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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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McDaniel legitimately gives me the creeps.

Looks like the pig castrating psycho may very well be the next Senator from Iowa. Sigh.
Think McDaniel will finish with 49.6% tonight...up .2 points from where he is now. Runoff most likely. Who will come out and vote in 3 weeks? Who the hell knows.
I haven't been watching tv tonight. i know Fox is squawking about the prison swap/terrorist/deserter, blah blah blah, but have they mentioned anything about the new EPA stuff today? Has anybody?

Oh jeez. Don't even give those denialists the clicks. We don't need coal. We can do just fine with solar PV, offshore wind, geothermal, natural gas, tidal power, waves, onshore wind, nuclear, hydropower, concentrated solar power, etc. There is just no need for any more coal. Period. Stop using 18th century energy in the 21st century. FFS.

My home runs on 130% net solar PV electricity. And it was dirt cheap. And that includes all the power needed to drive my electric car. (Which is still a sort of expensive technology but is getting cheaper and is quite practical if you include the tax-credit.)


Why does he have a taliban beard if he isn't a taliban sympathizer? You tell me that. I wanna be on fox and friends :(

Try working in some of this information from FreeRepublic:
Spin spin spin.

Sure seems like this AWOL dude was an agent for Taliban and so is his dad. Both are under protection of Obama over objection from State.

CIA Station Chief did not make it through the swap before being outed by the Whtie House. Must be that the CIA objected.
CIA Station Chief did not make it through the swap before being outed by the White House. Must be that the CIA objected.
^^^ THIS^^^

Was no "accident". That was a deliberate WARNING to anyone in the know about this 'deal' to keep mouth shut or you will end up DEAD - because we will turn your ass over to the Jihadists for killing. Remember Stevens?

THAT is the message here.

When are Americans going to wake up that we have a Trojan Horse that is subjugating the country to our enemies??? That he has performed a MarxoFascist coup?

When??? Are this many people clueless about what is about to happen to us?

Point taken. But we do have better technology for doing it now. And you could include offshore wind (sail boats), geothermal (I'm sure some Icelanders used it crudely), etc.

But really, we don't need coal at this point. And the really cool thing is that, like with cellphones, we can have much of the third world skip the coal stage by going straight to solar/wind/etc. It is much easier to charge up your cellphone with a solar panel than it is to build a coal plant, run transmission lines, run distribution lines, install a transformer, and connect AC power.

Modi is promising electric light to everyone in India . . . but he is not going to do it with a grid. He is going to do it with Solar PV, batteries, and LED lighting.
Have any of you given Capital a shot? I want to be part of the zeitgeist but for one I'm not sure how approachable it is and I'm also wondering if there's much to be gained other than nerd cred, given that there are so many great summaries and discussions that seem to cover all the stuff I'd be interested in.
Am I supposed to be sad that the Tea Partier may win?

I'm happy. Let the crazies win. That will merely discredit the GOP.
It'll go into a runoff but I can't imagine how Cochran can win. I would imagine the winner in this first round would have a base that's much more fired up to make sure he's the nominee.

Anyway if Cochran goes down, Democrats actually have an itty-bitty chance at winning this seat. The Democratic candidate, Travis Childers was a former Congressman and is about as conservative as you can get for a Democrat. And McDaniel, the teabagger is an out-and-out neoconfederate. Obviously a state like Mississippi won't exactly be inhospitable to that sort of ideology, but we could very well see a repeat of Indiana/Missouri.

Not that Childers would be a good senator, he'd be a constant pain in the ass. But a Democrat is almost always better than a Republican.
Pelosi is a mess answering a student reporter's question regarding the NSA.
Haha, oh wow. She was NOT expecting that.

The thirty day notification isn't the only requirement for releasing detainees from gitmo.

This is the only issue that people are calling this an unlawful move, and a huge overreach of executive power.

There's is a massive list of things needed before a transfer of detainees can happen. None of which anyone is complaining about. This is the reason the administration can't just "let everyone go".

Breaking "the law" in this case refers to the 1035 section of the NDAA, and it amounts to saying that you didn't pay your taxes because your post mark was a seconds off on april 15th at midnight.

The Secretary of Defense apparently has provided everything needed to allow for this exchange to happen. If they hadn't we wouldn't be hearing about the inane thirty day clause. We'd be hearing about a whole torrent of other shitty things about these prisoners.

The whole point was that the executive would need to communicate with the legislative 30 days before this kind of thing happened. As much as we want to dance around it, that's the crux of the issue. I think we all agree that Obama broke the law, because I haven't really seen any argument otherwise... just that some people think it's not a big deal for one reason or another.

Just like the debt ceiling, a president's position on issues will change once they come into office. Not because of hypocrisy, but because of the reality how this government operates.
Well sure, there's plenty of money coming from all sorts of places. Who knows which position you'll need to take.


Haha, oh wow. She was NOT expecting that.

The whole point was that the executive would need to communicate with the legislative 30 days before this kind of thing happened. As much as we want to dance around it, that's the crux of the issue. I think we all agree that Obama broke the law, because I haven't really seen any argument otherwise... just that some people think it's not a big deal for one reason or another.

He didn't break the law

I’d like to explain why, given the credible reports regarding the risk of grave harm to Sergeant Bergdahl and the rapidly unfolding events surrounding his recovery, it was lawful for the Administration to proceed with the transfer notwithstanding the notice requirement in Section 1035(d) of the FY14 NDAA.

First, there is no question that the Secretary made the determinations required to transfer the detainees under Section 1035(b) of the FY 2014 NDAA. Section 1035(b) states that the Secretary of Defense may transfer an individual detained at Guantanamo to a foreign country if the Secretary determines (1) that actions have or will be taken that substantially mitigate the risk that the individual will engage in activity that threatens the United States or U.S. persons or interests and (2) that the transfer is in the national security interest of the United States. The Secretary made those determinations.

With respect to the separate 30-day notification requirement in Section 1035(d), the Administration determined that the notification requirement should be construed not to apply to this unique set of circumstances, in which the transfer would secure the release of a captive U.S. soldier and the Secretary of Defense, acting on behalf of the President, has determined that providing notice as specified in the statute could endanger the soldier’s life.

In these circumstances, delaying the transfer in order to provide the 30-day notice would interfere with the Executive’s performance of two related functions that the Constitution assigns to the President: protecting the lives of Americans abroad and protecting U.S. soldiers. Because such interference would significantly alter the balance between Congress and the President, and could even raise constitutional concerns, we believe it is fair to conclude that Congress did not intend that the Administration would be barred from taking the action it did in these circumstances.

The President also has repeatedly expressed concerns regarding this notice requirement. For example, the President’s FY14 NDAA signing statement indicated that “Section 1035 does not, however, eliminate all of the unwarranted limitations on foreign transfers and, in certain circumstances, would violate constitutional separation of powers principles. The executive branch must have the flexibility, among other things, to act swiftly in conducting negotiations with foreign countries regarding the circumstances of detainee transfers.” To the extent that the notice provision would apply in these unique circumstances, it would trigger the very separation of powers concerns that the President raised in his signing statement.

In these unique circumstances, in which the Secretary of Defense made the determinations required by Section 1035(b) and in light of the Secretary’s assessment that providing notice as specified in Section 1035(d) could endanger the soldier’s life, the Secretary of Defense’s failure to provide 30 days’ notice under Section 1035(d) was lawful.


aka andydumi
Congressmen have said the briefing the WH gave showed no evidence his life was in grave danger.

I think that was referring to his health condition only. Or the allegations that he was in deteriorating health conditions.

His life can be considered in danger simply for being a POW though. We have seen plenty of POW executions over the years. To argue he was safe and sound with a terrorist group we have warred with for a decade is something I would like to see argued by any congressman.


Politics in this country is becoming such a drag and predictable.

If Obama does anything, then commence right wing freakout.

End program.

Why does the car have no wheels?

Mike M

Nick N
Why does the car have no wheels?
1865 was the year of the invention of the hover car, but it the inventor out maneuvered in the market by Charles Goodyear's stranglehold on the rubber industry who spent a shit load of cash to paint them as dangerous and unreliable compared to cars that used his less expensive tires.
I think that was referring to his health condition only. Or the allegations that he was in deteriorating health conditions.

His life can be considered in danger simply for being a POW though. We have seen plenty of POW executions over the years. To argue he was safe and sound with a terrorist group we have warred with for a decade is something I would like to see argued by any congressman.

As i learned, much to my delight, in the offtopic thread, the US government has never officially recognized the Taliban as a terrorist organization.

Nor Hamas.


Fox News regular Keith Ablow speculated on Wednesday morning that President Obama orchestrated the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five Taliban prisoners being held at Guantanamo Bay because the commander-in-chief “doesn’t affiliate with patriotism” and “wants out of America.”

“Barack Obama does not have the will of the American people, Americanism in his soul,” Ablow, a forensic psychiatrist who is part of the Fox News Medical A-Team, explained. “And this swap, somebody who may not feel very American for five people who definitely don’t, is symptomatic of that.”


Secret Service Software Will 'Detect Sarcasm' in Social Media Users

The Secret Service is purchasing software to watch users of social networks in real time, according to contract documents.

In a work order posted on Monday, the agency details information the tool will collect -- ranging from emotions of Internet users to old Twitter messages.

Its capabilities will include “sentiment analysis,” "influencer identification," "access to historical Twitter data," “ability to detect sarcasm," and "heat maps" or graphics showing user trends by color intensity, agency officials said.

Yeah, that'll work.


“At least their public rhetoric does not match the facts on the ground,” he said. “This notion that it was an acute health care — yesterday, we were informed that it wasn’t acute, they had no information that it was acute, I don’t know why you would say that. They said we had to work within a few days of notice — we understand that this happened weeks ago.”

Guy who isn't running for reelection saying stupid shit before going to run a radio show.



Websitegate has returned!

APNewsBreak: Data discrepancies in health sign-ups

WASHINGTON (AP) — More than 2 million people who got health insurance under President Barack Obama's law have data discrepancies that could jeopardize coverage for some, a government document shows.

About 1 in 4 people who signed up have discrepancies, creating a huge paperwork jam for the feds and exposing some consumers to repayment demands, or possibly even loss of coverage, if they got too generous a subsidy.

The 7-page slide presentation from the Health and Human Services department was provided to The Associated Press as several congressional committees are actively investigating the discrepancies, most of which involve important details on income, citizenship and immigration status.

Ensuring that health care benefits are delivered accurately is a top priority for HHS nominee Sylvia Mathews Burwell, whose confirmation as department secretary is before the Senate this week.

Responding to the document, administration officials expressed confidence that most of the discrepancies can be resolved over the summer. Nonetheless, HHS has set up a system to "turn off" benefits for anyone who is found to be ineligible.

Julie Bataille, communications coordinator for the health care rollout, said most of the discrepancies appear to be due to outdated information in government files — and the "vast majority" of cases are being resolved in favor of consumers. The government is making an all-out effort to reach those with discrepancies, which officials have termed "inconsistencies."

"The fact that a consumer has an inconsistency on their application does not mean there is a problem on their enrollment," said Bataille. "Most of the time what that means is that there is more up-to-date information that they need to provide to us."

The document provided to AP said that 2.1 million people enrolled through the new health insurance exchanges were "affected by one or more inconsistency" as of the end of April.

The exchanges offer subsidized private coverage to lower-income and middle-class people with no access to health care on the job. The sliding-scale subsidies are based on income and family size, and are also affected by where a person lives. Because they are structured as tax credits, the Internal Revenue Service can deduct any overpayments from a taxpayer's refund the following year.

Under the law, only citizens and legal immigrants are entitled to subsidized coverage.

Updated numbers provided by Bataille indicate that the total number of people affected remains about the same as a month ago. About 1.2 million have discrepancies related to income; 505,000 have issues with immigration data, and 461,000 have conflicts related to citizenship information.

Obummer cooked the numbers. Illegals signed up. Obamacare fails. Premiums to skyrocket tomorrow. Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!

But, no. The immigration status hiccup is a bit of a problem. The income numbers can just be verified via the IRS... oh wait...


WASHINGTON -- Ryan Zinke, a former Navy SEAL and state senator who is now running for Congress in Montana, said during a campaign stop this week that he is worried the country is losing sight of the real threat to the nation: Hillary Clinton.

“We need to focus on the real enemy,” said Zinke last week, referring to Clinton, according to the Bigfork Eagle. He also called the former Secretary of State the "anti-Christ."

Zinke is one of a handful of Republicans trying to succeed Rep. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), who is expected to run for the seat being vacated by Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.).

Yeesh. Wonder if Democrats could win this one.

People need to quit being so dramatic.

I really wonder how many politicians who use rhetoric like this actually believe what they say.. Or do they just know this kind of rhetoric attracts a lot of stupid and scared people?
Probably a bit of both.

Hillary Clinton strikes me as the pinnacle of a centrist in American politics.


Websitegate has returned!

APNewsBreak: Data discrepancies in health sign-ups

Obummer cooked the numbers. Illegals signed up. Obamacare fails. Premiums to skyrocket tomorrow. Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!

But, no. The immigration status hiccup is a bit of a problem. The income numbers can just be verified via the IRS... oh wait...

I will say that I signed up for insurance through the marketplace in February, and it has been a most unpleasant experience. Technically, I should be on Medicaid, but Idaho is fucking stupid, so that's not an option. After I signed up, I was required to submit proof of my citizenship. Because I'm currently unemployed but making some money from working at home, I qualify for a large subsidy. So, I had to submit a proof of income for that. I uploaded a scan of my birth certificate and uploaded a copy of my recent bank statement for both of those.

The income thing makes absolutely no sense to me. Who cares if people try to abuse it by claiming low income for a full subsidy? They'll have to square up when they file taxes, anyway. Not to mention that it is impossible to accurately predict a yearly income when you don't have a steady income. I can't wait to see what hoops I'll have to jump through when my income doesn't match what I predicted in February.

A month after I signed up, I check back on the website. Since I applied, I did not receive a single correspondence. There was a new section in my account saying that I now have to submit proof of my Social Security number. So, I scan my Social Security card and upload that.

Now it's June, four months after I've signed up. I have my insurance coverage, which is good. I still have not received a single correspondence from my initial application. Surprisingly, I have not been asked for a blood or urine sample next. However, last week I received something in the mail saying that I now have to mail a copy of my birth certificate! I already uploaded it! Nope, not good enough. Have to mail it, or in 30 days I'll lose my coverage. Not only that, but they didn't even have the courtesy to provide a self-addressed, prepaid envelope to do so.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for being able to have health coverage (which is free because I fall in the poor category), but signing up for and getting coverage has been awful. I'll deal with it because I'm not paying anything, but it doesn't change the fact that it's been a shitty experience. (Disclosure: I'm pro-ACA.)


I think they should appoint a special committee to investigate the Obama workout footage.

If they have any members left who aren't already investigating the crimes of this administration.
Modi is promising electric light to everyone in India . . . but he is not going to do it with a grid. He is going to do it with Solar PV, batteries, and LED lighting.

What a world we (are about to) live in. We can "leapfrog" developing areas that might not have much infrastructure for traditional electricity distribution and put them right into self-sustaining solar batteries and the like.

I think that was referring to his health condition only. Or the allegations that he was in deteriorating health conditions.

His life can be considered in danger simply for being a POW though. We have seen plenty of POW executions over the years. To argue he was safe and sound with a terrorist group we have warred with for a decade is something I would like to see argued by any congressman.

I can't believe how the Right is reacting to this. Even if you think the guy's a traitor and deserves the death penalty, how can you want him in the hands of our enemies? Of note is the fact that these terrorists too horrible to negotiate with didn't kill this guy. I'll stab in the dark like everybody else and say I think these five guys cooperated with the US and there's video of them doing so. They'd be signing death warrants if we leaked something like that to Al-Jazeera. That's a trump card that torture can't deal.

On those same lines: http://crooksandliars.com/2014/06/and-after-shots-republicans-pleading-pow

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