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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Unconfirmed Member
Uh oh. More bad news about Obamacare....for conservatives:


Though I have to say, I don't really understand how those numbers make sense. Why are several million more people than the Obama admin reported?
Easy reason for difference is admin cited those who enrolled in exchanges not those who were newly eligible for expanded Medicaid (or who's employers are newly offering plans, though less likely).
He was a straight D student who also got into a good amount of trouble when he was running for student government and tried to steal all the school newspapers around campus because they endorsed his opponent.
Boys will be boys!

I'm not going to lie, the only Republican politician I've ever heard good things about their younger years is George Bush, for that story about him protecting a gay guy being bullied in college.
He was a straight D student who also got into a good amount of trouble when he was running for student government and tried to steal all the school newspapers around campus because they endorsed his opponent.

He went to the State Assembly right after dropping out, he's a career politician through and through and I doubt Marquette would let someone who hadn't taken classes in over 25 years to finish their required credit hours.

But he takes orders without asking many questions, so he's perfect for the Republican Party today!
Weird because that is exactly what I was thinking. He knows he doesn't really have much of career outside of politics. But in this game, he can just spew the talking points and take money from big donors. He's good little soldier.
I fucking Hope Warren runs, if only, at BARE MINIMUM, to push Hillary to the left. If she actually wins....


It won't happen, but man can a guy dream.



Holy shit Warren is a much stronger orator than I thought she was.

I hope she has a big role in the 2016 democratic senate.
Clinton/Warren '16, believe.
My body and my lesbian slashfic is ready.


I say senate because she can do more to keep Clinton in line and push progressive legislation. VP would be a waste.
I think Warren greatest gift is as a communicator, a lot of the financial stuff is intentionally obfuscated so that people don't really understand that they're getting screwed over.
I think the bigger and more visible platform she has, the better. Plus the senate is pretty damn dysfunctional, it's hard for one senator to make a huge difference there.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Clinton/Warren '16, believe.
My body and my lesbian slashfic is ready.

Ehh....sorry, cannot co-sign on this, broham.

Warren's attractive but she's 20 years past the point of no return, and Hilldawg, well you know.

Now, take Kirsten Gillibrand and Wendy Davis, and I'll help you publish that shit.
well this thread is starting to go places, cut it out with the fanfics

I think Warren greatest gift is as a communicator, a lot of the financial stuff is intentionally obfuscated so that people don't really understand that they're getting screwed over.
I think the bigger and more visible platform she has, the better. Plus the senate is pretty damn dysfunctional, it's hard for one senator to make a huge difference there.

you and your top tier edits :lol


Ehh....sorry, cannot co-sign on this, broham.

Warren's attractive but she's 20 years past the point of no return, and Hilldawg, well you know.

Now, take Kirsten Gillibrand and Wendy Davis, and I'll help you publish that shit.
You're going to read it, you're going to like it, you're going to touch yourself with your non mouse-scrolling hand. Don't make me tag quote you.

I call it - A Lemon Party Convention.
Clinton/Warren '16, believe.
My body and my lesbian slashfic is ready.

Don't Warren and Clinton hold near antagonistic views when it comes to economical issues?

And yes, Warren as prez would be all kinds of fascinating. Who knows, maybe a 'bams style reversal might happen again. Here's hoping.
Warren would be worse than Obama. I like her, she's a great communicator without a teleprompter, she understands the issues...but why would anyone want her as president with a corporate senate and obstructionist house? She would be ineffective. I would rather see her in the senate directly influencing legislation before it arrives on the president's desk.
So I looked up the average starting salaries for college graduates and shat my pants.

$45,473?! Where do they get that number? Even in my field it's $38,365. Even the government site says something similar.

But I can't find any jobs approaching that salary for a bachelor's degree, I get lucky for one that is firmly $30,000. I personally find George Town's study much more accurate. Even if it is a few years old (inflation adds like $2,000-$3,000).

It can't just be because I am in the Midwest...


Warren would be worse than Obama. I like her, she's a great communicator without a teleprompter, she understands the issues...but why would anyone want her as president with a corporate senate and obstructionist house? She would be ineffective. I would rather see her in the senate directly influencing legislation before it arrives on the president's desk.
You don't need congress to put Wall Street on trial, and the executive branch can do a whole lot in the way of cleaning up the SEC.
Though again, as I said, I think Warren's greatest gift is as a communicator, and I think as a candidate and a veep, she can have great platform to push forward an agenda in regards to the US out of control financial sector (that will also be amazingly popular).

And let's face it, we're probably gonna have another Wall Street crash during the next president's' term, I'd want her in the room when that happen.
Warren would be worse than Obama. I like her, she's a great communicator without a teleprompter, she understands the issues...but why would anyone want her as president with a corporate senate and obstructionist house? She would be ineffective. I would rather see her in the senate directly influencing legislation before it arrives on the president's desk.
The only way someone like Warren or Sanders would be really good is if Democrats came away from 2016 with a House majority and over 60 Senate seats. That'd be huge but I don't know if Hillary could even get us there.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I'm pleasantly surprised by my state legislature and Governor "Butch" Otter today. If you've been following Idaho at all, you'll know that we've had some really bad issues stemming from privatizing the prison system here. The state has resumed control of the prisons, and today, the governor passed a bill aimed at putting fewer people in prison. If you have committed a non-violent crime and are deemed a low risk for recidivism, you are more likely to be sentenced to a community service or substance abuse program.

Lest you think the Idaho GOP has gone soft, it is pretty clear this measure has come about only because of the prison scandals here, as well as the need to save money by not building new prisons. Still, I don't mind seeing my state shamed and penny pinched into doing the right thing.

This comes during a legislative session in which the governor has made it illegal to film animal abuse on farms, and a session in which our legislators have refused to add protections for LGBT people in our anti-discrimination laws, and have even considered protecting the rights of businesses to refuse service to gays because of 'freedom of religion'. Still, I'm happy. Idaho isn't going to turn into a liberal utopia overnight, and I'll take any progress I can get.
I'm pleasantly surprised by my state legislature and Governor "Butch" Otter today. If you've been following Idaho at all, you'll know that we've had some really bad issues stemming from privatizing the prison system here. The state has resumed control of the prisons, and today, the governor passed a bill aimed at putting fewer people in prison. If you have committed a non-violent crime and are deemed a low risk for recidivism, you are more likely to be sentenced to a community service or substance abuse program.

Lest you think the Idaho GOP has gone soft, it is pretty clear this measure has come about only because of the prison scandals here, as well as the need to save money by not building new prisons. Still, I don't mind seeing my state shamed and penny pinched into doing the right thing.

This comes during a legislative session in which the governor has made it illegal to film animal abuse on farms, and a session in which our legislators have refused to add protections for LGBT people in our anti-discrimination laws, and have even considered protecting the rights of businesses to refuse service to gays because of 'freedom of religion'. Still, I'm happy. Idaho isn't going to turn into a liberal utopia overnight, and I'll take any progress I can get.

This issue is cutting across party lines around the country. Its also moving fast and under the radar. The country's criminal justice system will be vastly different in 10-15 years. And we'll be better for it.
Colbert taking over the Late Show, hopefully CBS will give him freedom to say and do what he wants.

Gonna miss the Report :( and I feel like CBS is gonna completely suck Colbert's creativity dry so he wont offend anyone.

Found this interesting.

Shows the number of yearly hours the US worker works (Blue) and a French worker works (Red)

Interestingly hours haven't really risen but instead just have stagnated ever since the 80s and the final slaughtering of the Labor Movement. Productivity gains have done nothing for American workers because they have no power to negotiate on equal footing with their employers.


It's very hard for carpet baggers to win, unless they have money and a name (RFK, Hillary). I'm not sure Brown can, especially if he uses his 2012 playbook of pretending he's not a republican.

He's not going to make it out of the primary in New Hampshire if he pretends he's not a Republican.


So I looked up the average starting salaries for college graduates and shat my pants.

$45,473?! Where do they get that number? Even in my field it's $38,365. Even the government site says something similar.

But I can't find any jobs approaching that salary for a bachelor's degree, I get lucky for one that is firmly $30,000. I personally find George Town's study much more accurate. Even if it is a few years old (inflation adds like $2,000-$3,000).

It can't just be because I am in the Midwest...

I will soon have a Master's degree. I will be lucky if I can land a job that pays $20K.
I'm pleasantly surprised by my state legislature and Governor "Butch" Otter today. If you've been following Idaho at all, you'll know that we've had some really bad issues stemming from privatizing the prison system here. The state has resumed control of the prisons, and today, the governor passed a bill aimed at putting fewer people in prison. If you have committed a non-violent crime and are deemed a low risk for recidivism, you are more likely to be sentenced to a community service or substance abuse program.

Lest you think the Idaho GOP has gone soft, it is pretty clear this measure has come about only because of the prison scandals here, as well as the need to save money by not building new prisons. Still, I don't mind seeing my state shamed and penny pinched into doing the right thing.

This comes during a legislative session in which the governor has made it illegal to film animal abuse on farms, and a session in which our legislators have refused to add protections for LGBT people in our anti-discrimination laws, and have even considered protecting the rights of businesses to refuse service to gays because of 'freedom of religion'. Still, I'm happy. Idaho isn't going to turn into a liberal utopia overnight, and I'll take any progress I can get.
Wow, that sounds like great progress! And hopefully your state's problems will not be in vain . . . other states can learn from the problems your state had and not make the same mistakes. Private prisons really do seem like a bad idea due to conflicts of interest. No one should really have a vested interest in getting more people into prison.
If Kay Hagan, Claire McCaskill, Elizabeth Warren, and Tammy Baldwin all merged into one supercandidate, they'd still be less doomed than Mark Pryor is with a ten point lead.

It's ironic that you're focusing on a blatant outlier poll. I can't find the original link anywhere btw, but the story you linked claims the poll had a large democrat sample in Arkansas.

Utah is already having Oral Arguments on their Marriage Equality case? Could this make it to the supreme court for the next term? Gay Marriage legalized just in time for the GOP primaries! Even if it misses the next term it will go before the court before 2016. We're gonna hear a lot more about 'religious freedom bills'. Its the only response they have.
Oral you say
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