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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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But other than that, his foreign policy record is disastrous: Libya, Egypt, Syria, the South China Sea, Crimea, Iraq, Afghanistan. It is difficult to find a spot on the globe that is better off today than when Obama took office.
Libya: Reagan's nemesis is dead and they have a chance at freedom. How is this a failure?
Egypt: We are back to a secular dictator. No net change. How is this a failure?
Syria: A country we hated is in war. How is this a failure?
South China Sea: Vietnam is fighting with China. How is this bad for us?
Crimea: Whatever. Russia took back its territory.
Iraq: Blame Bush.
Afghanistan: Shit place is still shit. No change.

No mention of:
Tunesia: Now a secular democracy more or less.
Bin Laden: Dead

Drama queens over at Weekly Standard. The people that brought us that oh so great Iraq war.


You know, I might feel like a real heel, but this mother of a Benghazi victim isn't really garnering too much sympathy from me:

Why can't Hillary just tell her the truth? It might save her Presidential campaign which all the experts agree has been a disaster so far and failed to get away from Obama's foreign policy blunders.

She could show real leadership and courage by revealing just what happened at Benghazi and in the White House and what Lois Lerner was saying about investigating Benghazi on e-mail.
I wonder what will happen when Abu Khattalah reveals that the youtube video caused him to attack the embassy? I mean he has said so in the past, but hearing it on American soil should make GOP lose its mind and say Abu Khattalah is innocent.


This IRS thing is such a hilarious topic for the GOP to work up a lather over. Hasn't it already been proven that the IRS was going after Dem groups too, and not targeting any specific group?


This IRS thing is such a hilarious topic for the GOP to work up a lather over. Hasn't it already been proven that the IRS was going after Dem groups too, and not targeting any specific group?

That and the commissioner in charge was a George W. Bush appointee and probably all their IT policies in 2009-2011 were probably ones that carried over from the Bush administration.

I don't think modernizing the IRS's IT infrastructure was a priority considering the whole Great Recession/2 Wars thing going on.
You know, I might feel like a real heel, but this mother of a Benghazi victim isn't really garnering too much sympathy from me:


The disgusting thing about this is that people are literally telling her and other victims that the administration not only let her son die, but that the president is guilty of treason. I can't fault a grieving parent for being upset about the death of their child, and it's pathetic that people are whispering all types of FUD into her ear.

This is dangerous stuff, as I've said before. You have former military and special ops people being fed this shit too, all while being told the administration betrayed them. It's pure incitement, lone wolf bait.


I feel like Dick Chenney has been hiding out for six years waiting for the opportunity to slither out and blame someone else for Iraq. Which is exactly what they hoped for as they had no exit plan.


Was he coping well with Graham wanting to see other countries ( Iran) and Petraeus not wanting to do airstrikes?

He said it was Obama's fault that this happened. Iraq was "won" and because he brought the troops home, per an agreement signed by the previous administration, that we essentially handed Iraq back to the terrorist who want nothing more than to destroy America.
Los Angeles Times: "Last fall, as President Obama weighed airstrikes against Syria, deliberations followed a clear pattern: The president solicited scores of options, planners returned with possibilities, and, according to people involved, Obama would reply with the same question: And then what?"

"Over the last several days, with Obama mulling involvement in another Middle East conflict, this time in Iraq, that dynamic has held."

I troll and mock Obama all the time, sometimes fake sometimes real, but thank god this man is president.
At least he thinks about consequences of his actions and isn't act first and worry about the bullshit/blame someone else later.

And he couldn't care less what others think when it comes to his approach, which is key. I wouldn't be surprised if even folks like John Kerry, Hillary, Bill Clinton, etc think he's making a fool of himself. And while I agree he did look like a fool on Syria, I can't fault anything else. FP is not a game nor is it high school. I'd rather preserve lives than worry about being "strong."



I troll and mock Obama all the time, sometimes fake sometimes real, but thank god this man is president.

Giuliani next compared Putin’s decisiveness to President Obama’s leadership. In this regard, he found the American president lacking: “President Obama [has] gotta think about it, he’s got to go over it again, he’s got to talk to more people about it,” Giuliani joked.


First thing that came to mind.
Former congressman and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul will make his acting debut in the third installment of the Atlas Shrugged film trilogy, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. The film also will feature several other prominent conservative personalities with little or no acting experience, including Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.


Hillary was around when Bill was launching cruise missiles at Iraq anytime Saddam farted, so she certainly wouldn't have hesitated to attack ISIS.
Hillary was around when Bill was launching cruise missiles at Iraq anytime Saddam farted, so she certainly wouldn't have hesitated to attack ISIS.

BTW word is "leaking" today that she "fiercely" argued in favor of leaving a force behind in Iraq. If I was an Obama official I'd be shaking my head at her nonstop headline grabbing this month.


Good news for Wisconsin's Democratic challenger. Never heard of her until I googled her name just now: Mary Burke.

Also lol Walker.

Also, Josh Marshall is alleging new news about Bridgegate is forthcoming. Today is like Christmas!


Josh Marshall
Oh interesting. Christie may be done with Bridgegate, but sounds like maybe Bridgegate may not be done with him.

And in reply to someone asking what it was about:
Daniel Gilmore ‏@gilmored85 50m
@joshtpm Care to elaborate re Christie Bridgegate? New news forthcoming?

Josh Marshall ‏@joshtpm 48m
@gilmored85 Shortly. Bigger news on Walker. Both coming at once.


Unconfirmed Member
I was sure worried about Walker. Not anymore I guess.

Remember when people thought the GOP's finest sat out 2012 to wait for 2016 which is why they had to settle for Mitt? Well here we are and Mitt would be far better than anything they have to put out there. Amazing that they're seriously down to Rand Paul and Jeb Bush as their best hopes.

I just want to point out that Walker's scandal came from the recall elections, which were deemed a waste of time by many Democrats

Very good point.
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