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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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No Scrubs
I'm kinda worried about North Dakota. I had a friend tout how low taxes and lower enviromental laws have made ND bursting with jobs. Aren't most of the jobs from Fracking? The same fracking that Saudi Arabia has decided it will put out of business with ultra low oil prices?

Yep. They're uber boned. Fracking is central to their growth, why else would anyone go there?
Cuomo is an absolute idiot.

He decided to shut down to NY subway system unilaterally yesterday.

He didnt talk to the MTA experts who have a blizzard plan and who had an earlier press release explaining how theyd operate.

He told the Mayor just 15 minutes before his press conference.

He is a menace to society and should be stripped of his D.

The man makes Chris Christie look like a great leader.


Carson, Gohmert, and Jindal are seriously cranking up the stupid.

Though, part of you has to wonder if Carson is being a giant troll.
Cuomo is an absolute idiot.

He decided to shut down to NY subway system unilaterally yesterday.

He didnt talk to the MTA experts who have a blizzard plan and who had an earlier press release explaining how theyd operate.

He told the Mayor just 15 minutes before his press conference.

He is a menace to society and should be stripped of his D.

The man makes Chris Christie look like a great leader.


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has agreed to testify before the House Select Committee investigating the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, CNN reports.

Rep. Elijah Cummings, the panel’s Democratic ranking member, told CNN Tuesday that Clinton had agreed to testify before the committee late last year.

“The chairman asked me back in September to inquire as to whether Secretary Clinton would testify,” Cummings said. “She immediately said she would and that she wanted to come in December, but if December did not work, she would come in January. She said, ‘I’ll do it, period.’ The fact is, she was very clear. She did not hesitate for one second.”
Finally we can get to the bottom of what happened at Benghazi. Good on Hillary for giving up her Presidential bid to finally let the truth come out.
Paging Miralax.

let me guess, it's going to be the same tortured interpretation of the relevant rules of the case without taking into positive consideration any part of the Fourth Circuit's ruling, much like the last 10 posts on the subject


Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), formerly pro-life, now pro-choice.

Some are taking this as a sign he's going for a Senate run which would be great. Sittenfeld is ok but it'd be better to get a more experienced politician in this race.

yeah, with this kind of shift I'm gonna have a hard time making a decision during the primary next spring
Finally we can get to the bottom of what happened at Benghazi. Good on Hillary for giving up her Presidential bid to finally let the truth come out.

Surprising. I'd imagine they plan on trying to get her upset again ("what difference does it make," which was taken out of context imo).

Ultimately...nobody cares except the far right. They haven't found anything, all they're doing is appeasing the idiots who call their offices about Benghazi. On one hand I respect republican's adherence to their base's interests, on the other hand I can't help but shake my head at their assumption that the base's interests=the country's interests.



Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), formerly pro-life, now pro-choice.

Some are taking this as a sign he's going for a Senate run which would be great. Sittenfeld is ok but it'd be better to get a more experienced politician in this race.

The phrasing of that article is sort of funny -- "Ryan switches from pro-life to pro-choice", like, that's more of a policy position than a vote on a DHS funding bill.

Sittenfeld is really hot and no one in the Senate is hot. We need more hot Senators, basically.
I'm kinda worried about North Dakota. I had a friend tout how low taxes and lower enviromental laws have made ND bursting with jobs. Aren't most of the jobs from Fracking? The same fracking that Saudi Arabia has decided it will put out of business with ultra low oil prices?

So I guess ND must have recently raised taxed and passed strict environmental laws.

Oh wait, no. His premise was wrong. High oil prices and the existence of shale oil in the state created the jobs.

BTW, the Saudis didn't put fracking out of business. Fracking put fracking out business. A surge of 4+million barrels per day of production was more than the global market needed apparently, so the glut caused a price crash.
Cuomo is an absolute idiot.

He decided to shut down to NY subway system unilaterally yesterday.

He didnt talk to the MTA experts who have a blizzard plan and who had an earlier press release explaining how theyd operate.

He told the Mayor just 15 minutes before his press conference.

He is a menace to society and should be stripped of his D.

The man makes Chris Christie look like a great leader.

Not just an idiot but corrupt. I think he will eventually be taken down by some scandal.
Without trying to sound like an educational elitist, I find something deeply disturbing about a governor who didn't even graduate from college proposing a $300M cut to the state's public university system.



Joni Ernst is a stone-cold fox. I'd let her castrate me any day.

Moving on, I really dug this piece from WaPo on Sherrod Brown.

Sherrod Brown: Why aren’t progressives begging him to run for president?

I'm fine with him staying in the Senate forever. He's one of the few legislators I truly respect, and I'm thrilled that he represents Ohio.

“Yeah, and the Republicans really mean it,” Brown said sarcastically.

“You know you’re on the record,” warned his communications director sitting beside him.

“That’s fine,” he said. “He can’t print: ‘ “They really mean it,” Brown said sarcastically.’ ”

Love him.
Without trying to sound like an educational elitist, I find something deeply disturbing about a governor who didn't even graduate from college proposing a $300M cut to the state's public university system.

Surely, the people are outraged?

The UW may have been the last to take a haircut, but doing so is not a bad thing. Historically regardless of the increases in aid and in tuition they would complain it isn't enough. Perhaps Walker should call this budget "Real World 101".

As someone who has worked for UW for a long time, I can tell you that the UW mindset has always been to hold out thier hand for more money when fiscal challenges come up. Not once have they looked at trimming expenses, creating efficiency and reducing waste. And, I can tell you, there is a lot of needless waste! Hopefully this forces control of expenses.

Fire the tenured professors to make up for the loss in money. They don't teach classes anyway. Who needs them.

I don't understand why you libs are so surprised. UW and Big Union instigated EVERYTHING that went on with the recall. There's a price to pay for the Democrat Party's overwhelming defeat and rejection at the polls. UW.... you're getting what you deserve. Get rid of the liberal activists and community organizers before you feel some REAL financial pain!

...let them rot. The smart students will go to real universities in real states.
And yet again, Ben Carson complains about people calling his stupid statements stupid, instead of doing the tiny bit of self reflection required to see how stupid his statements really are.

Yeah, some people have such a religious focused world-view and then they only hang out with other religious people . . . and then when they step out into the broader world, they don't understand it when people find what they say to be crazy & inappropriate.

It's like the "women have a way of shutting that whole thing down" bit . . . that kind of thinking becomes mainstream accepted fact in far-right anti-abortion circles and then they look like loons when they say it in a general election campaign.


Unconfirmed Member
Joni Ernst is a stone-cold fox. I'd let her castrate me any day.

Moving on, I really dug this piece from WaPo on Sherrod Brown.

Sherrod Brown: Why aren’t progressives begging him to run for president?

I'm fine with him staying in the Senate forever. He's one of the few legislators I truly respect, and I'm thrilled that he represents Ohio.

Yeah, it's really odd that Progressives seem to be betting all their chips on Warren. She does do a great job at presenting progressive policies, but I'd still say the popularity of the issues is what makes Warren popular, and there are plenty of progressives able to take her place, both now and in the future.


"And we will look back when Bengahzi hit." x(

I knew they were going after her. What is wrong with you clowns in that House. The Republicans privately fear Hillary which is why they are going through such lengths to "prosecute" her. They want her to slip up and turn it into 30 second ads.

They are trying to Kerry/Dukakis her.

On the nomination:

This inevitability the media is playing is silly. Jeb Bush of all people would love to be where Hillary is at. Hillary if she wants it is unstoppable. She was the favorite to succeed Obama in June 2008 when she conceded and Obama won reelection. Its a no brainier. If the roles were reversed, Obama would be in the same position.

On conventions:

I assume NY will be picked even though PA should be picked. Bill Clinton was nominated in 1992 in NY so the nostalgia and symbolism of the state that launched Hillary's career will nominate not only her husband but her is powerful.

I suspect Obama will formally nominate Hillary for President like Bill did for him with a speech for the century.


This is semantics, and nothing more
so in light of certain recent events, has there ever been a more transparently dishonest legal argument than that of King v. Burwell's plaintiffs in the history of the SCOTUS?

Recent events?

I may have more to say about this argument later, but for now I'll note two points:
  1. The "primary argument" made by the challengers is not that Congress intended to use the subsidies as an inducement to states to set up their own exchanges. As I've explained before (last paragraph--see also point (6) here), the primary argument is that the text of the statute does not authorize subsidies on federal exchanges. The inducement argument is a counter to the argument that reading the statute to exclude subsidies on the federal exchanges would be absurd.
  2. This is just a more fleshed-out version of the argument BM raised a few pages back.

Paging Miralax.

This wouldn't work. I don't have a pager.

let me guess, it's going to be the same tortured interpretation of the relevant rules of the case without taking into positive consideration any part of the Fourth Circuit's ruling, much like the last 10 posts on the subject

If you have a question or an opinion, you should feel free to interject it while a discussion is ongoing. This after-the-fact passive aggressiveness is silly. Do you want me to explain where I disagree with the Fourth Circuit? Or do you think they presented a knockdown argument that I haven't adequately addressed? It should be clear at this point that I'm willing to address these arguments, so you have no reason not to raise them.
Joni Ernst is a stone-cold fox. I'd let her castrate me any day.

Moving on, I really dug this piece from WaPo on Sherrod Brown.

Sherrod Brown: Why aren’t progressives begging him to run for president?

I'm fine with him staying in the Senate forever. He's one of the few legislators I truly respect, and I'm thrilled that he represents Ohio.

I fear for 2018 though. he got a big boost in 2012 with the Obama turnout and the fact he was running against a little twerp but I don't know how he'll fare in a midterm year with a Democratic president.

To be fair, Republicans probably felt the same shock at Brown being elected in 2006 that we did when we saw Joni Ernst elected.
I fear for 2018 though. he got a big boost in 2012 with the Obama turnout and the fact he was running against a little twerp but I don't know how he'll fare in a midterm year with a Democratic president.

To be fair, Republicans probably felt the same shock at Brown being elected in 2006 that we did when we saw Joni Ernst elected.

I'm feeling pretty good about '18 for Brown. We'll have a senatorial race and a gubernatorial race that year. Turnout should be solid. It's not like last year where we had no Senate race and a turd as the Democratic gubernatorial candidate.

For real fuck Josh Mandel. The only person in Ohio politics I truly hate anymore.

Mandel is one of the most innately hateable politicians I've ever seen.
So for 2016...

Bloomberg can run as a moderate Republican
Bloomberg can run as a Democrat, to the left of Hillary
Bloomberg can run Independent

Which will he pick?
Recent events?

I may have more to say about this argument later, but for now I'll note two points:
  1. The "primary argument" made by the challengers is not that Congress intended to use the subsidies as an inducement to states to set up their own exchanges. As I've explained before (last paragraph--see also point (6) here), the primary argument is that the text of the statute does not authorize subsidies on federal exchanges. The inducement argument is a counter to the argument that reading the statute to exclude subsidies on the federal exchanges would be absurd.

  1. Then what is the point of the HHS run exchanges if what you say is true about the primary argument?

    FWIW, based on their briefs, I disagree. I think he's right that that is their primary argument.

    BTW, the more I've read from the briefs on both sides and how laughably bad the King side is, the more confident I am in believing the 4 liberal justices agreed to take the case and not the conservative ones. I really think we're looking at a unanimous ruling here. I think they want to signal to lower Courts the proper way to read statutes is to not find ridiculous technicalities.

    Also, lol @ DOJ trolling Scalia and the conservatives: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/obama-doj-supreme-court-brief-king-burwell
We're going to see at least a few abortion bills come up in the Ohio General Assembly in the next few months, including a post-20-week ban.

Should be interesting to see how Kasich, the new king of the moderate Republicans, responds to them if they make it to his desk.

He was too chickenshit to oppose anti-abortion bills in his first term, but I bet he might veto some of these.


This is semantics, and nothing more
For Metaphoreus:

The stay in the OK executions were granted by the SCOTUS.

Glad to hear it. Though it became all the more likely they'd do so when Oklahoma moved them to. Turns out that was a pretty savvy move on their part, since the stay doesn't seem to apply if they can obtain sodium thiopental or pentobarbital to use instead of midazolam (the order provides that "petitioners’ executions using midazolam are stayed").


But that's different.

Rich kids can afford to pay a bit higher tuitions, and the quality of teachers don't really matter as long as they get a degree.

But how are rich people going to watch their sports in a nice new arena if taxpayers don't pay for it?
Do rich people want to see Bucks games?


No Scrubs
I dont think its possible for any democrat to run right of Hillary.

And why wouldnt he run? He's rich, he's bored, hes mostly well liked?

Economically he is absolutely to the right of Hilary.

He lost most of his goodwill in the city after the third term thing.
Economically he is absolutely to the right of Hilary.

He lost most of his goodwill in the city after the third term thing.

Are you sure? Hillary is really right with everything. From gas tax to drones to, well, everything but the gays. Exclude social/religious questions, and she'd answer the same as W on any questionnaire.

No thats not true at all. Hes still popular. And with every passing day, people forget the bad and remember the good.

He's popular on the right because the right loves billionaires, and hes popular on the left because of his progressive health policies. Throw in 12 years of executive experience in the largest city, and you have yourself the most viable candidate for 2016 short of Jerry Brown.
Well the American people are fiscally conservative and socially liberal after all...
I'm not sure if this is really the case. Americans like seeing lower deficits but they also support higher taxes on the wealthy and investing in education and infrastructure. The media has, in their never-ending quest to be useless and banal reduced the difference between the two parties to "Republicans = fiscally responsible Very Serious People, Democrats = tax & spend gubmint librulz" because it allows them to provide a counterbalance to Republicans' batshit views on social issues which most journalists are uncomfortable with.

In other words they get to pretend that both parties are just as bad (or more optimistically, just as viable) and that the perfect consensus candidate would be Michael Bloomberg who is on paper closer to the Republican on fiscal issues and closer to the Democrats on social issues. And probably a warhawk because the media loves them some wars. They want a candidate who would sign the Bowles-Simpson deficit plan and also gay marriage.

Huntsman 2016!
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