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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Because not all people with warrants are dangerous nor are worth the time to persue. The police often know exactly where they live.
Efficient use of resources doesn't seem to be much of a concern to police though. Think of all the times they could cosplay to bust into some abodes in the wee hours? They could even do it while the persons voting! Grab the perps with a SWAT team when they go to hand in their ballot!

Being a war hawk is stressful I guess.

Not a huge Maddow fan but I'll take "cheerleading" for no war over cheerleading for war, and the propaganda attempt to turn ISIS into Galactus.
They're going to be a cloud in the movies aren't they.
I've noticed you've been complaining a lot about liberals over the past couple of weeks.

What ails you, APK?

I'm not complaining about liberals, I complain about everyone.

I'm a liberal, I just hate a lot of the time how liberals pretend they don't fall into the same traps as conservatives that and the echo chamber is boring. Maddows show has become not a place to get news but for her to present as inaccurate a world view as the McCain's of the world. She ignores facts and states mistruths, why is it bad to hold that to the same standard as you hold FOX? I even in the same post complimented hayes for having the same views as maddow but not presenting a distorted view of events.

I just am seeing more and more liberals adapt unthinking postures, dogmatic beliefs and creating closed off media ecosystems.

The wisconson thing a few posts up, that's WDN level stuff if it was new black panthers based on some idiot facebook thing. Benji would post that has a mock story with the comments here on bizzaro world gaf



AUSTIN, TX -- Republican Gov. Rick Perry has pointed toward comedian Joan Rivers dying at a surgery clinic while defending a Texas law that would shutter abortion facilities statewide.

Perry said Sunday "it's a curious thought" whether Rivers might be alive had there been tighter regulations at a New York outpatient surgery center where she went into cardiac arrest this month.

“Clearly, the will of the Texas Legislature — which I agree with — that it is a state’s right to put particular types of considerations into place, to put rules and regulations into place, to make a clinic be as safe as a hospital,” Perry said. “It was interesting that, when Joan Rivers, and the procedure that she had done where she died, that was a clinic. It’s a curious thought that if they had had that type of regulations in place, whether or not that individual would be still alive.”


He has sensible middle of the road centrist Republican positions on regulation, we need lots of it for abortion, women in general, the gays, Muslims, atheists...


So Maddow has literally become the reverse of Fox cheerleading of war, its annoying to watch. There's a filter she puts every piece of information and states outright falsehoods (that there is no legal authority for Iraq strikes for example, she clearly hasn't read the Iraq AMUF)

Hayes is much better about clearly personally being against the conflict but not letting it turn into cheerleading for no military force.

Also, Fox is clearly laying the ground work for blaming Obama if there is an attack on America or Europe.
Dude what?
AUMF is 60 words long, and she wrote a book about it.
Also, normal reading of it does cover attacks against ISIS.

the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.

I mean yeah, there are several ways that people (well, lawyers) twisted those words to make them cover attacks against every terrorist group, either by focusing on the "he determined part" (AKA the Nixon defense) or by saying fuck you grammar, we'll start reading at "in order" (which is even flimisier than the common 2nd amendment defense).

And by all mean, feel free to argue how that text allow for Obama to attack ISIS, but I don't think you can categorically dismiss as you do.
But then again, you're against the war power resolution in general, aren't you? so why even argue that point on a technicality?

Being a war hawk is stressful I guess.

Not a huge Maddow fan but I'll take "cheerleading" for no war over cheerleading for war, and the propaganda attempt to turn ISIS into Galactus.
We don't want the smoking gun to be a... [googles Galactus]
The fuck is this shit?
So Maddow has literally become the reverse of Fox cheerleading of war, its annoying to watch. There's a filter she puts every piece of information and states outright falsehoods (that there is no legal authority for Iraq strikes for example, she clearly hasn't read the Iraq AMUF)

Hayes is much better about clearly personally being against the conflict but not letting it turn into cheerleading for no military force.

Also, Fox is clearly laying the ground work for blaming Obama if there is an attack on America or Europe.
Yeah, I find it annoying too. She seems to think we are getting suckered into a trap. But what if we do nothing....how is that better? They'll claim victory, gain more supporters, get more territory, kill more minority groups, enter more countries, etc. Yeah...it sucks to get dragged back into conflicts. But sometimes you gotta push back. And genocidal behavior, terrorism, beheadings of press & aid workers, threatening more countries, etc. You can't just let that slide.


I do, that's why I oppose the corporation that claims ownership of me from using it against foreign innocents because they live near local criminals.
Uh, yeah, you can. We do it all the time.
No, we really don't. We ignored Rwanda and Clinton calls that the worst mistake of he presidency. We are involved in Somalia, Yemen, Nigeria, etc. (To various degrees). Can't just let it slide.

And illegal? Wtf? These guys were Al_Qeada. Splitting off and changing name doesn't make them different.


I asked why the corporation is responsible, not the people doing the killing.
Why wouldn't it be?

No, we really don't. We ignored Rwanda and Clinton calls that the worst mistake of he presidency. We are involved in Somalia, Yemen, Nigeria, etc. (To various degrees). Can't just let it slide.
When's the last time the United States has engaged in extensive airstrikes in Sudan, Paupa, the CAR, or Columbia?

East Lake

Right. I saw your something or other before the edit.

So we both can agree that you do not need violence to get another free thinking individual to commit a violent act. We could supply them with a few "logical" reasons and they'd oblige.

But maybe in a stateless anarchy that respects non-violnce they'd have a change of heart, or something like that.

East Lake

You joke but I like the answer. Maybe Jeanine provides them the logic they need to go kill the brown people, or maybe I tell them to do it because it's important they do their jobs. It makes me wonder if it would be easy or hard to get everybody to respect non-violence. It also makes me wonder that if it's so easy to coerce somebody to be violent on my behalf, and so easy for them to become violent on their own, how easy would it be to coerce them to do other non-violent but destructive things, like take a bad loan, or buy a lemon car, or receive medical care from a fraud.



problem = solved

Joe Molotov

Man, remember when we hired Blackwater to win the Iraq War for us and nothing ever went wrong with that that forced them to change their name multiple times to stay ahead of the bad publicity? Because O'Reilly remembers.
Dude what?
AUMF is 60 words long, and she wrote a book about it.
Also, normal reading of it does cover attacks against ISIS.

This is the beef I have with Maddow, they get ahead of them selves and aren't responding to what's being argued but revert to pre-established political arguments.

I said the IRAQ AMUF which states in its operative text:

“The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to . . . defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq.”

Not the Government of Iraq, No Saddam, No AQ, but threats that can be termed Iraq. That's a very deliberate phrasing that was written by war hawks but passed by congress and is still the law of the land. And she said there was not authorization for Obama's strikes in Iraq, which isn't true. She might argue this doesn't cover what he did but its not "no legal grounds exists" which is what she stated on multiple occasions.

One can without much effort take this and spin in into a authorization of force against ISIS in syria because the official story is that ISIS comes from AQ in Iraq and only recently started operations in Syria after their first outster from Iraq. That's not even a very lawyerly sneaky interpritation. It very clearly follows from the original logical the Iraq war was sold on: "We need to attack Iraq and threats in Iraq because they are a threat to the US."

I also think AUMF's for every conflict are a outdated paradox which should be resolved in favor of the president having the authority to use force if a) congress has appropriated money b) congress hasn't forbid their use.

If congress wanted a real war powers act they could simply write a similar law which withheld funds from any conflict unless specifically authorized by an act of congress.

Again your, and hers points are well taken, and its not like I don't want them to be aired but everything on her show the past two weaks as been under a blantent implication obama is being suckered in to another Vietnam with everything reinforcing this point, facts are even misstated and twisted to fit the narrative. Hayes is a much better news guy who bring up the points she does but not condescendingly present other arguments. Maddow sounds like I'm watching The Nation TV.
We don't want the smoking gun to be a... [googles Galactus]
The fuck is this shit?
you had to google galactus? SMH!
Yeah unfortunately. If we only lose a couple seats that won't be too bad. Gerrymandering goes both ways, most of the Democrats now are safe.

Yeah we're not going to see sub 190s but still 240 for the republicans is a huge margin and prevents getting a few to come a long and get something done. Were not going to see a wave for a 40 person swing, we're looking at 2 or 3 cycles to undue this deficit with everything going great for dems. So 2018, 2020 at the earliest.

We really need to start seeing a movement to reform districts. Get rid of single member districts.

Look at the first congress

CT, PA, NH and NJ all had one at large single, multi-member district

shameless pandering to the undead vote, this isn't chicago

With zombies still the topic of many hit television shows and movies, preparing for the zombie apocalypse remains a concern for some. The Kansas of Division of Emergency Management is utilizing the popularity of zombies to encourage all Kansans to prepare for an emergency. 

Governor Sam Brownback will sign a proclamation designating October as Zombie Preparedness Month Sept. 26 at 11 a.m. in the Governor’s Ceremonial Office in the Kansas Statehouse.

"If you’re prepared for zombies, you’re prepared for anything," is the theme of Zombie Preparedness. 

"If you’re equipped to handle the zombie apocalypse then you’re prepared for tornadoes, severe storms, fire and any other natural disaster Kansas usually faces," said Devan Tucking. "This is a fun and low-stress way to get families involved, and past turnouts have proven it to be effective."

"We came up with the idea of Zombie Preparedness Month because it is an engaging way to get people on board with emergency preparedness," said Angee Morgan, deputy director of Kansas Division of Emergency Management.

The two obviously go hand in hand. You prepare for a zombie apocalypse just as you would a natural disaster; home emergency kits with survival supplies to last at least three days and an emergency plan.

The public can learn more about disaster and zombie preparedness on Saturday, Oct. 25 from 10 am to 2:30 pm at the Crestview Shelter House at 4901 SW Shunga Drive in Topeka. A disaster-on-the-go pack is free to the first 300 people! The zombie fun run/lurch begins at 1 p.m.

For more information on preparing for an emergency, visit www.ksready.gov

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Control of the Senate will be decided by Colorado, Iowa and Alaska from what I'm reading, with Arkansas and Kansas still uncertain but less so. Democrats will not reclaim Montana, South Dakota, West Virginia and Lousiania.

House terms are so short they can swing both ways easily, while the Senate is more of a chess game. A stronger Republican control in the house shouldn't change much. Tea Party members are not increasing, but the GOP still seems divided there, making them less effective for anything not against Obama. Democratic control would be a much larger threat if the roles were reversed.
Actor Kevin Sorbo on Tuesday asserted that the National Football League (NFL) could not be expected to hold anyone accountable for mistakes in handling domestic violence scandals as longs as the White House was not held responsible for the terrorist attacks in Benghazi


“There’s no accountability in the White House with Benghazi, the IRS and all that kind of stuff,” he explained. “How do we expect to have accountability with something like a professional football team?”.

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