, "We don't know what it's been now."

As Buckley notes, the Arkansas state insurance commissioner has announced that old plans like his that are not Obamacare-compliant can continue to be offered until 2017. So while Buckley says he hasn't received any letters from his insurer since one in October 2013 warned that his plan would be canceled, he might clear up his own confusion with a call to the company.

The Huffington Post wrote about the extension after Jerry's wife, Wanda Buckley, did a similar ad for AFP that was found to be misleading. In fact, while it is likely true that many people are still confused about the Affordable Care Act, Jerry Buckley has been engaged in trying to sort it out at least since October, when he took the trouble to post about his insurance woes on the campaign website of Rep. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), who is running against Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) this year.

The AFP ad is clearly targeting Pryor's reelection: It ends by urging viewers to tell the senator that Obamacare "hurts Arkansas families."

But in some ways, the spot might be good news for Pryor -- even though it brings AFP spending against him to about $2 million in 2014 alone -- because it suggests that the most damning charge against him currently is that a law he backed is causing some confusion. This isn't your death panel-level attack.

The ad does appear to contain one misleading statement. Buckley says "there's just a silence" from Pryor about Obamacare's implementation, but an Arkansas News story about his case describes Buckley's communications with Pryor's office on the subject.

“The Kochs are getting desperate,” said Pryor campaign spokesman Erik Dorey in a statement. “They’re throwing millions at Congressman Cotton to reward his reckless votes against Medicare, student loans and equal pay for women, but Arkansans just aren’t buying these misleading attacks.”

"Instead of bringing peace of mind about health care, ObamaCare is wreaking havoc on Americans from all walks of life," Phillips said in the press release accompanying the ad. "Jerry's story is not unique; millions of Americans all across the country have been frustrated and let down by a law that was sold on a foundation of broken promises. It is disappointing that Senator Pryor has chosen -- time and time again -- to stand by a barely-functioning piece of legislation rather than the people of Arkansas he represents."
Can I just say, I fucking despise when any contentious issue gets voted among party lines on the court?

I read somewhere that most SCOTUS rulings are unanimous, and 5-4 rulings are a rarity, but it seems to me with the exception of ACA, all the ruling on major contentious issues go down party lines. Really mars the impartiality of the process.
Expanded corporate personhood, unlimited campaign finance, and abolishing civil rights era protections. Welcome to the legacy of the Roberts court.

Those are the main goals of this Court in a nutshell. They are fucking the US people over for a long, long time.


Those are the main goals of this Court in a nutshell. They are fucking the US people over for a long, long time.

You keep hearing politicians, Republicans especially, going on and on about what the younger generation has to inherit. Well, we are inheriting shit due to their direct actions which they don't realize has extreme consequences down the road.

Oh, wow. This comment from our favorite fundie forum:

"The progressive goal is nationalized healthcare, like the rest of the fallen world. It's satan's way of taking care of the world. "


You don't know whether you're going to have insurance or whether you're going to be able to afford your insurance.

Is he describing pre-Obamacare? Cause it sounds like he's describing pre-Obamacare.
Lo and Behold, Austrian Economics Libertarians who idolize Mises and Rothbard are far worse than establishment conservatives.

This is why I look at people funny when they try to give us comfort that the "New Right" may be much more libertarian than conservative. It isn't really comforting. You can reason with a conservative (to a point at least), you can't with a libertarian.


aka andydumi
This pretty much eliminates the need for the pony show that is PACs, right?

No. They specifically said that individual limits are still in places, to prevent direct quid-pro-quo. So in aggregate you can give more, but not individually.

You can now give to unlimited numbers of PACs, but still only X amount max for each one. If anything, this encourages even more PACs to form, so that in aggregate more can be spent.


Listening to Fox News go on and on about how the enrollment numbers are fake and all is just getting sad. The reek of desperation is strong.


You keep hearing politicians, Republicans especially, going on and on about what the younger generation has to inherit. Well, we are inheriting shit due to their direct actions which they don't realize has extreme consequences down the road.

Oh, wow. This comment from our favorite fundie forum:

"The progressive goal is nationalized healthcare, like the rest of the fallen world. It's satan's way of taking care of the world. "

FFS! How?! How do you equate Nationalized Healthcare to Satan?! What level of Cognitive dissonance is required to ignore half of Jesus's bloody teaching and actions and reach the conclusion that society helping the poor is an act of SATAN?! HOW! Gahhh!
FFS! How?! How do you equate Nationalized Healthcare to Satan?! What level of Cognitive dissonance is required to ignore half of Jesus's bloody teaching and actions and reach the conclusion that society helping the poor is an act of SATAN?! HOW! Gahhh!

The Christian-right has befuddled me since the 80's. I still don't get it. But it helps to realize that the movement's origin was really about racism. Lots of schools were having their tax-exemptions revoked because of their racial rules.

Paul Weyrich said:
[W]hat galvanized the Christian community was not abortion, school prayer, or the ERA [Equal Rights Amendment]. I am living witness to that because I was trying to get those people interested in those issues and I utterly failed. What changed their minds was Jimmy Carter’s intervention against the Christian schools, trying to deny them tax-exempt status on the basis of so-called de facto segregation.

I don't view it as religious movement as much of a paleo-conservative political movement that uses religion as a shield. Clumsily. The Bible is not about racism. Jesus never said a word about abortion or homosexuals.


This is why I look at people funny when they try to give us comfort that the "New Right" may be much more libertarian than conservative. It isn't really comforting. You can reason with a conservative (to a point at least), you can't with a libertarian.
But hey at least they're socially progressive eg for gay marriage despite the fact they want to screw us all over with their backwards economics :)


I just had a scary thought. If this were currently McCain's second term instead of Obama's, we would currently be at war with Syria, Iran, and Russia.


White nationalist group says gay marriage will lead to pedophilia and zoophilia.


It's not like we haven't heard THAT one before.

If a state cannot be permitted to define marriage as simply as constituting one man and one woman, then our culture will be taken down a very slippery slope that will see pedophiles, polygamists, zoophiles, those in incestuous relationships, and every other sexual deviant with proclivities now known or to be invented to challenge laws that, likewise, prevent them from marrying whom -- or what -- they wish.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The father of Unskewed Polls is back:

"Everything done by the Regime turns out to be a complete disaster, and when it's possible to skew or fabricate numbers to cover for their failures, that's exactly what the Obama Regime does," Chambers wrote. "This magic seven million Obamacare signups is no different than anything else reported by the Regime. Completely fraudulent, fake, and phony."



FFS! How?! How do you equate Nationalized Healthcare to Satan?! What level of Cognitive dissonance is required to ignore half of Jesus's bloody teaching and actions and reach the conclusion that society helping the poor is an act of SATAN?! HOW! Gahhh!

If God wants you dead you get sick and die. The Government shouldn't be trying to save everyone from cancer or bear attacks.

During the entire first term of Obama, about a quarter of a million new claims for unemployment were filed each week. That's more than one million new unemployed citizens per month, when on many of those months, the Regime claimed that maybe 150,000 or 200,000 jobs were created. Some months, even lower job creation figures were reported. Yet despite the increasing real unemployment, most month the “official” unemployment rate was reported a tenth of a percent lower. How could one million lose jobs each month and a fraction of new jobs being created, and yet unemployment rates go down? If defies logic and takes some really creative outcome-based “new math” to figure this out.

1 million people losing their job each month for 4 years. This guy is dumber than I thought.
Quinnipiac poll has Democrats leading 40-38 on the generic ballot, Republicans had a lead of 38-37 in January

Movement within the margin of error yeah!

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