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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Now that Jebby did himself in with the iraq war comments, we should probably start preparing mentally for Trump vs Hillary. Iraq war has hobbled Jeb even before the election warm up began. Completely surprised by how terribly he handled the #1 issue of his campaign. Just fire everyone and start again.
Yeah, crazy as it sounds, Trump could win. I certainly give Trump much better odds than Bush, Cruz, carson, Kasich, Fiorina, graham, Jindal, Gilmore, perry, paul, or pataki. Walker & Rubio still have a shot.
I need 538 analysis of what impact Jeb's horrid campaign is having on his odds if any. Silver gave Jeb like a 35% chance of winning the nom a few weeks ago, but that seems impossibly high. Terrible politician.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I cannot believe that his advisers told him to run with the warhawk/brother's accomplishments platform. Only the hardest of the right would go for that.

That family must have a massive ego.
Tester and Franken now support the Iran deal.

I believe with leaners this means Obama only needs four yes votes and the deal will hold.

Btw Alan Grayson is still leaning against the deal. And he's against raising taxes. Hope ErasureAcer will reconsider supporting a DINO like Patrick Murphy who committed the crime of changing parties ever (alongside noted right-wing ideologues such as Elizabeth Warren and Markos Mousilitas).


Tester and Franken now support the Iran deal.

I believe with leaners this means Obama only needs four yes votes and the deal will hold.

Btw Alan Grayson is still leaning against the deal. And he's against raising taxes. Hope ErasureAcer will reconsider supporting a DINO like Patrick Murphy who committed the crime of changing parties ever (alongside noted right-wing ideologues such as Elizabeth Warren and Markos Mousilitas).
God, how I love Al Franken..
I was speaking about the user comments sections, not the actual reporting or editorials.

Ken M is a comment troll






aka andydumi
Yeah, crazy as it sounds, Trump could win. I certainly give Trump much better odds than Bush, Cruz, carson, Kasich, Fiorina, graham, Jindal, Gilmore, perry, paul, or pataki. Walker & Rubio still have a shot.

I wonder how many, if any, donors are giving to Trump? Openly or secretly through PACs.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I wonder how many, if any, donors are giving to Trump? Openly or secretly through PACs.

He just opened his online campaign store today and his site has a donate link.

I'm curious to see numbers as well.


Unconfirmed Member
I wonder how many, if any, donors are giving to Trump? Openly or secretly through PACs.

Who needs donors when you have as solid of a ground game as he does.

And when the hulking vehicle with thick white block letters that spell T-R-U-M-P pulled into a Wal-Mart parking lot in Fort Dodge this week, people flocked to it. It didn’t matter that Donald Trump wasn’t inside. The bus alone — with the “Make America Great Again” slogan extending across its sides — created an irresistible oasis of celebrity politics amid a desert of minivans and shopping carts.

“One hundred people showing up for a staffer? I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Chuck Laudner, a veteran Iowa organizer who oversees Trump’s efforts here. “They kept saying the same thing: They want something different.”

For many Americans, the Trump presidential campaign amounts to a billionaire talking endlessly, and entertainingly, on television. But here in Iowa, it’s another story. Trump is trying to beat the politicians at their own game, building one of the most extensive field organizations in the Republican field.

The groundwork laid by Trump’s sizeable Iowa staff, with 10 paid operatives and growing, is the clearest sign yet that the unconventional candidate is looking beyond his summer media surge and attempting to win February’s first-in-the-nation caucuses.

This is becoming a cause of concern for rival campaigns.

“I see them as a major threat to all the other campaigns because of the aggressiveness of their ground game,” said Sam Clovis, a prominent Iowa conservative who leads former Texas governor Rick Perry’s campaign.

“You cannot swing a dead cat in Iowa and not hit a Trump person,” Clovis continued. “It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. . . . Every event we go to — the Boone County Eisenhower Social, the Black Hawk County Lincoln Dinner, the Boots and Barbecue down in Denison — the Trump people are everywhere with literature and T-shirts and signing people up.

“The Trump bus will pull into an empty parking lot and just be there on the main drag, like the little town of Le Mars, ‘the ice cream capital of the world.’ . . . People will pull over, go sign up. They’ll get 50 people in an hour and go to another town. That happens all over the state.”
I wonder how long we'll have to wait to hear reports of Jeb donors defecting to other candidates.

There was talk a couple months ago about it, specifically donors being wooed to Rubio. I think the rumblings will return ("Bush Donors Anxious About xyz" stories) but nothing concrete will happen until the primaries begin. I'd bet money that Bush won't finish in the top three in Iowa. He should do well in NH but I don't see him winning there either. SC will be a loss too. If he can't win Nevada I expect that his campaign will begin to freefall, he'll go hyper negative, etc. That's where I expect donors to move to Rubio and Walker.


There was talk a couple months ago about it, specifically donors being wooed to Rubio. I think the rumblings will return ("Bush Donors Anxious About xyz" stories) but nothing concrete will happen until the primaries begin. I'd bet money that Bush won't finish in the top three in Iowa. He should do well in NH but I don't see him winning there either. SC will be a loss too. If he can't win Nevada I expect that his campaign will begin to freefall, he'll go hyper negative, etc. That's where I expect donors to move to Rubio and Walker.
Jeb Bush with a shit-ton of money and nothing to lose? Oh man..
Tester and Franken now support the Iran deal.

I believe with leaners this means Obama only needs four yes votes and the deal will hold.

Btw Alan Grayson is still leaning against the deal. And he's against raising taxes. Hope ErasureAcer will reconsider supporting a DINO like Patrick Murphy who committed the crime of changing parties ever (alongside noted right-wing ideologues such as Elizabeth Warren and Markos Mousilitas).

Whooa, what??? Al Grayson is against? Why?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Just read a ludicrous article on Huffpo about how Trump isn't actually running for president and will drop out of the race before he wins.

Dumb, dumb article.


Professional Schmuck
Catching up here but if you're worried about Hillary's chances in any way it's only because you're too close to the day-to-day political minutiae.

Zoom way way way out and this is as obvious a thing as Romney getting smushed or Obama beating McCain. Diablos on, my friends.
Because he's bought and sold by various lobbies including AIPAC.

In his defense he's only on record as leaning against so he could very well support it, but he still has troubling viewpoints on other issues. And he's an asshole.

Grayson has been consistently wrong on Israel but progressive on so many other things. I feel very lucky to have him as my congressman and am likely to volunteer for his upcoming US Senate campaign in Florida.

He recieved $7,500 in contributions from AIPAC. Hardly bought and paid for. Much, much less than reps and senators in both parties.

He's an asshole, how?


Grayson has been consistently wrong on Israel but progressive on so many other things. I feel very lucky to have him as my congressman and am likely to volunteer for his upcoming US Senate campaign in Florida.

He's an asshole, how?

I hope he loses. If he wins, say goodbye to a senate seat pickup for the Democrats.
AI Gore might want to jump in, probably not true though.


Supporters of Al Gore have begun a round of conversations among themselves and with the former vice president about his running for president in 2016, the latest sign that top Democrats have serious doubts that Hillary Clinton is a sure thing.

I don't know why some people are thinking jumping in late even with Hillary's numbers not looking to good in their perspective. It seems really dumb to jump in so late with no infrastructure or PACs setup. I don't know if Democratic officials are being wimpy and desperate or it just rumors.


Why? Murphy isn't that great of a candidate. I'll support him if he's the nominee but I think Grayson could carry the state.

No one should be cheering for Alan Grayson. There are accomplished swing state progressive Senators (see: Sherrod Brown), but Grayson is a gaffe prone moron who's a huge liability in the general.

If you're going to nominate a progressive, nominate someone who can actually win and who's a good candidate. Not Alan Grayson. Bleh.

Grayson sucks.

^This is why.


Those aren't good reasons.

and look at what being outspoken like that has done for Trump.

In swing state FL? absolutely not.

You can't run people like Grayson in certain environments especially in a statewide race and boy is FL one of them. Grayson is full of skeletons.
Y'know, that Biden thread might just have made an interesting point: as far as debating is concerned, dude is probably the best politician to shut Trump down hard.
Those aren't good reasons.

and look at what being outspoken like that has done for Trump.
I don't think Democrats should reward Trump-like behavior. You can go negative on Republicans without accusing them of being part of the Taliban like Grayson did in 2010. Furthermore he has a ton of personal baggage with his wife and offshore tax accounts and he's against raising taxes for the wealthy while running in a R+2-3 state. Dude's a disaster waiting to happen if he made it to the general election.

Murphy has been fine. The only issue he's stepped out of line on is Keystone. But you know what? Politically it's a winner and it didn't go through anyway. He represents a conservative district but won easily in 2014. Grayson on the other hand was only swept in on a wave, lost miserably in 2010 (second worst performance of any incumbent I believe) and is only in office now because redistricting created an Orlando-based district which will safely elect a liberal Democrat forever.

To sum up there is a huge electability gap and Grayson is not even that liberal and also a dick.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
A huge LOL to the idea of Gore running again. That guy is damaged goods in the public eye. No way he'd have any chance.

Bring on Diamond Joe Biden.
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