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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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The question is whether the people who are likely to be influenced by Hillary's 'scandals' are the kind of people who might actually vote for her. They could chant emails and Benghazi from now until the day of the election, but if the only people who care are Republican voters, it doesn't actually matter. Plus, I find it hard to believe that her big negatives are going to outweigh the big negatives of whoever the Republican nominee is with respect to independent voters.


Black Lives Matter Interrupt Jeb Bush Rally

Activists chanting "Black Lives Matter" ended Jeb Bush's town hall event in North Las Vegas Wednesday night as the former governor wrapped up a question and answer session.

Bush met privately with members of the Black Lives Matter movement prior to the scheduled town hall, according to his campaign, although they would not confirm if the activists who interrupted Bush were the same activists he had met with.

In response to a question about racial injustice earlier in the event, Bush said, "We have serious problems and these problems have gotten worse in the last few years. Communities, people no longer trust the basic institutions in our society that they need to trust to create, to make things work."

Would love a video of this.


I think Hillary's "boringness" is overstated. She's not as charismatic as Bill or Obama, but she's a reasonably successful politician in her own right.

Absolutely this. The fact that she isn't as naturally charismatic as het husband and predecessor is her disadvantage. But she's much better than Gore (circa 2000), Kerry or Romney (to name but a few people she's been unfairly compared to).

Plus, the Republican bench is worse. The only Republican candidate that possible has a bit more charisma than Hillary (besides Trump, who is, well, Trump) is Rubio.

Also: the Republican circus has taken the spotlight away from Hillary and I think her campaign is fine with that for now. The side effect is that it allows her opponents to negatively define her. Once she gets back in the spotlight, people will remember that, for whatever faults she has, she's absolutely not the calculating, cold harpy she's being portrayed as. Her numbers will bounce back a bit -- and "a bit" is all they need to bounce back for her to win.


Pot legalization will be on the Ohio ballot this fall.

Too bad the plan sucks and I'll probably end up voting against it.
You shouldn't.
The difficult part is getting it legal, fixing the details later is easier.

Also in my mind, not having people arrested, hassled and in some case have their lives ruined over pot is a very important goal, and even if you end up with a crony semi-monopolistic marijuana market it will still be worth it (I mean it's pot, it's not the most important market economically).


Note that the Ohio initiative will be on the ballot this November, so 'bringing a lot of Dems to the polls' isn't helping Hillary.


I'd like to preface this with the notion that I'm a Hillary supporter and still think she is far and away the favorite to win the Democratic nomination. That being said...

What do you all think the chances are that something incriminating is found on the server that was handed over? What are the odds that emailgate drags out, in full force, throughout next year?

I'm not Diablosing, I swear...

Okay, I'm starting to Diablos just a little bit...


I'd like to preface this with the notion that I'm a Hillary supporter and still think she is far and away the favorite to win the Democratic nomination. That being said...

What do you all think the chances are that something incriminating is found on the server that was handed over? What are the odds that emailgate drags out, in full force, throughout next year?

I'm not Diablosing, I swear...

Okay, I'm starting to Diablos just a little bit...
Honestly, I don't think she would've handed it over without being damn sure that it's fine, or that any thing that they do find is incredibly unimpressive, to the point where voters go, "really? All this drama for that? Seems like another load of Republican bullshit.."

Or, perhaps a more sinister explanation: she used this time to have experts "scrub" it of certain materials so that the government's digital forensics experts couldn't find anything of interest there. (Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about servers, so this could be a laughable idea for all I know.)


I'd like to preface this with the notion that I'm a Hillary supporter and still think she is far and away the favorite to win the Democratic nomination. That being said...

What do you all think the chances are that something incriminating is found on the server that was handed over? What are the odds that emailgate drags out, in full force, throughout next year?

I'm not Diablosing, I swear...

Okay, I'm starting to Diablos just a little bit...

I don't think she will be charged in anything. She is not stupid. No one is saying that but Republicans obviously. What is does however is feed into the narrative of her honesty and untrustworthy numbers. The idea that she set up this private server for personal gain for x y and z reasons is unsettling to people as well as the possible security ramifications of it all. No matter what she does in terms of the email scandal is going to please everyone. It looks bad no matter what she does. She just has to ride it out and hope for the best. She has no other options. Don't get me wrong she can still win the nomination and have a chance in the general but this scandal does not help in the long term the longer the media persist on it. She admittingy brought this on herself by not using a public email but its too late to do over.

Nate Cohn:

The issue with Mrs. Clinton’s email account and server doesn’t yet rise to the level of the scandals counted in the studies on House elections. But the possibility that the investigation will take a new turn can’t be ruled out. That’s the real danger for Mrs. Clinton, not her sagging ratings.
I don't think she will be charged in anything. She is not stupid. No one is saying that but Republicans obviously. What is does however feeds into the narrative of her honesty and untrustworthy numbers. The idea that she set up this private server for personal gain for x y and z reasons is unsettling to people as well as the possible security ramifications of it all.

What about the mainstream liberal media misreporting every facet of this story. Surely that can't help.


I don't think she will be charged in anything. She is not stupid. No one is saying that but Republicans obviously. What is does however feeds into the narrative of her honesty and untrustworthy numbers. The idea that she set up this private server for personal gain for x y and z reasons is unsettling to people as well as the possible security ramifications of it all.

I'm not as worried about the long term narrative that it feeds because, if there really isn't anything newsworthy coming out of the server handoff, this should bolster her claims about the GOP overreaching. Given the time this is happening (early pre-primary season), most of the major furor should pass come the primaries if nothing is found

I am starting to worry about the curve balls being thrown that are outside of her control and how the subsequent reporting misconstrues the news. I don't think the Clinton camp saw the Intelligence IG arriving at the top secret finding and the degree to which that has been misreported (especially on Fox, they ignore the fact that despite the IG's claims, the State Department didn't classify the material until later) certainly is playing into the short term narrative about the possible illegality of it all.

Mike M

Nick N
As long as Hillary can refrain from making up shit like saying she landed in Bosnia under sniper fire this cycle, she'll do fine.
Did she have a choice?

Edit: I don't know why I watch Fox News. They were reporting that she was "ordered' to do it.

Andrew Napolitano has been at National Enquirer level during this whole email thing. I have no idea how that man even got through law school (though we've seen that not all lawyers are very smart, see Michelle Bachman and some others), let alone became a judge.


I'm not as worried about the long term narrative that it feeds because, if there really isn't anything newsworthy coming out of the server handoff, this should bolster her claims about the GOP overreaching. Given the time this is happening (early pre-primary season), most of the major furor should pass come the primaries if nothing is found

I am starting to worry about the curve balls being thrown that are outside of her control and how the subsequent reporting misconstrues the news. I don't think the Clinton camp saw the Intelligence IG arriving at the top secret finding and the degree to which that has been misreported (especially on Fox, they ignore the fact that despite the IG's claims, the State Department didn't classify the material until later) certainly is playing into the short term narrative about the possible illegality of it all.

That is a valid concern but all we can do is hope that her team unlike in 08 is better equipped to handle the media and panicked supporters on these stories. This will not be the last story on the email or any other new story that pops up between now and November 2016. It is the sacrifice we take for putting every thing in Hillary Clinton's basket knowing her and her husband's incredible political and private past. They are complicated people.

Chris Calizza gave a good guide on where we go from here in terms of email:

Where does the story go from here? Clinton hopes nowhere. But, keep an eye on the following:

1. Does the State Department turn over more of the 30,000 Clinton work-related e-mails to the intelligence community's inspector general? So far, he has reviewed 40 of Clinton's e-mails and found that four contained classified information: that's 10 percent of a very small sample.

2. How many more -- if any -- e-mails show that Clinton was sending or receiving classified information via her e-mail server? And, was any of that information classified at the time she received or sent it? Did she know? If not, why not?

3. Will any of the more than 31,000 e-mails that were deleted off of the server after being determined to be private and personal be recovered? According to an expert on e-mail recovery that our own Philip Bump talked to this spring, there is a 90 to 95 percent
chance those deleted e-mails could be recovered "if no other steps were taken to go in and otherwise make the data inaccessible." That last part we don't know yet -- were any other steps taken to ensure the e-mails could not be recovered -- but presumably we will get some answers once the Justice Department begins to look at the server. The bigger question is whether there are legal reasons to try to recover the the 31,000 deleted e-mails. If those are recovered and examined, it's hard to imagine this story doesn't go from bad to worse for Clinton.

There's simply no way to see these latest development in the long-running e-mail story as anything but bad news for Clinton. The turning-over of her private server not only takes control of its contents out of her hands but also likely ensures this story will be in the news for far longer than she'd like.


Andrew Napolitano has been at National Enquirer level during this whole email thing. I have no idea how that man even got through law school (though we've seen that not all lawyers are very smart), let alone became a judge.

It's weird that you say that. Because I was just reading one of his articles about Hillary Clinton. And a third of the article was just retractions and apologies for the mistakes he made in a previous article and I'm guessing in another few months he'll probably have to do the same again.
Note that the Ohio initiative will be on the ballot this November, so 'bringing a lot of Dems to the polls' isn't helping Hillary.


California is supposedly going to have one in 2016 . . . not that the Dem needs the help. Well maybe this Ohio 2015 should get voted down so they can create a good one for 2016.
You'd think whoever was organizing this thing would be smarter than that.

Well, one of the organizers is Nick Lachey, so...


California is supposedly going to have one in 2016 . . . not that the Dem needs the help. Well maybe this Ohio 2015 should get voted down so they can create a good one for 2016.

That's what I'm hoping. I think we can get a better initiative put together in 2016.

Also, if the vote is super close but the measure goes down, I have a tiny glimmer of hope that our Republican-dominated General Assembly might actually take up the issue of legalization themselves before it goes to the ballot again. I'm not betting on it, but I wouldn't be totally shocked by it.


Another leaked PP video.

Not looking good or them. Just adds more fuel to congress.

All the other ones seemed fine other than some language PP wouldn't have been using if they knew they were being filmed. This one, if true, is not looking too good.


Is this any less manipulative and misleading than the other 20 videos they released so far?

Cause if so I wouldn't really worry.

It's an interview with a former employee of what, if I understand correctly, is a PP partner. She claims PP was taking fetuses without patient consent.
Yahoo is a bunch of trolls.

WSJ is presumably a bunch of well to do people exposing some of the most despicable opinions I've ever seen. The whole editorial section is disgusting. So much dog whistle politics. It's almost unfathomable how much dog whistling they do.

Yahoo has Ken M though

I was speaking about the user comments sections, not the actual reporting or editorials.
It's an interview with a former employee of what, if I understand correctly, is a PP partner. She claims PP was taking fetuses without patient consent.

Don't the always take them? I'm pretty sure they do. My one friend in college's girlfriend had to have an abortion and she wanted the fetus back....to keep in a jar. Glossing over that, they told her they don't return fetal tissue for any reason. The permission is implicit in voluntarily having the procedure.


Unconfirmed Member
Another leaked PP video.

Not looking good or them. Just adds more fuel to congress.

How is an interview with an ex-employee a "leaked video"?

Anyhow, it's not even from a person that worked for planned parenthood, and both PP and the company she did work for completely deny everything she said, making it her word against theirs.

I'm sure the PP haters will take her words over theirs, but there's no way this will convert anyone that wasn't already converted.
Jeb Bush on Thursday said "taking out Saddam Hussein turned out to be a pretty good deal" but then said he didn't want to get into hypotheticals about what would've happened had the U.S. (under his brother) not invaded in 2003.

This guy suffers from foot in mouth disease.

Taking out Saddam turned out to be a good deal? Frankly, I don't think it was worth the thousands of American lives, Iraqi lives, and trillions of dollars it cost, loss of region stability, rise of ISIS and Iran (to an extent). I don't think it was a good deal. I don't most Americans would say "yeah, taking Saddam out turned out to be a good deal for the US and the world."

Not to say Saddam wasn't a piece of shit who deserved to rot in hell, but that's not the issue.
Hey, a dead Saddam Hussein.

And all it took was billions and billions of dollars and thousands and thousands of dead people.

Fucking awesome deal. A real Black Friday special.


Don't the always take them? I'm pretty sure they do. My one friend in college's girlfriend had to have an abortion and she wanted the fetus back....to keep in a jar. Glossing over that, they told her they don't return fetal tissue for any reason. The permission is implicit in voluntarily having the procedure.

The distinction being disposal vs. "sold" for scientific research. They're supposed to get consent.
Another leaked PP video.

Not looking good or them. Just adds more fuel to congress.
Gotta hand it to the fucking assholes, releasing the videos in drips is smart. Keeps it in the news, makes PP look like endless excuse makers, the excuses keep having to grow, etc.

Perhaps some left people need to start doing this sleazy tactic. Well...many already did and the right outlawed it (Ag-gag laws).


What about the mainstream liberal media misreporting every facet of this story. Surely that can't help.

Fox and the GOP are laughing it to the bank. The so called-liberal media set Hillary up as this inevitable, invincible candidate to follow Obama, creating the narrative nation-wide. The GOP purposefully took advantage of this to mount their attack: the Benghazi smear campaign ("worst secretary of state of all time") and the private-e-mail server drama ("can't be trusted, excises poor judgement"). The Liberal media ate it up and then some. Hype her up high, bring her down just as fierce.

GOP: "Tell me more about how bad you want Hillary liberal establishment - I am all ears".

Fact is they're only as liberal as their clicks and ratings. The so called liberal media in the states suffers from the prisoners dilemma compared to say, Fox.
How is an interview with an ex-employee a "leaked video"?

Anyhow, it's not even from a person that worked for planned parenthood, and both PP and the company she did work for completely deny everything she said, making it her word against theirs.

I'm sure the PP haters will take her words over theirs, but there's no way this will convert anyone that wasn't already converted.

Hasn't recent polling suggested this is a losing issue for them to push?
This guy suffers from foot in mouth disease.

Taking out Saddam turned out to be a good deal? Frankly, I don't think it was worth the thousands of American lives, Iraqi lives, and trillions of dollars it cost, loss of region stability, rise of ISIS and Iran (to an extent). I don't think it was a good deal. I don't most Americans would say "yeah, taking Saddam out turned out to be a good deal for the US and the world."

Not to say Saddam wasn't a piece of shit who deserved to rot in hell, but that's not the issue.
Lately I've been badly hoping Bush is the GOP nominee. He'll have to defend both his own legacy and his brother's.
Now that Jebby did himself in with the iraq war comments, we should probably start preparing mentally for Trump vs Hillary. Iraq war has hobbled Jeb even before the election warm up began. Completely surprised by how terribly he handled the #1 issue of his campaign. Just fire everyone and start again.
This guy suffers from foot in mouth disease.

Taking out Saddam turned out to be a good deal? Frankly, I don't think it was worth the thousands of American lives, Iraqi lives, and trillions of dollars it cost, loss of region stability, rise of ISIS and Iran (to an extent). I don't think it was a good deal. I don't most Americans would say "yeah, taking Saddam out turned out to be a good deal for the US and the world."

Not to say Saddam wasn't a piece of shit who deserved to rot in hell, but that's not the issue.
What a fucking idiot. I think he is subconsciously trying to kill his campaign. Or he surrounded himself with so many W advisors that refuse to admit that they fucked up. Badly.
This guy suffers from foot in mouth disease.

Taking out Saddam turned out to be a good deal? Frankly, I don't think it was worth the thousands of American lives, Iraqi lives, and trillions of dollars it cost, loss of region stability, rise of ISIS and Iran (to an extent). I don't think it was a good deal. I don't most Americans would say "yeah, taking Saddam out turned out to be a good deal for the US and the world."

Not to say Saddam wasn't a piece of shit who deserved to rot in hell, but that's not the issue.
I mean the ads write for themselves. 5k Americans dead, million injured, millions more Iraqis dead and the entire region now destabilized. Jeb calls this "a good deal"

Its over
The world and Iraq would be better off if Saddam was still in power.

Gotta imagine W is watching all of this and shaking his head. Say what you will about W, he was very firm in his decisions whereas Jeb walks back 50% of his statements. He sounds like a political amateur...
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