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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Now if you guys have never seen a push poll before, here's an example:
1 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Hillary Clinton?
Favorable 43% ........................................................
Unfavorable 48% ....................................................
Not sure 10%
Q7 U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has said that
special interests like Wall Street have rigged
the system in their favor, while working and
middle class wages have stagnated. Would
you be more or less likely to support a
candidate for President who wanted to bring
the big banks under more control, or would it
not make a difference?
More Likely 49% .....................................................
Less Likely 23% ......................................................
Wouldn't Make a Difference 18% ............................
Not Sure 10% ..........................................................

Q8 Hillary Clinton has supported the deregulation
of big banks, which contributed to the financial
collapse in 2008. Would you be more or less
likely to support a candidate for President who
supports less oversight of big banks, or would
it not make a difference?
More Likely 19% .....................................................
Less Likely 49% ......................................................
Wouldn't Make a Difference 21% ............................
Not Sure 10%
9 Hillary Clinton has defended bonuses for bank
managers working for banks taxpayers had to
bail out with hundreds of billions of taxpayer
money. Would you be more or less likely to
support a candidate for President who
supported bank bonuses, or would it not make
a difference?
More Likely 13% .....................................................
Less Likely 57% ......................................................
Wouldn't Make a Difference 23% ............................
Not Sure 7% ..........................................................

Q10 U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has criticized
the bank bonuses as unfair and inappropriate.
Would you be more or less likely to support a
candidate for President who criticized
continuing to pay bonuses to bank managers in
banks that had received billions in taxpayer
bailouts, or would it not make a difference?
More Likely 54% .....................................................
Less Likely 20% ......................................................
Wouldn't Make a Difference 16% ............................
Not sure 11%
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has heavily
criticized Wall Street for its lack of
accountability to American taxpayers. Would
you be more or less likely to support a
candidate for President who thinks Wall Street
should be held accountable for financial
speculation which contributed to the collapse of
the economy, or would it not make a
More Likely 59% .....................................................
Less Likely 16% ......................................................
Wouldn't Make a Difference 15% ............................
Not sure 9% ..........................................................

Q12 Hillary Clinton has accepted speaking fees of
up to $200,000 per speech from big Wall Street
banks and has failed to call for accountability
by banks for speculation which led to the
financial collapse in 2008. Would you be more
or less likely to support a candidate for
President who doesn't want to hold Wall Street
accountable for its financial speculation, or
would it not make a difference?
More Likely 14% .....................................................
Less Likely 57% ......................................................
Wouldn't Make a Difference 20% ............................
Not sure 9%
Earnings of most Americans have stagnated for
the past 20 years, while earnings by the richest
Americans have accelerated greatly, creating
the greatest amount of wealth disparities in
America since the 1920s. Would you prefer a
candidate for President who wants wealthy
taxpayers to pay higher income tax rates from
their greater wealth or a candidate who wants
to leave things as they are?
Prefer candidate who wants wealthy
taxpayers to pay higher income tax rates
from their greater wealth.................................
31% Prefer candidate who wants to leave things
as they are......................................................
Not sure 17%
4 Hillary Clinton supported NAFTA, which some
experts estimate caused the out-sourcing of
1-2 million high-paying American
manufacturing jobs to low-wage nations. She
also supports the Trans-Pacific Partnership
[TPP], which would cause even more loss of
American trade and jobs. Would you be more
or less likely to support a candidate for
President who supports trade agreements like
NAFTA and the TPP, or would it not make a
More Likely 21% .....................................................
Less Likely 51% ......................................................
Wouldn't Make a Difference 18% ............................
Not Sure 10% ..........................................................

Q15 Senator Elizabeth Warren has called for
loaning money to college students at the same
low interest rates the U.S. loans money to big
banks. Hillary Clinton has remained silent on
this issue. Would you be more inclined to
support a candidate for President who believes
college students should be able to pay the
same interest rates as big banks or a
candidate who has remained silent on this
issue ?
More inclined to support a candidate for
President who believes college students
should be able to pay the same interest rates
as big banks....................................................
24% More likely to support a candidate who has
remained silent on this issue...........................
Not Sure 18% ..........................................................

Q16 Hillary Clinton supported invading Iraq, even
though Iraq played no role in the 9/11 attacks
and had no weapons of mass destruction.
Would you be more or less likely to support a
candidate for President who had supported
invading Iraq, or would it not make a
More Likely 29% .....................................................
Less Likely 34% ......................................................
Wouldn't Make a Difference 27% ............................
Not sure 10% ..........................................................

Q17 Hillary Clinton supported escalating the war in
Afghanistan in 2009. Would you be more or
less likely to support a candidate for President
who supported expanding the war in
Afghanistan, or would it not make a difference?
More Likely 31% .....................................................
Less Likely 38% ......................................................
Wouldn't Make a Difference 22% ............................
Not sure 10% ..........................................................

Q18 Hillary Clinton supported an American military
invasion of Libya. Would you be more or less
likely to support a candidate who supported a
military invasion of Libya, or would it not make
a difference?
More Likely 29% .....................................................
Less Likely 35% ......................................................
Wouldn't Make a Difference 24% ............................
Not sure 12%
Bill Clinton already served 8 years as
President. Do you think it’s good for the United
States to keep electing Presidents from the
same families, or do you think it would be
better to have a fresher face in the White
20% It’s good to keep electing Presidents from the
same families..................................................
It’s better to have a fresher face in the White
House .............................................................
Not sure 34% ..........................................................

Q22 Some people say Hillary Clinton is a strong
leader with a lot of great experience, and that
she would bring the right balance of views to
the Presidency, while others think she is too
beholden to wealthy special interests like Wall
Street and defense contractors. Which do you
agree with more- do you think more that
Clinton has the right experience and balance of
views to be President, or do you think more
that she is too beholden to wealthy special
36% Clinton would bring the right balance of views
to the Presidency ............................................
48% Clinton is too beholden to wealthy special
interests ..........................................................
Not sure 15% ..........................................................

Q23 Do you want Hillary Clinton to be a candidate
for the Democratic Presidential nomination in
Yes 37% ..................................................................
No 43% ...................................................................
Not sure 21% ..........................................................

Q24 If Hillary Clinton was the Democratic nominee
for President next year would that make you
more or less likely to support Democratic
candidates for other offices, or would it not
make a difference?
More Likely 25% .....................................................
Less Likely 40% ......................................................

Wouldn't Make a Difference 28% ............................
Not Sure 6%

The independents in the head-to-head:
Bush 42 - Clinton 39
Clinton 41 - Christie 39
Clinton 42 - Rand 37
Walker 44 - Clinton 38

Clinton Candidacy: 26% Yes, 44% No.
Chris Christ Christie reacts to Romney news



Now if you guys have never seen a push poll before, here's an example:

The independents in the head-to-head:
Bush 42 - Clinton 39
Clinton 41 - Christie 39
Clinton 42 - Rand 37
Walker 44 - Clinton 38

Clinton Candidacy: 26% Yes, 44% No.

I would've been laughed out of class in college if I tried to use that as my polling questionnaire. Which, I guess, is the point.

Do you have the link to the article?
That poll truly describes Politico. "Hillary vulnerable" headlines to win the "news cycle." I look forward to the anonymous GOP and Obama operative quotes.

edit: oh it's a Warren poll? lol
Hey guys, pop into Mayor De Blasios NYPD thread to see what happens when you vote D

“(NYPD) will be equipped with all the extra heavy protective gear, with the long rifles and the machine guns that are unfortunately sometimes necessary in these ­instances.”

These instances referring to peaceful protests.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
lol at the special interests question. Is she balanced or is she too beholden to special interests?well special interests are a bad thing right? And it's implied that she is beholden to them in some degree. so she must be too beholden to them.


The worst thing about the poll is that they didn't ask for any kind of "who do you want for the nomination" question with at least Hillary and Warren (and also Biden, O'Malley, etc.) at the end. Just the "do you want Hillary to be the 2016 nominee" which still got "Yes" 63% to 30% among Democrats, which is what it gets in basically any poll of Hillary vs. the field if you include "Not Sure" or undecideds. So they tried to make her look shitty compared to Warren for 20 questions and then didn't get a HILLARY IS HORRIBLE, WARREN! WARREN! WARREN! result lol
I still think Willard will do a 180 and run if Jeb starts slipping.

Fox Panelist Thinks Romney's Still Going To Run: 'It's A Chess Move'

Fox News panelist Stacey Dash knows something the rest of the political world doesn't: Mitt Romney's Friday announcement to supporters that he would not launch a third Republican presidential bid is actually a clever front.

"I think the fact that he is a numbers guy, makes me believe that this is a chess move," Dash said from her perch on the "Outnumbered" couch. "I don't believe he's not going to run."

The rest of the panelists reacted to that observation with a one-word chorus of "Really?" and "Wow."


Its a shame. Palin could have been elected to the senate in 2010 if she only served out her term and ran against murkoswski.

dk why she didnt try that instead of the joke she has become.


Its a shame. Palin could have been elected to the senate in 2010 if she only served out her term and ran against murkoswski.

dk why she didnt try that instead of the joke she has become.

Because then she would have had to actually work for a living.
christie lost weight. I thought he wasnt fat anymore?

He got the lap-band surgery but it hasn't seemed to work wonders for him. He probably needs to put in more effort on his diet & exercise.

Also, it has been sad to see Huckabee regain so much of the weight he lost. :-(


Something regarding the 1984 one is that Reagan wasn't left-handed. Clinton would have broken that precedent. (or H.W. Bush had he won. Or Perot if he had won and then been re-elected.)

And Truman WAS left-handed but that was back when they broke students of writing left-handed so he wrote with his right.
PPP's newest national poll finds Mitt Romney leading the Republican candidate field, although not by a particularly substantial amount. He's at 21% to 17% for Jeb Bush, 15% for Ben Carson, 11% for Scott Walker, 9% each for Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee, 7% for Chris Christie, 4% for Rand Paul, and 2% for Rick Perry.

Careful Ben . . . don't peak too soon. We need you there for the debates.


Another scandal hits the Obama Regime:
Secretary of State John Kerry was ticketed Thursday for not shoveling the snow outside his Boston home.

About six inches of snow accumulated on the sidewalk outside Kerry's primary residence in Louisburg Square on Wednesday. A city report posted Thursday said a ticket had been issued for the unshoveled powder after a citizen filed a complaint.


Mitch obviously wanted to run and not being bound to the establishment might have worked out for him. Couldn't he finance his own campaign until the donors grudgingly came around?



Security Through Strength is the political committee helping United States Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) "test the waters" for a potential 2016 run for president. The committee will fund the infrastructure and operations allowing Graham to travel the country, listen to Americans, and gauge support for a potential presidential candidacy.


Careful Ben . . . don't peak too soon. We need you there for the debates.

Ben will never be the Republican Nominee. Ever. Republicans aren't nominating a black person for President of the United States for at least 20 years, if not longer. He's there for the same reason Herman Cain was last year. So they could pat themselves on the back and convince themselves that they really aren't racist and that if every black person thought like Ben, and talked like Ben, and voted like Ben, and hated white liberals and 90% of black america like Ben - well gosh darnit, they'd like him or her too.

Just look at Stacey Dash.

I think you're forgetting that Hermain Cain was the non-Romney front runner for like a month after Perry relinquished it.

I'm not, at all. Herman Cain wouldn't have won even if the sexual abuse stuff didn't come out. Neither will Ben.



This made the local news. The ticket was a whopping $50

Well I do declare...

Speaking of "infrastructure", why haven't Democrats nailed Republicans on infrastructure? Obama should be out there taking photo ops at crumbling bridges and highways and show that Republican limits on spending is not only hurting the country but keeping people out of work.


I'm not, at all. Herman Cain wouldn't have won even if the sexual abuse stuff didn't come out. Neither will Ben.
Well yeah, nobody but Romney was actually going to win.

I like how they don't name the "leading conservative" and "national conservative organization" that they quotes in his bio
This made me look up the quotes. It's Jennifer Rubin and The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (http://ccagw.org/) Taxpayer Hero is basically the "half the GOP" rating lol.
.CCAGW rates members on a 0 to 100% scale. Members are placed in the following categories: 0-19% Hostile; 20-39% Unfriendly; 40-59% Lukewarm; 60-79% Friendly; 80-99% Taxpayer Hero; and 100% Taxpayer Super Hero.
Graham actually dropped a tier in the latest session to just "Friendly":
77%: Sen. Graham, Lindsey (R-S.C.)
And since I'm there and it's semi-interesting, top Democrats:
65%: Rep. Matheson, Jim (D-Utah)
45%: Rep. Barrow, John (D-Ga.)
39%: Rep. McIntyre, Mike (D-N.C.)
36%: Sen. Manchin, Joe (D-W.Va.)
34%: Rep. Peters, Scott (D-Calif.)
31%: Sen. McCaskill, Claire (D-Mo.)
31%: Rep. Murphy, Patrick (D-Fla.)

Bottom Republicans:
54%: Rep. Fitzpatrick, Michael (R-Pa.)
54%: Rep. Joyce, David (R-Ohio)
54%: Rep. LoBiondo, Frank (R-N.J.)
54%: Rep. Reed, Tom (R-N.Y.)
52%: Rep. Runyan, Jon (R-N.J.)
44%: Rep. Gibson, Chris (R-N.Y.)
42%: Rep. Grimm, Michael (R-N.Y.)

The Super Heroes and 98 percenters:
100%: Sen. Flake, Jeff (R-Ariz.)
100%: Sen. Johnson, Ron (R-Wis.)
100%: Sen. Scott, Tim (R-S.C.)

99%: Rep. Chabot, Steve (R-Ohio)
98%: Sen. Coburn, Tom (R-Okla.)
98%: Sen. Cruz, Ted (R-Texas)
98%: Sen. Risch, Jim (R-Idaho)
98%: Sen. Toomey, Pat (R-Pa.)
98%: Rep. McClintock, Tom (R-Calif.)

2%: Sen. Boxer, Barbara (D-Calif.)
2%: Sen. Brown, Sherrod (D-Ohio)
2%: Sen. Cantwell, Maria (D-Wash.)
2%: Sen. Leahy, Patrick (D-Vt.)
2%: Sen. Levin, Carl (D-Mich.)
2%: Sen. Mikulski, Barbara (D-Md.)
2%: Sen. Schatz, Brian (D-Hawaii)
2%: Sen. Schumer, Charles (D-N.Y.)
2%: Sen. Stabenow, Debbie Ann (D-Mich.)
2%: Sen. Udall, Tom (D-N.M.)
0%: Sen. Hirono, Mazie (D-Hawaii)
0%: Sen. Sanders, Bernie (I-Vt.)
Basically the theory behind this blog entry is that it would be super easy for the GOP to gain four points on the Presidential ballot.

This would not be super easy.
If you apply a universal swing they'd need a bit over five to win the presidency. Give four points to Romney in 2012 in every state and he wins the popular vote but Obama still wins Colorado and Pennsylvania.
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