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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Mike M

Nick N
In my experience, people tend to define "special interests" as issues belonging to the opposite side of the political spectrum. Their own are just "normal interests."


I thought a junior member ban is a permaban? I read that in passing once.

Real juniors are almost always permed. The policy doesn't apply to people who get rejuniored. The purpose of that punishment is to stop you making threads, not to put you on probation forever.
Real juniors are almost always permed. The policy doesn't apply to people who get rejuniored. The purpose of that punishment is to stop you making threads, not to put you on probation forever.

Is the junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior member still around?



Maggie Hassan slightly edges Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire Senate race

Wouldn't be a slam dunk by any means but Hassan is clearly the best candidate. Her approval ratings are 53/34 while Ayotte is at a mediocre 40/43.

Now if we could just get Evan Bayh in Indiana Senate... and hopefully Patrick Murphy can beat Alan Grayson (who's said he's "probably a yes") in the Florida primary.

Chris Christie thinks he can beat Hillary in PA, MI & NM. Funny enough, he didnt mention NJ. Lol

Evan Bayh has insisted he is unlikely to run. Not even Bill Clinton could convince him to run.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Funny story: Pat Roberts' Frozen ringtone interrupted a Senate Agriculture Committee hearing today:

A “Frozen” ringtone playing “Let it Go” interrupted a Senate hearing on Thursday — and the committee chairman was responsible.

Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) showed little sign of being embarrassed, when the familiar tune played out during the otherwise dry hearing.

Laughter erupted through the hearing room, and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was unable to stop a smile, as he attempted to answer a question from Roberts.

“Aw, come on,” said Roberts, 78.

“Just let it go,” he told the witness to laughter. “Sorry about that.”


So I don't post here at all really but I do lurk pretty damn often. I was just wondering how you guys and girls feel about Castro being a possible vp option for Hillary? I'm from SA and had the pleasure of voting for him and was sad to see him go. Do you think he has a legit shot on the ticket? If you do why or if not who would replace him with?


So I don't post here at all really but I do lurk pretty damn often. I was just wondering how you guys and girls feel about Castro being a possible vp option for Hillary? I'm from SA and had the pleasure of voting for him and was sad to see him go. Do you think he has a legit shot on the ticket? If you do why or if not who would replace him with?
Its an incredibly smart choice, and one I hope she makes. I'd love a Clinton/Castro ticket.
Nate Silver did a Q&A on facebook earlier today

What are your thoughts on the demographic advantages Democrats seem to have going into 2016? (You didn't really seem to touch on that in your recent piece saying that the election is currently a toss up.)

Silver: This is something for a 5000-word piece and not a quick comment on Facebook. But, I think the Democrats' demographic advantages are overstated. For one thing, it's not as though Democrats are doing all that well now -- they don't control much apart from the presidency. For another, the GOP can adjust to the changing demographics and they've shown some signs of doing so by moderating their stance on, for example, gay marriage. For a third, those demographic trends are more dynamic than people let on -- there have been quite a few shits in whether Democrats had a modest edge amongst Hispanic voters or a huge one, for example.
Nate Silver did a Q&A on facebook earlier today

When did the Repub's moderate their stance on gay marriage? Does Rubio saying he'd sit through an emotionally positive event that concludes with an open bar count as moderating their stance? I don't think there is a moderate view on the issue these days.

Still, I do agree that many of the Democrat's "guaranteed" demographic voting blocks are often overstated.
So I don't post here at all really but I do lurk pretty damn often. I was just wondering how you guys and girls feel about Castro being a possible vp option for Hillary? I'm from SA and had the pleasure of voting for him and was sad to see him go. Do you think he has a legit shot on the ticket? If you do why or if not who would replace him with?
Betting on Castro as the VP, personally.

Marquette University poll of Wisconsin has Walker's approvals 41-56. How convenient that swing voters decide they don't like him as soon as he's reelected!

And Hillary beats him 52-40. Someone should let the pundits know who think Walker will swing Wisconsin.

Feingold beats Johnson 54-38

When did the Repub's moderate their stance on gay marriage? Does Rubio saying he'd sit through an emotionally positive event that concludes with an open bar count as moderating their stance? I don't think there is a moderate view on the issue these days.
Yeah seriously. What.

Nate's analysis when it's not backed up by facts is pretty poor and gives into beltway shenanigans. The media is desperate for the GOP to moderate on anything.


Incoming moneybomb for a business owner in Michigan.


Enough is enough.

Our rights as conservative Americans are being squashed more and more everyday. Apparently if you are white (or close to it), you have a job, go to church, and own a gun... That translates into racists, privileged, bigot, conspiracy theorist. Too many of us say nothing. Well, freedom of speech isn't just for Liberals, THEY are the ones that need to learn to "co-exist", THEY are the ones who need to WORK to be "equal"

Therefore, in the spirit of freedom (whats left of it) and MY right to operate MY business as I see fit:

Guns ARE allowed at DIESELTEC, so much so in fact that we will offer a discount if you bring in your gun. ("On duty" cops are excluded because thats not their gun, thats my gun bought with my money, off duty absolutely!)

I am a Christian. My company will be run in a way that reflects that. Dishonesty, thievery, immoral behavior, etc. will not be welcomed at MY place of business. (I would not hesitate to refuse service to an openly gay person or persons. Homosexuality is wrong, period. If you want to argue this fact with me then I will put your vehicle together with all bolts and no nuts and you can see how that works.)

We, as a team, work hard for whats ours. We are not protected by unions or contracts. We absolutely MUST provide our customers with a service level that would make them come back or tell their friends about us. We don't have a "right", and we are not "entitled" to our pay. We must EARN it.

I am not racists, you are for assuming I am, however, I am really quick to judge... if it acts like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

It IS a free country and I support your right to your opinion, that being said, if you don't like what I have to say I reserve that same right to tell you to go cry to your momma (cause your daddy would probably smack ya', better yet, yes, go tell your dad.)

Listen up folks, If you have an opposing view to mine that IS OK, what is NOT OK is threats to kill me, my family, and friends; threats to burn down my shop and my home. I will stand firm on my views and will not back down, (There also seems to be a TON of confusion about one of my comments, the bolt and nut thing was a reference to physiology, bolt penis and nut vagina. I DID NOT threaten to purposely put a vehicle together wrong to harm someone.) I also am not asking for anyone to do the gofundme postings. We are a successful business and are blessed to be able to feed our families. If there is any money raised it will be redistributed to people with greater needs than ours.

GOP on a roll today.


Like every other organization who wishes to have a presence at the June event in Denver, Colo., the pro-gay GOP group paid the $250 fee to apply for a sponsored table. However, according to the Denver Post, Log Cabin later received a message from the Centennial Institute — the Colorado Christian University-affiliated sponsor of the summit — informing them that they cannot officially participate as a “partner, exhibitor, or advertiser.”

Why? Because the group’s “worldview and policy agenda are fundamentally at odds with what Colorado Christian University stands for, so it’s just not a fit,” read the Institute’s note. “I’m sorry it has to be that way.”

Members of the pro-gay group are still free to buy tickets and attend the event, the sponsors are quick to note. “They’ll take our money, but want us in the closet,” responded Michael Carr, an official with the state’s chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans.

The Stockholm Syndrome is strong with this one.
Incoming moneybomb for a business owner in Michigan.


GOP on a roll today.


The Stockholm Syndrome is strong with this one.

Eh, if they actually got physically threatened I'm ok with them getting money. It's the only way to teach hypocritical Internet activists that maybe they shouldn't use death threats. Still, guys clearly a tremendous douchenozzle.

As for the Log Cabin thing, they get that treatment everywhere. I remember it was a big issue at CPAC this year. Did they get full participation ultimately? I can't remember how that played out. Oh wells, should help Dem messaging in CO.
So I don't post here at all really but I do lurk pretty damn often. I was just wondering how you guys and girls feel about Castro being a possible vp option for Hillary? I'm from SA and had the pleasure of voting for him and was sad to see him go. Do you think he has a legit shot on the ticket? If you do why or if not who would replace him with?

Wow I didn't realize relations with Cuba had progressed so rapidly.

Isn't he in his 80s though? That sounds risky


Unconfirmed Member
So I don't post here at all really but I do lurk pretty damn often. I was just wondering how you guys and girls feel about Castro being a possible vp option for Hillary? I'm from SA and had the pleasure of voting for him and was sad to see him go. Do you think he has a legit shot on the ticket? If you do why or if not who would replace him with?
Castro as vp seems almost as inevitable as Hillary is for president. Democrats have a real boring election season this time around.
Wow I didn't realize relations with Cuba had progressed so rapidly.

Isn't he in his 80s though? That sounds risky

Yeah, I was actually wondering if his name would be considered a liability. But then I remembered our current President's name and was like "oh yeah, lol"

I dont get the backtrack on the nuts/bolts. Does he mean he will fix your car, but only men will work on it?

No I think people took it as he would improperly repair your car (he owns a car repair place) so as to potentially be dangerous. Especially if you were gay.


Castro as vp seems almost as inevitable as Hillary is for president. Democrats have a real boring election season this time around.

I don't know if I would call him inevitable, but he certainly ticks off all the boxes that compliment Hillary.

I think he is the best choice from what I know, but who knows what comes up during the vetting process.
I'd bet on her VP being from Virginia. Kaine or Warner. Tom Perriello will be appointed to finish either senator's term.
I'd bet on Kaine. Close with the Obama administration plus Warner's performance in 2014 was inexcusable and surprisingly awful.

I mean he won, but that shouldn't have been a highlight.


I'd bet on her VP being from Virginia. Kaine or Warner. Tom Perriello will be appointed to finish either senator's term.

If the calculation is that Florida is a lost cause, then someone from VA would make sense. Florida has over twice the electoral votes as VA, so if it's a choice between the two, FL is the way to go. Castro would help win votes in FL way more than either senator from VA.
If the calculation is that Florida is a lost cause, then someone from VA would make sense. Florida has over twice the electoral votes as VA, so if it's a choice between the two, FL is the way to go. Castro would help win votes in FL way more than either senator from VA.

Why, because he's Hispanic? Really don't think that's a logical argument. For democrats or republicans (Rubio).


aka andydumi
No I think people took it as he would improperly repair your car (he owns a car repair place) so as to potentially be dangerous. Especially if you were gay.

I agree. What I meant is that I don't get what he means by his clarification. He is saying "I didnt mean to threaten I would improperly fix a car" what I actually meant is "I could hypothetically put your car together with all bolts and that would not work?" That makes some sense I guess.
Whether the GOP ticket has someone from Florida or not wouldn't make it a lost cause. As some analyst said recently it's a 48-48 state and the two parties just fight over that remaining 4%.


I don't know if Hillary is comfortable with having a VP pick that could outshine her like Castro. I agree that Warner or Kaine is more likely, since Virginia is the most important swing state. If she wins Virginia her chances of winning the Presidency are probably over 80% or so.

Castro may have to settle for winning a lowly House seat and running for the Presidency on his own one day, unless he gets another cabinet appointment or continues at HUD.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
The Defense Secretary's speech pattern during this press meeting is driving me crazy. He says "uh" literally every other word at times. He said "uh" three times in a row one time.
I agree. What I meant is that I don't get what he means by his clarification. He is saying "I didnt mean to threaten I would improperly fix a car" what I actually meant is "I could hypothetically put your car together with all bolts and that would not work?" That makes some sense I guess.

Oh, yeah no he meant it as an analogy for the, um, more sensitive mechanics of homosexual intercourse. It's a really bad one, obviously.



Sen. Marco Rubio confirmed his 2016 presidential campaign Monday, but an apparent musical analogy in his announcement speech was a bit off key. During a speech in which he implied his opponents were too old, Rubio accused the competition of wanting to recycle ideas “stuck in the 20th century.”

“They’re busy looking backwards, so they do not see how jobs and prosperity today depend on our ability to compete in a global economy,” Rubio said. “And so our leaders put us at a disadvantage by taxing and borrowing and regulating like it’s 1999.”

President Bill Clinton first saw a budget surplus in 1998, and the positive trend continued until 2001 (keep in mind the fiscal year starts in October). The last time the federal budget had run a surplus was in 1969. Even with servicing debt in 1999, borrowing in 2014 far outstripped that year — or any other year of Clinton’s two terms.

So while Rubio likely isn’t making a literal comparison to 1999, his talking points would be off if he did: Taxes were higher back then, but the budget was balanced, while the opposite is true today.


Aaron posted that Wisconsin Poll. Feingold should have won in 2010. His race if he beats Johnson proves that America has 2 electorates and turnout matters.

Its a shame Wisconsin voters realize Scott Walker sucks only AFTER electing him (staying home) 3 times. 41-53 is nasty.

Also PPP poll on Hassan Vs Ayotte in NH



Betting on Castro as the VP, personally.

Marquette University poll of Wisconsin has Walker's approvals 41-56. How convenient that swing voters decide they don't like him as soon as he's reelected!

And Hillary beats him 52-40. Someone should let the pundits know who think Walker will swing Wisconsin.

Feingold beats Johnson 54-38

Yeah seriously. What.

Nate's analysis when it's not backed up by facts is pretty poor and gives into beltway shenanigans. The media is desperate for the GOP to moderate on anything.

Oh man at those favorables.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The GOP's worst nightmare:

A conservative video blogger with over a million views on YouTube said this week that he would likely vote for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton because he was terrified that a Republican president would take away his affordable health insurance.

James Webb, a 51-year-old YouTube celebrity who devotes his “Hot Lead” channel to topics like his love of guns and ranting about gay men kissing on The Walking Dead, may have shocked his viewers on Monday when he revealed that he was torn over which party to vote for in the 2016 election.

“And I’m serious because I asked myself, ‘Which party has helped me out the most in the last, I don’t know, 15 years, 20?’ And it was the Democrat [SIC] Party,” Webb lamented. “If it wasn’t for Obama and that Obamacare, I would still be working.”

“With Obamacare, I got to retire at age 50 because if it wasn’t for Obamacare, I would have had to work until I was 65 and get on Medicare because health insurance is expensive when you’ve got medical problems,” he continued.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
And yet the majority of the country opposes Obamacare. The GOP will be fine on the healthcare front.

This doesn't mean the law is popular, but shows the danger of repealing it now that people are actually seeing its benefits.

The teabaggers are starting to become self aware.

East Lake

It always seemed to me like a long term error to frame the aca as obamacare. If it was removed right away that's fine. But after the animosity goes you can't run ads as a republican saying a democrat is going to take away your obamacare.
This doesn't mean the law is popular, but shows the danger of repealing it now that people are actually seeing its benefits.

The teabaggers are starting to become self aware.

The people seeing benefits don't vote consistently, and when they do they tend to vote for democrats anyway. Again, I don't think there's huge danger for republicans on Obamacare. It's not popular and really doesn't help middle class voters overall, which is why it's unpopular. If you have a good job chances are you have insurance through your employer - which is more expensive now. Not due to Obamacare, but that's what gets blamed.

It's not going to be fully repealed, but if a republican wins in 2016 I'd imagine the law would see some major changes. For the worse.
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