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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Was gonna criticize selling a coffee mug for 15 usd and aprons for 30, but then took a stroll to Hill's site and saw that she sells tumblers for 20 /lol

Also whoever decided to try to make this a thing should be castrated.
I got caught up reading the Rubio thing that I forgot to check Trump's site, which is what I wanted to do lol

This is probably the worst offender really: Trump 2016 16oz. Cup (Pack of 3)
$20 for 3 SOLO cups


Someone needs to post a topic about the DNC announcing they will be doing joint fundraisers with the Hillary campaign. The salty replies would be glorious.


I am not doing it. Too much salt would get thrown at me.
Funny thing is all the Bernie stans who would throw a fit when they saw it would be fighting against liberal values. Using the Clinton machine to help raise money for congressional Dem candidates is a great thing for left leaning politics.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) plans to tell the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that the party needs an anti-establishment approach to be successful in 2016 elections.

When the presidential candidate speaks at the DNC’s summer meeting Friday in Minneapolis, he will tell them that “if Democrats want to keep the White House and recapture Congress and make gains in statehouses, then establishment politics won't do it,” according to CNN.

He intends to tell Democrats that voters are receptive to an anti-Wall Street message and note that “he is generating excitement and that's what the party needs.”



Excitement will come in time for the likely nominee Hillary.

Funny thing is all the Bernie stans who would throw a fit when they saw it would be fighting against liberal values. Using the Clinton machine to help raise money for congressional Dem candidates is a great thing for left leaning politics.

The DNC giving their vote to a subpar candidate like Hillary over Bernie is to be complicit in their mediocrity. /s


To be fair, these are superdelegate endorsements (some of which aren't even public), not votes. Superdelegates can change their allegiance. And should a different Democrat get the most delegates, many of them will, for fear of looking like they're overturning the will of the voters. This happened quite a bit in 2008.

Of course, superdelegate endorsements aren't worthless: they influence both the narrative and the ground game, so they can certainly act as a deterrent for Biden. But I don't doubt that if Bernie gets the most regular delegates, he'll be the nominee.
He won't.
We are seeing considerable enthusiasm for anti-establishment from both sides of the fence, though. A candidate that could capitalize on that and reach across the aisle would be a viable threat.

Living in a time of intense polarization, then, is a Good Thing if you're part of the status quo.
I don't particularly care whether the gonads are inside or outside the body. Just tear them out.

Ben Carson: There's No War On Women, But On 'What’s Inside Of Women’

"They tell you that there’s a war on women," Carson said while in Little Rock, according to RawStory. "There is no war on women. There may be a war on what’s inside of women, but there is no war on women in this country."

Carson didn't clarify how women and their insides were being separately legislated.


Zimmerman has a shit ton of debt to pay off and he's playing up to his supporters, who happen to be racists. He apparently does art now and sells off pieces at high prices. I get it, really. I'm not saying he's not actually racist, but I get why he's being so bold about it.

OJ was innocent IMO.

Wait what?
Wait what?

I thought the case against him was pretty weak.

It was also pretty shameful and frankly un-American the way police and prosecutors didn't even try to hide their vendetta against him during the Las Vegas thing. No way in hell they would have gone that hard against some random guy involved in a hotel room dispute.


I thought the case against him was pretty weak.

It was also pretty shameful and frankly un-American the way police and prosecutors didn't even try to hide their vendetta against him during the Las Vegas thing.
What about his confession after the fact? You seriously can't think this after he wrote that book.

And he broke the law with the Las Vegas thing. How did his punishment not fit the crime? It was an armed robbery. He did that to himself 100%.

Edit: Hotel room dispute?! It was a armed robbery! What in the world am I reading.



He was getting some stuff back that had been stolen from him. Anyway, the measures prosecutors took against him were a little extreme, IMO. All co-defendants had the opportunity to plead their cases down to probation, and one guy was given total immunity. OJ sentenced to 9-33 years.

All I'm saying is that it's kind of un-American for prosecutors to try to settle the score against an acquitted private citizen. In theory a person who has been acquitted of a crime should be treated no differently from any other person.


He was getting some stuff back that had been stolen from him. Anyway, the measures prosecutors took against him were a little extreme, IMO. All I'm saying is that it's kind of un-American for prosecutors to try to settle the score against an acquitted private citizen.
You realize breaking into a casino with GUNS pointed at people is not how you get stuff back?

They weren't settling a score, his crime was armed fucking robbery. You go to jail a long long time for that. OJ or otherwise.

If OJ didn't want to go to jail maybe he shouldn't be breaking and entering and pointing a gun at someone.

OJ was the one leading the robbery and planned the robbery that's why he got the biggest punishment.
Total immunity for one guy, probation for everyone else, no contact with co-defendants. You can't seriously believe his previous court case had no influence on the prosecutors' strategy there.
Total immunity for one guy, probation for everyone else, no contact with co-defendants. You can't seriously believe his previous court case had no influence on the prosecutors' strategy there.

Of course it did. No one would ever be silly enough to deny that. And yes, it is a shame that we cannot develop a system where each trial would be truly independent from one another.

Alas, it's one of those rare cases where karmic justice seems to have happened. Just world fallacy though it may be.


I just noticed you said he was trying to get back stuff stolen from him. You realize he was forced to give up all his memorabilia when he lost the civil case for the murder since he owed the family's over 33 million dollars? They weren't stolen from him. He lost them from being found guilty of stabbing them to death in the civil case. He has to get rid of all that stuff. Because he was found guilty in the "wrongful stabbing" or however it was worded.

And yes, the previous case clearly had an impact. But he still committed armed robbery. He brought upon the chance to throw the book at him himself.




I might be missing the joke, but just in case, that's the cover the bereaved family put on the book after they won the publication rights in the lawsuit.

The first printing had a bigger if. Although, you know, still a confession, so.


I might be missing the joke, but just in case, that's the cover the bereaved family put on the book after they won the publication rights in the lawsuit.

The first printing had a bigger if. Although, you know, still a confession, so.
I was getting at that the book even exists. I just noticed that the "If" was really small -- but it makes sense that it was because of the bereaved family.


Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

It’s really happening. Tonight, Friday, August 28, Sarah Palin will interview GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump on One America News Network.

What is OANN, you ask? Well, it’s the “fledgeling” conservative news channel that is available on a limited number of cable TV systems and just last week hired Palin to “guest host” its political talk show On Point.

I think I'd die from the sheer freak show.

Also, On Point? Gurl, stop plagiarizing a real talk program.

Guys Jack Remington is a troll.

He popped in the other day to say any questions about clinton's emails from dems were "treason"

then later that FOIA was a "mistake" and a bad law

Every time I think of Sarah Palin I also think of Lisa Ann.
well know we know what Fenderputty does in his free time
We also know what anyone that understood that line does in their free time.

Hey, I was just confused when I wanted to watch a political parody movie

They actually did show the Nailin' Palin movie at my university in their yearly "porn screening" I didn't go but they had ads everywhere... haha



Unfortunately for Republicans, voter demographics are changing. One such change is that white American voters are increasingly voting Republican, and this is creating some pressure to turn the party into something that is genuinely nativist rather than a party unfairly perceived as such. After all, as National Review’s Ramesh Ponnuru recently pointed out, given the vagaries of Electoral College math, Mitt Romney could have done 40 points better among Hispanic voters and still not garnered the votes to win in 2012. By contrast, had Romney done just 4 points better among white voters, the White House would have been his.

For Republican campaign types, the easiest path to victory might appear to be finding ways to stir up white voters. But if white identity politics looks like how the GOP might win the White House in the short term, it’s bad news for America in the long term. The party of Lincoln has been the one that understands our nation’s failures and triumphs are linked to our ability to adhere to the principles of individual liberty above race and class divisions.

Guys Jack Remington is a troll.

He popped in the other day to say any questions about clinton's emails from dems were "treason"

then later that FOIA was a "mistake" and a bad law

Right-wing bloggers have been begging Sanders, O'Malley, etc to start hitting Clinton on Email-ghazi for the past few months. Doing that would be playing right into the right's hands. Sanders would be sabotaging the liberal cause by doing so.

FOIA is nothing but trash.

I'm not a troll, btw. No more than Phoenix Dark, the most knowledgeable policy guy on this forum.
People made too much of that. The "Bush Doctrine" hadn't really been formalized in the common vernacular. In 2008 I considered myself fairly well-read on political issues, and I would have been initially confused if you had asked me about the "Bush Doctrine" without hinting at what it was.
People made too much of that. The "Bush Doctrine" hadn't really been formalized in the common vernacular. In 2008 I considered myself fairly well-read on political issues, and I would have been initially confused if you had asked me about the "Bush Doctrine" without hinting at what it was.

While I think you're probably right, I had a firm understanding of what that meant. I get why a governor might not understand it was referring to pre-emptive war/strikes, and I definitely think it was a gotcha question.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I just noticed you said he was trying to get back stuff stolen from him. You realize he was forced to give up all his memorabilia when he lost the civil case for the murder since he owed the family's over 33 million dollars? They weren't stolen from him. He lost them from being found guilty of stabbing them to death in the civil case. He has to get rid of all that stuff. Because he was found guilty in the "wrongful stabbing" or however it was worded.

And yes, the previous case clearly had an impact. But he still committed armed robbery. He brought upon the chance to throw the book at him himself.

He did bring it on himself. Just like I believe Zimmerman will do the same eventually. However don't forget the reason OJ got off the first time was the fact Fuhrman decided to frame a guilty man by planting false evidence. I always think people forget that police corruption got OJ off for murder. In Zimmerman's case I still say the prosecutor didn't want to prosecute but had to due to the media scrutiny and over charged him from the start to make it easier for him to be found innocent but that's another debate.
People made too much of that. The "Bush Doctrine" hadn't really been formalized in the common vernacular. In 2008 I considered myself fairly well-read on political issues, and I would have been initially confused if you had asked me about the "Bush Doctrine" without hinting at what it was.

Having no idea what the term means, i'll go out on a leg and guess that it is some variant of "bomb them before they bomb us".
People made too much of that. The "Bush Doctrine" hadn't really been formalized in the common vernacular. In 2008 I considered myself fairly well-read on political issues, and I would have been initially confused if you had asked me about the "Bush Doctrine" without hinting at what it was.

When Palin was selected for VP it was initially seen as a daring, exciting, but largely unknown pick by McCain, but Charlie Gibson's interview was the beginning of her being unmasked as someone who was woefully out of her depth. That's why people remember the exchange.
Still surprised no one popped OJ after the trial. I feel the same way about Zimmerman. Seems like it would be so easy to bait him into an armed confrontation and legally blow him away.
I'm seriously surprised no one took out Steve Bartman after he ruined the Cubs' World Series chances. I was certain some crime lord in Chicago was a big enough Cubs fan to order the hit.
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