It's the Cities and Knights expansion too.Settler's of Catan AND and expansion on his bookshelf? Definitely white nerd heaven.
Jay Carney's family is like White Nerd Heaven
I feel like that's a dangerous jenga tower.
It's the Cities and Knights expansion too.
Good taste.
Wow, that sounds like great progress! And hopefully your state's problems will not be in vain . . . other states can learn from the problems your state had and not make the same mistakes. Private prisons really do seem like a bad idea due to conflicts of interest. No one should really have a vested interest in getting more people into prison.
Like you've never done thatIt's ironic that you're focusing on a blatant outlier poll. I can't find the original link anywhere btw, but the story you linked claims the poll had a large democrat sample in Arkansas.
Doctoring the shit out of those numbers.Obviously they're cooking the numbers now.
Last week, after President Obama gave his highly-mockable “Mission Accomplished” speech announcing that 7.1 million Americans had selected an Obamacare plan, Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert hit the airwaves. He did mock. But instead of mocking Obama’s laughably manipulated 7.1 million number, he did his usual routine: pretending to be a cluelessly cruel right-winger, Colbert spat, “I wish I could come to you with some good news, but the worst imaginable thing has happened: Millions of Americans are going to get healthcare.”
This routine, in which Colbert plays at conservatism in order to portray it as unendingly ugly, should be labeled for what it is: vile political blackface. When Colbert plays “Colbert,” it’s not mere mockery or satire or spoof. It’s something far nastier.
Blackface, which has an ugly history dating back to at least the fifteenth century according to historian John Strausbaugh, was used to portray demeaning and horrifying stereotypes of blacks. Such stereotypical imitation has not been limited to blacks, of course; actors tasked with playing stereotypical Jew Shylock often donned a fake nose and red wig, as did actors who were supposed to play Barabas in The Jew of Malta. Such stereotypical potrayals create a false sense of blacks, or Jews, or whomever becomes the target of such nastiness.
And this is precisely what Colbert does with regard to politics: he engages in Conservativeface. He needs no makeup or bulbous appendage to play a conservative – after all, conservatives come in every shape and size. Instead, he acts as though he is a conservative – an idiotic, racist, sexist, bigoted, brutal conservative. He out-Archie Bunkers Archie Bunker. His audience laughs and scoffs at brutal religious “Colbert” who wishes to persecute gays; they chortle at evil sexist “Colbert” who thinks men are victims of sexism. This is the purpose of Colbert’s routine. His show is about pure hatred for conservatives in the same way that blackface was about pure hatred of blacks. In order to justify their racism, racists had to create a false perception of blacks; in the same way, Colbert and his audience can justify their racism only by creating a false perception of conservatives.
This is why Colbert is such an effective weapon for the left. Unlike Stewart, whose mockery is no different in kind from Greg Gutfeld’s on the other side, Colbert’s shtick is of a different sort: it’s based on creation of a character who doesn’t exist, but the audience is supposed to believe does exist in type. “Colbert” may not be real, but his audience thinks that Colbert’s Conservativeface resembles reality closely enough to suffice as a stand-in for conservatism. Which means that when they do encounter conservatism, they’re firmly convinced they’re looking at “Colbert-ism” in disguise.
It is nearly impossible to watch an episode of The Colbert Report without coming away with a viscerally negative response to conservatives. That’s because if conservatives were all like “Colbert,” they would be worthy of such a response. Colbert’s routine is designed to convince millions of Americans, especially young people, that the real fakery comes from genuine conservatives, who are all as morally ignorant and repulsive on the inside as Colbert’s character is on the surface.
CBS knows that. That’s likely why they aren’t bringing “Colbert” along with Colbert – it’s too offputting, too niche. Instead, they’ll hope that Colbert without the political blackface can be just as entertaining. The problem is this: will 50% of CBS’ audience simply go amnesiac on Colbert’s career-making hate?
At what point does something go so far over someone's head that it actually circles around again?vile political blackface.
Unlike Stewart, whose mockery is no different in kind from Greg Gutfelds on the other side, Colberts shtick is of a different sort: its based on creation of a character who doesnt exist, but the audience is supposed to believe does exist in type.
Last week, after President Obama gave his highly-mockable Mission Accomplished speech announcing that 7.1 million Americans had selected an Obamacare plan, Comedy Centrals Stephen Colbert hit the airwaves. He did mock. But instead of mocking Obamas laughably manipulated 7.1 million number, he did his usual routine: pretending to be a cluelessly cruel right-winger, Colbert spat, I wish I could come to you with some good news, but the worst imaginable thing has happened: Millions of Americans are going to get healthcare.
If anyone wants to read the left wing alternative to the Ryan budget, the Better Off Budget from the Congressional Progressive Caucus is really good. Better Off Budget.pdf
This is the only thing that can save America at this point.
Conservatives have a persecution complex.
What that author doesn't seem to understand is that making fun of conservatives for being conservative is okay whereas making fun of blacks for being black is not.
Making fun of choices people make, positions people hold, actions making take is not the same thing as making fun of people because of their DNA to which they have zero control over.
Racism is believing the affected parties are inferior because of how they were born. That is wrong. It is not wrong to believe the affected parties are inferior because of their choices, however.
7.5 million have signed up for insurance (additional half million since 3/31). Still have 5 more days.
Looks like Hillary got a shoe thrown at her.
edit: article got linked to Drudge, read comments at your own risk.
The incident happened moments after Clinton took the stage Thursday at an Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries meeting at the Mandalay Bay hotel-casino.
Clinton ducked but did not appear to be hit by the object, and then joked about it.
"Is that somebody throwing something at me? Is that part of Cirque de Soleil?" Clinton quipped.
She added: "My goodness, I didn't know that solid waste management was so controversial. Thank goodness she didn't play softball like I did."
So? Who cares? Leave the seat empty . . . let the bureaucracy just do its job. With no one in the seat they'll have no target for their anger other than Obama and he can handle it.Conservatives won. Pack it up obummer. It's going to take FOREVER to get someone in that position due to the conservative witchhunt cockblock.
Well, there is a point to that.I'd imagine his retort would be "so we can make fun of Muslims now, without the PC police attacking us?"
Sharpio is one of the dumbest people on the right, and that's saying something.
Sebelius is retiring because there's evidence out there she cooked the numbers. What a shame; this'll end Barack Obama's presidency.
Conservatives won. Pack it up obummer. It's going to take FOREVER to get someone in that position due to the conservative witchhunt cockblock.
except that Reid went nuclear on the filibuster for appointments.
It's unfortunate she had to resign despite the fact that the exchanges exceeded their goal simply because the beginning was so bad.
It annoys me how this budget never gets coverage except maybe someone saying "It raises taxes! Herp Derp!"
The never-will-pass Ryan budget gets coverage.
The never-ever-will-pass more conservative than the Ryan budget gets coverage.
But this one will get no coverage.
How can someone be disappointed/angry at the news that millions of people are getting health insurance, and not be accused of being a heartless douchebag?
How can someone be against the Civl Rights/Voting Rights act and support the right to fly a confederate flag and not be accused of racism?
How can someone be against equal pay for women and not be accused of misogyny?
These aren't fringe positions in the Republican party.
Ugh, terrible news.Colbert taking over the Late Show, hopefully CBS will give him freedom to say and do what he wants.
Gonna miss the Report and I feel like CBS is gonna completely suck Colbert's creativity dry so he wont offend anyone.
Well, there is a point to that.
However, there is a subtle distinction. You can make fun of Islam, that is fine. But you can't discriminate against Muslims.
This is one of those things with nuance that conservatives have trouble with. And so do a lot of liberals actually . . . they often attack people who criticize Islam as being 'Islamophobic'.
Ugh, terrible news.
The late night format needs to die.
The polls are worse than that. Instead of asking people if it should be repealed or a detailed question, they ask a generic "Do you approve of Obamacare?" . . . and lot of far-left people say "NO!" because they want public option, single-payer, medicare for all, etc. So you end up with this large "disapprove of Obamacare" percentage that misleads people because it is largely conservatives that don't like it but a decent slice of far-lefties that often push the number over the 50% mark.Speaking of which, over the last 2 years there's been a billion polls about repealing obamacare even though it'll never happen, but absolutely 0 polls about a public option, which was extremely popular up to the point where they seemed to just stopped polling it. So thanks to that I can only guess what would be more popular between adding a public option and straight repeal.
It is indeed very nuanced. A lot of conservatives just don't come close to getting it because they want to be able to bash Islam but then they get all bent out of shape if people criticize Christianity. But many liberals don't get it because there needs to be free speech to criticize any and all religions (and atheism) but that doesn't give you license to disrespect or discriminate against a person of any particular religion.I think the problem is if you tell some people "You can make fun of Islam" they will hear "You can make fun of brown people." As you say, the nuance is important.
PD is that you?
It is indeed very nuanced. A lot of conservatives just don't come close to getting it because they want to be able to bash Islam but then they get all bent out of shape if people criticize Christianity.