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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Unconfirmed Member
I think statutory tax rate would be clearer, but that's me.

Medicare for All probably wouldn't be smeared by the media, it's pretty popular. Note, I'm talking purely about the phrase "Medicare for All." It adds 10 points to polls compared to merely "single payer" which already gets majorities:


First two answers in this chart are from the same poll and shows the ~10 point jump. This has been found in other surveys.
It still dumbfounds me why they didn't approach a public option as Medicare part E (for Everyone).



I think statutory tax rate would be clearer, but that's me.

Medicare for All probably wouldn't be smeared by the media, it's pretty popular. Note, I'm talking purely about the phrase "Medicare for All." It adds 10 points to polls compared to merely "single payer" which already gets majorities:


First two answers in this chart are from the same poll and shows the ~10 point jump. This has been found in other surveys.
Looks like the ACA has essentially forced enough people to look at the alternatives.

I'd favor an ACA repeal in favor of Medicare for all overnight.
Anyone else bummed out that Obama won't be pushing for Israel-Palestine peace talks, but instead push for the (very likely) Iran deal? Both are important to the region but peace talks will have longer stability potential..I have no delusions regarding Bibi but I can't help but wonder if Kerry was involved head to toe in peace talks instead.


Anyone else bummed out that Obama won't be pushing for Israel-Palestine peace talks, but instead push for the (very likely) Iran deal? Both are important to the region but peace talks will have longer stability potential..I have no delusions regarding Bibi but I can't help but wonder if Kerry was involved head to toe in peace talks instead.

It's not just Bibi. Bibi staying in power is Israel voting to oppress Palestine. There's no point in holding peace talks with that. Better to do it under Hillary when the conditions might have changed.


No Scrubs
It's not just Bibi. Bibi staying in power is Israel voting to oppress Palestine. There's no point in holding peace talks with that. Better to do it under Hillary when the conditions might have changed.

Pretty much this. Palestine is in a position where they'd negotiate for peace, but Israel isn't. So long as Bibi, or the far right, hold power there's no point in holding peace talks. Even if we got them to agree to something how would we enforce it? Congress won't do shit.


Anyone else bummed out that Obama won't be pushing for Israel-Palestine peace talks, but instead push for the (very likely) Iran deal? Both are important to the region but peace talks will have longer stability potential..I have no delusions regarding Bibi but I can't help but wonder if Kerry was involved head to toe in peace talks instead.
No; this is a fool's errand. There will never be sustained peace.
Anyone else bummed out that Obama won't be pushing for Israel-Palestine peace talks, but instead push for the (very likely) Iran deal? Both are important to the region but peace talks will have longer stability potential..I have no delusions regarding Bibi but I can't help but wonder if Kerry was involved head to toe in peace talks instead.

Bibi and the current government (and any labor government) has no incentive for peace now. There's no point wasting energy on kabuki peace talks right now, all it would do is further legitimize Israel's occupation


Kinda funny watch the GOP cannibalize themselves as they try to denounce Trump while simultaneously showing that they partly agree with what he said and trying not to come off as racist and xenophobic.
Anyone else bummed out that Obama won't be pushing for Israel-Palestine peace talks, but instead push for the (very likely) Iran deal? Both are important to the region but peace talks will have longer stability potential..I have no delusions regarding Bibi but I can't help but wonder if Kerry was involved head to toe in peace talks instead.

There is no point. Israel has made it clear they are not a participant towards a peaceful solution. The last Israeli election ended any chance of peace, and Bibi is outright not even pretending to be interested in peace anymore.

Kerry/Obama tried. No shame in that.
Your daily bobby jindal news. No need to thank me youre welcome


From Piyush to Bobby: How does Jindal feel about his family’s past?

Jindal’s status as a conservative of color helped propel his meteoric rise in the Republican Party — from an early post in the George W. Bush administration to two terms in Congress and now a second term as Louisiana governor — and donors from Indian American groups fueled his first forays into politics. Yet many see him as a man who has spent a lifetime distancing himself from his Indian roots.

He and his wife were quick to say in a “60 Minutes” interview in 2009 that they do not observe many Indian traditions — although they had two wedding ceremonies, one Hindu and one Catholic. He said recently that he wants to be known simply as an American, not an Indian American.

“There’s not much Indian left in Bobby Jindal,” said Pearson Cross, a political science professor at the University of Louisiana

Speaking as a minority it always enrages me to see people question your ethnicity because they don't like your politics. Its a scummy move.


I notice more than most other ethnicities people from India or Pakistan are more readily disdainful of their heritage. For the children of South Asian immigrants there's a big disconnect between the home culture of their parents and the American culture they've grown up in. I have many Indian friends who speak of the never-ending family obligations like it's a ball and chain they want to free themselves of, but can't. An Indian friend of mine told me about her Christmas trip to visit her extended family in India and couldn't stop railing about the poverty, the misogyny, and the strict and stifling expectations everyone kept trying to throw on her regarding marriage and family.
That's actually slightly less lazy than a lot of recent CNN content. Instead of just dumping a bunch of tweets on a page, they actually curated a bit.

Also, CNN, political cartoons are not memes.

I truly do not understand how CNN manages to be so terrible at what they do.

Also when doing the Greek Vote op and looking for resources, ran into a video of theirs promissing to explain the crisis. two minutes long. sed fuckall.
I notice more than most other ethnicities people from India or Pakistan are more readily disdainful of their heritage. For the children of South Asian immigrants there's a big disconnect between the home culture of their parents and the American culture they've grown up in. I have many Indian friends who speak of the never-ending family obligations like it's a ball and chain they want to free themselves of, but can't. An Indian friend of mine told me about her Christmas trip to visit her extended family in India and couldn't stop railing about the poverty, the misogyny, and the strict and stifling expectations everyone kept trying to throw on her regarding marriage and family.
Thats some real shit. Im not indian or asian but i feel the same way


Its going to be a slow week. Next week Walker gets in and the post announcement will be glorious. Arguing back and forth with Bernie Supporters over the same arguments gets boring. Heck arguing over polls and wild scenarios has been boring too. The debates are almost here. Too bad we have a month between each one.

August 6th, 2015
September 16, 2015
October TBD
November TBD
December 15, 2015
January TBD

Hey Tom who do you plan on supporting in the primary for governor, Lt govenor, SoS, AG etc

I might go Dardenne this time. Edwards has no ghost of a chance at beating vitter so depending on polls around october I might strategically vote.
Its going to be a slow week. Next week Walker gets in and the post announcement will be glorious. Arguing back and forth with Bernie Supporters over the same arguments gets boring. Heck arguing over polls and wild scenarios has been boring too. The debates are almost here. Too bad we have a month between each one.

Come to the greek vote thread. Hot fyra all day erry day.

For at least another week, anyway.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Good news, guys. Seems Jeb's finally realized how angry he was at Trump's immigrant comments from two weeks ago.


Its going to be a slow week. Next week Walker gets in and the post announcement will be glorious. Arguing back and forth with Bernie Supporters over the same arguments gets boring. Heck arguing over polls and wild scenarios has been boring too. The debates are almost here. Too bad we have a month between each one.

August 6th, 2015
September 16, 2015
October TBD
November TBD
December 15, 2015
January TBD

Hey Tom who do you plan on supporting in the primary for governor, Lt govenor, SoS, AG etc

I might go Dardenne this time. Edwards has no ghost of a chance at beating vitter so depending on polls around october I might strategically vote.

I'm pretty clueless at this point. I've told myself that after SCOTUS season was over, I'd start paying attention to state/local races.

The only thing I'm convinced of right now: Vitter is actually beatable, but it'll take a near-perfect campaign. Who-can-beat-Vitter is going to weigh pretty heavily on my mind.
I'm pretty clueless at this point. I've told myself that after SCOTUS season was over, I'd start paying attention to state/local races.

The only thing I'm convinced of right now: Vitter is actually beatable, but it'll take a near-perfect campaign. Who-can-beat-Vitter is going to weigh pretty heavily on my mind.
Dardenne could probably beat him... this is about the only instance I could see myself voting for a Republican.


Dardenne could probably beat him... this is about the only instance I could see myself voting for a Republican.

You live in Minnesota with a viable state Democratic Party and a primary election system. We have a jungle primary with a dead State Democratic Party. Last LG race was between Dardenne and Nungesser. Voted for Dardenne. Sometimes you have no choice but to vote Republican.
Sen. Ted Cruz and a group of super PACs supporting his White House bid have combined to raise more than $50 million so far this year, Cruz’s campaign announced Sunday.

Since the Texas Republican launched his 2016 bid late March, the campaign has raised more than $14 million in small-dollar donations from 175,000 contributors, for an average of $81.

In addition, a trio of super-PACs launched earlier this year have pulled in $37 million, for a combined total of about $51 million.

Wow, impressive.



When he announces for president next week, the Wisconsin governor plans to run as the heartland’s favorite son. The problem is that he sometimes seems a little too regional

If Walker became the nominee, Im unsure of the liberal outrage to manifest in droves to the polls nationally when it didnt work when he ran in WI and won 3 times. Cynical in me thinks it overestimated.

The 10 Republicans most likely to win the GOP’s 2016 nod


1. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (previously 2)

Bush has claimed a clear lead in polling both nationally and in New Hampshire. He runs 7 percentage points ahead of his nearest rival in CNN’s latest national poll and beats the field in New Hampshire by about 5 percentage points, according to the RealClearPolitics (RCP) average.

He’s also expected to have truckloads of cash, meaning he can sustain a long campaign.

That could help him on Super Tuesday, March 1, when 11 states are scheduled to vote. If the race is still competitive by March 15, Bush’s money edge will be augmented by home-court advantage when Florida votes, along with Illinois, Missouri and Oregon.

The bad news: Despite his national strength, Bush is highly unlikely to win the Iowa caucuses, where he places sixth in the latest major poll, from Quinnipiac University. That ups the stakes for Bush in New Hampshire. If he fails to win the Granite State, he could be in trouble.

2. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (3)

Walker is the favorite in Iowa, where his 17.5 percent support in the RCP average sounds modest but is approximately double the support claimed by his nearest challenger.

An Iowa win would help Walker position himself as the main conservative challenger to Bush. If he locked in that status with an adequate performance in New Hampshire and a stronger one in more ideologically friendly South Carolina, other conservatives are likely to drop out. Walker would be perfectly placed to hoover up their support.

The bad news: Skeptics question whether Walker, the only top-tier contender not officially in the race, has the personal dynamism to deliver on his potential.

3. Sen. Marco Rubio (1)

Rubio has the potential to expand the Republican tent without unduly antagonizing the base.

The Florida senator also has greater crossover appeal to the different factions within the GOP than any other candidate. He was first elected with Tea Party backing; his hawkish foreign policy positions appeal to national-security conservatives; and his youth, Cuban heritage and charisma lead many in the GOP establishment to believe he would be the party’s strongest choice to take on Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

The bad news: Rubio is in fourth place in the RCP national polling average and faces a pressing question: Where, exactly, is he going to win?

In Iowa, Rubio is tied for fourth in the RCP average and seventh in the latest major poll. Unlike Bush, he cannot be confident of bouncing right back in New Hampshire, where he is currently running fifth.

If, as seems probable, he fails to win either contest, there is no guarantee South Carolina would prove more hospitable. Rubio may have a broad base, but it’s easy to see how he could find himself 0-3.



Granted, it is Lee Bright. I put him in the same category as Mike Fair, as the two of them share one brain cell between them.


Monday’s Confederate flag debate in South Carolina got off to an unnecessarily (yet unsurprisingly) bigoted start when Republican State Sen. Lee Bright went on an anti-LGBT rant. Yes, because when I think about the Confederate flag, the first thing that comes to mind are the tendrils of the “gay mafia.”

Bright, who has campaigned on Facebook and elsewhere to keep the stars and bars flying high in South Carolina, invoked the White House’s rainbow display of colors after the Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges decision that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states.

Apparently, Bright had been watching Bill O’Reilly, because he was none too happy with the “abomination colors” being shone all over the executive branch’s chief symbol, according to Jezebel. He went on to say, “We can talk about a flag all we want, but the Devil is taking control of this land.” So instead of focusing on the topic at hand, Bright decided to rage hard against the recent SCOTUS decision and blame the devil for it all. #politics


Unconfirmed Member
Trump Goes There Again: Retweets Ugly Remark About Jeb Bush's Mexican Wife

There can be no if/buts. I know people who semi defended Trump's previous comments as being about illegal immigrants, not Mexicans. But after this comment I don't see how anyone can defend him or even play the "political correctness" card. He's a racist, period.

Wow. This guy must be in the race just to make sure the other republicans don't seem so crazy. I can't understand any other reason for why he's in this race.


Trump is acting as the id of the average Republican voter, that's his angle. His strategy for self-aggrandizement is to say what everyone's really thinking, and say what the other candidates can't because they have something to lose. Many Republican voters were thinking exactly that, that Bush has 'gone native' like something from Dances with Wolves, that he checks hispanic on identification cards and considers himself an honorary hispanic because he married a Mexican wife.

Jon Huntsman was a much smaller target, but back when he was arguing with Mitt Romney over not starting a trade war with China I remember reading lots of comments made that he was being soft on China because he had a sick fascination with Chinese culture and he let that get in the way of doing what was right for America. Kind of the same concept.
I don't usually post in here but

Ever have that awkward moment where you run into Ted Cruz while leaving a Barnes & Noble?

I just did

I told him I loved him on the Simpsons

Mike M

Nick N
I don't usually post in here but

Ever have that awkward moment where you run into Ted Cruz while leaving a Barnes & Noble?

I just did

I told him I loved him on the Simpsons
I once saw two-time WA gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi at a Borders to do book signing with no one in line. Does that count?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Trump Goes There Again: Retweets Ugly Remark About Jeb Bush's Mexican Wife

There can be no if/buts. I know people who semi defended Trump's previous comments as being about illegal immigrants, not Mexicans. But after this comment I don't see how anyone can defend him or even play the "political correctness" card. He's a racist, period.

Oh good, for a sec I was worried that he was gonna tone it down after he said this:

Presidential candidate and ex-reality TV star Donald Trump admitted on Saturday that the wave of condemnation and crumbling business relationships, which followed his remarks calling immigrants "rapists," has caught him a little off guard.

"I didn't know it was going to be quite this severe," Trump said on "Fox & Friends." "But I really knew it was going to be bad."

"You know, maybe I'm leading in polls, but this is certainly not good," he also said. "I lose customers, I lose people."

Thankfully, the man appears to be a true Republican.


So is Trump in or out?

I think he's out. He's doing what he came to do. He's up in the polls, but it's hurting his bottom line. He gets out now before his inevitable decline.


No Scrubs
So is Trump in or out?

I think he's out. He's doing what he came to do. He's up in the polls, but it's hurting his bottom line. He gets out now before his inevitable decline.

He can't leave! Not before the first debate!

He can't do this to me! He just can't get my hopes up like that and just crush them!


Trump isnt going away anytime soon. This will be good for his poll numbers. Dont put too much stock into his comments affecting his polls numbers in a negative light. In fact expect it to do the opposite. This is obviously in context to a Republican Primary where the electorate loves this talk. Trump is what they really think.


Unconfirmed Member
So is Trump in or out?

I think he's out. He's doing what he came to do. He's up in the polls, but it's hurting his bottom line. He gets out now before his inevitable decline.

I guess if his goal was to ruin every business relationship he had over the course of a single speech, sure.


Sidhe / PikPok
So is Trump in or out?

I think he's out. He's doing what he came to do. He's up in the polls, but it's hurting his bottom line. He gets out now before his inevitable decline.

Can't see him pulling his likely "I can do more good for the country focusing on business" exit until at least after the first debate.
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