I'm pleasantly surprised by my state legislature and Governor "Butch" Otter today. If you've been following Idaho at all, you'll know that we've had some really bad issues stemming from privatizing the prison system here. The state has resumed control of the prisons, and today, the governor passed a bill aimed at putting fewer people in prison. If you have committed a non-violent crime and are deemed a low risk for recidivism, you are more likely to be sentenced to a community service or substance abuse program.
Lest you think the Idaho GOP has gone soft, it is pretty clear this measure has come about only because of the prison scandals here, as well as the need to save money by not building new prisons. Still, I don't mind seeing my state shamed and penny pinched into doing the right thing.
This comes during a legislative session in which the governor has made it illegal to film animal abuse on farms, and a session in which our legislators have refused to add protections for LGBT people in our anti-discrimination laws, and have even considered protecting the rights of businesses to refuse service to gays because of 'freedom of religion'. Still, I'm happy. Idaho isn't going to turn into a liberal utopia overnight, and I'll take any progress I can get.