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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
wat how



There are no words.

I'm starting to think Trump has a legitimate shot at the nomination.

I am as well. Much rather have him than Walker, that's for sure.
If they do that they risk him running third party, and unless the candidate the GOP puts out is ultra-conservative Trump will get the tea party vote.

At some point someone on the right will mount a coordinated campaign against him.

Whoever it ends up being will probably try to conceal any connections to the party establishment, but the bread crumbs will be there.


I'm starting to think Trump has a legitimate shot at the nomination.

Nah. His lead is due to a mix of name recognition, media attention and, crucially, the size of the Republican field. When there's 20 people in the race, you can be on top with 20% even if the other 80% thinks you're an asshole (they don't, but it's close).

Once it's down to Trump and another guy, the other guy will win.


No Scrubs
At some point someone on the right will mount a coordinated campaign against him.

Whoever it ends up being will probably try to conceal any connections to the party establishment, but the bread crumbs will be there.

If Trump even thinks he's being forced out he will run 3rd party. Guaranteed.
Nah. His lead is due to a mix of name recognition, media attention and, crucially, the size of the Republican field. When there's 20 people in the race, you can be on top with 20% even if the other 80% thinks you're an asshole (they don't, but it's close).

Once it's down to Trump and another guy, the other guy will win.
There was a poll recently that had him at 28% support - granted this was before the McCain comments but he seems to have a much higher ceiling than people are giving him credit for.

If he comes out of the first debate looking good to GOP voters he could take the race.
There was a poll recently that had him at 28% support - granted this was before the McCain comments but he seems to have a much higher ceiling than people are giving him credit for.

If he comes out of the first debate looking good to GOP voters he could take the race.

No, he's not. We saw similar candidates rise and fall in 2012. Trump has no agenda outside of himself, he isn't meeting with voters or doing stump speeches or just about anything but talk to the media. He won't win a single state and will more than likely drop out after March's Super Tuesday. We're all looking forward to the debates and I fully expect him to embarrass himself.
The John McCain & Mitt Romney moderate backlash is real.

The base wants the brashest loudest obnoxious a-hole. And right now, that is Trump.

To some degree, I think the heavy Gerrymandering is back-firing on them. They are so successful at electing fire-breathers into the House of Representatives that they don't see why they can't just elect a fire-breathing nutter into the White House. The big victories in the mid-term elections give them a false sense of popularity.

If Trump crashes & burns, I wonder if some other nutter will replace him . . Cruz, Santorum, Ben Carson, Huckabee are possible . . . but probably Scott Walker.

And none of this really matters because all of them would lose in the general.


No Scrubs
No, he's not. We saw similar candidates rise and fall in 2012. Trump has no agenda outside of himself, he isn't meeting with voters or doing stump speeches or just about anything but talk to the media. He won't win a single state and will more than likely drop out after March's Super Tuesday. We're all looking forward to the debates and I fully expect him to embarrass himself.

So do I, but he's exactly the kind of candidate the tea party has been looking for. He's not going to go anywhere, I agree, but dismissing him outright is silly too. If he does well at the debate, which isn't impossible given the idiots he'd be debating and the crowd he'd be appealing to, he could very well be off to the races.

This just feels different than something like last time's constant rise and fall. I can't exactly put my finger on it, and this isn't just my love for comedy talking.
No, he's not. We saw similar candidates rise and fall in 2012. Trump has no agenda outside of himself, he isn't meeting with voters or doing stump speeches or just about anything but talk to the media. He won't win a single state and will more than likely drop out after March's Super Tuesday. We're all looking forward to the debates and I fully expect him to embarrass himself.
Trump is polling better than any Republican in 2012 at this point and that includes Mitt Romney.


Why? It's another mass shooting that gun control would not have prevented.

Well, he is governor of the state where this happened and running for president and doing very poorly in the polls, just two weeks before the first debate. So just for the sake of attention.
Edit: nvm about riling up the base.


Why? It's another mass shooting that gun control would not have prevented.

What? No.


Mr. Houser was treated in the Phenix City area for an unspecified mental illness in 2008 and 2009, according to Heath Taylor, the sheriff of Russell County, Ala. Court records show that he filed for bankruptcy protection in 2002, and the superintendent of the Louisiana State Police, Col. Michael D. Edmonson, said his finances had been poor; he recently received money from his mother.

Sheriff Taylor said Mr. Houser applied in 2006 for a permit to carry a concealed pistol, but was denied because he had been arrested on an arson charge; it was unclear whether he was convicted. Alabama, however, does not require a permit or license to buy or own a handgun.

If you want to get more technical, maybe this isn't the fault of Louisiana -- we don't know where he bought his guns or how he acquired them, but to brazenly state that gun control couldn't have prevented this is premature at best.


No Scrubs


That is ridiculous. He literally devoured everyone else's support in the few weeks since he entered the race.

The polling for the Dems is equally hilarious, but for different reasons. Bernie is barely beating Biden despite Biden not running or even campaigning. Unless upcoming debates change the dynamic of the race, Hillary is running away with this one.

It seems the GOP is truly embracing their new found recognition as being clowns and going with the leader of the three ring circus.


That is ridiculous. He literally devoured everyone else's support in the few weeks since he entered the race.

The polling for the Dems is equally hilarious, but for different reasons. Bernie is barely beating Biden despite Biden not running or even campaigning. Unless upcoming debates change the dynamic of the race, Hillary is running away with this one.

Biden 2016 motherfuckers



That is ridiculous. He literally devoured everyone else's support in the few weeks since he entered the race.

The polling for the Dems is equally hilarious, but for different reasons. Bernie is barely beating Biden despite Biden not running or even campaigning. Unless upcoming debates change the dynamic of the race, Hillary is running away with this one.

When wasnt she running away with this one lol.
Have we seen anything like this in the past 20 years? I can't remember anything. It's crazy.
And hilarious.
Jeb! still in 2nd, though. If Trump DOES drop, most of his votes go to Jeb, which sucks for everyone else.

If he drops we'll most likely experience the same "anyone but El Jebe!" cycle from last time, before finally settling on him (or walker. 1% difference aint nuthin' to scoff at).


That is ridiculous. He literally devoured everyone else's support in the few weeks since he entered the race.

few believed Trump would actually jump into this race, but look where we are now. everything I ever wanted from a Trump campaign has become reality.

we're living in golden times.
Trump ain't doing shit, he's just a blaggard. People who think there's even an inkling of a third party run are nuts or just having fun; he said he might jump in the 2012 race all the time but no one took that seriously for good reason. He's just gotta ride this out till he can gracefully exit saying that he has "changed the conversation" and "shifted the Republican Party" or whatever. He's not interested in governing, he's interested in being a high-profile candidate; he's never done anything like Reagan's governorship to show he's actually serious.
he's never done anything like Reagan's governorship to show he's actually serious about political service.

Yes, but he's a billionaire. That means he knows how to run stuff, and why should a billionaire settle for anything as small as a state when he knows he can take care of the whole country? After all, far less successful men than him managed to. Heck, a failed actor and a crappy attorney were the best prezes that country ever had!

I'd say that trying to predict what this version of The Donald will do (aside from saying inflamatory stuff) is a bit of a fool's errand. Just relax and enjoy the ride.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
If he drops we'll most likely experience the same "anyone but El Jebe!" cycle from last time, before finally settling on him (or walker. 1% difference aint nuthin' to scoff at).

It's not, but polling already showed Jeb get a ton of "second choice" votes. If Trump leaves, he's the guy.


I dunno.

Trump said some pretty nasty things about Mexican immigrants and then saw his numbers soar; it's hard to imagine many of his supporters feeling very enthustiastic about Jeb "Act of Love" Bush. I still see this race boiling-down to Bush vs AntiBush, and more and more I'm thinking that the GOP base isn't in a mood to have The Establishment Pick shoved down their throats.


Another reason I think we're seeing Trumpmentum is that, in a 24 hour news cycle, he's being treated like the Republican nominee. There's no more oxygen left for anyone else.


No Scrubs
Biden 2016 motherfuckers


Don't gotta convince me brother, if I hear Uncle Joe's trans-am I'm running to it.

Another reason I think we're seeing Trumpmentum is that, in a 24 hour news cycle, he's being treated like the Republican nominee. There's no more oxygen left for anyone else.

This is what's different now, there's no inevitable candidate behind him waiting for Trump to fall. There's no Mitt Romney with infinite money waiting everyone else out. If Trump can capture that air of inevitability, if he can become this round's Mitt Romney, the guy with all the money who can wait everyone else out, then he's got it in the bag. The scary thing is, this isn't impossible.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Trump would probably be a great president. Can you imagine? John boner is the worst boner in the history of being boners. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN I've copyrighted it. Etc
Another reason I think we're seeing Trumpmentum is that, in a 24 hour news cycle, he's being treated like the Republican nominee. There's no more oxygen left for anyone else.
Yeah and Jeb Bush is the only other GOPer with meaningful name recognition, essentially making it between himself and Trump.


Ann Coulter: Donald Trump can win White House as Republican or third-party candidate
Ann Coulter believes that Donald Trump can win the White House by continuing to tap into the electorate’s anger over the nation’s broken immigration system.

Speaking at a collegiate forum hosted by the Eagle Forum, Ms. Counter said Friday that Mr. Trump should not be underestimated.

“I love Trump. I love him, and I think he can win,” Ms. Coulter said. “I think he can win the nomination and I think he can win as a third party.”

Translation: Buy my book!


Just heard on NPC Nightly News that more people support gun rights than gun control.

NRA and GOP won. Innocent children lost.

The Troll also called McConnell a liar.
Please look forward to the Ted Cruz bump.


Why? It's another mass shooting that gun control would not have prevented.

Now confirmed with you being wrong!!


WASHINGTON -- John Russell Houser, the man accused of killing two people and injuring nine at a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, on Thursday, legally obtained the weapon used in the crime and racked up an extensive criminal record in one of the towns where he lived, according to police documents obtained by The Huffington Post.

Houser, 59, took his own life after shooting up a movie theater during a screening of "Trainwreck." Media reports described him as a drifter with a history of mental illness whose criminal record was several decades old.
Houser's criminal record is more extensive than initially reported. In Columbus, Georgia, just one of the towns where he had ties, he racked up at least a dozen charges between 1989 and 2011, including numerous traffic citations, as well as charges for criminal solicitation and stealing political campaign signs.

According to the Lafayette Police Department, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms confirmed through “trace methods” that the shooter legally purchased the firearm in Phenix City, Alabama, in 2014.

But yes. Nothing could've been done to prevent this.
no one but the hard right wing is paying any attention to the email business, and even they will forget about this shit come campaign season.
Yeah, the public got over it pretty long ago and even then it wasn't even massive news. Right wing media blowing it up on a weekly basis is only gonna make people care less.
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