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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Both Rachel Maddow and John Stewart really hit the nail on the head again about, even when Obama does -exactly- what the GOP says, just because he has done it, they all make a 180.
The GOP is simply the "anti-obama" party. They have no other actual agenda that is known.

If Obama is for it, they are against it. If someone asks me what the GOP position is on something, I'll ask them what Obama's position is and say whatever that is, it's the opposite.

They don't care if that means switching positions overnight and being hypocrites. These are vile people that are intentionally dragging the country down.

This is why when PD says "oh why would Obama do this when it would backfire?" Everything Obama does will "backfire" because if he does anything, the GOP will rag on it.

He needs to try to get a Reagan statue on the white house lawn just to see the GOP piss on it.


That was rasmussen though. Rasmussen is shit.

Yeah, only general election one in forever though, and I would imagine the "generic Republican" number isn't too far from that at an initial stage of the campaign.

In the one local primary poll from May 30, this is as close as they get to asking a general election question, how likely to support GOP candidate in November:
Cochran Voters: 56% definitely, 21% either, 9% Democrat, 2% won't vote
McDaniel Voters: 65% definitely, 18% either, 5% Democrat, 4% won't vote

So I'd have to imagine the margin vs. Childers isn't that different between the two. And since it's MS I would assume a ten point lead is the "start" position. Which is probably why Childers was out there talking about how much he hates ObamaCare, gun control and gay marriage.

tl;dr: I'm piling assumptions on top of assumptions.
This Bergdahl story is a 100% self inflicted massive fuck up. This isn't Benghazi, Democrats are shitting all over the administration, basically accusing them of lying. The narrative of "we bring home our own no matter what" is bullshit. There are massive issues with who this soldier was, what his father was doing/saying, who the detainees were that we gave-up, and this ridiculous fiasco about going around congress because of failing health. All the fake, made-up bullshit spun by the right to try and hurt this president fails in comparison to this clusterfuck that was all of their own doing. Hell, there has been more transparency from the fucking Taliban than the Obama administration at this point. I say this as an Independent with Democratic leanings who voted for Obama twice and worked on Obama's 2012 campaign, this is bad.
There are massive issues with who this soldier was
No there aren't. He saw a little girl get run over by an MRAP and thought America was doing the wrong thing.

Should he have done like others with PTSD do, and become an alcoholic or shoot himself/others?

The guy deserves sympathy, not criticism.


This Bergdahl story is a 100% self inflicted massive fuck up. This isn't Benghazi, Democrats are shitting all over the administration, basically accusing them of lying. The narrative of "we bring home our own no matter what" is bullshit. There are massive issues with who this soldier was, what his father was doing/saying, who the detainees were that we gave-up, and this ridiculous fiasco about going around congress because of failing health. All the fake, made-up bullshit spun by the right to try and hurt this president fails in comparison to this clusterfuck that was all of their own doing. Hell, there has been more transparency from the fucking Taliban than the Obama administration at this point. I say this as an Independent with Democratic leanings who voted for Obama twice and worked on Obama's 2012 campaign, this is bad.

1. America does not leave ANY of its troops behind.

2. Suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

3. Congress would never have voted for the prisoner exchange, no matter what they say now.


The 30 day rule is just so politicians can prepare speeches and ads. I don't see any other good function of letting a gridlocked, partisan body with poor opsec and more leaks than a sieve run military operations when the Constitution explicitly puts the President in command of the entire military, the prisoners were being held on a military base and the transaction was a military operation.

If they feel these guys were too dangerous to be let go, then they need to be answering the question of why these captives have been denied a trial.

Mike M

Nick N
I kind of feel the Bergdahl outrage won't have a major impact in the long run. Campaigning against the release of a POW strikes me as a mine field.


aka andydumi
This Bergdahl story is a 100% self inflicted massive fuck up. This isn't Benghazi, Democrats are shitting all over the administration, basically accusing them of lying. The narrative of "we bring home our own no matter what" is bullshit. There are massive issues with who this soldier was, what his father was doing/saying, who the detainees were that we gave-up, and this ridiculous fiasco about going around congress because of failing health. All the fake, made-up bullshit spun by the right to try and hurt this president fails in comparison to this clusterfuck that was all of their own doing. Hell, there has been more transparency from the fucking Taliban than the Obama administration at this point. I say this as an Independent with Democratic leanings who voted for Obama twice and worked on Obama's 2012 campaign, this is bad.

No there aren't. He saw a little girl get run over by an MRAP and thought America was doing the wrong thing.

Should he have done like others with PTSD do, and become an alcoholic or shoot himself/others?

The guy deserves sympathy, not criticism.

The video showing him in deteriorating health was apparently shown to senators last night. The comments this morning on the radio from both sides of the isle were that he appeared to be in dire straits and barely responsive. So I wonder if the original "critical health" motivation was indeed correct and based on this recent video.

That said, it's not unlikely that PTSD caused him to act the way he did and leave the base. More than likely it will be used as the official reason. The interesting part is that he will come home and into the VA system, which has already been in the news negatively. So maybe this will be used as an example of why we need to fix/strengthen it.
I kind of feel the Bergdahl outrage won't have a major impact in the long run. Campaigning against the release of a POW strikes me as a mine field.
Its already being replaced in the airways with


whatever -gate that is
This Bergdahl story is a 100% self inflicted massive fuck up. This isn't Benghazi, Democrats are shitting all over the administration, basically accusing them of lying. The narrative of "we bring home our own no matter what" is bullshit. There are massive issues with who this soldier was, what his father was doing/saying, who the detainees were that we gave-up, and this ridiculous fiasco about going around congress because of failing health. All the fake, made-up bullshit spun by the right to try and hurt this president fails in comparison to this clusterfuck that was all of their own doing. Hell, there has been more transparency from the fucking Taliban than the Obama administration at this point. I say this as an Independent with Democratic leanings who voted for Obama twice and worked on Obama's 2012 campaign, this is bad.



This Bergdahl story is a 100% self inflicted massive fuck up. This isn't Benghazi, Democrats are shitting all over the administration, basically accusing them of lying. The narrative of "we bring home our own no matter what" is bullshit. There are massive issues with who this soldier was, what his father was doing/saying, who the detainees were that we gave-up, and this ridiculous fiasco about going around congress because of failing health. All the fake, made-up bullshit spun by the right to try and hurt this president fails in comparison to this clusterfuck that was all of their own doing. Hell, there has been more transparency from the fucking Taliban than the Obama administration at this point. I say this as an Independent with Democratic leanings who voted for Obama twice and worked on Obama's 2012 campaign, this is bad.
As an active duty soldier with 4 years in Afghanistan, fuck you. If the soldier deserted than he should be tried under the UCMJ. I'm glad congress wasn't involved in bringing him home. Not everything is about political implications and blowback.


Texas, what are you doing? Texas FUCKING STAPH TEXAS STAPH STAPH

Texas Republican Party Drafts New Platform Advocating For Ex-Gay Therapy

Earlier this week, the Dallas Voice reported that the Texas Republican Party had stripped language from its platform that claimed that “homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family,” but the Houston Chronicle now reports that the language has been replaced with a different kind of condemnation.

According to a first draft the Chronicle obtained, the Texas GOP will now endorse ex-gay therapy for “patients who are seeking escape from the homosexual lifestyle”:

Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable alternative lifestyle, in public policy, nor should family be redefined to include homosexual couples. We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin.

Additionally, we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values. We recognize the legitimacy and value of counseling which offers reparative therapy and treatment to patients who are seeking escape from the homosexual lifestyle. No laws or executive orders shall be imposed to limit or restrict access to this type of therapy.

The inclusion of ex-gay therapy is likely a response to laws passed in California and New Jersey and proposed in several other states banning the harmful treatment for minors. A consensus of social scientists have rejected efforts to try to manipulate a person’s sexual orientation, having found no legitimacy to its effectiveness. Survivors of the treatment have overwhelmingly described it as harmful, having caused them shame, emotional harm, self-hate, suicidal ideation, and nervous breakdowns. Of those who said they experienced harm, 84 percent said they are still affected by their past experiences with ex-gay therapy today.

In addition, the platform supports “the enforcement of the State and Federal Defense of Marriage Act,” even though the Supreme Court ruled last year that the federal Defense of Marriage Act’s ban on the federal government recognizing same-sex marriages was unconstitutional. It also opposes forcing any adoption or foster care agency to place children with same-sex couples, any employment nondiscrimination protections that would “coerce religious business owners to violate their own beliefs by affirming what they consider to be sinful and sexually immoral behavior,” and the “assault on marriage by judicial activists.”

That's it. I'm out.

If the soldier deserted than he should be tried under the UCMJ. I'm glad congress wasn't involved in bringing him home. Not everything is about political implications and blowback.

I have no problem with him being punished for desertion (if that's what happened; I assume there can be some distinction between AWOL and desertion). He needs to be tried in the US military court system. Enemy governments do not have authority to try and sentence US soldiers, particularly for crimes that have nothing to do with them. This is really underlining the hypocrisy of those who simply hate Obama no matter what, and my Facebook is full of them.


Jesus, we're not even done with this MERS thing, and now we have to worry about Texas Staph?

You know, I am not even going to edit it because it makes it funnier that way.

Great new name for a disease.

"I suddenly feel homosexuals are inferior."
"Oh... You got the Texas Staph. Might want to check that out."
I have no problem with him being punished for desertion (if that's what happened; I assume there can be some distinction between AWOL and desertion). He needs to be tried in the US military court system.
Yeah, when you consider people's positions, apparently the appropriate thing to do is to convict him of desertion without a trial based on hearsay, and the correct punishment is leaving him at the hands of the enemy, which would likely qualify as cruel and unusual punishment.


Yeah, when you consider people's positions, apparently the appropriate thing to do is to convict him of desertion without a trial based on hearsay, and the correct punishment is leaving him at the hands of the enemy, which would likely qualify as cruel and unusual punishment.

Exactly, deprive the guy of his right to a trial and convict him in the media circus. Then as punishment, leave him as a POW. It's not like the max punishment for desertion isn't death, if you have a bloodlust for this guy then try and convict him.

Not leaving someone behind isn't just a saying, it a fucking scared vow. We still look for bodies in Vietnam. Trading 5 senior taliban for one soldier isn't a sign of weakness, its a sign of our commitment to our service members.
This Bergdahl story is a 100% self inflicted massive fuck up. This isn't Benghazi, Democrats are shitting all over the administration, basically accusing them of lying. The narrative of "we bring home our own no matter what" is bullshit. There are massive issues with who this soldier was, what his father was doing/saying, who the detainees were that we gave-up, and this ridiculous fiasco about going around congress because of failing health. All the fake, made-up bullshit spun by the right to try and hurt this president fails in comparison to this clusterfuck that was all of their own doing. Hell, there has been more transparency from the fucking Taliban than the Obama administration at this point. I say this as an Independent with Democratic leanings who voted for Obama twice and worked on Obama's 2012 campaign, this is bad.

Now imagine that Bergdahl had failing health and he died in captivity as a result.

What would the GOP have done, then?

Obama was in a lose-lose situation. His two options were bring home a POW and take criticism or let a POW die and take criticism (and possible impeachment knowing the GOP).

Which one is worse long term, IYO?
Texas, what are you doing? Texas FUCKING STAPH TEXAS STAPH STAPH

Texas Republican Party Drafts New Platform Advocating For Ex-Gay Therapy

That's it. I'm out.

I'm more annoyed by this:

Texas GOP platform said:
While we all strive to be good stewards of the earth, “climate change” is a political agenda which attempts to control every aspect of our lives. We urge government at all levels to ignore any plea for money to fund global climate change or “climate justice” initiatives.

Paranoid conspiracy theories enshrined in the platform.

You know, I am not even going to edit it because it makes it funnier that way.

Great new name for a disease.

"I suddenly feel homosexuals are inferior."
"Oh... You got the Texas Staph. Might want to check that out."

Hey, you don't wanna mess with Texas Staph.

It's the biggest of all the Staphs.


MANU RAJU, POLITICO: Looking back at the way this was rolled out, do you think the White House could have been a better job looping in Congress during these negotiations?

SEN. HARRY REID: Listen, Manu [Raju], and everyone here, the timeline was very, very brief here. This has nothing to do with briefing this down in the classified briefing. We all know that the president had a very short period of time to make a decision. He made the decision to bring him home, and I'm glad he did because in my opinion, based on nothing in the classified briefing, in my opinion, every day that he was there was a day closer to his dying.

RAJU: How come you were the only one who got a heads-up the day before?

REID: I'm not sure I'm the only one. I mean, this is making a big deal over nothing. The whole deal, is it Friday or Saturday? What difference does it make? What difference does it make?


Sidhe / PikPok
217k jobs. Its amazing how the chatter about bad obama economy completely disappeared from everywhere.

Stuart Varney on Fox News is still fighting the good fight. Just watched his comments on the job numbers which included "these are all low paying jobs", "this is a disappointment", "basically, we are still under water", and something to the effect of "the population continues to grow so this isn't enough".
Now imagine that Bergdahl had failing health and he died in captivity as a result.

What would the GOP have done, then?

Obama was in a lose-lose situation. His two options were bring home a POW and take criticism or let a POW die and take criticism (and possible impeachment knowing the GOP).

Which one is worse long term, IYO?

Bergdahl bashing infuriates me.
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