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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I myself was surprised at how fast and how many companies withdrew their support, although you can surely question the authenticity of the response. It's not like Trump hasn't been doing this kind of stuff for years, so it's a little annoying to see these companies act like they just discovered they were doing business with him accidentally. I hate seeing business decisions get draped up in the cloth of ethics. Admittedly, this was an extremely egregious incident, so conceivably it could have been the final straw for some.

I guess he's calculating how much more damage he would need to do if he wants to keep going. It's not like he's polling terribly and is just a media sideshow, but if he wants to keep his polling this strong, he can't just go "legit" in my mind, he would have to keep the bombastic churn going. And that may be too expensive for his tastes. But he could probably make a "serious" run of it if he doubles down moving forward.



If the stars of the universe align and Fuckface von Clownstick actually wins the Republican nomination, are we looking at a Reagan-like 49 state landslide with only Oklahoma going for Trump?


If the stars of the universe align and Fuckface von Clownstick actually wins the Republican nomination, are we looking at a Reagan-like 49 state landslide with only Oklahoma going for Trump?


Kentucky is about as far from swing-state status as you can get. It was Barack Obama's seventh-worst state in 2012: He lost to Mitt Romney by a punishing 23 points. No one in their right mind expects Democrats to carry it next year.
However ... Democratic pollster Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling just tested a matchup between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the Bluegrass State, and the results are, simply, hilarious. Even though Clinton currently trails the rest of the GOP pack by anywhere from 5 to 10 points in Kentucky, she leads Trump by a 45-42 margin.

Imagine that! A Democrat winning Kentucky! That hasn't happened in 20 years, when Bill Clinton edged out Bob Dole by a single point. It just shows how truly despised Trump is, but it also leaves us giggling over a follow-up question: What would happen if this 26-point swing were replicated nationwide?

What you'd get is the map at the top of the post, which has Clinton winning an insane 45 states and taking a beyond-comical 513 electoral votes to just 25 for The Donald. That's an FDR-level landslide, leaving Trump with just a teeny outpost of red in the far west, plus a dot here for Oklahoma and there for West Virginia. That's it, and nothing more. (Click here for a complete state-by-state breakdown of the carnage.)

Of course, this kind of analysis is just for fun—it would be a little difficult for Clinton to win 110 percent of the vote in D.C., even against Trump. And this one poll doesn't mean Clinton could expect to see such a huge and uniform shift nationwide, plus in any event, plenty of Republicans would hold their noses and vote for that monstrous hairpiece in the end.

But there's no doubt that Trump would be a disaster of epic proportions for the GOP, so pray for him, my friends, hard and often. We could use a big win, and some big laughs—and Trump would guarantee both of those things.



If the stars of the universe align and Fuckface von Clownstick actually wins the Republican nomination, are we looking at a Reagan-like 49 state landslide with only Oklahoma going for Trump?

Maybe a couple of other shitty states would still go red, but yeah, it would be glorious. There might be record Latino turn-out as well, if the DNC plays their cards right.

Alas, I fully expect Trump to drop out well before Super Tuesday. But one can dream.

If the stars of the universe align and Fuckface von Clownstick actually wins the Republican nomination, are we looking at a Reagan-like 49 state landslide with only Oklahoma going for Trump?

That's basically wet dream territory since it guarantees the House swinging (by a lot) on top of everything else


Updated 2016 Senate Ratings: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/senate-2016-election-democrats-119778.html?hp=t2_r

2. Wisconsin
3. Florida
4. New Hampshire
5. Nevada
6. Pennsylvania
7. Ohio
8. North Carolina
9. Colorado
10. Indiana
11. Missouri
12. Arizona
13. Georgia
14. Kentucky
15. Alaska

If Hillary can win the first 9 by convincing margins, the senate should come with her. I cant see too much ticket splitting being consequential in the first 9 except for FL, NC and OH for obvious reasons.


Anyone else bummed out that Obama won't be pushing for Israel-Palestine peace talks, but instead push for the (very likely) Iran deal? Both are important to the region but peace talks will have longer stability potential..I have no delusions regarding Bibi but I can't help but wonder if Kerry was involved head to toe in peace talks instead.
Banging your head against the wall is harmful. So, no. I'm not bummed. Kerry is a tireless diplomat. He's not a miracle worker. They tried to renew the peace process in 2013. But it quickly foundered without any progress. Obama made the correct decision to focus on Iran. After the 2013 election, they were clearly open to dialogue. And Obama thankfully did not ignore them as the Bush Administration did in 2003.
I was just watching a pastor on youtube and he said that obama was "a long legged mack daddy out of chicago" a tear streamed out of the corner of my left eye and i proceeded to lmao


So is Trump in or out?

I think he's out. He's doing what he came to do. He's up in the polls, but it's hurting his bottom line. He gets out now before his inevitable decline.
Out? He already filed, that's the only reason he's ever wanted to stay out. He's in.

Trump nearly went personally bankrupt in 1991 due to the Taj Mahal disaster. His empire has only grown larger than it ever was since then. This has made him think he's invincible.

He doesn't have a reputation to ruin considering well, his entire life to this point and the fact that despite all of that the biggest part of his empire is the Trump Brand run by his kids. Half the things, or more, his name is on, he doesn't actually own. Trump just sells naming/marketing rights. And yet people have still wanted them, and in increasing fashion!

A 1991 book, Trumped!!, by John R. O'Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, claimed that Trump once said in reference to a black accountant at Trump Plaza: "laziness is a trait in blacks." O'Donnell claimed he told him: "Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day."
In 1973, the Justice Department sued Trump Management Corporation for alleged racial discrimination, at which time Trump was the company's president. The federal government filed the lawsuit against his New York City real estate company for discriminating against potential black renters
On June 5, 2013, Trump tweeted: "According to Bill O'Reilly, 80% of all the shootings in New York City are blacks-if you add Hispanics, that figure goes to 98%, 1% white". Trump also tweeted: "Sadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics-a tough subject-must be discussed"
And that's just his race related controversies! I don't have the strength to lift his sex-related folder.

And his scummy business activities?

Plus, you of all PoliGAF should assume/know NBC probably wanted to get rid of The Donald anyway, he didn't even get a million dollars a season for the first two seasons of The Apprentice (which shows how low his name was circa 2003), but last season they slashed the episode total down to 8 because he was making like $4+ million an episode now. If the Celeb version hadn't "revived" it by putting other "hey i know that person" failures on the show there wouldn't have been any NBC relationship after 2008ish. Plus Burnett already sold out last year.

If anything, I bet an "Ivanka solution" for NBC not only makes a better show, but bumps the ratings, and sets her right up for her 2024 presidential bid.

Alan Sugar would make me watch too if they kept the Celeb version because it'd be hilarious with none of them knowing who he is and vice versa. He screwed up his superior version anyway.
Updated 2016 Senate Ratings: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/senate-2016-election-democrats-119778.html?hp=t2_r

2. Wisconsin
3. Florida
4. New Hampshire
5. Nevada
6. Pennsylvania
7. Ohio
8. North Carolina
9. Colorado
10. Indiana
11. Missouri
12. Arizona
13. Georgia
14. Kentucky
15. Alaska

If Hillary can win the first 9 by convincing margins, the senate should come with her. I cant see too much ticket splitting being consequential in the first 9 except for FL, NC and OH for obvious reasons.
I think the first 7 states on that list will stay blue. 1-12 if Hillary is having a fantastic night - the last three would require a tsunami.


benji-kun, I love you, but I can't let you get away with this.

You're correct in that people probably didn't pay anywhere near the 90% number, but the rich and corporations paid a far greater share of taxes than the rest of the country.
I don't want you to think I forgot you friend, I couldn't find the data I crunched on this before, so I did just a back of the envelope (aka Excel) calculation off the IRS's tables. And remembered what the major driver of the numbers I originally found was, the income share, not the tax rates. (I did a correlation/regression before, probably should have saved that stuff.) You should what a graph looks like tracking the two shares (of any income segment) from 1916-2013.

In 1963, the last year of 91% tax rates (LBJ would enact JFK's proposed tax cuts starting in 1964), the top 1% paid 16% of taxes on 7% of income, the top 5% paid 31% of taxes on 18% of income, and the bottom 50% paid 25% of taxes on 34% of income.

Then in 2011, the last year of the 35% Bush tax rate (iirc), but whatever, the last good year of complete IRS data, the top 1% paid 35% of taxes on 19% of income, the top 5% paid 57% of taxes on 34% of income, and the bottom 50% paid 3% of taxes on 12% of income.

Despite this:
Average Income Tax Revenue as % of GDP 1948-1962: 11.78%
Average Income Tax Revenue as % of GDP 1963-1981: 11.77%
Average Income Tax Revenue as % of GDP 1982-1994: 11.40%
Average Income Tax Revenue as % of GDP 1995-2013: 11.78%

Business taxes actually account today as a larger share of total government income, to pick 1963 and 2011 again. In 1963 the taxes broke down like this:
45.4% income - 34.4% "sales" - 16.2% social - 3.9% business
34.5% income - 31.7% income - 24.4% "sales" + tariff - 9.4% business

1943 was the first year in which "sales taxes" (excise + tariffs) didn't account for the majority of U.S. tax revenue. It was only around 1900ish that tariffs alone didn't account for 50+%.

1951 was the first non-war year income taxes surpassed "sales" taxes 47.5% to 40.6%. Social taxes did it in 1982: 26.4% to 26.1%. I believe if you plot out the projections on what's expected to be "needed" + removing caps, etc. social taxes are supposed to overtake income taxes in the next five years or so if the income tax rates don't increase correspondingly. (Or people don't get substantially richer I suppose.)

TL;DR: If we don't cut taxes on the rich and corporations extensively then Mexicans will create rape simulators for the Vita. The latter of which Bernie Sanders refuses to take a position on.


Look, if you're not coming here to start a multi-billion dollar company or host a cable news program, you're basically a failure and should go back home to fix your own piece of shit country.

/90% of every comment on a syndicated Shikha Dalmia article ever


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Oh look, Scott Walker isn't handling the spotlight well. Getting caught double-talking again, then having aides pressure people into denying what he said.


Last Wednesday, Stephen Moore, a scholar at the Heritage Foundation who is an outspoken supporter of an immigration overhaul, described a recent telephone call with Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, in which he said Mr. Walker had assured him he had not completely renounced his earlier support for a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

“‘I’m not going nativist, I’m pro-immigration,’” Mr. Walker said, according to Mr. Moore’s account of the call to a reporter for The New York Times.

On Sunday, after three days of pressure from Mr. Walker’s aides, Mr. Moore said that he had “misspoken” when recounting his call with Mr. Walker — and that the call had never actually taken place.

The turnabout by Mr. Moore came after he was quoted Thursday in a Times article detailing Mr. Walker’s shifts on immigration, same-sex marriage and ethanol subsidies to protect his early lead in Iowa, where he is facing a well-financed challenge from Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, among other rivals.

Mr. Walker said in 2013 that he supported a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. But he said in March that he had changed his mind, and now only backed stronger enforcement of the American border. Taking the more hawkish stance on immigration aligned him with some conservatives in the Republican primary electorate, notably in Iowa; it put him at odds with supporters of an immigration overhaul, who include Mr. Moore and a group he helps run, the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

In the interview on Wednesday in which he had recounted Mr. Walker’s assurances that he was “not going nativist,” Mr. Moore said their conversation had occurred in “the last three or four weeks.” Asked if it had been in person or on the phone, Mr. Moore said: “I chatted with him on the phone.”

This guy is a disaster.


Stephen Moore regularly appears on Bill Maher and comes off as quite the goofball though, so it is within the realm of possibility that he inaccurately recounted the contents of the call. However to pretend that the call never took place is just lolworthy.

Also, O'Reilly needs to spend one day doing the backbreaking labour that mexican immigrant farm hands do. Then he can talk. Also, 'failures in the economic sense'? They're only failures in the system you advocate for. I don't get this disdain for people at the lowest rungs of the economic ladder.


Carly Fiorina’s campaign raised $1.4 million in the first fundraising quarter of her presidential campaign, her campaign manager announced in a memo Monday, while her super PAC raised $3.4 million.

This is too funny.
Banging your head against the wall is harmful. So, no. I'm not bummed. Kerry is a tireless diplomat. He's not a miracle worker. They tried to renew the peace process in 2013. But it quickly foundered without any progress. Obama made the correct decision to focus on Iran. After the 2013 election, they were clearly open to dialogue. And Obama thankfully did not ignore them as the Bush Administration did in 2003.
I'm just disappointed. Every election brings in a crazier PM in Israel and even more right wing legislature. We went from Ehud Barak (who was somewhat ok) to a streak of right wingers: The Butcher of Beirut, Ehud Olmert to Netanyahu. If the trend continues, we'll end up with even more crazy people than Netanyahu as the PMs of Israel.

It's not going to end. I believe Obama was best positioned to salvage the peace talks. I know that Bibi's government and some Palestinian factions do not want peace. But surely there is some political tricks that can be used? Funding? Leveraging regional support? Championing King Abdullah Peace Initiative? The administration just doesn't want to broach the subject because it plays out bad politically. And while we talk, more Palestinians are getting kicked out of their homes to build settler colonies. It never ends.


Hasn't every deal ever brokered been broken by one side or the other within sometimes just days?

There's no real deal to be made because the positions of the negotiating parties are intractable. And why would Obama want to be spending all this time to get a "deal" to celebrate, and then two weeks later Israel is firing into Gaza again.

Iran wants something specific and the United States is in the position to impact whether they get it or not if the US decides it's acceptable. The U.S. not being a disinterested party isn't a problem in these talks.

Plus, the Israel/Palestine issue will still be there when any Iran stuff is finished. Even if it means a 20 year war and occupation under President Graham.
Hasn't every deal ever brokered been broken by one side or the other within sometimes just days?

There's no real deal to be made because the positions of the negotiating parties are intractable. And why would Obama want to be spending all this time to get a "deal" to celebrate, and then two weeks later Israel is firing into Gaza again.

Iran wants something specific and the United States is in the position to impact whether they get it or not if the US decides it's acceptable. The U.S. not being a disinterested party isn't a problem in these talks.
I'm not just talking about fragile peace talks, but peace talks leading to a concrete resolution like the 92 Oslo Accords Clinton pulled off that legitimized PA, or the historic '79 Camp David Accords Carter pulled off which reconciled Egypt with Israel. There is lot of things US can do but it doesn't or it actively tries not to.
I do think brain drain is a serious problem, particularly for developing countries. So I don't necessarily see it as a negative if more of their highly skilled immigrants stay at home or land in other countries that need their expertise. Not everyone can play for the winning team, and the 'league' does better if we help everyone grow to be competitive.

This picture is so awesome without that text.

Maddow has an interesting theory. She thinks that since only 10 nominees get into the Fox GOP debate and that it is based on national polling . . . the GOP candidates are going to not worry so much about the early states and instead try to out red-meat each other with crazy in order to get on national media and get a bump in the polls. A bump like Trump got by calling Mexicans drug runners & rapists.

We could be in for some grade crazy red-meat flinging.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think the idea that Iowa is incredibly important in the primaries is antiquated. Before the internet and today's time of seven debates, maybe. Not now.


No Scrubs
This picture is so awesome without that text.

It's one of my favorite pictures :lol

Maddow has an interesting theory. She thinks that since only 10 nominees get into the Fox GOP debate and that it is based on national polling . . . the GOP candidates are going to not worry so much about the early states and instead try to out red-meat each other with crazy in order to get on national media and get a bump in the polls. A bump like Trump got by calling Mexicans drug runners & rapists.

We could be in for some grade crazy red-meat flinging.

So basically all of the GOP candidates will be the walking dead before we even reach the first primary. This shit is gonna be good.



From google
who the fuck are they going to vote for?

And it's the Democratic vote you bigot.

We only get TEN clowns at once?

Aww shit.

This might be more entertaining than 2012.
In the first FOX debate.

In the second debate, from CNN, they're doing two tiers, the top ten candidates and then a loser debate afterwards with everyone else.

All other debates have not yet announced criteria.

It would be better if we got all 18+ at once.

Crazy that we will have 18 Republican candidates by the end of the month and we might get more.
It'll be 16 "major" candidates at the end of the month and there's nobody else who is considering getting in except Jim Gilmore who couldn't even last two months or raise $200,000 in 2008.


No Scrubs
It would be better if we got all 18+ at once.

Crazy that we will have 18 Republican candidates by the end of the month and we might get more.

Yes, but this way we'll get two debates and one will be filled with people trying to be the craziest candidate they can be in the hopes their numbers will bump enough to make the next mainline debate. So we not only get pro-ball, we get AAA!


Iowa, NH, and SC are for killing off the campaigns that haven't built a functioning campaign organization.

But winning them can keep such a campaign afloat for a bit longer, Huckabee and Santorum are two great examples actually.

March 1st should handle those this time around.


The GOP debates need to be split. The more candidates on stage, the less 'substantive' debate is to be had. It will just be a platform for each candidate to use their 4-5 minute average to spew their pre-constructed zingers, without much time for rebuttal and interrogation of views between the candidates.

That's the one thing the democratic debates will have going for it. I can imagine some good back-n-forths between bernie and hillary.


I think the idea that Iowa is incredibly important in the primaries is antiquated. Before the internet and today's time of seven debates, maybe. Not now.

And after Citizens United even the worst campaigns can be propped up into the late primaries

edit: that is to say, I think Iowa is less important, but it still will knock poorly assembled campaigns out of a race.


The GOP debates need to be split. The more candidates on stage, the less 'substantive' debate is to be had. It will just be a platform for each candidate to use their 4-5 minute average to spew their pre-constructed zingers, without much time for rebuttal and interrogation of views between the candidates.

That's the one thing the democratic debates will have going for it. I can imagine some good back-n-forths between bernie and hillary.
They haven't been debates except for the late ones with Obama/Hillary/Edwards in years, and that's pushing calling those and the fall ones debates. They're always more like joint press conferences.

And after Citizens United even the worst campaigns can be propped up into the late primaries
It'll be less that and the fact that the GOP is going with PR for early primaries for the first time ever.

edit: that is to say, I think Iowa is less important, but it still will knock poorly assembled campaigns out of a race.
You'll especially see this in the Dem primaries, just as a hypothetical, Iowa can knock out Webb, Chafee goes down in NH, and O'Malley is fired in South Carolina.
If Bernie takes Iowa and New Hampshire...I'd love for Clinton to get her campaign back on track with that southern twang in her voice when she campaigns in South Carolina. Everyone will be reminded what a phony she is.

Which made me look up that actor("Phony" dude) and he's the same guy who plays Grumpy on Once Upon A Time. Woah. Hillary's phoniness pays off.


Iowa, NH, and SC are for killing off the campaigns that haven't built a functioning campaign organization.

But winning them can keep such a campaign afloat for a bit longer, Huckabee and Santorum are two great examples actually.

March 1st should handle those this time around.

^agreed. The field will mostly certainly be narrowed considerably once super tuesday is over on March 1. I expect Bush Walker and maybe either Rubio or Paul as the final 3.


The way the primaries are setup this cycle (and potentially going forward) you need to have a national campaign to survive March. But you won't need one to get through February.

2008 went batshit on February 5th.

Only Iowa will have happened by then this cycle.

Texas being on March 1st is going to be brutal for the GOP especially. (Also Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia among others.)

Then March 15th is the murderer's row: Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio.
Weird things about GOP candidates.

One of them is an "anchor baby"

One read foreclosure listings for fun.

One of them participated in an exorcism.

One of them said "we need 100 more like Jesse Helms in the US Senate."

One is a college drop-out and another went Princeton undergrad and Harvard law.

At least three of them are Catholic but all three won't listen to scientists or the Pope on the topic of climate change (I guess they listen to their fossil fuel campaign donors).

Only two of them have served in the military . . . and one of those is often accused of being gay.

Three (3) of them are the sons of ministers . . . that's pretty weird. One is an actual minister.


Psch, Graham was a judge advocate in the Chair Force, that counts about as much as W. Bush's.

Also, to be fair, like two guys are responsible for 60% of your list.


Weird things about GOP candidates.

One is a college drop-out

Why do people make this a thing? It shouldn't matter. And it comes off as horribly elitist.

Besides, one could flip it around and say that all the degrees in the Wisconsin Democratic Party didn't save them from getting their ass handed to them. Thrice.

Don't make it personal. Better instead to focus on his performance.


Statement from Donald J. Trump:

I don’t see how there is any room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the statement I made on June 16th during my Presidential announcement speech. Here is what I said, and yet this statement is deliberately distorted by the media:

“When Mexico (meaning the Mexican Government) sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you (pointing to the audience). They’re not sending you (pointing again). They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people! But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people. It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.”

What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc. This was evident just this week when, as an example, a young woman in San Francisco was viciously killed by a 5 time deported Mexican with a long criminal record, who was forced back into the United States because they didn’t want him in Mexico. This is merely one of thousands of similar incidents throughout the United States. In other words, the worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican government. The largest suppliers of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs are Mexican cartels that arrange to have Mexican immigrants trying to cross the borders and smuggle in the drugs. The Border Patrol knows this. Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world. On the other hand, many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally. I am proud to say that I know many hard working Mexicans—many of them are working for and with me…and, just like our country, my organization is better for it.

The Mexican Government wants an open border as long as it’s a ONE WAY open border into the United States. Not only are they killing us at the border, but they are killing us on trade … and the country of Mexico is making billions of dollars in doing so.

I have great respect for Mexico and love their people and their peoples’ great spirit. The problem is, however, that their leaders are far smarter, more cunning, and better negotiators than ours. To the citizens of the United States, who I will represent far better than anyone else as President, the Mexican government is not our friend…and why should they be when the relationship is totally one sided in their favor on both illegal immigration and trade. I have pointed this out during my speeches and it is something Mexico doesn’t want me to say. In actuality, it was only after my significant rise in the polls that Univision, previously my friend, went ballistic. I believe that my examples of bad trade deals for the United States was of even more concern to the Mexican government than my talk of border security.

I have lost a lot during this Presidential run defending the people of the United States. I have always heard that it is very hard for a successful person to run for President. Macy’s, NBC, Serta and NASCAR have all taken the weak and very sad position of being politically correct even though they are wrong in terms of what is good for our country. Univision, because 70% of their business comes from Mexico, in my opinion, is being dictated to by the Mexican Government. The last thing Mexico wants is Donald Trump as President in that I will make great trade deals for the United States and will have an impenetrable border--only legally approved people will come through easily.

Interestingly, Univision has just announced they are attempting to go public despite very poor and even negative earnings, which is not a good situation for a successful IPO or high stock price—not to mention that I am currently suing them for breach of contract. Remember, Univision is the one who began this charade in the first place, and they are owned by one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest backers. After the speech was made, there were numerous compliments and indeed, many rave “reviews”—there was very little criticism. It wasn’t until a week after my announcement that people started to totally distort these very easy to understand words. If there was something stated incorrectly, it would have been brought up immediately and with great enthusiasm.

The issues I have addressed, and continue to address, are vital steps to Make America Great Again! Additionally, I would be the best jobs President that God ever created. Let’s get to work!
TRUMP 2016
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