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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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this has to be on purpose, like whoever handling this part wanted to be able to publically say one thing but procedurally say another


how does a STATE fail to pay a court fee

The case (probably) won't get thrown out, but it's really, really, really, really, really stupid.


I personally wish political science in America was more widely considered as a field that requires specialized knowledge. Everyone over the age of 18 believes themselves to be an expert in it. Even political science majors really don't graduate with the necessary knowledge, it requires a lot of additional study and understanding on business, economics, international affairs, capital markets and such to see the big picture.

I haven't been in school for 16 years, so I'm not sure if anything has changed, but I tend to agree. Business and economics? Barely touched. The writing, ethics, and psychology requirements were more rigorous. The main reason I have any level of macroeconomics knowledge is because my fiancé has a finance degree and we talk such topics constantly. But he has to teach me on some things. The requirements were (at least back then) really inadequate.

Research methodology and data gathering/interpretation, on the other hand, was pretty well-covered (if you wanted to go into that direction). I worked for Gallup fresh out of college for a few years, until they closed their Austin offices to consolidate to Omaha.

Then for other polisci programs, I've seen that it's basically a specialized history degree with a few different upper-level course requirements. It's a very unique program of study. Definitely room for improvement. :/
I haven't been in school for 16 years, so I'm not sure if anything has changed, but I tend to agree. Business and economics? Barely touched. The writing, ethics, and psychology requirements were more rigorous. The main reason I have any level of macroeconomics knowledge is because my fiancé has a finance degree and we talk such topics constantly. But he has to teach me on some things. The requirements were (at least back then) really inadequate.

Research methodology and data gathering/interpretation, on the other hand, was pretty well-covered (if you wanted to go into that direction). I worked for Gallup fresh out of college for a few years, until they closed their Austin offices to consolidate to Omaha.

That seems to be a divergence of focus. From your description, PoliSci is concerned with getting people elected, and not with the running of a functional government.

Those aren't really policy points that would change anyone's vote for President, probably not even Senator or Representative. They certainly didn't get many people to vote Democratic in 2014. Even if Republicans were to formally adopt those measures, I doubt the situation would change much. They're just too minor issues IMO.

Worked well enough for Tom Wolf.. Fail to see why it shouldn't work elsewhere.
There certainly appeared to be far more democrats running as gop lite than as, y'know, democrats.
But i don't live up there, so maybe the things that filtered down to me were too uneven.


That seems to be a divergence of focus. From your description, PoliSci is concerned with getting people elected, and not with the running of a functional government.
Pretty much. Getting elected, running campaigns, handling different situations once elected, etc. Heavy focus on the political process, with relatively little emphasis on areas of policy expertise.

That might be why I smile when I see news of scientists, engineers, business owners, teachers, etc getting elected to office..


Good News: preliminary estimates from the CBO have the ACA coming in at 20% cheaper than the 2009 10 year estimate.


Compared with the projection from last April, which spanned the 2015–2024 period, the current projection represents a downward revision in the net costs of those provisions of $101 billion over those 10 years, or a reduction of about 7 percent.2 And compared with the projection made by CBO and JCT in March 2010, just before the ACA was enacted, the current estimate represents a downward revision in the net costs of those provisions of $139 billion—or 20 percent— for the five-year period ending in 2019, the last year of the 10-year budget window used in that original estimate.


Homophobic bakers across the nation just got a dose of incitement. What an irresponsible thing to say. Asshole.

Wolf basically did a big fuck you to the state GOP. He basically fired all of the appointments that Corbett made before he left.
It's not going to help bipartisanship, but I don't blame him. No one will care about this in 6 months.

Moving forward, if Wolf sticks to his agenda I don't see him getting tossed out in 2018. I also expect him to fix Corbett's half-assed approach to expanding Medicaid.
Pennsylvania strikes me as a state an incumbent could probably hold down in a midterm if they don't screw up too bad. Unfortunately Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Florida seem to be the same way which is why the Republican governors held on fairly easily. But for 2018 we can hope for a Wolf reelection and to pick up those other states at least.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Homophobic bakers across the nation just got a dose of incitement. What an irresponsible thing to say. Asshole.

It's a stupid thing to say, but I don't think any bakers, regardless how homophobic, are going to so much as consider poisoning their customers. And I doubt Carson intended his statement to be an endorsement of the idea. Calling this an "incitement" or "irresponsible" is a stretch.
Pennsylvania strikes me as a state an incumbent could probably hold down in a midterm if they don't screw up too bad. Unfortunately Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Florida seem to be the same way which is why the Republican governors held on fairly easily. But for 2018 we can hope for a Wolf reelection and to pick up those other states at least.

Why do you keep flouting a lack of understanding of local politics? Snyder won because the state's economy has improved, he hasn't gone as far right as other governors, and because the MI democrat party is in shambles. Whether you want to admit it on not, Wisconsin's economy is decent enough for politicians to survive: low unemployment and while Walker failed to create the jobs he promised, he hasn't alienated enough voters to lose. Ohio's economy also improved.

Florida? A horrible candidate beat a turncoat, and Hispanics stayed home in key areas.
Ben Carson: People Upset Over My Poisoned Gay Wedding Cake 'Joke' Are Being 'Immature'

Anchor Megyn Kelly prompted, "now some are claiming you’re suggesting gays who complain about what they view as discrimination, risk getting poisoned."

Carson was only too happy to respond.

"You know, that would be a very immature interpretation of what is a common thing, never make your waiter or your chef angry because you don’t know what they’re going to put in your food. People who look for something like that to make an issue out of really don’t have much of an issue. So, I guess that’s rather comforting."
Relax everyone, it wasn't a terrorist, just a drunk! This time.

Man Flying Drone That Landed On White House Grounds Had Been Drinking

The man who accidentally crashed a "quad copter" drone on the White House grounds earlier this week had been drinking before the incident, the New York Times reports.

The man told Secret Service investigators he had been drinking at an apartment nearby before he flew the drone and lost control of the aircraft, sending it over the White House fence.

The man contacted the Secret Service and claimed responsibility for the drone, after he saw reports of the drone in the news, according to the AP.


This is semantics, and nothing more
"You know, that would be a very immature interpretation of what is a common thing, never make your waiter or your chef angry because you don’t know what they’re going to put in your food."

Yeah, gays, don't piss off your waiter by being gay.
Was wondering if you all would talk about this here. He's getting torched on it by the local newspaper. Just sounds like a really dumb way to spend our taxpayer money. If you want better press, have better spokespeople and enact better initiatives; don't make your own news agency. So damn dumb.
How else are we gonna combat that liberal media?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
After a two-year hiatus from politics, unemployment trutherism made its return to the Republican campaign trail on Monday, making a brief appearance alongside Rick Perry at an Iowa breakfast.

According to Bloomberg Politics reporter Dave Weigel, the former Texas governor told a gathering of the Republican Jewish Coalition that they couldn't trust the official unemployment rate coming out of Washington.

"It's been massaged, it's been doctored," Perry said, as quoted in a tweet by Weigel.

Time to unskew the unemployment rate!
Every Senate Democrat signed off on a letter to McConnell demanding a clean DHS funding bill (without any of the anti-immigration policy riders attached by the House). The only one to not formally sign is Reid who's said as much on his own.

Enjoy your two year majority Mitch.

Silly to think anyone was worried about Manchin or King or someone jumping ship. The Democratic caucus seems to be pretty in line.


That seems to be a divergence of focus. From your description, PoliSci is concerned with getting people elected, and not with the running of a functional government.
The latter is Public Administration, Political Science should be focused on theory, systems, etc. Now it's mostly the sociology of elections but that's still different from Public Administration.

Unfortunately that's usually only a graduate level with MPA, and undergrad poli sci is garbage. (And so is grad.)
Don't believe me? Take one of my classes!

Or then there's International Relations, which is just the sociology of anarchy.

Time to unskew the unemployment rate!
The latter is Public Administration, Political Science should be focused on theory, systems, etc. Now it's mostly the sociology of elections but that's still different from Public Administration.

Unfortunately that's usually only a graduate level with MPA, and undergrad poli sci is garbage. (And so is grad.)
Don't believe me? Take one of my classes!

Or then there's International Relations, which is just the sociology of anarchy.

This is pretty true
The latter is Public Administration, Political Science should be focused on theory, systems, etc. Now it's mostly the sociology of elections but that's still different from Public Administration.

Unfortunately that's usually only a graduate level with MPA, and undergrad poli sci is garbage. (And so is grad.)
Don't believe me? Take one of my classes!

Or then there's International Relations, which is just the sociology of anarchy.

I'm finding this post uncomfortable and I'm not entirely sure why.

actually I know exactly why, it's because I went through undergrad poli sci + international relations and am going through an MPA right now


This is semantics, and nothing more
Speaking of Rick Perry, Case against Rick Perry to go forward:

The criminal case against former Gov. Rick Perry will go forward after a judge rejected his request to throw out the felony charges against him for the second time on Tuesday, likely extending the criminal case against him for several months. . . .

Perry's attorneys filed a writ of habeas corpus in August, claiming that the indictment against Perry violated his constitutional free speech rights, but a special prosecutor argued that a jury should hear the evidence. On Tuesday, State District Judge Bert Richardson agreed with the special prosecutor and ruled that the case will continue.

The ruling states the court is "without authority to review the merits of (Perry's) pretrial" and that Perry's motion to quash and dismiss the indictment "does not challenge the sufficiency of the indictment." . . .

Perry's attorneys have filed an appeal with the Third Court of Appeals.
The latter is Public Administration, Political Science should be focused on theory, systems, etc. Now it's mostly the sociology of elections but that's still different from Public Administration.

Unfortunately that's usually only a graduate level with MPA, and undergrad poli sci is garbage. (And so is grad.)
Don't believe me? Take one of my classes!

Or then there's International Relations, which is just the sociology of anarchy.

Y'know...now that you mention it...i've been in contact with several public administrations and i don't think i've ever seen anyone who had done PubAdm in a position of at least moderate power.

What do you do for a living, benj?

I'm finding this post uncomfortable and I'm not entirely sure why.

actually I know exactly why, it's because I went through undergrad poli sci + international relations and am going through an MPA right now

You poor thing.
starting a postgrad in international law this year. can already feel the irrelevance
UN pays surprisingly well, though.

Adam Curtis's new documentary is out, and it's a pretty good examination of how decades of US policy towards Afghanistan post WW2 led to the current state the country is in.

So the Taliban is resurgent, the new president invited them to join his cabinet, and ISIS is beginning to grow in the country, and Obama is trying to claim the conflict is a success? It just goes to show how little information we're getting about the conflict, it's easily as big of a disaster as Iraq or Vietnam.



Yahoo shows him saying TYRANNY!!!!

Because nothing bad has happened to the US even though 36 states allow the gheys to marry.

Kicking and fucking screaming!


So, how many times have they done this so far? 500? A billion?

The Republican-led House is planning to vote next week to fully repeal Obamacare, a GOP leadership said on Wednesday.

It will be the fourth House vote to repeal the law in its entirety, and the latest in more than 50 votes aimed at dismantling President Barack Obama's signature domestic achievement.

The House last voted to wipe out Obamacare in May 2013, after GOP freshmen complained that they had not had the chance to vote to repeal the law yet.

The upcoming vote is likely to succeed in the House and face a filibuster in the Senate and a veto threat from Obama. It appears to be an attempt to help more than three-dozen newly elected House Republicans win points with their base.


I'm finding this post uncomfortable and I'm not entirely sure why.

actually I know exactly why, it's because I went through undergrad poli sci + international relations and am going through an MPA right now

Hey now you can work with that. I have a friend with only undergrads in political science & international affairs and she now works for Goldman Sachs (though admittedly that's because I personally taught her finance for 6 months). I went to a Young All-stars consultant panel and one of the guys had an MPA and he made limited partner before he turned 30 ($700,000+ yearly salary). He probably had a BBA undergrad though.
Hey now you can work with that. I have a friend with only undergrads in political science & international affairs and she now works for Goldman Sachs (though admittedly that's because I personally taught her finance for 6 months). I went to a Young All-stars consultant panel and one of the guys had an MPA and he made limited partner before he turned 30 ($700,000+ yearly salary). He probably had a BBA undergrad though.

I need to get out of Florida. I feel its so much easier to find things in that field in the NE


I need to get out of Florida. I feel its so much easier to find things in that field in the NE

It was Atlanta actually, for the consultancy at least. When your guys are flying out 3 days a week you need the airport that can get you from point A to point B with the fewest layovers.


Maybe ask me in 2036

Although by then I'll be the keynote speaker. Can't wait for my political career to start so I can pull a Gary Whitta on this site.

Hahah. You would make a great candidate if you ran for something. Who knows, you may take Al Franken's place in the U.S Senate one day.



Does a Collin Powell endorsement mean something if he had to choose between Hillary and Jeb?

Is there a scenario where Jeb endorses Hillary over the republican nominee?
Jeb is on the ticket with Hillary?
Jeb become Education Secretary?
You'll just get sucked back in.
Will liveblog my filibuster of gorillas' voting rights on NeoGAF

NeoXChaos said:
Hahah. You would make a great candidate if you ran for something. Who knows, you may take Al Franken's place in the U.S Senate one day.
I'm sure I'll run for something someday, I've thought about running for City Council or something before but I'd like to graduate from college first.


Does a Collin Powell endorsement mean something if he had to choose between Hillary and Jeb?

Is there a scenario where Jeb endorses Hillary over the republican nominee?
Jeb is on the ticket with Hillary?
Jeb become Education Secretary?
Colin Powell - Don't think so. On one hand he's already endorsed Obama twice so endorsing another Democrat wouldn't be a big deal, on the other he's still affiliated with the GOP so endorsing their nominee wouldn't be much of a surprise either. It was a big deal to endorse Obama in 2008, less so in 2012, even less so in 2016. That said as far as Republicans go he's pretty decent so him endorsing Hillary would still be cool.

Jeb endorsing Hillary - No way in hell.


Unconfirmed Member
Is there a scenario where Jeb endorses Hillary over the republican nominee?
Jeb is on the ticket with Hillary?
Jeb become Education Secretary?
There's absolutely no chance of any of those happening.

What made you think this might be a possibility?


Unconfirmed Member
So he doubled down on it.

And yet again, Ben Carson complains about people calling his stupid statements stupid, instead of doing the tiny bit of self reflection required to see how stupid his statements really are.
Did you know that nearly all of the 10 million jobs created during the recovery were thanks to Texas (and to a lesser degree, North Dakota)? Neither did I:


I'm kinda worried about North Dakota. I had a friend tout how low taxes and lower enviromental laws have made ND bursting with jobs. Aren't most of the jobs from Fracking? The same fracking that Saudi Arabia has decided it will put out of business with ultra low oil prices?
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