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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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No Scrubs
Sigh. #CancelColbert had nothing to do with misunderstanding satire. It was just saying that he took his satire too far for not a good enough reason. Basically the Redskin name is going to stand either way, so even satirically attacking people who have been abused with Asian stereotypes really does more harm than good.

That segment in particular just wasn't funny, only offensive, which is certainly a valid form of satire dating back to Modest Proposal, but Colbert has always gone for funny satire, not offensive, which makes the segment feel too much like he's more hiding behind the shield of satire to do racist jokes, as opposed to using satire to make a point.

That 100% does not mean Colbert or his writers are racist, just that maybe they fell into the same trap most comedians fall into from time to time, and just wrote something that will get a reaction without checking themselves to see if they are taking it too far.

I watch Colbert nearly every night he's on and will continue to without question, but it's annoying to see those criticisms be treated as if they were made by people who just don't "get" comedy. Colbert will be fine keeping his conservative persona as long as he doesn't lean so incredibly heavily into the racist side of it.

He's done that exact kind of joke multiple times before. He's not even the first person to do that sort of joke about the Redskins. The entire thing started because of an out of context tweet, so let's not say it was really anything else because it wasn't. If it were the skit itself the whole thing would have started 24 hours earlier.

But this isn't the thread for this, there already is one.


You cant blame them though. Illinois swings from red Gov to blue Gov time to time. All of them are corrupt and renege on their promises. At least red ones don't go on tax increase spree. Did you know IL is now second only to highest property taxes in country after NJ? We are gonnna overtake them soon if the trend keeps up. Its batshit ridiculous. I'm not voting for Rauner but sure as hell not voting for Quinn. IL also has twice as many public offices as the most populous state. It's all pork and every Governor is forced to feed the pig. Then you see our dismal public transportation, potholes and worst public education system in the country and realize that all the tax money is going into the broken and abused pension funds and the unions are just as corrupt as tbe politicians and real estate dealers. Its a mess. IL is the next Michigan.


Sigh. #CancelColbert had nothing to do with misunderstanding satire. It was just saying that he took his satire too far for not a good enough reason. Basically the Redskin name is going to stand either way, so even satirically attacking people who have been abused with Asian stereotypes really does more harm than good.

That segment in particular just wasn't funny, only offensive, which is certainly a valid form of satire dating back to Modest Proposal, but Colbert has always gone for funny satire, not offensive, which makes the segment feel too much like he's more hiding behind the shield of satire to do racist jokes, as opposed to using satire to make a point.

That 100% does not mean Colbert or his writers are racist, just that maybe they fell into the same trap most comedians fall into from time to time, and just wrote something that will get a reaction without checking themselves to see if they are taking it too far.

I watch Colbert nearly every night he's on and will continue to without question, but it's annoying to see those criticisms be treated as if they were made by people who just don't "get" comedy. Colbert will be fine keeping his conservative persona as long as he doesn't lean so incredibly heavily into the racist side of it.

I'm chinese, and I'm not offended by the Ching Chong Ling Long Ding Dong. I understand that it was a reference to the UCLA girl who was complaining about chinese students though, so there's that.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Soo....Theocrat Bryan Fischer said that the Bible has never been edited in its history.

There you have it.


Corbett + GOP legislature + Fracking unchecked (more restrictions now but it took a while) and being the only state in the US that doesn't tax fracking probably has a lot to do with my oh so wonderful state being on that list.

Plus PA is basically a really old slow-moving state populated by a lot of morons in between Pittsburgh and Philly, the state Government has always sucked, and now with Corbett it is extra sucky.
Christie will probably get off the hook and gain a commanding lead with voters again. Lol, America.

Unless someone has something directly tying him to ordering the closures (they don't), why shouldn't he "get off"? Oh Jersey politics are dirty and Christie created a culture of bullying. News at 11. There is something there but it's just not enough to take down the man's entire political career. I think people understand what they are getting with Christie and can decide on their own if that is who they want to lead the country.

I also think it's funny when Maddow and Chris Hayes take barbs at CNN for talking about the Malaysian airline all day long when all they did for two months was tell us the color of Christie's underwear for that day. I love them both and it got unbearable that I couldn't watch them anymore. There were 300 more important things going on in the world and Christie would be the A, B, and C blocks. Throw Kornacki in there too for a few weeks. Liberals need to focus more on the real issue with Chris Christie - the fact that he's NOT A MODERATE AT ALL and should not be painted like one by anybody.
Yup, it's not surprising why msnbc's rankings are tanking.

If they had anything on Christie we'd know by now. I was convinced that he's either innocent or has a perfect clean up team when he started shitting on Wildstein and then Kelly; initially I thought they'd be lying for him, but he threw them under the bus and they didn't have an ounce of shit to throw at him.

All this will do is end his "leader of men" Sandy high. He'll go back to being a partisan governor in a high unemployment state. Good luck.
Yup, it's not surprising why msnbc's rankings are tanking.

If they had anything on Christie we'd know by now. I was convinced that he's either innocent or has a perfect clean up team when he started shitting on Wildstein and then Kelly; initially I thought they'd be lying for him, but he threw them under the bus and they didn't have an ounce of shit to throw at him.

All this will do is end his "leader of men" Sandy high. He'll go back to being a partisan governor in a high unemployment state. Good luck.
But reason why we dont have anything yet is because Kelly and Wildstein haven't talked, right? I believe they are fighting the subpoena and refusing to turn over docs. I think once they do turn over and still nothing comes out, then we can close the case.

But regardless, Christie brand is certainly damaged. He is polling worse than Rand Paul in New Mexico.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Sigh. #CancelColbert had nothing to do with misunderstanding satire. It was just saying that he took his satire too far for not a good enough reason. Basically the Redskin name is going to stand either way, so even satirically attacking people who have been abused with Asian stereotypes really does more harm than good.

Well if you take that attitude then yeah, its kind of pointless. The Ching Chong thing was not meant to not be offensive, it was meant to be incredibly blatantly offensive so as to cause a reflexive observation of why we would find Ching Chong so obviously offensive while not finding the Redskins offensive.

I think its actually one of Colbert's cleverer bits, that was unfortunately missed by a large portion of the audience as evidenced by the fact that people got more mad at the satirical racism then the actual racism of the Redskins situation


Yup, it's not surprising why msnbc's rankings are tanking.

If they had anything on Christie we'd know by now. I was convinced that he's either innocent or has a perfect clean up team when he started shitting on Wildstein and then Kelly; initially I thought they'd be lying for him, but he threw them under the bus and they didn't have an ounce of shit to throw at him.

All this will do is end his "leader of men" Sandy high. He'll go back to being a partisan governor in a high unemployment state. Good luck.

Both Wildstein and Kelly have basically been begging for immunity. They aren't going to give out what they have on him for free, they don't want to go to jail. The Grand Jury is investigating the whole scandal now, it's fair to say it's far from over.


You cant blame them though. Illinois swings from red Gov to blue Gov time to time. All of them are corrupt and renege on their promises. At least red ones don't go on tax increase spree. Did you know IL is now second only to highest property taxes in country after NJ? We are gonnna overtake them soon if the trend keeps up. Its batshit ridiculous. I'm not voting for Rauner but sure as hell not voting for Quinn. IL also has twice as many public offices as the most populous state. It's all pork and every Governor is forced to feed the pig. Then you see our dismal public transportation, potholes and worst public education system in the country and realize that all the tax money is going into the broken and abused pension funds and the unions are just as corrupt as tbe politicians and real estate dealers. Its a mess. IL is the next Michigan.

Illinois actually has a fairly low amount of non-education government employees per capita compared to other states. Not saying that Illinois isnt corrupt, but it isnt overflowing in state workers either.


The states with the most government personal per capita (excluding education) are actually red states. There is a nice little interactive map at the linked site
Illinois actually has a fairly low amount of non-education government employees per capita compared to other states. Not saying that Illinois isnt corrupt, but it isnt overflowing in state workers either.


The states with the most government personal per capita (excluding education) are actually red states. There is a nice little interactive map at the linked site
Hm. I was trying to point to this:
The administrative divisions of Illinois are counties, townships, precincts, cities, towns, villages, and special-purpose districts.[6] Illinois has more units of local government than any other state—over 8,000 in all. The basic subdivision of Illinois are the 102 counties.[7] 85 of the 102 counties are in turn divided into townships and precincts.[7][8] Municipal governments are the cities, villages, and incorporated towns.[7]
That has to increase the number of government workers overall, but the infographic says otherwise. I'm confused. I thought the huge amount of govt workers contributed to the pension crisis here. To give you an idea of the pension crisis we have, this just came out courtesy of ChicagoTribune:

Such a prescient poll right when we were discussing IL's corruption. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Politcians in Chicago only come to power to make money and not solve problems. Their idea of solving problems is to blame taxpayers and make them pay for their mismanagement. Of course they are all corrupt either with union leaders or corporate millionaires doesn't help. There is so much backdoor dealing with Unions and private businesses. Just recently a local Democrat was sentenced to 10 years for bribery. No one bats an eye when a politician is caught with hand in the cookie jar here.
I think its actually one of Colbert's cleverer bits, that was unfortunately missed by a large portion of the audience as evidenced by the fact that people got more mad at the satirical racism then the actual racism of the Redskins situation

But that would require these twitter and tumblr warriors to actually care about Native Americans and from what I've seen they don't.
Hm. I was trying to point to this:

That has to increase the number of government workers overall, but the infographic says otherwise. I'm confused. I thought the huge amount of govt workers contributed to the pension crisis here. To give you an idea of the pension crisis we have, this just came out courtesy of ChicagoTribune:


That's a very odd metric, though. It's how much each person in one city would have to pay to cover pension obligations for the whole state (or so it appears from the description).


No Scrubs
Yup, it's not surprising why msnbc's rankings are tanking.

If they had anything on Christie we'd know by now. I was convinced that he's either innocent or has a perfect clean up team when he started shitting on Wildstein and then Kelly; initially I thought they'd be lying for him, but he threw them under the bus and they didn't have an ounce of shit to throw at him.

All this will do is end his "leader of men" Sandy high. He'll go back to being a partisan governor in a high unemployment state. Good luck.

The Grand Jury just started, let's see what they get before calling this closed.
I'm sure as hell gonna condem MSNBCs stupid coverage but this grand jury is gonna investigate a lot of things and interview a lot of people. Knowing christie and his history they're gonna be doing some wonderful work for the Oppo researchers at the DNC and on his primary Opponents campaign.


Hm. I was trying to point to this:

That has to increase the number of government workers overall, but the infographic says otherwise. I'm confused. I thought the huge amount of govt workers contributed to the pension crisis here. To give you an idea of the pension crisis we have, this just came out courtesy of ChicagoTribune:


Your pension crisis is a result of your former mayor Daley simply not funding it for 10 years, not the amount of government workers you have. I really think that that should be illegal. How the hell do you get away with not funding pensions that you are contractually obligated to fund?




Illinois has had some high-profile corruption cases (two governors in a row) but that doesn't really represent the state as a whole. Ignorant people (and Bruce Rauner ads) keep repeating the mantra, of course.

Chicago pensions are definitely screwed up because Daley was too scared or incompetent to do anything about it. Of course, governing in any Northeast city that has hemorrhaged population to the south and west since the invention of air conditioning is playing government on hard mode, but that doesn't excuse him.
So they say the free market will prevent entities from behaving badly. Then when it actually works for once they demand that the market not get all the necessary information. LOL. Jeez, at least try to be a little consistent.

Because its not about free markets or a 'marketplace of ideas'. They're not democrats (in the true sense of the word). They want to rule from high and without drawing attention to the fact their desired form of government isn't "by the people"

This is an ingenious tactic by those rich folk. Scare the homophones who still hold a large relative political power into giving even more to the rich oligarchic because the gay mafia is gonna come get you! And of course that's gonna affect your life so much more than the eroding of the democratic process and economic opportunity.


So they say the free market will prevent entities from behaving badly. Then when it actually works for once they demand that the market not get all the necessary information. LOL. Jeez, at least try to be a little consistent.

They simply don't want people to make an informed choice about what services/products they use.
As I've said before, the greatest trick the conservative movement ever pulled off was to get blue collar, working class, and middle class to be upset at people who have kept their benefits, instead of the people who took away their (or their parents) benefits in the first place.




Yup, it's not surprising why msnbc's rankings are tanking.

If they had anything on Christie we'd know by now. I was convinced that he's either innocent or has a perfect clean up team when he started shitting on Wildstein and then Kelly; initially I thought they'd be lying for him, but he threw them under the bus and they didn't have an ounce of shit to throw at him.

All this will do is end his "leader of men" Sandy high. He'll go back to being a partisan governor in a high unemployment state. Good luck.
He will have plenty of luck. After two wet farts from the GOP for Presidential nominations he will be quite refreshing, especially to moderates. Dude is basically the closest thing the GOP has ever had to Bill Clinton levels of charisma.

He is the biggest threat to Hillary and everyone left, right and center knows this. His commanding lead over the other GOP candidates is gone, yeah, but it can come back. 2016 is a long way off. An ad campaign and primary debate here and there and he'll be good to go. Everyone he'll be running against in the primary won't stand a chance.


I think this chart is more useful since those three are such huge outliers:

And if only because they misspelled Georgia.

Interestingly, all the states physically closest to D.C. are near the top of the list. I suggest we move the capitol to Guam.

The next year: "Guam corruption rate at 78%"


Really surprised to see North and South Dakota of all fucking places at the top of the list. Nothing happens there. Maybe that's part of the problem, lol.


Really surprised to see North and South Dakota of all fucking places at the top of the list. Nothing happens there. Maybe that's part of the problem, lol.

I dunno, smallish population, large amount of resources, not much attention from media. Seems the perfect place for corruption.


Colbert would not make for a good late night host especially if he has to drop the satire... that is what makes him Colbert. He better keep his regular job.


Several lobbyists and Republican aides who monitored the issue said the provision reflects a calculation that no matter how hard the party tries, the earliest the law can be repealed is after Obama leaves office in 2017. In the meantime, according to this line of thinking, small-business owners need all the flexibility that can get to comply with it.

This is why American politics drives me insane. Obamacare is never safe. Lobbyists are still banking on full repeal or outright sabotage the instant the GOP can get their grubby hands on it. They're just moving the endgame to, at the earliest, 2017. This is why when I read things like Dems losing their majority in the House and the country witnessing the Tea Party coming out of the woodwork in full force being "worth it" for this legislation makes me feel a bit uneasy lately. I said the same thing myself, especially after the shutdown -- I figured that was their last fighting chance since it was prior to people actually being able to sign up for it. But no.

Dems probably would have lost the House anyway, but I don't know if it would have been as bad. Likewise for Tea Party lunacy. It gave these paranoid freaks something to tie the Obama nazi socialist zombie antichrist narrative to beyond being racist bigoted fools obviously. It is hard to feel confident about the ACA lasting well into the future if it is only assured to remain law with a Democratic President.

They won't even give credit where it is due in that the Dems actually tossed something out that was meant to appease Olympia Snowe, instead they just keep beating their anti-Obamacare drum just because. Their masturbatory approach to assaulting PPACA among other things on a daily basis is no doubt the hallmark of an immoral and dysfunctional form of Government that makes me fear for our country's well-being in the future. We're fucking losing. Politically, socially, economically. Don't forget about the latest campaign finance ruling twisting the knife into our country's back just a little bit more.


I want to play a simulation game where I can merge the Dakotas, make PR a state and give DC two Senators. Dem Senate majority 4 lyfe. ;-P


Colbert would not make for a good late night host especially if he has to drop the satire... that is what makes him Colbert. He better keep his regular job.



This is why American politics drives me insane. Obamacare is never safe. Lobbyists are still banking on full repeal or outright sabotage the instant the GOP can get their grubby hands on it. They're just moving the endgame to, at the earliest, 2017. This is why when I read things like Dems losing their majority in the House and the country witnessing the Tea Party coming out of the woodwork in full force being "worth it" for this legislation makes me feel a bit uneasy lately. I said the same thing myself, especially after the shutdown -- I figured that was their last fighting chance since it was prior to people actually being able to sign up for it. But no.

Dems probably would have lost the House anyway, but I don't know if it would have been as bad. Likewise for Tea Party lunacy. It gave these paranoid freaks something to tie the Obama nazi socialist zombie antichrist narrative to beyond being racist bigoted fools obviously. It is hard to feel confident about the ACA lasting well into the future if it is only assured to remain law with a Democratic President.

They won't even give credit where it is due in that the Dems actually tossed something out that was meant to appease Olympia Snowe, instead they just keep beating their anti-Obamacare drum just because. Their masturbatory approach to assaulting PPACA among other things on a daily basis is no doubt the hallmark of an immoral and dysfunctional form of Government that makes me fear for our country's well-being in the future. We're fucking losing. Politically, socially, economically. Don't forget about the latest campaign finance ruling twisting the knife into our country's back just a little bit more.

Three years is a long time. Once people have been on Obamacare for three years nothing is happening to it, no matter what the Republicans think now.
Nah the neolibs are gonna realize that chipping away the consumer protections in the ACA while leaving the mandate intact will be the way to go.


Three years is a long time. Once people have been on Obamacare for three years nothing is happening to it, no matter what the Republicans think now.
Paul Ryan will strike out the subsidy portion of the ACA faster than you can say tax break for millionaires the instant he knows he can get away with it.

There was an article -- I'm trying to find it -- from a few days back that reminds us that despite widespread GOP opposition after Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, once these were law and mostly implemented, they gave up on the rhetoric, distortions and repeal mission. And in fact Republicans ended up EMBRACING these policies in subsequent elections. This is not happening now. They are still beating the same fucking drum after this law has been reality for four years now, after being upheld by a right-leaning SCOTUS and reaffirmed by the voting populace in 2012. This is very troubling. It goes on to say this is bad for the law because if there is no expectation that it will survive, that in and of itself is damaging to the law. And it's true.

WayneMorse said:
Nah the neolibs are gonna realize that chipping away the consumer protections in the ACA while leaving the mandate intact will be the way to go.
Yeah, it'll make the GOP rhetoric turn into reality in that you really will be forced into buying insurance you simply cannot afford. When you have people in Washington now trying to legislate revisionist history it is really hard for me to feel good about the future of this country in general. They're kicking and screaming and forcing a viewpoint onto the law (or trying to) so they can say "we told you so", manufacturing its demise so the country is scared into never embracing health care reform again. It is dishonest, it is immoral, it is extremely perverse in nature.

Three years is a long time. Once people have been on Obamacare for three years nothing is happening to it, no matter what the Republicans think now.
The GOP has been assaulting PPACA since it was first signed into law, there have been over FIFTY repeal attempts; what makes you think they'll stop three years from now especially if there's a Republican back in the WH? They are already demostrating post-shutdown that they don't give a fuck if numerous people who can now finally afford insurance will lose it by repealing the law or getting rid of subsidies, by going back to being denied (retroactively even) due to pre-existing conditions or something in your medical history you forgot to mention.


The GOP has been assaulting PPACA since it was first signed into law, there have been over FIFTY repeal attempts; what makes you think they'll stop three years from now especially if there's a Republican back in the WH? They are already demostrating post-shutdown that they don't give a fuck if numerous people who can now finally afford insurance will lose it by repealing the law or getting rid of subsidies, by going back to being denied (retroactively even) due to pre-existing conditions or something in your medical history you forgot to mention.

The answer is very simple: approval ratings. Now that the law is in effect and people get on insurance, Obamacare approval ratings will rise. The Republicans have spent four years saying it's going to be a disaster, and really Democrats couldn't prove them wrong for that entire four years because the exchanges hadn't opened yet. For four years Republicans could spread FUD about this thing that will happen in the future, but it's real now and they can't hide behind that anymore.

And when approval ratings start to reflect that, they will in fact give a fuck.
Yup, it's not surprising why msnbc's rankings are tanking.

If they had anything on Christie we'd know by now. I was convinced that he's either innocent or has a perfect clean up team when he started shitting on Wildstein and then Kelly; initially I thought they'd be lying for him, but he threw them under the bus and they didn't have an ounce of shit to throw at him.

All this will do is end his "leader of men" Sandy high. He'll go back to being a partisan governor in a high unemployment state. Good luck.

It also doesn't help that they are channel 183 for me in the area.

Fox News is channel 34 and CNN is 32. I didn't even know I got the channel until recently when I discovered it on channel 183.
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