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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
It was taken from Dave Leip's forums, his site uses that GOP = blue system because when the site was first created in 1992 that's what color the networks used for Republicans.

Originally, the networks employed a variety of schemes (the incumbents are blue, or they would switch each color each election, etc.) and the Republicans were infamously blue in 1976 and 1980. A lot of magazines always had the GOP blue. But 2000 locked the red state/blue state thing in permanently at a cultural level.

I applaud Mr. Leip's refusal to give in to the media-color-fascists-industrial-academic complex.

And 2000 is when I started paying attention to elections. Thanks for the explanation.
Looks like PD has taken over Chuck Todd's body.
I dont understand Americans. Do they want us to be non interventionist AND be tough on people like Assad and ISIS? If you are a non interventionist, you shouldnt care if middle east is going to hell in a handbasket. You cant have your cake and eat it. Not engaging with other countries problems is a big trade off.

Although I think Obama does wishes he could have quickly taken out Assad thereby not giving ISIS time to develop and evolve out of the civil war.


Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has issued several executive orders today to withdraw the state from the Common Core state standards and federally subsidized standardized tests.

The move defies his state Legislature, Superintendent of Education John White and the business community.

Jindal, a likely presidential contender in 2016, was once a staunch supporter of the standards. But amidst mounting opposition and tea party pushback, he changed his mind.
The local guy running for the House has all his robocalls go on and on about the evil Common Core, and then btw he hates Obamacare too.

I dont understand Americans. Do they want us to be non interventionist AND be tough on people like Assad and ISIS?
Yes, it's called patriotism. And if you don't like it you can go back to France you traitor.


The local guy running for the House has all his robocalls go on and on about the evil Common Core, and then btw he hates Obamacare too.

Yes, it's called patriotism. And if you don't like it you can go back to France you traitor.

And these people wonder why their students so so poorly, have high STD rates, and high teen pregnancy rates.
And these people wonder why their students so so poorly, have high STD rates, and high teen pregnancy rates.
I don't think they wonder any of those actually. I think they assume the states/districts with quality sex education are even worse.

Conservative ideology is based on bumper sticker slogans that seem like they should be right but have no basis in truth when they're actually applied ("tax cuts = everyone has more money!" being their main economic agenda)

“[Liberals] said we couldn’t force freedom on people,” Beck said at the start of his Tuesday radio show. “Let me lead with my mistakes. You were right. Liberals, you were right, we shouldn’t have.”

Wow. That is quite an admission. Very big of him . . .

The talk show host explained that when a possible invasion of Iraq was being discussed, he believed Saddam Hussein was backing terror against the United States and that something had to be done.
Idiot. The was well known to be false except to the liars trying to sell the war and those that they duped.

“In spite of the things I felt at the time when we went into war, liberals said, ‘We shouldn’t get involved, we shouldn’t nation-build and there was no indication the people of Iraq had the will to be free,’” Beck said. “I thought that was insulting at the time. Everybody wants to be free.”

Ah . . . there we go . . . he basically then tries to paint this as liberals being racist.


Looks like PD has taken over Chuck Todd's body.
Maybe you missed it, but you left out the part about the Obama administration being seen as less competent than the post-Katrina Bush administration.

So anyway, I made a thread and you're all invited to come chime in.


Maybe you missed it, but you left out the part about the Obama administration being seen as less competent than the post-Katrina Bush administration.

So anyway, I made a thread and you're all invited to come chime in.

Sounds like PD to me.

Omg... Conservative backlash over the Redskins patent drop.

"Whether or not you believe the Redskins should change its team name, you should be concerned by this troubling development," Barber wrote. "It’s a harbinger of things to come. The American free market and private enterprise are no longer free nor private. Liberty is under threat as never before. Here’s to the good ol’ U.S.A.! We’ve officially become an Obamanation."

Independent Journal Review's Kyle Becker also weighed-in on what he described as a "strange, politically vindictive, and probably illegal turn-of-events."

"This is how the Obama administration rolls," Becker wrote.

Becker also invoked one of the most popular conservative memes in the Obama era.

"The timing of this move is pretty convenient for the president and is a classic example of both the distraction politics this administration is good for and the lack of seriousness of his administration," Becker wrote.



The Trademark Office had cancelled the Redskins trademarks before in 1992. Is there nothing Obama won't copy from a Bush Administration?
Omg... Conservative backlash over the Redskins patent drop.

"It’s a harbinger of things to come. The American free market and private enterprise are no longer free nor private. Liberty is under threat as never before.


It seems "liberty" has become defined as "the right to be a scary, offensive, or polluting dick". Because every time they are whining about losing liberty it seems like they merely losing a way to scare people, be offensive, or pollute.
It was taken from Dave Leip's forums, his site uses that GOP = blue system because when the site was first created in 1992 that's what color the networks used for Republicans.

Originally, the networks employed a variety of schemes (the incumbents are blue, or they would switch each color each election, etc.) and the Republicans were infamously blue in 1976 and 1980. A lot of magazines always had the GOP blue. But 2000 locked the red state/blue state thing in permanently at a cultural level.

I applaud Mr. Leip's refusal to give in to the media-color-fascists-industrial-academic complex.
Truly conservative . . . sticking to the old ways even though they are outdated, cause inefficiencies, confuse people, and are just out of spite.


Setec Astronomer
It was taken from Dave Leip's forums, his site uses that GOP = blue system because when the site was first created in 1992 that's what color the networks used for Republicans.
That's because traditionally red has been associated with the left wing. Hell, we spent decades being incredibly familiar with red being associated with outright communism, both as an expression and as a literal coloring on their flags and insignia. Now Republicans call themselves red.

It's just like how pink became the color for girls early in the last century rather than a boys color, while boys now use blue, a color traditionally for girls.


Looking for a decent read on the Democratic Party's shift from the South to the Northeast, as per the earlier discussion in this thread. I feel like that's something I'd really like to dig into. Any recommendations?

That last line, goddamn. It's not even trying to be subtle, it might as well just read "Brown people are just too stupid to want freedom and were clearly made by God to be governed by the Master Race." He must absolutely love that shitting on the middle east is so acceptable and 'patriotic', he doesn't even need to trouble himself with a dog whistle. Bonus points for making it seem like he's aligned with "Liberals" in this twisted world view.

First Palin and now Beck have publicly stated that they side with "Liberals" and then said something completely fucked up and not at all what the democrats are saying. Looks like they're stepping up to 1997-level internet argument tactics: pretending you're on their side as you purposely distort their stance. Good on them, can't wait for them to start casually dropping the phrase "strawman" into every single sentence.

Yeah, I've been kinda hoping that Obama would open up to Cuba this term. He's not up for re-election. He could try to do some grand bargain where they release lots of political prisoners, do some reforms, and then we drop the embargo. Or would that be impossible? Would he require Congressional approval due to some old law?

Raul Castro had been sending lots of signals indicating he's be interested in a deal. And Chavez isn't even around anymore to stiffen the spine of Cuba against the USA.


Yeah, I've been kinda hoping that Obama would open up to Cuba this term. He's not up for re-election. He could try to do some grand bargain where they release lots of political prisoners, do some reforms, and then we drop the embargo. Or would that be impossible? Would he require Congressional approval due to some old law?

Raul Castro had been sending lots of signals indicating he's be interested in a deal. And Chavez isn't even around anymore to stiffen the spine of Cuba against the USA.
The Cuban "Embargo" is based around a series of acts, namely:

Congressman in both parties in both Houses introduced things to get the travel restrictions dropped or changed during the 2000s but Bush said he would veto so they went nowhere. I believe Obama did reduce some travel restrictions on his own already.
In an in-depth profile by National Journal's Marin Cogan, Schweitzer, a Democrat, says that Southern men strike him as "effeminate," says that ousted House Majority Leader Eric Cantor set off his "gaydar," and suggests that Sen. Dianne Feinstein was a streetwalker for the U.S. intelligence community.

"She was the woman who was standing under the streetlight with her dress pulled all the way up over her knees," Schweitzer says of Feinstein, "and now she says, 'I'm a nun,' when it comes to this spying I mean, maybe that's the wrong metaphor—but she was all in!"

Cogan called Schweitzer on the night Cantor lost his Republican primary. The former governor had plenty to say about it:

"Don't hold this against me, but I'm going to blurt it out. How do I say this ... men in the South, they are a little effeminate," he offered when I mentioned the stunning news. When I asked him what he meant, he added, "They just have effeminate mannerisms. If you were just a regular person, you turned on the TV, and you saw Eric Cantor talking, I would say—and I'm fine with gay people, that's all right—but my gaydar is 60-70 percent. But he's not, I think, so I don't know. Again, I couldn't care less. I'm accepting."


my sides...


Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s crashed hard drive has been recycled, making it likely the lost emails of the lightening rod in the tea party targeting controversy will never be found, according to multiple sources.

“We’ve been informed that the hard drive has been thrown away,” Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the top Republican on the Finance Committee, said in a brief hallway interview.


It may just be standard government procedure, but the revelation is significant because some lawmakers and observers thought there was a way that tech experts could revive Lerner’s emails after they were washed away in a computer crash in the summer of 2011. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), for example, subpoenaed her damaged hard drive earlier this week, when he asked for “all hard drives, external drives, thumb drives and computers” and “all electronic communication devices the IRS issued to Lois G. Lerner.”

“IT experts have weighed in and said yes — we can get those” emails, said Rep. Charles Boustany (R-La.) earlier Wednesday.

The latest news suggests such professionals may never get the chance to try again — and the IRS has even said its criminal investigators who specialize in rebuilding hard drives to recover hidden information from criminals were unable to restore the data back in 2011. But this is only likely to further enrage Republicans, who are fuming over the matter and suspect Washington officials drove the selective scrutiny.


Earlier this week, Ways and Means Republicans said as many as six IRS employees involved in the scandal also lost email in computer crashes, including the former chief of staff for the acting IRS commissioner.

That’s because before May 2013, the IRS backed up emails only for six months on a tape, then recycled the tapes, so they essentially threw out the data. Many agencies do the same, transparency experts say.


Dear Post-Dispatch readers,
Starting today, Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson replaces George Will on Thursdays and Sundays.

Mr. Gerson, who grew up in St. Louis and still has family here, is a former speechwriter and top aide to President George W. Bush. (To answer the classic St. Louis question: Westminster Christian Academy).

Mr. Gerson had served as a speechwriter for Republican presidential candidates Jack Kemp and Bob Dole, and is a former senior editor at the U.S. News & World Report.

We believe that Mr. Gerson’s commitment to “compassionate conservatism” and his roots in St. Louis will better connect with our readers, regardless of their political bent.

The change has been under consideration for several months, but a column published June 5, in which Mr. Will suggested that sexual assault victims on college campuses enjoy a privileged status, made the decision easier. The column was offensive and inaccurate; we apologize for publishing it.

We have heard from both conservative and liberal readers asking for new conservative voices. We believe Mr. Gerson’s addition to our op-ed page will be a refreshing and revitalizing change.

Dwight Billingsly · Top Commenter · Northwest High School, St. Louis, MO
there was nothing wrong with george will's column; no one on your all-white editorial board is fit to carry his dirty sneakers. but i do see why you would want to switch to the type of rino that gerson is: a rino without intellect. the same old amnesty-supporting, disingenuous republican establishment-type who believes in immigration reform without border security.

romney lost the election because conservatives did not turn out for him even as much as they had for rino mccain; after all, he didn't have palin. and of course you overlook mentioning that obama got fewer votes on his re-election, such that if romney had only duplicated his vote from his base he would have won. the rinos and rinettes who want us to believe that there is any near-term demographic threat affecting the electoral chances for principled conservatives are stooges and fools.

conservatives, tea party activists and responsible democrats understand that border security must, must, must precede any amnesty talk of any kind. and those voters were sufficient to flip the house, will flip the senate this year and, if a principled conservative is nominated, will flip the white house in 2016.

can't wait to see the other gop sell-outs you've got in store for us.
conservative twitter lines up FAST (they also miss the fact that he did apologize http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/18/harry-reid-iraq-vote_n_5508588.html?1403118165)

also reid has learned to be a master troll. and his twitter background is badass. I think he's grown at lot since 2012 and I think he's become a great majority leader.


Yeah, I was quite ambivalent about Reid. But he has really turned around and grown a spine. He's still the soft-spoken guy but he's a soft-spoken bulldog. I've become a fan. I think he's the one who has propped up Obama quite a bit.
I guess Schweitzer isn't running in 2016 or ever then.

It is reassuring sometimes to remember that yes, the Republicans have nowhere near a monopoly on morons

Ah . . . but this makes him stronger. He's a red-state Democrat with largely progressive views (aside from the coal state garbage). He's a winner. Don't count him out.


The Senator character in Casino is supposed to be based on Reid, who was also a gambling commissioner in the 1970s.

When Jack Gordon, La Toya Jackson's future agent and husband, offered Reid a $12,000 bribe to get approval of new games for casinos, Reid brought in the FBI to tape Gordon's bribery attempt and arrest him. After FBI agents interrupted the transaction, as prearranged, Reid lost his temper and began choking Gordon, saying "You son of a bitch, you tried to bribe me!"


Hillary's done, wrap it up:

To understand the weakness of Hillary Clinton's position, you need to understand her appeal as a candidate. She has no identifiable political legacy, no issue or set of positions that mark her ground. Instead, she is a symbol, as Ross Douthat put it last week, which seeks to unite the Democratic working-class (her base in 2008) with the identity-politics impulses that drive the core Obama voters. She is, in that way, a continuation of the Obama appeal, but without any of the political or policy baggage from the Obama administration. In fact, she's one of the few Democrats who can run without any firm attachment to Obama's tri-partite political legacy of Obamacare, high unemployment, and a stagnant economy. Clinton can be Obama's heir, but it's hard to pin any of those problems on her.

The only part of Obama's legacy that will stick to Clinton is his foreign policy.

For four years, that seemed like a great arrangement. But suddenly, over the last year, it's begun to look quite perilous. Obama_perhaps you've heard this?_got bin Laden. But other than that, his foreign policy record is disastrous: Libya, Egypt, Syria, the South China Sea, Crimea, Iraq, Afghanistan. It is difficult to find a spot on the globe that is better off today than when Obama took office. And yet Obama's foreign policy is the only entry of substance on Hillary Clinton's resume right now. Which means it will carry double the weight.

For Obama, Putin and Crimea are a mid-size political problem, ranked somewhere above the Keystone pipeline. For Clinton it's an existential problem because foreign affairs are the only measures for her basic professional competence.

Think about it from the perspective of a Democratic voter: Hillary Clinton was wrong on Monica Lewinsky during the (Bill) Clinton years, wrong on gay marriage and Iraq during the Bush years, and now wrong on Putin and Syria and Egypt and the whole of American foreign policy during the Obama years. What has she ever been right on? And if you're a Democratic voter, at some point you start to wonder, Can't we do better?
I don't understand the Libya argument. Libya was a success and is far better today than 4 years ago when a near genocide took place.

Yeah, we lost 4 people in Benghazi, and that sucked, but that someone deters from the hundreds of thousands saved?
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