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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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This isn't cheering.

(To take a cue from a Kos staple, it's jeering.)

You can call "Hoping" its low so it can confirm a pre-held belief w/e you'd like, but it's the same thing the opposing party does every single election, and creates legislation to further said hope (voter ID, etc...).

That's not cheering for a low voter turn out. Sanders is promising a revolution and suggesting he can bring new people to the table. That's what is pushed as a reason for why he's electable. He's not doing that though. He hasn't done that yet.

The overwhelming majority of the country hasn't voted. And if we want to play the statistics game he received more votes than Obama did in NH.
You can call "Hoping" its low so it can confirm a pre-held belief w/e you'd like, but it's the same thing the opposing party does every single election, and creates legislation to further said hope (voter ID, etc...).

I mean, if you'd like to pretend observing low turnout in the context of "political revolution" rhetoric is outright cheering for low turnout to occur, be my guest. I've got better things to do tonight than continue this line of argument.


You can call "Hoping" its low so it can confirm a pre-held belief w/e you'd like, but it's the same thing the opposing party does every single election, and creates legislation to further said hope (voter ID, etc...).

No, it isn't at all. This is utterly ludicrous.

We're observing that Bernie's hypothesis is not being confirmed.

And if we want to play the statistics game he received more votes than Obama did in NH.

That's not how the statistics game works.

Bernie's "political revolution" depends on getting new voters to turn out who wouldn't ordinarily vote Democratic. If Bernie gets more votes than previous candidates without there actually being more Democratic voters, that just means he impressed a large percentage of the existing Democratic base. It's strong evidence against a political revolution taking place.


He didn't count winner take all states and assumed the margin of victory in all states is 10 points for hillary, excluding obvious ones like Vermont which he had for bernie.

How many winner take all states are there? Sounds like he didn't program the computer correctly.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
My dad was cheering earlier when the vote difference shrunk in Nevada by a smidgen, even after it was called for Hillary. I feel reasonable compared to other Bernie people lol

EDIT: He just did it again!
I think it depends on how one compares Sanders to Obama. I don't think anybody would say they're the same policy-wise. However, I've seen a lot of comparisons of Sanders to Obama in other ways where people are attempting to draw parallels between this election and 2016. A common theme I've seen is that Sanders is generating a lot of enthusiasm like Obama did in 2008 along with claims that Clinton began 2008 with a similar lead over Obama to the one she began this cycle with. From a different angle, some Clinton supporters have suggested that Obama and Sanders are the same in that they're getting naive young people to vote for them with wildly unrealistic promises.

The facts don't really back up any of these interpretations, but they are commonly expressed.
The "enthusiasm gap" is probably because he's winning more with young people; thus big rallies at colleges and lots of online presence. Even if it doesn't actually pan out in polling, where people express as much enthusiasm for her as the nominee.

User 406

I want video of that card draw where Bernie got the ace of spades.

Just so I can replace the audio with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iwC2QljLn4 \m/ >_< \m/

And on the subject, why exactly is everyone so pissy about coin flips/card draws to resolve ties? I mean, caucuses are weird and dumb and all, yes, but if you have a mathematical tie and need to assign an odd delegate to one side or the other, what other method would you use? It's gotta go somewhere, and if the decision is left to a person there's going to be cries of unfairness. Random chance will even these kinds of things out over multiple iterations.


If turnout is down 50K in NV, how can Sanders say without being laughed at that he's turning out new voters to the likes that we have not seen before?

He is full of dooty.


(This is not why #ImWithHer)

But I just realized with some certainty that a major political party is going to nominate a woman at the top of their ticket.

It shouldn't feel monumental, but it does.
Considering the narrative as recent as Iowa was "he'll get blown out in NV and SC", Id say he closed the gap decently well. Obviously a win was ideal, but the results are encouraging.

They are not. This was Bernie's best chance to change the narrative that he can't win in non-white states. And getting close isn't good enough. It's a loss. He will get blown out in SC and on nearly every southern state on Super Tuesday. He had to do something to show nonwhite voters he could win. He didn't.
@rickklein 16m16 minutes ago
Exit polls show #SCPrimary voters think Trump conducted most unfair campaign. Cruz second.

More exit polls data filtering in.

Prediction for SC:

1. Trump
2. Rubio
3. Cruz, close 3rd
4. Bush
5. Kasich
6. Carson
(This is not why #ImWithHer)

But I just realized with some certainty that a major political party is going to nominate a woman at the top of their ticket.

It shouldn't feel monumental, but it does.
Part of her problem is that...
It should feel monumental, but it doesn't.

I think it's in part due to her 2008 success in getting as far as she did.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Nate talking about Trump doing poorly with late-deciders.

The problem? He also did poorly with late-deciders in New Hampshire.
(This is not why #ImWithHer)

But I just realized with some certainty that a major political party is going to nominate a woman at the top of their ticket.

It shouldn't feel monumental, but it does.

It is monumental. I think it's fair to be excited or appreciative of that. It's a big deal. It's not, obviously, why I support her, but it's still a huge thing for all of us, especially women. My mom was almost in tears when Hillary won again tonight. It was a big deal for her. She's a woman around Hillary's age and it does mean somthing to her.
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