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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Jimmy Carter: Southern White Men Turn To The GOP Because Of 'Race'

Race is the primary reason white Southern men support the Republican Party, former President Jimmy Carter told Salon in an interview posted Thursday. Carter also pushed back against using the Bible to trample human rights.

When asked why white male Southerners have turned to the GOP, Carter said: "It’s race. That’s been prevalent in the South ... . Ever since Nixon ran -- and ever since Johnson didn’t campaign in the deep South, the Republicans have solidified their hold there."

Republican proposals, such as cutting food stamps and assuming the guilt of minorities and the mentally ill who are in jail, appeal to the rich, he said.

"Those kind of things just exalt the higher class, which is the whites, and they draw a subtle, but very effective racial line throughout the South," Carter said.

Well . . . duh.

I guess he has some credibility in saying it because he is from the South. But on the other hand, lots of people will just dismiss him saying it because he is a Democrat.


They must have offered him either an insane amount of money or absolute creative freedom. That's the only way this makes sense.
Those guys just idolize late night, that was the comedy holy grail for a whole generation of comedian.
Just look at Conan O'Brien, one of the smartest most innovative comedian of his generation, and the length he went just so he can ask Scarlett Johansson what it was like to act next to Chris Evans.

And as for the idea he can somehow change the system from within, I'm not overly optimistic, I mean Letterman whole shtick was about subverting the late night formula, and look at him now, this thing is just meat grinder.
They must have offered him either an insane amount of money or absolute creative freedom. That's the only way this makes sense.

I said this in the OT thread, if CBS wants that key demo, they'll let Colbert do whatever the fuck he wants otherwise it's money down the drain.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I hope whoever replaces Colbert keeps his conservative schtick.

I love Jon Stewart, but Colbert was always ten times funnier.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

Big gap between men and women and it displays that college wages have declined since the early 2000s.
Fuck I'm getting underpaid. And for skilled work too. My one year review is in August, definitely bringing the need to make more up then :/


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
From the tea bagger challenger to Thad Cochran:

-Discussing whether to pay the descendants of slaves, Mr. McDaniel said, "If they pass reparations, and my taxes are going up, I ain't paying taxes."

-On Mexico: "Why don't we all immigrate south, let's go to Mexico...You know, a dollar bill can buy a mansion in Mexico. And I think we all get together, go down there, build us a studio for like 26 pesos, uh and you know, put on a radio show right there in Mexico. Live the rest of our lives there."

-Asked by someone else in the studio, "Do we have to learn Spanish?" Mr. McDaniel replied, "Yes, regrettably...You'll have to learn just enough to ask where the bathroom is. Baños. Baños. That's what you say."

-Mr. McDaniel then asked someone to translate, "Do you have a sister?" "What about mamacita?" he offered. "Mamacita works....I'm an English-speaking Anglo. I have no idea what it means, actually, but I've said it a few times, just for, you know, fun. And I think it basically means, ‘Hey, hot mama.' Or, you know, ‘You're a fine looking young thing.'"



Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Also, a good chunk of conservatives love Colbert cause they think he's really a true conservative.

This is hard to believe. I guess I can see some credulous old people might get fooled if you put them in front of Comedy Central but other than that, what? The audience is laughing the whole time.
I hope whoever replaces Colbert keeps his conservative schtick.
Aasif Mandvi. Some of the investigative reporting Mandvi and his team has done puts Frontline and 60 Minutes (pre 2000) to shame. The recent bit where the conservative dude goes through a real life hard boot is one of the greatest reveals I have ever seen on TV and I am completely serious. Its a shame John Oliver got his own show before Mandvi. Its my prediction that Oliver will enjoy a very limited success.


Aasif Mandvi. Some of the investigative reporting Mandvi and his team has done puts Frontline and 60 Minutes (pre 2000) to shame. The recent bit where the conservative dude goes through a real life hard boot is one of the greatest reveals I have ever seen on TV and I am completely serious. Its a shame John Oliver got his own show before Mandvi. Its my prediction that Oliver will enjoy a very limited success.
I've been expecting Mandvi to take over the Daily Show. Stewart can't be interested in sticking out with it for that much longer.
Aasif Mandvi. Some of the investigative reporting Mandvi and his team has done puts Frontline and 60 Minutes (pre 2000) to shame. The recent bit where the conservative dude goes through a real life hard boot is one of the greatest reveals I have ever seen on TV and I am completely serious. Its a shame John Oliver got his own show before Mandvi. Its my prediction that Oliver will enjoy a very limited success.

I'd love to see Aasif Mandvi get his own show. He's great.

That said, you are dead fucking wrong about John Oliver. Listen to the The Bugle. He's the fucking man who coined the phrase Fuckulogy for talking about Bin Laden's death. He's god tier for that alone.


I'd love to see Aasif Mandvi get his own show. He's great.

That said, you are dead fucking wrong about John Oliver. Listen to the The Bugle. He's the fucking man who coined the phrase Fuckulogy for talking about Bin Laden's death. He's god tier for that alone.
Yeah, John Oliver is hilarious, the Bugle is great and that episode was so fucking awesome.
It's a shame he didn't stay in Comedy Central, I think he would've been great fit to replace Colbert (though obviously the show need to be different).


Yeah, John Oliver would've been my first choice to take over Colbert's slot, but now that he's on HBO I'd say Aasif Mandvi deserves the spot the most.

I'm pretty bummed Colbert is leaving. I've been watching his show since freshman/sophomore year of high school shortly after it started. I just can't imagine being as entertained by the late night talk show format. I'll miss the scathing sarcasm and political commentary.

I'll certainly watch Colbert to see what he does with it, but I'm not too hopeful that he'll be able to revamp the format enough to make it interesting.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'm not a huge fan of Mandhvi. Yeah, he had some really good segments like Rusty mentioned, but as an actual comedian, he always sounds like he's yelling when he's talking.

John Oliver would have definitely been my preferred pick, but he's at HBO now, sadly. After him, I guess I'd pick Jason Jones. But really everyone besides Oliver is pretty unremarkable, imo.
No samantha bee love?

I'm not her biggest fan of her segments but I really think she'd be great. She's really talented and I think she'd shine as a host

Now that he is no longer in the Senate, Mr. Brown is running on a solid anti-Washington platform.

“We have a whole establishment in Washington, and you all know it, they spend too much, they tax too much, and they borrow too much,” he said. “And for the sake of working people who just want a chance to live their lives and get ahead, I am running to challenge that establishment — to get the federal government off our backs.”

Literally burn New Hampshire to the ground if they fall for this.


No samantha bee love?

I'm not her biggest fan of her segments but I really think she'd be great. She's really talented and I think she'd shine as a host

Bee is my least favorite there probably. That said, I'd be open to the idea of Jason Jones and Sam Bee co-hosting a GMA/Today style parody news show. Or just go with the idea of extending the length of the Daily Show.

I'm still trying to cope with the idea of not being able to see Colbert's character every night. His show's absence will definitely leave a void for me that I can't see anyone else filling. I've liked his show more than Stewart's for years now. I just can't see him being able to do something as simultaneously hilarious, informative, and important as Colbert Super PAC on a show like The Late Show.


Bee is my least favorite there probably. That said, I'd be open to the idea of Jason Jones and Sam Bee co-hosting a GMA/Today style parody news show. Or just go with the idea of extending the length of the Daily Show.

I'm still trying to cope with the idea of not being able to see Colbert's character every night. His show's absence will definitely leave a void for me that I can't see anyone else filling. I've liked his show more than Stewart's for years now. I just can't see him being able to do something as simultaneously hilarious, informative, and important as Colbert Super PAC on a show like The Late Show.

Stewart is an awful interviewer so I would hate if he had a show that was 15 minutes of original content + 30 minutes of interviewing.


No Scrubs
Stewart is an awful interviewer so I would hate if he had a show that was 15 minutes of original content + 30 minutes of interviewing.

They won't need to worry about leaving anything for Colbert when he goes, so odds are they'll have enough material for another 15 minutes or so a night.
Conservatives have this kneejerk reaction against any kind of change whatsoever. "It's different. And I don't like things that are different."

I'd say that's true for everyone, not just conservatives. Especially if we're talking about the Stephen Colbert news. Change in general can be pretty scary. Although, with a name like "conservative", they are probably more resistant to change than others.



Okay, even for Rush this makes so sense. What the hell is he complaining about? I thought Letterman was part of the liberal elite media? Remember, the same guy who joked about Sarah Palin's daughter getting raped?
Hey, you try filling 15 hours a week.

They must have offered him either an insane amount of money or absolute creative freedom. That's the only way this makes sense.
I know which one of those two I'd expect to be true.
They must have offered him either an insane amount of money or absolute creative freedom. That's the only way this makes sense.

A little from column A, a little from column B. After all, he's bringing his writers over with him, and since he's going up against Fallon for the young demographic, CBS may give him a bit more creative freedom.


A little from column A, a little from column B. After all, he's bringing his writers over with him, and since he's going up against Fallon for the young demographic, CBS may give him a bit more creative freedom.

I fear he will face more backlash if he continues to do the same shows with the same content at CBS than at Comedy Central.

I'm pessimistic that way.


Amid the shiny, happy announcements of new features and new apps this week, file-sharing startup Dropbox quietly revealed another piece of news. Condoleezza Rice — Stanford professor, Iraq War architect, alleged warrantless wiretap supporter — is joining the board at the rising tech startup.

Dropbox CEO Drew Houston didn’t mention the appointment during his keynote at a press event on Wednesday, but a day later, Rice’s arrival had eclipsed the rest of the company’s carefully crafted public event. Unsurprisingly, some people aren’t too happy about the move. Over on Hacker News, a leading barometer for what’s on the minds of tech geeks, the day’s most popular link connects to DropDropbox, a new site calling on users to boycott the company unless it removes Rice.

It's ironic that you're focusing on a blatant outlier poll. I can't find the original link anywhere btw, but the story you linked claims the poll had a large democrat sample in Arkansas.

and if you actually bothered reading the story he linked, you'd realize the outlier claims were w/r/t the poll showing the 3-point lead, not the 10-point lead
Conservatives have this kneejerk reaction against any kind of change whatsoever. "It's different. And I don't like things that are different."
Rush doesn't give a shit about this, he's hedging. Colbert succeeding on late night tv is far from a given, and if ratings come in low or he gets replaced guess who gets to take a victory lap and claim heartland America rejected liberalism?


I'm not a huge fan of Mandhvi. Yeah, he had some really good segments like Rusty mentioned, but as an actual comedian, he always sounds like he's yelling when he's talking.
I think he's trying to channel Steve Carell, who yelled a lot on the show as well. But Carell had a larger volume knob - at least in studio.
Maybe it's an unconscious way to deal with a live audience?
Looks like the Senate Republican nomination in NC will go on to July.
North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis (R) leads a crowded Republican field for the right to face Sen. Kay Hagan (D) in November, according to a new survey conducted for a super PAC backing his campaign.

Tillis scored 27 percent of the vote, compared with 16 percent for physician Greg Brannon and 10 percent for state Baptist Convention President Mark Harris. A handful of other candidates received only single-digit support.
I've seen several signs for Brannon but none for Tillis here in Wilmington.

Kay Hagan is doomed, etc.


Considering how much he likes diving into political and news stuff outside of the Daily Show, I'm 90% sure that Aasif Mandhvi's voice is why he's in comedy and not actual journalism. He seems to want to be though.

Looks like the Senate Republican nomination in NC will go on to July.

I've seen several signs for Brannon but none for Tillis here in Wilmington.

Kay Hagan is doomed, etc.

I honestly thought the primary was done. I see anti-Tillis ads all the time now. Didn't even know the other guys' names.


aka andydumi
Yeah. Issa's witch hunt succeeded. Conservatives will claim it as a win, and them state they are one step further to getting rid of the ACA.

Actually it may be a good thing. Because whoever comes in can focus on making it work in November, and there won't be any more distraction and accusations of Sebellius to complicate the day to day work.

They must have offered him either an insane amount of money or absolute creative freedom. That's the only way this makes sense.

Must be both. And he surely will have a lot of freedom, after all the slot is known for edgier things. Most articles talk about how Letterman always pushed the envelope, so I don't see them muzzling Colbert. If anything, he may be a little more "balanced" in his criticisms, spreading the love around, but I don't think he will be any less hard hitting.

On a side note, who are the legitimately strong potential democratic 2016 candidates? I was having a conversation with someone and for the most part it kept coming back to Hillary and that's about it.
On a side note, who are the legitimately strong potential democratic 2016 candidates? I was having a conversation with someone and for the most part it kept coming back to Hillary and that's about it.
I'd say Biden but I think the "frat boy Biden" personality makes it hard for people to take him seriously.

Cuomo or O'Malley are names that keep coming up, and they certainly have pedigree but I don't think either of them are particularly inspiring. And fuck Cuomo.

I think if Hillary announced that she weren't running you'd see many more good, progressive candidates coming out but right now no one wants to go up against the Clinton machine.

I'd personally like to see Amy Klobuchar give it a shot.

Oh ... I mean ... Wha

It annoys me how this budget never gets coverage except maybe someone saying "It raises taxes! Herp Derp!"

The never-will-pass Ryan budget gets coverage.
The never-ever-will-pass more conservative than the Ryan budget gets coverage.

But this one will get no coverage.

It's not gonna pass either. They're all cock teases for the ideology one follows.
Hillary strikes me as the only democrat who can handily win. I don't believe the US would elect Biden president, and Cuomo is one of the most un-likable people in politics (not to mention he has a girlfriend). O'Malley is dull. Warren doesn't want to be president, and has no shot at winning (Wall Street and she's not a great politician, which is what you have to be to win with no experience - see Obama).

The best non-Hillary candidate will be Brian Schweitzer, and even he would run into base issues.

Republicans have a better bench in terms of firing up the base. Dems only have Hillary unless some dark horse magically arrives with Obama talent.

Zero Hero

Last week, after President Obama gave his highly-mockable “Mission Accomplished” speech announcing that 7.1 million Americans had selected an Obamacare plan, Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert hit the airwaves. He did mock. But instead of mocking Obama’s laughably manipulated 7.1 million number, he did his usual routine: pretending to be a cluelessly cruel right-winger, Colbert spat, “I wish I could come to you with some good news, but the worst imaginable thing has happened: Millions of Americans are going to get healthcare.”

Obama's speech was 'highly-mockable' but mocking clueless rightwingers is "blackface"?
These fucking clowns.
Note Sharpiro has a book detailing how to "destroy" liberals in debates. If you can destroy the views of those you disagree with, shouldn't you also be able to...mock them?
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