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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Why are we excited over a guy who lost his seat 5 years ago? Senators who lose dont run again. Blanche Lincoln lost and she isnt ever running again. What makes Feingold chances better than any other senator who lost their seat in years past?


Aside from whether he's electable, I like the idea of another strong liberal voice in the Senate. Making the Warren wing of the party stronger sounds great.

And I have a hunch from Walker's approval ratings that Wisconsinites may be having serious second thoughts about the right turn they took half a decade ago. Feingold would be a pretty symbolic return to their roots, a chance for them to set things right.

That, and Marquette's latest poll had Feingold winning over Johnson by double digits. I like his chances so far.
Why are we excited over a guy who lost his seat 5 years ago? Senators who lose dont run again. Blanche Lincoln lost and she isnt ever running again. What makes Feingold chances better than any other senator who lost their seat in years past?
I thought mentioning her name was a bannable offense. Mods pls.
Why are we excited over a guy who lost his seat 5 years ago? Senators who lose dont run again. Blanche Lincoln lost and she isnt ever running again. What makes Feingold chances better than any other senator who lost their seat in years past?
You can see the difference between Blanche Lincoln and Russ Feingold right?

AR became a red state fast and Lincoln was a shitty Democrat anyway. Feingold is a very good Democrat who was a victim of a red wave.

Not to mention several polls have Feingold kicking Johnson's ass. This kind of analysis is completely misguided.


I thought mentioning her name was a bannable offense. Mods pls.

I didnt know. Something happened in the 2010 election season to make her name bannable lol?

Most senators when they lose because of a wave usually are damaged goods. Unless Russ Feingold is in a rare situation where he lost because of a wave and not his states long time trend going against his party like Pryor and Landrieu.

If its the latter then I concede your point Aaron.


Feingold has goodwill amomgst the base/DailyKos crowd because he was an outspoken liberal before social media made the whole Warren/Sanders act cool. When red state Dems like Landrieu go nobody misses them, even though it could be argued they do more for the progressive cause by delivering the majority.
PD's just blanching ya. (Blanching being a substitute for joshing that I think should become a thing)

Russ' loss can mostly be blamed on the wave and the fact that he was running in a low turnout election (considering the state elected a big city liberal lesbian over a successful former governor two years later) but his refusal to accept outside money didn't help. He probably won't this time either but hopefully Johnson is unpopular enough that t doesn't matter.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
As I recall Feingold lost primarily because he didn't take the election very seriously, didn't campaign much and didn't expect the red wave that swept the nation that year. Didn't help of course that it was an off year election. He's beloved by liberals in Wisconsin and Gary Johnson is a nobody, I could see Feingold having very good chances in 2016.
I could honestly see Rubio getting the nomination at this point.
I can definitely see him getting past the primaries because he's a teabagger. He also has a fair share of young eagle college morons. In the end whoever the nominee is, Walker or Rubio, the demographics will be their biggest enemy not Hillary.

Another thing about Rubio is that he's a political midget and is just riding a wave. He did not grind through something like the almost institutional Chicago political machine, and has no resources to rely on. I can see him blundering his way through the campaign but making good closing speeches.


Wisconsin has elected candidates from the same party for president and U.S. Senate during each of the last seven cycles both were on the ballot: in 1976, 1980, 1988, 1992, 2000, 2004, and 2012.

As long as Russ Feingold wins I have no problem and history is on his side anyway. Now we wait for Maggie Hassan in New Hampshire and Kay Hagan in North Carolina.

Although I have the same problem with Hagan and her no good, bad, terrible numbers against Burr.



Oh my...
lol @ Jeb Bush finally saying he wouldn't have gone to war had we known what we know now. Literally chosen every answer to the question.

Also, Jon Stewart destroyed Fox News, yet again, last night. It was a really good one, too.


PD's just blanching ya. (Blanching being a substitute for joshing that I think should become a thing)

Russ' loss can mostly be blamed on the wave and the fact that he was running in a low turnout election (considering the state elected a big city liberal lesbian over a successful former governor two years later) but his refusal to accept outside money didn't help. He probably won't this time either but hopefully Johnson is unpopular enough that t doesn't matter.

Johnson seems like a fucking ghost outside of that stupid lawsuit so hopefully that works against him.


Unconfirmed Member
I didnt know. Something happened in the 2010 election season to make her name bannable lol?

Most senators when they lose because of a wave usually are damaged goods. Unless Russ Feingold is in a rare situation where he lost because of a wave and not his states long time trend going against his party like Pryor and Landrieu.

If its the latter then I concede your point Aaron.

Even just a few months after the 2010 election, Wisconsin voters were already favoring Feingold.

In polls regarding the 2011 recall election, Scott Walker lead all democratic challengers but Feingold. In 2014 election, Scott Walker again lead all hypothetical challengers but Feingold. The only time his approval rating ever dipped underwater was in the september and october of the wave election, immediately going back to strongly possitive by december.

Feingold very much is in a rare situation where he got hurt by a national wave that never seemed to reflect on him personally, with the loss never really sticking to him like it might for others. If you just want someone with the best chance to win regardless of his policy positions, he's still your guy.
It is kind of dumb that people got upset, though. Funding didn't have much to do with the crash from current evidence and it was a procedural vote based on sequestration cuts.

while it's true that the vote wasn't actually on safety funding, this isn't necessarily the case - more funding in that area probably would've meant the PTC mandate would actually be completely in place on the northeast corridor, and that certainly would've prevented it
while it's true that the vote wasn't actually on safety funding, this isn't necessarily the case - more funding in that area probably would've meant the PTC mandate would actually be completely in place on the northeast corridor, and that certainly would've prevented it

I'm all for giving rail more funding in this country, but I think in this specific instance people saying it was some Republican Machiavellianism is a little absurd.

Obviously, were rail given the appropriate funding priority in the first place, this could have been avoided.

Considering the hatred a lot of evangelical protestants hold for the Catholic Church (the "whore of Babylon" and all that jazz), much of this rhetoric isn't surprising.

It's Catholic Republicans, especially ones like Paul Ryan who have made their entire political careers out of stigmatizing the poor, who are in a real pickle because of Francis.
I'm all for giving rail more funding in this country, but I think in this specific instance people saying it was some Republican Machiavellianism is a little absurd.

Obviously, were rail given the appropriate funding priority in the first place, this could have been avoided.

yeah I don't agree with people calling it Machiavellianism, let's leave it at that :p


How did this guy not have a good, or shit even consistent, answer to this Iraq question sewn up long before he even glanced in the White House's direction?

Shouldn't it be literally the first thing a Bush campaign has to address in terms of messaging?
This saga reminds me of that infamous (misattributed) Ann Richards quote about Poppy Bush: born on third base and thinks he's hit a triple.

Jeb doesn't come across dumb so much as too entitled and lazy to do his homework and think out the most basic of questions ahead of time. He's been out of politics and living in a cozy donor bubble for years, coasting on his name, and is completely unaccustomed to being aggressively challenged like this. You can tell in that testy response how irritated he is that this has even become an issue.

He might be fine against an intellectual lightweight like Walker, but Cruz and even Paul and Rubio will chew him up in the debates if he's not careful.


How did this guy not have a good, or shit even consistent, answer to this Iraq question sewn up long before he even glanced in the White House's direction?

Shouldn't it be literally the first thing a Bush campaign has to address in terms of messaging?

Candidates are too busy chasing the big donor dollars and *not* coordinating with their super pacs (wink) to actually sit down and talk with ordinary folk to develop policy positions.
Candidates are too busy chasing the big donor dollars and *not* coordinating with their super pacs (wink) to actually sit down and talk with ordinary folk to develop policy positions.

Or him and his team thought that Iraq War was not that big of a deal now.


Well Wisconsin passed their "demonize the poors" food stamp bill. Didn't realize they needed a federal waiver for it, which they won't get, so it was just another waste of time by Republicans to show how bootstrappy they are.


How many elections is it going to take to reverse the Republican laws passed in these states? Every week there is a new crazy law passed. That food stamp bill is just ridiculous.

Brownback is killing Kansas, Scott is destroying Florida, Jindal is destroying the Education and Health of Louisiana, Walker has destroyed the unions. The South continues to rank low on everything imaginable and Medicaid expansion isn't being passed. So much for "The South shall rise again" quote lol.


I did see a post on Walkers Twitter that said they had made a huge jump in the "best states to do business" rankings. Well no kidding, if you don't have to worry about how you treat your workers I'm sure you can make lots of money. How are they doing on the "best states to work in" list?
Brownback is killing Kansas, Scott is destroying Florida, Jindal is destroying the Education and Health of Louisiana, Walker has destroyed the unions. The South continues to rank low on everything imaginable and Medicaid expansion isn't being passed. So much for "The South shall rise again" quote lol.

I'm amazed Louisiana is still functioning with the stuff I've seen come out of there. Brownback might be my favorite political figure though, because he is helping prove without a doubt that supply side economics just doesn't work (the way they claim it does at least).


So the GOP is jumping on Stephanopoulus for having donating to the Clinton Foundation.

How quick the GOP is to rush towards any red meat these days.

One would hope in a good 50 - 60 years once all the nutjob tea baggers and talking heads die out, text books will be written that shows just how fucking crazy these people are.


Unconfirmed Member
Jen Bush was for going to war knowing what we know now before he was against going to war knowing what we know now.

Now we know.
So the GOP is jumping on Stephanopoulus for having donating to the Clinton Foundation.

How quick the GOP is to rush towards any red meat these days.

One would hope in a good 50 - 60 years once all the nutjob tea baggers and talking heads die out, text books will be written that shows just how fucking crazy these people are.
Donating to charities is now political.

The Clinton foundation isn't a PAC but you wouldn't know that from the news coverage.


lol @ Jeb Bush finally saying he wouldn't have gone to war had we known what we know now. Literally chosen every answer to the question.

Also, Jon Stewart destroyed Fox News, yet again, last night. It was a really good one, too.
I know. I don't know what we're going to do when he's off the air. Seriously. WE NEED YOU JON STEWART.

Colbert was bad enough but both of them in the course of only a year? Insane.
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