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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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It is probably for the best that those countries do not share borders.
I mean, fuck. A nationalistic government that would still have nukes sharing borders with Great Satan? And the terrain just so happens to be very resource rich and was recently sold for peanuts?

World's better without that kind of noise.

If the U.S. had bought Siberia the border between American Siberia and the remainder of Russia would be separated top to bottom by a 90+ mile wide natural border, the Ural Mountains. For practical purposes there would be a substantial barrier between the two nations. Good fences make good neighbors.

Also, the U.S.and Russia already share a land border.


It was more than just that debate moment though.

Did you ever see that clip of perry in New Hampshire being given a gift of maple syrup? Dude was high as fuck.

Ain't gonna lie, he looks like he just did a speedball in that video.

And he might've actually, like, not a speedball speedball, but I can see him being on some opiates and one of his aids thinks - damn, he looks groggy and slur his words, better prop him up with some dexies.
And then, magic happens!

In the debates he just looked like a dumbass though.

Jeb does not seem happy and up to the job of running for President. He honestly seems to not have the "fire in the belly". He seems to be only doing it out of family obligation/restore the bush legacy from its tarnished ashes. I see and sense no passion from him.

These Iraq answers are so telling of the foreshadow to come. In his heart he is conflicted. Run a race based on his convictions but risk alienating those he needs to win the nomination while carrying the burden of his brother's Presidency. Something that isnt going away and will last through election day. He hasn't even begun to talk about his record as Governor of Florida. He is certainly not going to have the hyped up advantages people think he does. If its Bush v Clinton, the choice is a no brainer despite Hillary's flaws which will be canceled out by his flaws.
I really can't believe that he was caught by surprise by an Iraq war question.
Like for real, I would've thought that the first thing he would do is to get some people and craft some canned bullshit answer for that.
If the U.S. had bought Siberia the border between American Siberia and the remainder of Russia would be separated top to bottom by a 90+ mile wide natural border, the Ural Mountains. For practical purposes there would be a substantial barrier between the two nations. Good fences make good neighbors.

Also, the U.S.and Russia already share a land border.

Diomede Islands aint no land border, fam. As you said, good fences make good neighbors. I'll take an ocean before a mountain range. Even with that, half the country still thinks Russia is a threat to them because lol ukraine.


Diomede Islands aint no land border, fam. As you said, good fences make good neighbors. I'll take an ocean before a mountain range. Even with that, half the country still thinks Russia is a threat to them because lol ukraine.

Hey now the Diomede Islands are iced over a good part of the year, it's totally possible for Little Diomede (population 110) to drive their one tractor over and invade Russia. Americans love moving west to get a little elbow room.

Clinton ninjas, they are everywhere.


It has been great watching Jeb vomit all over himself coming right out of the gate and all. Loving it.

But the best of all: "Your brother created ISIS." 19 years old. I'm in awe. She was spot on.

Why are people praising this nonsense? From her simplistic argument to the automatic attempt to play a victim card, I don't get it. Yes, invading Iraq played a role in creating the chaos we see now. But only a fool would deny the current administration's role. Specifically in having a hands off approach while Maliki terrorized Sunnis by arresting opposition, refusing to integrate the government, and outright killing others. I wanted to leave Iraq, we all wanted to leave Iraq - hell, we legally had to leave. But the diplomatic failure of ignoring Maliki is one of the biggest reasons for what we're seeing right now.


Why are people praising this nonsense? From her simplistic argument to the automatic attempt to play a victim card, I don't get it. Yes, invading Iraq played a role in creating the chaos we see now. But only a fool would deny the current administration's role. Specifically in having a hands off approach while Maliki terrorized Sunnis by arresting opposition, refusing to integrate the government, and outright killing others. I wanted to leave Iraq, we all wanted to leave Iraq - hell, we legally had to leave. But the diplomatic failure of ignoring Maliki is one of the biggest reasons for what we're seeing right now.
It's a reason. The biggest reason, however, was invading Iraq.


Unconfirmed Member
So, the PPP has been throwing random names into the favorability polls to see how complete unknowns compare to other complete unknowns like Snyder.

Farris’s unlikely journey from scholar to subject of political polling began with a PPP poll of Iowa voters, in April, that included Michigan Governor Rick Snyder. Paul Egan, a reporter for the Detroit Free Press, called up PPP director Tom Jensen to make sense of the results. Snyder, Jensen told him, was effectively unknown. “If I had polled you for favorability with Iowa Republicans, you would come out with the same number he did,” Jensen said.

He put that proposition to the test in PPP’s next poll, of Arizona Republicans. It turned out that Jensen had been mistaken. Snyder was viewed favorably by 5 percent of respondents; Egan, the reporter, actually outpolled him with 6 percent support.

Farris, who teaches an upper-level class on polling, was puzzled by the inclusion of an unfamiliar name. PPP explained its logic. “Well, next time throw my name in the poll as someone with no national profile,” she tweeted to PPP. “It'll amuse my Survey Research students.” And then, on Thursday, she spotted reporters trying to figure out why a quarter of Republican voters had opinions about “Emily Farris,” when they’d never heard of her.

Arizona GOP Primary - Paul Egan: Favorable 6% - Unfavorable 7%
National GOP Primary - Emily Farris: Favorable 3% - Unfavorable 20%

Wonder why someone named Emily Farris is so unfavorable to republicans when they don't even know who she is...


Kasich to run. Announcement in late June or July.


The clown car is getting larger and larger by the day.

@Bruce Bartlett: "The entire 2016 general election can be boiled down to 3 words--Supreme Court appointments. All the rest is window dressing." "For Democrats yes. For Republicans, it's about more. They can get Senate+House+WH."

Well, I wouldn't exactly put Kasich in the clown car... Maybe on a side car. He actually comes off somewhat reasonable compared to his GOP counterfucks.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think Jeb kvetching is kind of all for naught. I see no way he isn't the nominee. Especially with that money machine.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Well, I wouldn't exactly put Kasich in the clown car... Maybe on a side car. He actually comes off somewhat reasonable compared to his GOP counterfucks.

So he's this year's Jon Huntsman?


So, the PPP has been throwing random names into the favorability polls to see how complete unknowns compare to other complete unknowns like Snyder.


Arizona GOP Primary - Paul Egan: Favorable 6% - Unfavorable 7%
National GOP Primary - Emily Farris: Favorable 3% - Unfavorable 20%

Wonder why someone named Emily Farris is so unfavorable to republicans when they don't even know who she is...
It can't be the obvious reason. Not at all. I mean, Democrats are the ones who are "really" anti-women.
You know, if you had told me 2, 3 weeks ago that the Iraq War was going to be a central issue of the Republican Primary, I probably wouldn't have believed you.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Not a flattering performance--from the interviewer or his subject--but Rubio's position seems clear. He interprets the question, "Was it a mistake?" to be implicitly incorporating only the information available at the time the decision was made. I don't think that's unreasonable.
But it is, in a real world where there was no evidence Saddam had WMD. This revisionist history of Iraq where Hans Blix, Richard Clarke, and a host of other people don't exist is getting on my nerves. Not to mention Powell knowing the information he presented was bullshit.


You know, if you had told me 2, 3 weeks ago that the Iraq War was going to be a central issue of the Republican Primary, I probably wouldn't have believed you.

What would that surprise you? Given the flavor of the type of issues so far in the Primary, the Iraq War should come up relatively often.


Not a flattering performance--from the interviewer or his subject--but Rubio's position seems clear. He interprets the question, "Was it a mistake?" to be implicitly incorporating only the information available at the time the decision was made. I don't think that's unreasonable.

Well that's sort of the problem, isn't it?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The one who will win.

Mitt Romney?

Because, honestly, if he eventually jumps in I think it's his for the taking. He'd look even better compared to this circus.

If Scott Walker, a man with huge likability issues, is the leader halfway through we may see a huge push to get Romney in the field.


The Iraq War question should be easy to knock out of the park for Republicans who weren't actually connected to the Bush regime. I don't understand why they can't admit it was an error. They can easily talk up "good things" that happened, but still admit we shouldn't have gone in.


Uh, it should be easy for anyone. It's probably the easiest political question to answer ever. If you're a Republican you say "If I were in his shoes, without the benefit of hindsight, yes I would have made the same decision. Today, with everything we now know, of course I wouldn't.". If you're a Dem?

What would that surprise you? Given the flavor of the type of issues so far in the Primary, the Iraq War should come up relatively often.

The Iraq War question should be easy to knock out of the park for Republicans who weren't actually connected to the Bush regime. I don't understand why they can't admit it was an error. They can easily talk up "good things" that happened, but still admit we shouldn't have gone in.

Pretty much this. I can see why it would come up, but it's such an easy answer I never would have expected it to become a real issue. For chrissake, it seems to have broken Jeb.
Honestly the most asinine thing is not the answers, it's how the media phrases the question. They're letting republicans re-write history by claiming we couldn't have possibly known Iraq didn't have WMD. fuckouttahere...


Presiding at Same-Sex Wedding, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Emphasizes the Word ‘Constitution’

The groom and groom strolled down the aisle to the mellow strains of “Mr. Sandman.”

Wearing her black robe with her signature white lace collar, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg presided over the marriage on Sunday afternoon of Michael Kahn, the longtime artistic director of the Shakespeare Theater Company in Washington, and Charles Mitchem, who works at an architecture firm in New York.

The gilded setting was elegant: Anderson House in the Embassy Row neighborhood, the headquarters in Washington of the Society of the Cincinnati, a club for the descendants of the French and American soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War. During the ceremony, the couple slipped black and gold Harry Winston rings onto each other’s fingers.

But the most glittering moment for the crowd came during the ceremony. With a sly look and special emphasis on the word “Constitution,” Justice Ginsburg said that she was pronouncing the two men married by the powers vested in her by the Constitution of the United States.

No one was sure if she was emphasizing her own beliefs or giving a hint to the outcome of the case the Supreme Court is considering whether to decide if same-sex marriage is constitutional.


Read into it what you will (if anything, really). We're in that weird/fun time period where, especially on this type of issue, the justices seem to almost telegraph the happenings within their confined spaces. Ginsburg has spoken on this issue before while Windsor was pending, while Scalia had comments before Lawrence was handed-down.

Just about 40 days now..


President Obama finally got a real twitter account. @POTUS is a good handle at least!

Now watch him follow a bunch of cam girls and ass-models.
Why are people praising this nonsense? From her simplistic argument to the automatic attempt to play a victim card, I don't get it. Yes, invading Iraq played a role in creating the chaos we see now. But only a fool would deny the current administration's role. Specifically in having a hands off approach while Maliki terrorized Sunnis by arresting opposition, refusing to integrate the government, and outright killing others. I wanted to leave Iraq, we all wanted to leave Iraq - hell, we legally had to leave. But the diplomatic failure of ignoring Maliki is one of the biggest reasons for what we're seeing right now.
ISIS was created the moment we landed in Iraq...All the ISIS documentaries tell us that ISIS command, control and battlefield leadership is made up of ex-Baathists. Do you really think Maliki would have given a crap about what US told him after 2009? Fuck no. As far as he's concerned, the Americans are leaving in 2011 and the only superpower that is gonna stay is Iran. Maliki took his marching orders from Tehran, not DC.

The fuckup was Bush alone from authorizing the war to debaathification of the army to the shitty government that was created according to the charlatan Ahmed Chalabi. Textbook recipe for an insurgent revolution from the sunni minority. They should have created a government that looked like Lebenon's confessionalism form, with its varied and intricate structure that gives almost equal representation to all the religions, sects and ethnicities and everyone lives in a delicate balance of equal success. Instead they did it in a basic way that only Shias could come to power because 80% of Iraq is Shi'ite.

Hindsight is 20/20 and no way Obama could have fixed their government. All we could do was leave Iraq the fuck alone. Obama's fault lies in his dismissal of ISIS as non serious militia. But even if we took ISIS seriously way back when, who knows what wouldve popped up down the road because institutionally the Sunnis were still fucked.


Ayotte now saying Guinta should resign (c'mon Italians, stop embezzling, let's be better than our stereotypes).

In other news, Carol Shea-Porter furiously masturbated when she saw this.


Ayotte now saying Guinta should resign (c'mon Italians, stop embezzling, let's be better than our stereotypes).

In other news, Carol Shea-Porter furiously masturbated when she saw this.

Of course she does. Getting large numbers in NH-01 is probably her only way to win re-election if Hassan jumps in.


Graham is announcing June 1.

RCP is tracking the following list so far:


Not included there are
Trump - exploring
Pataki - has some sort of announcement pending

That's sixteen.

There's also a couple of other no-names.

Even if Christie cuts his losses and decides not to run, man that is going to be one ridiculous first debate.

Just a note because I was curious - the largest debate in the 2012 primary had 8 candidates.

Just another note - the first debate in the 2012 primary was May 5, 2011(!)


Graham is announcing June 1.

RCP is tracking the following list so far:


Not included there are
Trump - exploring
Pataki - has some sort of announcement pending

That's sixteen.

There's also John Bolton and a couple of other no-names.

Even if Christie cuts his losses and decides not to run, man that is going to be one ridiculous first debate.

Just a note because I was curious - the largest debate in the 2012 primary had 8 candidates.

Just another note - the first debate in the 2012 primary was May 5, 2011(!)

Bolton announced last week he's not running.


I heard Cersei might announce her candidacy next week. I really don't know if I trust this new religious streak of hers -- it seems like just a ploy to win over Republicans caucusers in Iowa.
I heard Cersei might announce her candidacy next week. I really don't know if I trust this new religious streak of hers -- it seems like just a ploy to win over Republicans caucusers in Iowa.

Does that mean Lindsy Graham is the younger, prettier queen who will one day topple her?
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