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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Your arguments are stronger if you pass on the chance to use a one liner to point out how you #rekt the opposition.

Well, not really. One just looks like less of a dick when one does that.
No political related but does anyone else love watching gaming side get upset when someone makes fun of video games (kimmel skit)

relax, its late night comedy


Yes, because her wealthy backers have the interests of the majority of Americans at heart.

You know she's not running a 50-state campaign either. More lies.
Not a 50-state campaign yet, sure. It's currently a 46-state campaign. FEC filings tell you how the money is spent, you don't even need to conspiracy theory.

Also, how's that state-counting for Bernie doing for you? You were pretty stupid to try and count states when you should have been counting delegates, man. Come back when you can do math and then you can talk about how you're laying supposed smackdowns.

Alternatively you can find a picture of the US and eyeball with your own oh-so-accurate vision how many delegates Bernie is going to have.
Come back when you can do math and then you can talk about how you're laying supposed smackdowns.

No doubt Hillary is going to win the super delegate total. If the Democrats want to shrink their tent by letting party insiders run the show...they'll do so at their own peril.


No doubt Hillary is going to win the super delegate total. If the Democrats want to shrink their tent by letting party insiders run the show...they'll do so at their own peril.

When have they not been running the show? Be happy they are letting Independent Bernie Sanders participate in their primary.


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One America Network


This is legal
I believe, yes?
I know we're going to get some high-quality fanfiction out of this.. right? :p

Donald Trump with 46 of the classiest ladies testing their ability to be winners because after Trump only deals with winners.

1st challenge is designing a wall to keep the losers out of our beloved mansion.

2nd challenge is intelligence based reading the good book (not the bible silly) but "The Art of The Deal"

3rd and final challenge is interviews held by one of the most important woman in Trump's life... Omarosa.

Any other suggestions?
Donald Trump with 46 of the classiest ladies testing their ability to be winners because after Trump only deals with winners.

1st challenge is designing a wall to keep the losers out of our beloved mansion.

2nd challenge is intelligence based reading the good book (not the bible silly) but "The Art of The Deal"

3rd and final challenge is interviews held by one of the most important woman in Trump's life... Omarosa.

Any other suggestions?

President Omarosa could be just one impeachment away if we get President Trump, what a world we could be living in.


Typical NOLA.com comment section. It's going to be amazing if/when she wins.
I'm actually off from work that day, and would be very tempted to go.
(Bill's in town tomorrow for K10, too! He and/or Carville and/or Brazille alway seem to get together whenever he's here..)

Donald Trump with 46 of the classiest ladies testing their ability to be winners because after Trump only deals with winners.

1st challenge is designing a wall to keep the losers out of our beloved mansion.

2nd challenge is intelligence based reading the good book (not the bible silly) but "The Art of The Deal"

3rd and final challenge is interviews held by one of the most important woman in Trump's life... Omarosa.

Any other suggestions?
I've never seen The Bachelor or The Apprentice, so I can't draw on any knowledge base for writing this.. but I'd like to see some sort of Double-Dare physical challenge. Either that, or an obstacle course from Most Extreme Elimination Challenge.


Typical NOLA.com comment section. It's going to be amazing if/when she wins.
I'm actually off from work that day, and would be very tempted to go.
(Bill's in town tomorrow for K10, too! He and/or Carville and/or Brazille alway seem to get together whenever he's here..)

I've never seen The Bachelor or The Apprentice, so I can't draw on any knowledge base for writing this.. but I'd like to see some sort of Double-Dare physical challenge. Either that, or an obstacle course from Most Extreme Elimination Challenge.

Bill won the state twice unless they thought he was a crook too. No doubt Hillary will be rolling out the Louisiana endorsements.
Typical NOLA.com comment section. It's going to be amazing if/when she wins.
I'm actually off from work that day, and would be very tempted to go.
(Bill's in town tomorrow for K10, too! He and/or Carville and/or Brazille alway seem to get together whenever he's here..)

I've never seen The Bachelor or The Apprentice, so I can't draw on any knowledge base for writing this.. but I'd like to see some sort of Double-Dare physical challenge. Either that, or an obstacle course from Most Extreme Elimination Challenge.

Just make them all run the Wipeout course. They'd leave with at least as much dignity as they will at the end of the primary campaign.
I've never seen The Bachelor or The Apprentice, so I can't draw on any knowledge base for writing this.. but I'd like to see some sort of Double-Dare physical challenge. Either that, or an obstacle course from Most Extreme Elimination Challenge.

Okay... an additional challenge will be to climb Trump Mountain (get your minds out of the gutters if you thought I meant space mountain woooooo :) )

Trump is a giant mountain shaped into the head of our glorious bachelor and they have climb up various pieces of his hair hanging out of place. They each go one at a time and when they get to the top of the mountain. They must fix his hair so that he looks like a winner.


No doubt Hillary is going to win the super delegate total. If the Democrats want to shrink their tent by letting party insiders run the show...they'll do so at their own peril.
Your problem is that you're still bad at math. Hillary is likely going to win the superdelegate AND the delegate total. So being salty over superdelegate count is pointless when she has the popular vote advantage too. Go on, sit down with the 2008 data and come up with a feasible way for Bernie to win what Obama did, without the resources and support Obama had.

If she wins, you will blame everyone but yourself and your choice, of course. That's what a child would do.


Bill won the state twice unless they thought he was a crook too. No doubt Hillary will be rolling out the Louisiana endorsements.
This was the most politically divided I've ever seen my family. The men were all sticking to the Republicans, while the women were all mesmerized by Bill. Fleetwood Mac would start playing on TV, and the dancing would begin; it was unworldly to see the gender gap happen right before my eyes. These women were all Irish Catholic, working class Reagan voters.. and without hesitation they fell to (what the men saw as) the dark side. We definitely had a few interesting Thanksgivings. You could tell that it ate at a few of the men that Clinton won "their" state.

Just make them all run the Wipeout course. They'd leave with at least as much dignity as they will at the end of the primary campaign.
Okay... an additional challenge will be to climb Trump Mountain (get your minds out of the gutters if you thought I meant space mountain woooooo :) )

Trump is a giant mountain shaped into the head of our glorious bachelor and they have climb up various pieces of his hair hanging out of place. They each go one at a time and when they get to the top of the mountain. They must fix his hair so that he looks like a winner.
These two sound almost like a Survivor-type challenge.. I like!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Man, Santorum is such a loser he actually stayed for the overtime panel. If he held any level of importance as a politician he wouldn't have to sit around the set waiting for Rorbacher to give him a ride home.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you. Because it led to some good moments, like Santorum refusing to acknowledge the great Ronald Regan negotiated with Iranian terrorists. The best defense he could muster was that "it was different". Somehow.
Man, Santorum is such a loser he actually stayed for the overtime panel. If he held any level of importance as a politician he wouldn't have to sit around the set waiting for Rorbacher to give him a ride home.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you. Because it led to some good moments, like Santorum refusing to acknowledge the great Ronald Regan negotiated with Iranian terrorists. The best defense he could muster was that "it was different". Somehow.

It WAS different though. We were more interested in funding South American dictators back then! We don't give too much of a shit now.


I'm fascinated by how the language for the Iran deal has changed over the last week or so.

Originally, it was all about Obama getting enough senators to be able to veto the resolution from congress disapproving of the deal. That was the focus, that would be a win for Obama.

Now that it's become apparent they have hit that threshold easily, suddenly according to Politico it's all about avoiding the humiliation of needing to veto at all, and *thats* the battle to be fought all of a sudden. If Obama doesn't get enough senators to stop the resolution passing, he's failed and its embarrassment all round.

It's not often you see the media lines change so obviously around a story like this.
A bit of a commentary on how people around me have been interacting with politics.

Ever since the last presidential election, in 2014, Brazil has been going through a polarization process and, as fate would have it, my parents, being "self-made" 0,01%ers, tend to favour right wing parties.Which is ok, whatever. What's new, however, is that pops, who is pretty much solely responsible for my critical thinking skills, has done something... new.

That something new consists of sharing dank right wing memes he receives on whatsapp. Up to and including stuff like "stories that were pulled from the media by the communists in power". Which consisted, in this particular anecdote, of a column written by a famous political comentator here, recently pulled by the Supreme Electoral Court due to "being a scathing commentary on the prez and their party of thieves".

So ok, we hit google and check how true that is, and it aint, at all. There was a column by the guy that was indeed pulled. Back in 2006, an election year, because it was a column straight shilling for a presidential candidate published right before the election happened, which is something our electoral laws prohibits. And of course it aint the same column that was shared.

So the dank meme is a complete fabrication, and the columnist didn't even write the thing being shared.

Thus we point that out to pops, trying to remind him to check shit before sharing. (i mean, fuck trying to completely change his views, that ain't happening).

And here's where something new happened: dude states that he liked the column he shared and he doesn't care if it's real or fake because he agrees with its contents. Plus it ain't his job to check for the validity of stuff he shares.

... i don't quite know what happened. I don't know what caused this shift in how information is processed by him or what i can do to subtly coax him into a critical thinking track. I'm also appalled at seeing the backfire effect in full display against methodology. No idea how to tackle this, really, or even if it should be tackled.


... i don't quite know what happened. I don't know what caused this shift in how information is processed by him or what i can do to subtly coax him into a critical thinking track. I'm also appalled at seeing the backfire effect in full display against methodology. No idea how to tackle this, really, or even if it should be tackled.
There's not much that can be done, really, short of trying to get him addicted to liberal sites or something. People might trust what they like to hear more than actual reality.

One time my mom said the government was in huge debt because the black people were abusing welfare and social services. I told her more white people are on welfare than black people, and I could gesture to my computer and show her the statistics, but she won't even approach my computer, because she doesn't like PCs. She'd rather trust her radio and tv sources than to try exploring anything on her own.

I told her there was a huge explosion in Tianjin and she was like, that wasn't on my radio news or my WeChat (Chinese Whatsapp, which is pretty much monitored by censors).

You can't coax them into critical thinking. They already think they're thinking critically. They're just choosing to trust something that they prefer to hear so they can continue what they think as wrong is evil.

I mean, have you seen the Bernie threads? It's like Karl Rove, people just create the reality they want.

User 406

... i don't quite know what happened. I don't know what caused this shift in how information is processed by him or what i can do to subtly coax him into a critical thinking track. I'm also appalled at seeing the backfire effect in full display against methodology. No idea how to tackle this, really, or even if it should be tackled.

In a similar vein, I am more like my mother than any other human being on the planet. Her particular blend of logic, reason, stubbornness, and exasperation with things that are obviously wrong were perfectly copied into my brain. However, we seem to be working on almost diametrically opposite premises. She's a hardcore Catholic, I'm an atheist. She's very right wing, I'm super lefty. She makes disgusted noises whenever Bill Clinton shows up on TV, I make disgusted noises when George W. Bush does.

We have had some political "discussions", and we both learned rather quickly that politics is not something we should talk about together.

My advice, just ignore/avoid all that drama, and only engage with him on other subjects. If he persists in wanting to talk about it, just say you aren't interested in discussing politics and bail out. It makes things a lot more peaceful.
My concern lies elsewhere. I am fine with others harboring whatever ideologies they choose. What caused me aggravation is seeing a person that, until recently, used something akin to proper methodology for data validation suddenly deciding that fuckit, i wont bother with that kinda noise anymore if the data that is now given to me is found enjoyable.

That shift was new. And was discussed, and was defended, in those terms. It is not that the person doesn't know how to validate info. It is that they know how, they've often done so before, and they now suddenly decide that they not only will not do it further, but will then also defend their choice of not doing it.

Proportions kept, it's like a longtime scientist suddenly going "fuck the scientific method".

The effects of radicalization, i guess.

Of course the alternative that i'm kinda trying to avoid thinking about is that verification was never present, and i just failed to notice it until now.
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