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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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I'm probably a bad liberal in only being able to appreciate the "class struggle" from an academic perspective; it doesn't really feel like it has personal salience to me even though recognising the value of strong worker's rights.

Although this probably applies to a bunch of liberal causes.

I think for anyone issues that are personally relevant are more likely priorities because everyone is self interested.

Work for a small business where the owners have decided to start fucking off and just collect the checks while paying the people actually running the business like crap. One more conversation about the latest addition to somebody's house that cost more than your yearly salary will make you rage.

It really drives home the inherent unfairness in someone else having control over the fruit of one's labor.
What form of regulation ?

I mean, this is a hard question to give a blanket answer to, since literally every industry has its own peculiar features and will therefore require a unique relationship to the government, but in general, I would be in favor of much stricter limits on corporate consumption, particularly as it relates to the environment, stronger restrictions on the ability of management to delimit the right of workers to organize collectively, a removal of the primacy of shareholder returns as the driving force of corporate action, a revocation of corporate personhood and the diffusion of responsibility for white collar crimes both domestic and abroad, requirements that companies must interface with the government regularly in order to uncover potential problems before they become a systemic risk, rewards for whistleblowers who expose cooked books and collusion, and a general willingness on the part of the government to break up companies, like Wal-Mart, that tie too much of the economy into their regular business operations.

Note that I don't actually think any of this will happen.
I mean, this is a hard question to give a blanket answer to, since literally every industry has its own peculiar features and will therefore require a unique relationship to the government, but in general, I would be in favor of much stricter limits on corporate consumption, particularly as it relates to the environment, stronger restrictions on the ability of management to delimit the right of workers to organize collectively, a removal of the primacy of shareholder returns as the driving force of corporate action, a revocation of corporate personhood and the diffusion of responsibility for white collar crimes both domestic and abroad, requirements that companies must interface with the government regularly in order to uncover potential problems before they become a systemic risk, rewards for whistleblowers who expose cooked books and collusion, and a general willingness on the part of the government to break up companies, like Wal-Mart, that tie too much of the economy into their regular business operations.

Note that I don't actually think any of this will happen.
I think a lot of that could be accomplished by simply mandating that all businesses (or new businesses) be worker coops. Having workers elect management (as opposed to electing union leadership that negotiates with management) will significantly alter how businesses are run.
Even slimy Cruz couldn't stump the Trump, and Rubio doesn't have a tenth of the balls Cruz does. Trump will eat Rubio alive. Trump is vastly inferior to every non-Carson candidate in terms of his knowledge re: policy, but his pattern has remained the same throughout the whole campaign: expose the weaknesses of whoever is nipping at his heels, knowing that even if he alienates their voters, he'll keep his solid 30-40% and stay ahead.


Trump just needs to paint him as a kid that the older guys send out with a script to read. Paint him as a puppet, Rubio's already done most of the work for him.
How are the NYT so bad at writing about mass shootings?




Blah, the description is really slanted and the statement about the caucus chair yelling at Sarandon was inaccurate. I also think it's super shitty to be filming caucus goers, debating at an event tailor made for such a purpose, onto the internet presumably to get roasted by commenters. Fantastic way to depress turnout imo.

Caucuses are a big fat mess.


come on bernie.

Bernie should really consider burying his social media staff in a landfill after the primary so they can't inflict any further atrocities in future campaigns.

The "English Only" chant by Bernie supporters at Nevada caucuses appears to have been a misunderstanding.

Huerta speaking to ThinkProgress said:
The fellow that was running the caucus said that the first person to come up to the stage could translate, so I went up. Nobody else did,” she said. “Then the Bernie people started yelling no, no, no. One of their people came up, and I suggested we both translate. But the moderator decided we would have no translation. So the Bernie people preferred we would have no translation just because I was going to do the translating. It’s ridiculous, because if I had said something that wasn’t accurate, I’m sure somebody would have corrected me.

Snopes really puts most journalists to shame.


You realize this is the republican primary, right? Tell people he's brown and gay and that's the end of it.

So I heard he was arrested in the 90s in a park after it closed? What was he doing there that he'd be arrested? I mean, what sort of a person is in a park after it closes at night. Look, I'm from New York, a yuge, wonderful city. But like most big cities there is all sorts of dizgusting behaviour that goes on there. I hear these stories and I can't believe it. Frankly it's dizgusting. In the 90s I was making all sorts of fabulous deals, growing yuge wealth for my company and my employees. And Marco was in a park in Miami doing things that, frankly I don't want to talk about this anymore. It's making me sick.


Ok I read up on it
Always thought those gossips were hit piece out of bush camp
Weird to see rumors of infidelity, with a woman, and homosexuality at the same time


Wait, what's this about Rubio being gay?

There was a rumor he attended a gay foam party in South Beach. Of course the images associated with it are low quality and pretty dubious in nature. I don't think Trump will bring it up either. He's unfavorable with enough minority groups as it is.

edit: who am i kidding, lol
He likes edm music and apparently used to rave. Him and Anderson Cooper had a moment at that last town hall.
No politician should ever openly admit to liking a genre of music that 2/3rds of Americans have never heard of by name. If your target voter has to google what's on your playlist you have horrible people advising you. Say Coldplay, maybe, and while you might be lying it'd at least be safe and believable! "Raves" were and still are code for misbehaving teens and drug jokes. Trump, hit him with some drug jokes, PLEASE. EDM is also still rather "European", and we all know that's a bad word in America.

But hey, this means Rubio might drop out after Florida so hit can hit up Ultra the next weekend! Could totally picture a younger Rubio in a tanktop doing the twin-armed bro pump. Wow, I feel dirty just thinking about that.
Honestly I can see Rubio being bi.
Totally! On the "bro" end of the scale, of course. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Unless you're a Republican running for office.
There was a rumor he attended a gay foam party in South Beach. Of course the images associated with it are low quality and pretty dubious in nature. I don't think Trump will bring it up either. He's unfavorable with enough minority groups as it is.

Speaking of Trump and minority groups, the latest episode from This American Life has a segment about a die hard 18 years old Trump supporter who is black, gay, and an Evangelical Christian. While TAL is covering him, Trump comes out during the debate to supporting future SCOTUS justices who would overturn gay marriage. His logic is... interesting to say the least.
No politician should ever openly admit to liking a genre of music that 2/3rds of Americans have never heard of by name. If your target voter has to google what's on your playlist you have horrible people advising you. Say Coldplay, maybe, and while you might be lying it'd at least be safe and believable! "Raves" were and still are code for misbehaving teens and drug jokes. Trump, hit him with some drug jokes, PLEASE. EDM is also still rather "European", and we all know that's a bad word in America.

But hey, this means Rubio might drop out after Florida so hit can hit up Ultra the next weekend! Could totally picture a younger Rubio in a tanktop doing the twin-armed bro pump. Wow, I feel dirty just thinking about that.Totally! On the "bro" end of the scale, of course. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Unless you're a Republican running for office.
Would anybody really fucking care about this?


Edit: I'm a tad drunk, and just realized this was probably sarcasm.


Random politician X being secretly gay is the laziest rumor in politics. I'm sure there are closeted gay politicians, but its such a stupid rumor. I'm tired of it being thrown around. And really it just reveals people's deep discomfort with homosexuality.
Random politician X being secretly gay is the laziest rumor in politics. I'm sure there are closeted gay politicians, but its such a stupid rumor. I'm tired of it being thrown around. And really it just reveals people's deep discomfort with homosexuality.

We're talking about republicans. It's not like their anti-homosexuality views are being "exposed". They openly oppose it.


"quiet and polite other than when he was randomly shooting things" is a pretty strange thing to write I think.

Unfortunately, there are probably a lot of people around here who don't think "quiet and polite" and randomly shooting things are mutually exclusive. I doubt the NYT is responsible for that description.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Rubio would be more interesting if his EDM tastes were anything deeper than the very most mainstream acts. But as with both the rest of his personality and his campaign, it's all very surface level and focus-grouped to death.


How does delegate assignment in Texas work for the Democrats? Just wondering since it's one of the biggest states and Clinton has a huge lead there. Is it just on overall vote, or is it more similar to SC?
I went to a Christian school. In 1996, I was in 4th grade. I was the only one in the class to vote for Clinton. Everyone else voted for Dole. In 2000, I was one of 2 (the other being my best friend) who voted for Gore.

I had something like this, only I think I'm a little older than you, so my first one was Clinton vs Bush. Most of my friends' families were pro-Clinton, which makes sense as I grew up in a heavily minority area. My parents of course were for Bush.

Clinton vs Dole was middle school for me. I remember being shocked that Clinton won.


I had something like this, only I think I'm a little older than you, so my first one was Clinton vs Bush. Most of my friends' families were pro-Clinton, which makes sense as I grew up in a heavily minority area. My parents of course we're for Bush.

Clinton vs Dole was middle school for me. I remember being shocked that Clinton won.
I'm so glad he didn't. I know Bill doesn't deserve credit technically, but man Dole taking credit for the economy in the 90s...fuck.
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