Clinton corruption isn't D.C. corruption like say, the Reagan/Bush Administrations were filled with. Clinton corruption is old timey local machine politics corruption driven to a national level. Tammany Hall, Pendergrast, Cook County, Huey Long, etc.
It's comparatively small level, but relatively endless, amounts of graft, record destroying, a "culture" that leads to minor things looking bigger than they are because of the cover ups of all sorts of small level corruption, etc. vs. major level scandal like Iran-Contra. That's why the GOP blundered with the impeachment, perjury and obstruction of justice ain't no thing when the "crime" is so small.
Like the FBI files, or the pardons, or stuff surrounding Cisneros, or the Chinese fundraising, or the Clintons taking White House gifts as personal property. It adds up, and when they try to cover it up, it looks worse than it probably is, like with the e-mails. Or the Lewinsky affair. But ultimately, independently, none of it is big enough to get a rise out of anyone.
Ironically, this is why so much of it gets prosecuted in comparison. It's why Libby got tagged on unrelated charges in the investigation, while the actual Plame "leaker", Richard Holbrooke, had nothing happen to him.