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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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On the GOP side I'm beginning to see them lay the groundwork for Cruz's obituary. Third in South Carolina is devastating. That state is tailor made for him, and if he can't even come in second there, then where the hell is he supposed to win outside of Texas?

Thing is the GOP has very little leverage to push Cruz out. His campaign is funded by a handful of millionaires from Texas who truly believe in his kind of conservatism. They won't stop the money from flowing until the bitter end. What else can they do? Everyone already hates Cruz, and he knows it.


I find it interesting how the "mainstream" conservative media is 100% convinced Rubio is the nominee. Newmax has a piece this morning about how Rubio should pick Kasich as his running mate.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I find it interesting how the "mainstream" conservative media is 100% convinced Rubio is the nominee. Newmax has a piece this morning about how Rubio should pick Kasich as his running mate.
I can't tell. Is this mocking newsmax or the mainstream conservative media?
I am trying to create a product about all of this and using the people that should be going for it in the end.

Luckily jeb was a low part of my ideas and not any main parts so I lucked out on that call an didnt get any work done so far on the jeb.

I haven't included sanders yet, I do have robio and cruz as a decent part while trump/hillary make up the biggest parts.

Am I doing it right, do I need to make sanders a bigger part in case he actually wins. Do I need to put my bet more on rubio or cruz? Either way, for now I think I am decently covered using trump as a main point even though he may not end up president it is ok.

I'd like some decent opinions on this. if you were to bank your product percentage wise today as to who will be popular and more known come election time


how would you stack your percentages out of 100 percent?

I don't entirely know what you're referring to, but if you're making something election-related for release close to the actual general election, no one is going to be in the public consciousness except the Presidential candidates and their running mates. So likely Clinton, Trump or Rubio, ????? and ??????.

Once a candidate drops out neither the media nor the public gives a shit about them anymore.


I can't tell. Is this mocking newsmax or the mainstream conservative media?

Newsmax can't be that mainstream. Their entire revenue strategy is scamming old folks with gold IRAs and biblical investment advice, alongside selling a smattering of conservative tchotchkes and books.


Clinton's Morgan Freeman ad running in New York media market. Just saw it. Wow.

Also lol @ Morning Joe today. Let's spend 30 seconds on the caucuses. And next let's talk about Trump for the next four hours.

Was wondering about that. I was looking at the playlist and didn't see a section on Nevada. Figured they either didn't cover it at all or spent less then a minute on it. I wanted to see what his reaction was going to be after the crap he was talking about Hillary leading up to Nevada.

Had completely forgotten about spring break. If this happens to any degree Sanders is screwed. Even if he wins this areas his delegate grab could very well be lower then expected and it might not mean anything.
That's Joe!

Something happens that Joe doesn't like, gets almost completely ignored.

If Hillary lost, half the show would be "I don't know how she can recover. This is devestating."
That's Joe!

Something happens that Joe doesn't like, gets almost completely ignored.

If Hillary lost, half the show would be "I don't know how she can recover. This is devestating."

To be fair, Clinton winning is very much a dog bites man story. At this point Sanders needs a miracle on Super Tuesday to stay competitive. What else is there to say?


I believe this has been posted before, but I can't find it. Is there a breakdown of where Bush supporters are expected to go?

There have been a few polls which give different results, I remember a Suffolk/USA Today poll which gave: Kasich (35%), Rubio (25%), Cruz (15%), Trump (15%), undecided (10%).

User 406

I just saw your post and if I had to pick a thing to focus more on it's the class struggle. Everything you focused on are very important things but it's a glaring omission for a progressive not to consider the labor movement a top priority.

Class struggle requires solidarity of the working class, and without social justice, there is no solidarity. It's troubling to hear people talk about solving racism by fighting capitalism, when that's putting the cart before the horse. Even more troubling is the meme that racism and other forms of bigotry were just tricks that capitalists played on the working class to divide them. But the truth is that the working class was already divided by racism, and all the progressive gains were going to one side of that division. And once the other side of that division gained parity, a large segment of workers abandoned the struggle rather than stand in solidarity with people they considered inferior. This cannot be blamed on the capitalists, it is a flaw in ourselves that we must address and heal. To fight the class struggle, we must first unite our class.

In the recent primary thread, you said:

If the future of the party is going to be social-democratic, then we need to be the gadflies of the party and force the leadership to listen to us. Hillary has, thankfully, been made to do that by Bernie. Does anyone really think she would be talking about intersectionality if she didn't think she had to peel off some Bernie voters?

Now, while Bernie has done a superb job of changing the conversation on economic inequality, he has been terrible with intersectionality. Far more credit is due to BLM for Hillary's stance here. And this is part of the problem on the left that is preventing us from properly uniting. The insistence that other people's problems are either less important or a mere side effect of a problem we're focused on ends up alienating the people with those problems. It's why there's been heavy friction between white Bernie supporters and black progressives.

Thankfully, we can work on multiple issues at once. Labor is critically important, but to really leverage our power to strengthen it, we need to stop acting like the increasing visibility of social justice issues takes us away from it. That just serves to divide us further. It's the reason Labor has lost so much already.

I was in kindergarten in 1996. I picked Bob Dole because I liked his name better.

2000 Al Gore. For the same reason.

I remember when Carter beat Ford. I was hoping Ford would win because he looked really serious and had the name of a car. :X

Obama's are seriously the best first family of all time bar none - https://amp.twimg.com/v/549ad94b-1661-425e-97d8-1bd8f5a6b9af

Wow, 106 years old. That lady has seen some shit. There's a decent chance that when she was a child she had living relatives who were slaves. And now she's standing in the White House meeting the first black President.

I can't even imagine how that must feel.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump still not going after Rubio. Something is up here. Perhaps he is saving everything until he actually loses?


Clinton's appeal to traditional Democrats paid off. At an MSNBC town hall two days before the caucuses, Hillary Clinton made her first direct attack on Sanders' political affiliation, saying that "Senator Sanders wasn't really a Democrat until he decided to run for president." In Nevada, where 80 percent of the electorate described themselves as traditional Democrats rather than as independents, it was a strategy that worked. Among the eight-in-ten self-described Democrats who participated in Saturday's caucuses, 58 percent supported Clinton, versus just 40 percent who backed Sanders. And while Sanders won by an overwhelming three-to-one margin among self-described independents, their share of the electorate was too small to boost him to victory.

Sanders isnt winning CO.


New VT GOP poll:
Donald "Why is Obama playing basketball today" Trump: 33%
Kasich: 14%
Rubio: 14%

(Vermont Public Radio)
(Thank you, Kasich!)

This would be the ultimate troll. If Rubio was blocked from winning by the one man left more moderate than him.

This is a big problem. Donald "We have stupid people" Trump seems much more popular than Clinton in Vermont. Can the Democrats really afford to lose Vermont in November? Vote Sanders.

Even after his decisive win among Nevada Hispanics?

He almost certainly didn't win Hispanics. That entrance poll was badly wrong.


This would be the ultimate troll. If Rubio was blocked from winning by the one man left more moderate than him.

He almost certainly didn't win Hispanics. That entrance poll was badly wrong.

the best indicator on Hispanics is going to be in Texas. With Texas you at least get exit polls. The Colorado entrance poll is going to be bad.


the best indicator on Hispanics is going to be in Texas. With Texas you at least get exit polls. The Colorado entrance poll is going to be bad.

Particularly if Hillary comes very strong out of SC, I can see Texas being very bad for Sanders. I feel like he needs to do very well in Oklahoma and other close states, otherwise the main news story from Dem Super Tuesday is likely to be a massacre in the south.


Nate Silver basically pleading with everyone to drop out of the GOP side of the race so that establishment hero Rubio can win. Desperately writing "Rubio unites the votes and Trump fades" fanfictions on a near daily basis. He knows he dug in too hard against Trump and his reputation is taking a blow if Trump manages to win. The bottom line is that he's already been clowned. Even if Rubio wins, it will only be after a desperate a brutal battle that lasts for months. And he'll win by the skin of his teeth.

In unrelated news, the NYT Upshot is basically everything the ESPN 538 and Vox should have been.
West Virginia Metronews Feb 11-16 poll

Hillary tieing herself with Obama in WV doesnt seem to play, they still hate him with a passion methinks, hurts her. Though she beat Obama there easy back in 08:

57% Bernie Sanders
29% Hillary Clinton
14% Not sure

40% Donald Trump
20% Ted Cruz
15% Marco Rubio
10% Ben Carson
6% John Kasich

Trump (a Yankee) doing well in Southern states is insanely outstanding.

Who would have thunk that New York Values would win the South.
I'm still shocked Jeb Bush dropped out so early. I really thought he'd stay in until at least Nevada or Colorado. A guy like him would do well, since so much of the Southwest is one


David Plouffe ‏@davidplouffe Feb 20
This @HillaryClinton win key because voting has started in many key March contests. Checking Sanders mo should yield leads in early vote.

David Plouffe ‏@davidplouffe Feb 20
David Plouffe Retweeted Mark Halperin
That will be the morning of March 16. After she has won MO, IL, OH, NC and FL.

West Virginia Metronews Feb 11-16 poll

Hillary tieing herself with Obama in WV doesnt seem to play, they still hate him with a passion methinks, hurts her. Though she beat Obama there easy back in 08:

57% Bernie Sanders
29% Hillary Clinton
14% Not sure

40% Donald Trump
20% Ted Cruz
15% Marco Rubio
10% Ben Carson
6% John Kasich

What possible reason could there be for Sanders outperforming Obama by ~70 points against Clinton in WV???


What possible reason could there be for Sanders outperforming Obama by ~60 points against Clinton in WV???

white working class voters and

Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 26m26 minutes ago
I'm beginning to think Clinton's performance in WV last time had much more to do with Obama than her.

It probably also explains OK and maybe KY if we get a poll there. She also is hugging Obama who almost lost to a convicted felon in 2012.
Class struggle requires solidarity of the working class, and without social justice, there is no solidarity. It's troubling to hear people talk about solving racism by fighting capitalism, when that's putting the cart before the horse. Even more troubling is the meme that racism and other forms of bigotry were just tricks that capitalists played on the working class to divide them. But the truth is that the working class was already divided by racism, and all the progressive gains were going to one side of that division. And once the other side of that division gained parity, a large segment of workers abandoned the struggle rather than stand in solidarity with people they considered inferior. This cannot be blamed on the capitalists, it is a flaw in ourselves that we must address and heal. To fight the class struggle, we must first unite our class.

That seems to neatly match with great pushes for expansion of welfare faring better after calamities. Heh. Also how greater welfare is mostly present in largely ethnically homogeneous countries.

The bolded is particularly worrisome because i'm seeing that rupture locally right now.

Nate Silver basically pleading with everyone to drop out of the GOP side of the race so that establishment hero Rubio can win. Desperately writing "Rubio unites the votes and Trump fades" fanfictions on a near daily basis. He knows he dug in too hard against Trump and his reputation is taking a blow if Trump manages to win. The bottom line is that he's already been clowned. Even if Rubio wins, it will only be after a desperate a brutal battle that lasts for months. And he'll win by the skin of his teeth.

In unrelated news, the NYT Upshot is basically everything the ESPN 538 and Vox should have been.
Iirc nate's also the guy that once remarked that Rubio was no threat to any of the other republican candidates, given his track record on immigration.
I find it interesting how the "mainstream" conservative media is 100% convinced Rubio is the nominee. Newmax has a piece this morning about how Rubio should pick Kasich as his running mate.
Rubio is going to have the GOP establishment's full support over the next few weeks. I understand why they assume he will be the nominee - the idea of Trump winning still seems like fantasy. But the reality is that this is an uphill battle for Rubio and I don't believe he's a good enough candidate to pull it off.

What states can Rubio win? How many states will be even finish in second place in? I find the idea of Trump winning the nomination to be ludicrous but the dominos are in place. He won South Carolina despite blaming Bush for 911, supporting Planned Parenthood, and supporting what sounds like single payer healthcare. I don't see how anything can sink him. Especially with the media doing his bidding, allowing him to control the narrative instead of ignoring his nonsense (see: questioning Rubio's eligibility).
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