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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Unconfirmed Member

Why Rand Paul kicks and screams to try to find a way to run for both the Senate and presidency at the same time, Rubio says he will only do one, meaning that it's likely there will be an open seat in 2016 in Florida.

Wouldn't be surprised if Rubio just keeps his senate seat. He has to know his chances of becoming president are so incredibly slim at this point.

It looks like the Keystone pipeline is going to get approved so that Mary Landrieu can get reelected.


So the senate is voting on it? Well, it'll be a good chance to see how good Obama is at using his veto.


The idea that Mary Landrieu is going to get reelected because of the pipeline is idiotic (and, if Democrats really wanted that, they should've approved the pipeline for Begich, Pryor, and Hagan).

But they're not getting anything out of this besides the vague possibility that Mary Landrieu maybe might win her reelection. That's still huge, but I haven't seen any evidence that that's even a realistic possibility.

DEMOCRATS: If you want the pipeline and you're still wearing the pants, ask for something in return.


Unconfirmed Member
The idea that Mary Landrieu is going to get reelected because of the pipeline is idiotic (and, if Democrats really wanted that, they should've approved the pipeline for Begich, Pryor, and Hagan).

But they're not getting anything out of this besides the vague possibility that Mary Landrieu maybe might win her reelection. That's still huge, but I haven't seen any evidence that that's even a realistic possibility.

DEMOCRATS: If you want the pipeline and you're still wearing the pants, ask for something in return.

Very true. I wonder if it'd be reasonable to ask for public disclosure of compounds used to extract and transport oil. Conservatives get to risk the aquifer for cheaper oil, and environmentalists get more leverage in protecting aquifers from bad chemicals, pushing targeted boycotts and new legislation if something is particularly harmful. I would think that's a compromise both sides should feel good about.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
What happened?

Tom Wheeler says he's going to ignore Obama's position on NN, and that the FCC is going to allow internet providers to charge web companies different rates (though he said he would try to "limit" their ability to do that).


I don't see how the GOP get away with EC vote splitting. They tried that in Michigan and quickly dumped the idea. Too much money and attention would be lost for for states in this scenario.

I think the GOP is going to push hard on voter ID laws. It is easier to sell, easier to implement, and it doesn't look as blatant to the media.
On an individual basis it's dumb. But if a group of solidly red states essentially band together and do this they won't need to advertise and spend a lot of time there because the math breaks for them. WI, MI and FL alone would be toxic.
OH and NC could jump in too. In other words you are either going to see a lot of red states do this, or none.

None of this bullshit will be on the table here in Pennsylvania because we had the sense to vote out a stupid Republican governor. At least I did my part making sure we will not stand for this shit along with extreme voter ID legislation. We're taxing the shale industry and putting it back into education. I weep for Kansas voters.


The Florida Democrats have no one left to run.
Why is the FL Democratic party so fucking weak? Given the commanding hispanic vote there it just baffles me.
A boring ass state like PA which is basically black and white outside of Philly has a better Democratic party.
When I say "boring" I mean demographics wise.

Still don't understand why people are so rustled by this pipeline, no lie.
Hillary would pass it without thinking twice so I see no reason to get upset about it. It will happen either way.
I do think it's laughable Dems will be pissing away a bargaining chip they could use in budget negotiations and the like (since the GOP are heartless extortionists and all) for a Senate seat they still probably won't be able to hold.
But Dems are of course partying like it's 2004 so I guess we have to watch them throw up on themselves for the next two years.
Still don't understand why people are so rustled by this pipeline, no lie.

At this point it is really only an issue because it was a line drawn in the sand.

The hardcore climate change fighters drew it as a line in the sand because the tar sands is massive and it is dirty oil that creates much more emissions due to all the crap that must be done to extract it (mining, SAGD, etc.) and then all the crap that must be done to refine it (lots of refining with extra steps). Thus, it creates lots of emissions long before you get around to burning it in your car.

But if you think that is petulant, the other side is pretty much worse. This is all about CANADIAN oil. The companies can build pipelines all over country, so they can build pipelines from North Dakota to TX & LA. The whitehouse only gets a say on this because it crosses the border to Canada. So if we have so much of our own oil . . . why do we want to flood our market with even more oil from Canada? And helping them get the oil down to TX & LA will likely RAISE domestic gasoline prices in the mid-west & mountain states since it will remove the glut up there. So this really doesn't help Americans at all . . . it helps Canadians and it helps US oil refiners, and refined product exporters. But it is the GOP . . . they don't represent American voters, they represent their corporate donors.


I'm for Keystone primarily because delaying it is damaging our relations with Canada. I can't believe we only have a free trade agreement with Canada, we should have at least an economic and monetary union with them by now.

Honestly if it were in my power I'd merge the two countries. It'd secure both our futures for time immemorial. A personal dream of mine.
I know 5+ democrats in his district that didnt vote on election day

Republican Johnny Tacherra is in Washington, D.C. at the orientation for new members of Congress, but he’s no longer in the lead for the 16th Congressional District seat.

Fresno County updated its vote count Wednesday afternoon, and incumbent Fresno Democrat Jim Costa — behind in his reelection bid since election night more than a week ago — took a slim, 86-vote lead over Tacherra.

But the race is far from over because several thousand mostly provisional ballots remain to be counted in the district, which includes all of Merced County and parts of Madera and Fresno counties.


As of now, Fresno County’s voter turnout is at 36.7%, a percentage that will grow as more votes are counted but still is on track to be the lowest in recent memory. In 2002, it was 47.3%.

Read more here: http://www.fresnobee.com/2014/11/12...ify-house.html?sp=/99/217/&rh=1#storylink=cpy


So if we have so much of our own oil . . . why do we want to flood our market with even more oil from Canada? And helping them get the oil down to TX & LA will likely RAISE domestic gasoline prices in the mid-west & mountain states since it will remove the glut up there.
I'm for Keystone primarily because delaying it is damaging our relations with Canada. I can't believe we only have a free trade agreement with Canada, we should have at least an economic and monetary union with them by now.

Honestly if it were in my power I'd merge the two countries. It'd secure both our futures for time immemorial. A personal dream of mine.




Read this book, it'll make the merger seem so obvious it's astonishing there's not a bigger movement for reunification. Summary here.

East Lake

I'm for Keystone primarily because delaying it is damaging our relations with Canada. I can't believe we only have a free trade agreement with Canada, we should have at least an economic and monetary union with them by now.

Honestly if it were in my power I'd merge the two countries. It'd secure both our futures for time immemorial. A personal dream of mine.
I'd invade personally.

Good article on Keystone from a few months ago.

Many long-time players in Canada-U.S. relations, including some of Harper’s own diplomats, also question whether Canada was wise to position itself as an equal partner and choose to irritate rather than accommodate. “We’re not the G-1, the U.S. is,” said Peter Harder, foreign affairs deputy minister during Harper’s first year in office. “We’re the ones who need to be working harder to have a good relationship.”
Rules Changed

The Canadian government also failed to appreciate how the explosive growth of shale gas and oil produced by fracking has changed the rules of U.S. energy politics. Canada was still playing the classic energy security card at a time when import pressure was subsiding under a green president.

“If there’s a lesson in this,” said Preston Manning, Harper’s party leader when he first entered Parliament, “it’s that these market opportunities won’t last forever. I think Canadians just took it for granted that the U.S. could take all the oil and gas that Canada could ever produce.”


tldr Barry isn't under a lot of pressure as the price of oil keeps falling.
You're diablosing. It's all going to be okay.
Not diablosing just being cranky

Warren being part of the Senate leadership sounds great! Especially if Democrats regain the Senate in 2016. Also excited to hear about Obama's immigration EO which should be announced within the week.


I can't believe we only have a free trade agreement with Canada
What you don't know is that Reagan and Mulroney inserted a secret pact into that making Canada the 51st State by allowing US annexation at any time.

Source: John Turner and Ed Broadbent.

haha using the same joke twice


The comments yessssss

Dr_SwampGas Nov 30, 2013
I don't think that any sane Canadians would want to merge with us, since we are so backward in many ways, especially because of the South.

Canada is a modern Western country but we are regressing back to the 19th Century and becoming like a Third World nation.

BobloblawLawBlog Mar 23, 2014
Hell no. Canada is a well governed responsible country. The USA is reckless irresponsible third world hell hole.

durogoff Dec 6, 2013
Since nobody in Canada listens to that pathetic idiot, the voice of the US-convicted felon "Lord" Conrad Black former newspapers, the Chicago-born Francis now wants to make Canada, her adopted country disappear. She should simply be stripped of her Canadian citizenship, as was her former boss...

Witty_funster Dec 1, 2013
A marriage made in Hell.

1)Canada is one of the most progressive countries in western civilization. USA ranks bottom in progressiveness and "liberal" index.

2)NO Canadian would want nutbags like the Kochs, Limbaughs, the fraudulent TV evangelists, Glenn Becks, FOX news ( banned in canada!), wacko tea-baggers

3) You think republican right-wingers would want to live in "socialist, communist" Canada?

4) Canada comes closest to a European country. leave it alone !

5) Canadians would not want american rednecks moving in !

BobloblawLawBlog Mar 23, 2014
Fox isn't banned in Canada. In fact they also have their own version called sky news. Canada has a 15% corporate tax rate. A 29% top marginal federal tax rate, lower capital gains taxes and no home mortgage deduction. Since the 1990s, Canada cut federal spending by 1/3. There is no school lunch program run by the federal govt. Canada hunts baby seals and fully exploits it's oil and natural gas.

However, this comment has fully swayed me in favor:
irisiri Dec 1, 2013
Great idea but only if Mayor Ford can be the next president.


If we were to join with Canada, I move that they immediately be given their appropriate number of electoral votes and Congressional representatives.. Oh yes.. :)


The comments yessssss

Such small minds, as Doc Brown would say they're not thinking 4th dimensionally. Everything Canada dislikes the most about America would be almost eradicated after the merger. Canada is about the same size as California in terms of population and perhaps more liberal. The Tea Party, the South, and Republicans in general would find themselves with substantially diluted voting power. If all 10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada sent two Senators to the new upper chamber of the new merged country, there would be 26 potential left-leaning Senators. Republicans would never stand a chance. Give another few decades of demographic changes, and we'd be one of the most liberal countries on the planet.


Canada is about the same size as California in terms of population and perhaps more liberal. .... If all 10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada sent two Senators to the new upper chamber of the new merged country, there would be 26 potential left-leaning Senators.
Don't be too hasty there. The one comment mentions some of the more "right-wing" policies of Canada. And it was a Liberal government that did all that budget slashing.

And the provinces are as different as our states, some of the square ones are pretty conservative.
Don't be too hasty there. The one comment mentions some of the more "right-wing" policies of Canada. And it was a Liberal government that did all that budget slashing.

And the provinces are as different as our states, some of the square ones are pretty conservative.

I have a hard time spelling Mississippi, I ain't learning how to spell sasquakquananka


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number one. Last night it was Comedy Central, and it was Colbert Report. I always do that, the Colbert Report. And it was time to make fun of your host, El Rushbo, for my take on the meaning of the election.

LIMBAUGH: The biggest and perhaps the most important mandate a political party has had in the recent era, and it is very simple what that mandate is: It is to stop Barack Obama. Republicans were not elected to govern.

COLBERT: Thank you. Republicans were not elected to govern. Their one job -- (applause) -- huge, huge Rush Limbaugh fans here tonight. (cheers) Republicans were not elected to govern. Their one job is to stop Obama.

RUSH: And that got practically a standing ovation on Comedy Central last night, totally shocking the host, and once again, demonstrating the whole world agrees with me on this. It just does. It's a great validation.



No Scrubs
Unless a Supreme Court Justice dies or steps down, they can't do any real damage. Obama still has the veto and the Dems can still filibuster. Obama still has the final say on any bill.
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