So why allow any free speech then?
Everyone should be allowed to express themselves as they want. That doesn't mean it's consequence-free though. The debate is what the consequences should be for what kind of speech. I can't think of anything that should be banned personally. I think anyone no matter how absurd or backwards their view should be able to protest, say what they want, anywhere they want etc. without police/state repression.
This is basically already the case for right wingers but if a left winger tried the same they're met with the NYPD, LAPD Oakland PD etc. the state is not neutral on this in our country and never has been. And to be fair it's similar in other countries, where KKK type people can protest freely but if there's a counter-protest by leftists they're met with police repression under the guise of protecting the free speech of the KKK types, I've seen this reported in the UK lots of times.
But anyway I think that freedom of speech is separated from political power. Like I don't think fascists should be allowed political parties that can win and create laws that would negatively affect others. It's anti-democratic to prevent them from doing that but I think it's fine because egalitarian principles are morally true. If you think otherwise you can try and argue if you want but is anyone here going to do that? Or are you guys going to continue to enjoy the benefits people died and fought for for while saying people like them shouldn't exist because they're too radical? You guys would've been mouth pieces for the monarchy in the 1700s.
tl;dr version is 'I'm god my politics are the only factually accurate opinions and I should be able to enforce them at the barrel of a gun'
You reject literally everything this country enshired in its constitution and fought a revolution for. And glad to see murder and mob violence advocated!
All politics are enforced by the barrel of a gun. Literally every single law is backed by a monopoly of state violence against anyone who chooses to do otherwise. I don't know what point you're making.
Has it ever occurred to you that (1) you might be wrong or (2) a majority of society might reject your beliefs and preferred policies? What you say here is disturbingly arrogant, self-righteous, and myopic. The pendulum will swing the other way, and when it does, it will be your own empowerment of violent fanatics that punishes you for your beliefs.
Regarding the bolded, what is wrong with you? It's not reasonable to kill someone because they implement political policies you find abhorrent. That's not logic. And it's wrong to kill your political opponents notwithstanding that a bunch of other people agree that you all should kill your political opponents.
So do you think businesses should be able to go back to pre-civil rights era and not sell to black people? You realize it is the self righteous, violent leftists that stopped this from happening right? It was the federal government murdering millions of confederates that ended slavery, after people like John Brown and Nat Turner did what they needed to do. Socialists and Communists rioting and breaking down the flow of capital initiated FDR's new deal.
They're all disturbingly arrogant though. SO MUCH SHOCKING. How DARE you use guns to prevent confederates from using their democratically enshrined, liberty republican value having rights to enslave others. THAT'S NOT WHAT THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED ON SIR!!! How will they live a free and prosperous life if they can't oppress others because that's their opinion and by gosh golly we should defend it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. That's what you guys are saying right now.
Regarding the bolded, what is wrong with you? It's not reasonable to kill someone because they implement political policies you find abhorrent. That's not logic.
It is if they create mass misery and destitution, deaths and hopelessness of those they rule and it's not possible to use peaceful methods ie voting due to corruption/limitless cash spending. This wasn't even the case with American revolutionaries and they still illegally rebelled over taxes and being treated like a step son. And it was totally justified, same with the French overthrowing the monarchy.
People don't want to do it because they don't want to go to prison or die and that's also obviously reasonable, so we choose to use peaceful, non-violent methods as an alternative, but it is a much weaker alternative that takes much longer while innocent hard working people continue to flounder in the present, waiting for change to be brought down from above. However it definitely may be the case in the modern day that peaceful protests do work better in the long run, if only because the state will then become the only one using violence (which they always do), and will lose the moral ground.