So going over the court order, the follow districts have to be redrawn:
FL-5 (D, Corrine Brown, D+16)
FL-13 (R, David Jolly, R+1)
FL-14 (D, Kelly Castor, D+11)
FL-21 (D, Ted Deutch, D+12)
FL-22 (D, Lois Frankel, D+4)
FL-25 (R, Mario Diaz-Balart, R+6)
FL-26 (R, Carlos Curbelo, R+4)
FL-27 (R, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R+2)
Obviously, not just *these* districts will be redrawn, because it will then affect the other districts that surround them, especially the 5th, which touches 6 (!) other districts -- 4, 3, 6, 7, 10, and 11.
Specifically, the court said that districts must be drawn to avoid splitting the
Homestead, meaning it's quite likely Curbelo or Ros-Lehtinen into a more liberal district.
Off the top of my head -- they're going to have to put some of the 14th into the 13th, which will make the 13th more liberal. At least one of the downstate Republicans will get hurt, with possibly two of them depending on how they draw the districts.
Also, when looking over the districts that the 5th touches:
FL-3 (R, Ted Yoho, R+12)
FL-4 (R, Ander Crenshaw, R+17)
FL-6 (R, Ron DeSantis, R+8)
FL-7 (R, John L. Mica, R+4)
FL-10 (R, Daniel Webster, R+7)
You sort of have to pick your poison here if you're the legislature. The 7th is already trending away from Republicans demographically, so that might be a lost cause to salvage. A Jacksonville district would be very competitive for anyone.
Dunno. This is easily a two-three seat loss for the GOP. Which might not be a huge deal in general, but it certainly puts more seats in play than they'd like when it comes time to start looking at a House majority.