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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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It is kind of weird that Palin was elected governor.

I mean we got Arnold, but at least he didn't come off as a complete idiot.

Ahnold is very smart and savvy. I actually think he would have done okay in Cali if he had the current legislature; his biggest problem very often were the GOP. After the recession he constantly complained about how the GOP in US Congress refused to increase infrastructure spending (which Obama wanted) and it was killing the recovery. Honestly, don't even know why he considers himself a Republican. He's far closer to Hillary than any single GOP candidate today.

Comparing Palin to Ahnold is a disservice.




Not saying OJ isn't slimy trying to profit off a crime which there's strong evidence he committed, but the fact that the victim's family were able to essentially take his book and rewrite it to say he did it was another level of slime altogether. They jumped right down into the mud with him.


Still surprised no one popped OJ after the trial. I feel the same way about Zimmerman. Seems like it would be so easy to bait him into an armed confrontation and legally blow him away.

That's what Zimmerman claimed happened to him when he returned to Central Florida. He says someone was following him and actually shot into his car during a road rage incident. Only minor injuries though, IIRC.
People made too much of that. The "Bush Doctrine" hadn't really been formalized in the common vernacular. In 2008 I considered myself fairly well-read on political issues, and I would have been initially confused if you had asked me about the "Bush Doctrine" without hinting at what it was.
It was on an AP test I took before 2008

I'm seriously surprised no one took out Steve Bartman after he ruined the Cubs' World Series chances. I was certain some crime lord in Chicago was a big enough Cubs fan to order the hit.

Bill Buckner too

I mean the colombians killed andres escobar


IDK, I think it's less slimy to alert a book written by a man that murdered one of your family members than to murder people. My two cents.

At some point, I've gotta say that you don't get to go after someone forever if they've been acquitted for a crime. Using a civil settlement to essentially try and push a point just seems unethical. I'm not comparing it to the original crime at all.


So the GOP is going nuts because the Democrats are going to filibuster their attempt to reject the Iran deal.


"Harry Reid wants to deny the American people a voice entirely by blocking an up-or-down vote on this terrible deal," said Sen. Tom Cotton, a freshman from Arkansas. "He is obstructing because he is scared. He knows that a majority of Americans and senators oppose this dangerous deal, and that its only chance for survival is if he and the president ram it down the throats of the American people."

I love it. All those congressional wins in 2014 aren't going to amount to dick. They can't pass anything, they can't even force the President to veto anything. Eat shit you stupid assholes.
So the GOP is going nuts because the Democrats are going to filibuster their attempt to reject the Iran deal.


I love it. All those congressional wins in 2014 aren't going to amount to dick. They can't pass anything, they can't even force the President to veto anything. Eat shit you stupid assholes.

Do the Dems have the votes in a straight up or down? I remember wanting filibuster reform when all the obstruction was going on an Harry threatened going nuclear, but it's apparent why he didn't do it. A tool both use to fuck the other when in power.


Unconfirmed Member
Biden's run only hurts everyone. It makes Hillary's email scandal seem more important than it already is by making it look like he's entering to take advantage of that newfound weakness, it takes all eyes off Bernie in news coverage and debates making his fans feel even more alienated by the party than they already do, and it makes Biden waste a ton of money and effort to end his career as a loser.

I really don't get why so many people want to seem him run.
So the GOP is going nuts because the Democrats are going to filibuster their attempt to reject the Iran deal.


I love it. All those congressional wins in 2014 aren't going to amount to dick. They can't pass anything, they can't even force the President to veto anything. Eat shit you stupid assholes.

Can I point out how this entire time I've been right that Congress was never going to stop this deal?


Can I point out how this entire time I've been right that Congress was never going to stop this deal?

Yeah, the way the "disapproval bill" was structured requiring a veto proof majority to reject it meant it was always going to get through. However, being stopped before it ever reaches Obama's desk would be a huge win for him and a huge slap in the face to the deal's opponents.


Well something has changed. Did she go up or did she go down? My guess is down. Why would she go up? The only people she talks to are wealthy fundraisers.

fantastic. She needs all the money she can get. Turnout and ground game operations in 50 states does not pay for itself.
Yeah, the way the "disapproval bill" was structured requiring a veto proof majority to reject it meant it was always going to get through. However, being stopped before it ever reaches Obama's desk would be a huge win for him and a huge slap in the face to the deal's opponents.

Awww ... that makes sense.
Fuck this idiot.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton is "desperate" and "panicked," Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said Friday.

"Her campaign is in a bad shape," the Republican presidential contender told "Fox and Friends," addressing Clinton's Thursday remark that compared Republicans' "extreme views" on women's issues to those of terrorist groups.

The most offensive part of it, Rubio added, is that Clinton and others in her party "won’t call terrorists terrorists, going all the way back to Benghazi and before that, but they call their political opponents terrorists."

"So you’re going to see a lot of this in the weeks to come. They’re in trouble that’s well documented, maybe criminal charges around the corner," Rubio said of the ongoing scandal over the former secretary of state's use of a private email account and server. "She's been exposed as being incompetent, and of course, deceitful, on the handling of emails and so forth."

The word "liar" was the one most associated with Clinton in latest Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday, the show's hosts mentioned.

"Experienced liar is the word cloud if you were to put it together," the senator remarked, after the show displayed a word cloud of the terms registered voters used to describe Clinton in the survey.


I never could stand this childish buffoon.
Hillary: "You would expect to see this [oppressive views on women's health] from terror groups, but not from American politicians."

Very similar to calling the GOP actual terrorists obvs /s


Who cares about Rubio when Hillary actually has a path to the nomiantion.

Democratic elite rally around Hillary Clinton
The front-runner’s campaign overwhelms the competition at the DNC’s cattle-call.
Hillary Clinton delivered a show of force on Friday meant to make one thing abundantly clear to Democratic leaders, Bernie Sanders, and Joe Biden: She is the boss.
Coming off two weeks of breathless speculation about the vice president’s ambitions, Clinton now looks like she’s nearly locked up the support of party elites, something she critically failed to accomplish in 2008.
A phalanx of Clinton’s top aides — including campaign manager Robby Mook, political director Amanda Renteria, and top organizing official Marlon Marshall — worked party influencers at the Democrats’ candidate cattle-call here and at a private happy hour at the W Hotel bar on Thursday night, while trying to calm those with questions about the email controversy. Clinton too met with supporters privately on Thursday night.
And party officials gathered in the hotel’s hallways, conference rooms, and suites responded, delivering a level of enthusiasm for their wounded front-runner that demonstrated to would-be challengers how little space they have to pursue the Democratic establishment.
“This is really about how you put the numbers together to secure the nomination,” Clinton said Friday. “In 2008 I got a lot of votes, but I didn’t get enough delegates. So I think it’s understandable that my focus is going to be on delegates as well as votes this time.”

In a leak coinciding neatly with Clinton’s appearance in Minneapolis, Brooklyn told Bloomberg it has already secured commitments from more than 60 percent of the party’s superdelegates -- those officials and leaders whose support is not tied to primary or caucus tallies. The campaign also says it is briefing the unpledged delegates to firm up support.
It’s not a field-clearing advantage; superdelegates can change allegiances and Clinton was ahead in the delegate count early in the 2008 race too. But it’s significant if it holds.
Underscoring Clinton’s commanding position — and perhaps highlighting the disconnect between party officials and disaffected voters — the Sanders campaign appeared nearly an afterthought through the first two days of the DNC meeting, his supporters’ handwritten signs heavily outnumbered by Clinton t-shirts and bumper stickers until the candidate took the stage to loud cheers on Friday afternoon. Even the senator himself was received coolly at a reception of DNC members the previous night, according to people in the room.
“The DNC meeting in Minneapolis is Clinton country at the moment,” said Kate Gallego, a committee member from Arizona who said even her flight to Minnesota was overrun with Clinton buttons.
Evidence of her support was clear as her standard stump speech was treated by the fired-up audience as if it were a swing-state, general-election rally, interrupted by extended standing ovations.
This, even in the face of polling that’s going from bad to worse and hand-wringing from donors and supporters who’ve been urging the Brooklyn headquarters to find a new approach on the email controversy.
Certainly, Sanders and Biden had their supporters on site. The Vermonter’s senior staff met with delegates and his backers in “join the political revolution” t-shirts worked up a rousing applause when he was first mentioned in front of the Democratic party’s membership on Friday.
Meanwhile the Draft Biden group working to gin up support for the vice president held a handful of meetings with party officials — attracting a few dozen curious members at a time, according to attendees — without registering much of a physical presence. Few were ready to commit to Biden, said Bert Marley, a committeeman from Idaho who went to one of the meetings on Thursday evening, though party members were happy to listen to the presentation.
But many DNC members, who provide the support and infrastructure that can prove critical to a campaign, were outright dismissive of the idea that either challenger could seriously compete as primary season approaches.
“Reality has set in on Biden,” said Texas Democratic Party chairman Gilberto Hinojosa. “It’s just too hard."

And it’s not just a question of electoral math for some Democrats, who bristle at the idea that the vice president could reshape the race the second he chose to get in.
“[Biden] doesn’t reach out to me for seven f---ing years and then he wants me to help him out? I don’t think so,” said Florida committeeman and Clinton backer Jon M. Ausman, lamenting the vice president's lack of party activity compared to Bill Clinton, who invited him to the Lincoln Bedroom as president. “I don’t really give a shit. I don’t care if he gets into the race or not."
Clinton’s full-court press came at the end of a week when her campaign also rolled out an endorsement from Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack — an influential Iowan and colleague of Clinton’s and Biden’s in the cabinet — her main supportive super PAC unveiled its first ad, the political operation invited top fundraisers to Brooklyn headquarters for a briefing with senior staffers, and it told that same group it would start getting regular conference calls with Clinton’s top policy staffer.
“There are a lot of Democrats who worry about this. And you gotta do everything you can to reassure them. The problem is you can do what you did this week, and then the Quinnipiac poll comes out and everyone worries about it,” said veteran party strategist Bob Shrum, who helped lead the presidential campaigns of John Kerry and Al Gore.
So ending a stretch of two weeks when much of the party’s talk was about Biden’s presidential calculations and the opening that Clinton’s email controversy could create for the vice president, the campaign’s dominating presence in Minneapolis was welcomed by her backers, many of whom told POLITICO they were reassured by the campaign’s performance.
“She certainly has a huge presence here. They are working the meeting as they should — really hard,” said Florida Democratic Party executive director Scott Arceneaux.
That charm offensive spells trouble for the scattered Biden factions that showed up in Minneapolis. The chatter about the vice president’s candidacy slowed to a trickle on Friday, DNC members said, as Clinton forces worked to circle the wagons.
“The Biden talk is not what it used to be. I don’t see the concern out there that you saw a few weeks ago,” said Hinojosa. “Not in Minneapolis. And not among the leadership in Texas. Hillary remains pretty much locked up among a huge portion of the Democratic leadership that I’m aware of.”
Members grumbled that if Biden wanted to build a real campaign, he should have started sending queries to state parties months ago.

“Texas is the second-largest state in terms of delegates in the country. It is physically impossible for Vice President Biden to have a significant impact in this primary election,” said Hinojosa.
And others, like Joni Gutierrez, a committewoman from New Mexico who committed to Clinton last week and called her speech here “the best ever,” were even more fed up with the speculation amid Clinton’s own delegate-counting:
“Hillary does not need this,” Gutierrez said.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/08/hillary-clinton-2016-democratic-elite-213148#ixzz3k9awQi5s
You can't say your opponent doesn't call terrorists "terrorists" when she just referenced a terrible terrorizing terrorist in comparison to you. What a brilliant talking point.

It all comes back to the idea that Obama stole the 2012 election by not immediately acknowledging that the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack (despite this fact being acknowledged by the White House well before the election).
GOP eight hours (via Jeb!): "Conservatives, make sure you aren't controlled by the treating people with respect police."

GOP one hour ago (via Rubio): "Wah, Hillary called us a mean name."



I love it. All those congressional wins in 2014 aren't going to amount to dick. They can't pass anything, they can't even force the President to veto anything. Eat shit you stupid assholes.

Oh, they'll amount to something: they'll amount to unrealistic expectations of an uncompromising base. They'll amount to anger, resentment, and rage - currently being manifested in the form of non-politician kooks leading the GOP polls. They'll amount to an incorrect conflation of the motives of presidential and off-year electorates.

Folks were apoplectic on Election Night 2014, but there was a silver lining to be found for 2016, as this was all too predictable.


And lookie.. Trump's taking-up real estate on TV on a Friday night once again.

Trump sounds like he's talking about Civilization 5 civs in this speech..
"The Iranians are great negotiators.. they have a buff to their dealmaking attribute and get extra income from trade routes!"


People roll their eyes at Trump mentioning his poll position, but I kinda like it.
Think about this: who's paying close attention at this point? Political junkies, members of the media, etc - people who are all too aware of current polling. Trump's speaking their (our) language.

Imagine if Kasich came out tomorrow and gave a "do you really want a chance at winning?"-speech. He could do it Ross Perot-style, with an interactive electoral map as his visual prop. I think it'd resonate really well with primary voters.


After defying multiple orders to issue marriage licenses to gays and lesbians, a Kentucky clerk is taking her case to the Supreme Court.

Rowan County clerk Kim Davis on Friday filed an emergency request with the court to put a temporary hold on a lower-court ruling that effectively forces her to begin serving gay couples, saying that complying with the order would violate her religious beliefs.

According to Davis' petition, her "conscience forbids her from approving" marriage licenses to gay couples "because the prescribed form mandates that she authorize the proposed union and issue a license bearing her own name and imprimatur."

"She holds an undisputed sincerely-held religious belief that marriage is a union between a man and a woman, only," the petition continues. "Thus, in her belief, [same-sex marriage] is not, in fact, marriage."

Equality Case Files, a nonprofit that tracks litigation around same-sex marriage, posted a copy of Davis' filing on its website. The filing can be read in full here.

Davis' request was addressed to Justice Elena Kagan, who oversees emergency petitions from Kentucky. Justices from time to time are asked to review such petitions, which are only procedural in scope and are meant to delay implementation of lower-court rulings. Kagan could either act on Davis' petition on her own or refer it to the full court for adjudication.

The Supreme Court ruled in June that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. Following the landmark ruling, Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear -- who was one of the defendants in that case -- ordered state clerks to begin issuing marriage licenses to gay and heterosexual couples alike.

But Davis refused. And then refused again after she was sued and was ordered by a federal court to comply. On Wednesday, an appellate court told her that she had "little or no likelihood" of winning her case.

In her Friday petition to Kagan, Davis argues that adding her "name, authorization, and approval" to marriages by gay couples would amount to a "searing act of validation" that "would forever echo in her conscience."

The petition goes on: "If Davis’ religious objection cannot be accommodated when Kentucky marriage licenses are available in more than 130 marriage licensing locations ... then elected officials have no real religious freedom when they take public office."

That's the crux of Davis' legal argument, but any Supreme Court action in response would be much narrower in scope. Rather than opining on whether Davis' religious freedom is being violated, a ruling from Kagan or from the full court would be limited to deciding whether to halt the original court order requiring Davis to issue marriage licenses to all couples.

According to BuzzFeed's Chris Geidner, that court order is set to go into effect on Monday.

David Ermold and his partner have been turned away by Davis' office twice. Ermold told The Associated Press that all the back-and-forth is "getting tedious."

"We get torn down, built back up, torn down, built back up," he said. "It's emotionally draining."

Stay losing, fucker.


Fire the see you next Tuesday. Jesus Christ.


Don't even know what she expects, really. No, public employees shouldn't be able to claim religious exemption from their freaking job under a laic state. Like, duh.

Yeah. I can see the argument for private businesses, but a public employee seems pretty far over the line of where you get to call time-outs and go home if you don't like a public policy.

Seems like a weird hill to die on—does anyone involved really think they have a shot of actually winning this? At most they make couples' lives inconvenienced for the few months it takes to get the appeal before the higher court. "I annoyed people and then lost my job!" isn't a outcome I'd show off with pride.
Just because you don't pay attention to her public events doesn't mean they don't happen you know.

I've seen clips of the ones where she doesn't answer what she'll do about KeyStone Pipeline and alludes to dodging the question all the way to if she were to become President(thus no answer in the general election either).

Stomped you down again Cheebs.
fantastic. She needs all the money she can get. Turnout and ground game operations in 50 states does not pay for itself.

Yes, because her wealthy backers have the interests of the majority of Americans at heart.

You know she's not running a 50-state campaign either. More lies.
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